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-=head1 NAME
-Mail::Rspamd - Interface for accessing rspamd internals
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Mail::Rspamd;
- sub mime_filter {
- my ($task) = @_;
- my $msg = $task->get_message();
- $msg->set_subject ( 'Re: ' . $msg->get_subject () );
- if ($msg->get_mime_part->get_content_type->to_string =~ /text/) {
- # Do something
- }
- my %header;
- tie %header, 'Mail::Rspamd::Hash::Header', $msg;
- $header{'From'} = 'John Doe <john@domain>';
- $header{'X-Info'} = 'Normal one arbitrary header';
- $header{'X-Info'} = ['This is','Multiline X-Info header'];
- my $old_header = $header{'X-Info'};
- $header{'X-Info'} = [ 'First header', @{$old_header}, 'Last header'];
- }
-Mail::Rspamd is a perl module for accessing internal structures of rspamd, such as
-task, message, config, logger e.t.c. Module is based on ideas from MIME::Fast.
-This is a reformatted snipped from the official GMime documentation:
- Not a real objects:
- Mail::Rspamd::ContentType
- Mail::Rspamd::Disposition
- Mail::Rspamd::Header
- Mail::Rspamd::Param
- Mail::Rspamd::Hash::Header (only in perl module)
- Glib objects:
- Mail::Rspamd::Object
- Mail::Rspamd::Message
- Mail::Rspamd::Part
- InternetAddress
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Message
-=over 4
-=item I<new>()
-=item I<new>(pretty_headers)
-Class method. Create a new Mail::Rspamd::Message object.
-Such object have no headers or any mime parts.
-If you need to parse any message data use construct_message()
-method from the Mail::Rspamd::Parser submodule.
-Optional parameter I<pretty_headers> (default 0) if set to 1,
-initializes friendly order of the header items.
-The object is destroyed during the perl garbage collection.
- my $msg = new Mail::Rspamd::Message;
-=item I<set_sender>(address)
-=item I<get_sender>()
-Set and get the sender's name and address on the Mail::Rspamd::Message object.
- $msg->set_sender("\"Joe Sixpack\" <joe\@sixpack.org>");
- $sender = $msg->get_sender;
-=item I<set_reply_to>(address)
-=item I<get_reply_to>(address)
-Set and get the sender's Reply-To address of the MIME message.
-=item I<add_recipient>(type, name, email)
-Add a recipient of a chosen type to the MIME Message.
-Available recipient types include: GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO,
-=item I<add_recipients_from_string>(type, string)
-Add recipients of a chosen type to the MIME Message.
- $msg->add_recipients_from_string(GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO,
- "\"Mickey Mouse\" <mickey\@example>," .
- "\"John Doe\" <john\@home>");
-=item I<get_recipients>(type)
-Returns a list of recipients of a chosen type from the MIME Message.
-The I<type> parameter is the same as in the add_recipient() method.
-=item I<set_subject>(subject)
-=item I<get_subject>()
-Set and get the subject of the MIME message.
-=item I<set_date>(date, gmt_offset)
-=item I<set_date_from_string>(str)
-Set the sent-date on the MIME message. You can give a date string
-or the numbers (time in seconds and offset in hours and minutes).
- $msg->set_date(991697409, '+0100');
- $msg->set_date("Wed, 7 Mar 2001 03:00:01 +0100 (CET)");
-=item I<get_date>()
-Get the sent-date of the MIME message. In scalar
-context returns date as a string value,
-otherwise two element array - time in seconds and gmt_offset.
-=item I<set_message_id>(message_id)
-=item I<get_message_id>()
-Set and get the Message-Id of the message.
-=item I<set_header>(field, value)
-Set a message header to the MIME Message. This can be
-such headers as X-Mailer, X-Priority, or In-Reply-To
-as well as From etc. If you want to delete
-any header - use remove_header() method.
-=item I<add_header>(field, value)
-Add a header to the message header.
-=item I<remove_header>(field)
-Removes the given field from the message header.
-=item I<get_header>(field)
-Get the header from the MIME message. This is the only (besides the
-tied header hash) way you can retrieve any arbitrary header
-(as X-Mailer etc.). Other headers can be accessed also with e.g.
-get_sender (From header), get_content_type (Mail::Rspamd::Part method), etc.
-=item I<set_mime_part>(mime_part)
-=item I<get_mime_part>()
-Set and get the root-level MIME part of the message.
-Parameter mime_part should be valid Mail::Rspamd::Object object.
-B<NOTE>: get_mime_part() does not exists in C gmime library.
-=item I<get_body>(want_plain = 1, is_html = 0)
-Returns the body of the message. Parameters are optional.
-If want_plain is 1 (default) plain text is returned.
-If HTML is in the return string, is_html is set to 1.
-Binary parts are omitted.
-=item I<get_headers>()
-Returns an allocated string containing the raw message headers.
-=item I<foreach_part>(function, data)
-Calls callback on each of the mime parts in the mime message.
-Parameters: function is the reference to the callback function,
-and data is a scalar (or any reference) that would be passed
-to each callback function call.
- $msg->foreach_part(\&parse,$data);
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Header
-=over 4
-=item *
-Mail::Rspamd::Header is a private structure. This structure contains
-all the headers except special ones (Content-* MIME-Version).
-Look for Header tied hash for easy maintaining for header.
-Use also the Mail::Rspamd::Message::get_header() and set_header() methods.
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Part
-=over 4
-=item I<new> ()
-=item I<new> (type = "text", subtype = "plain")
-Class method. Create a new Mail::Rspamd::Part object (MIME part).
-It supports a few special headers (Content-* and MIME-Version),
-and has contents of specified type.
-If you do not issue any parameter to the new function,
-"text/plain" would be the default type for the new Mail::Rspamd::Part object.
-=item I<set_content_header> ($header)
-=item I<get_content_header> ()
-Sets or gets an arbitrary MIME content header.
-=item I<set_content_description> (description)
-=item I<get_content_description> ()
-Set and get content description (Content-Description) on the MIME part.
-=item I<set_content_md5> (content_md5)
-=item I<verify_content_md5> ()
-=item I<get_content_md5> ()
-Set, get and verify content MD5 hash (Content-MD5) on the MIME part contents.
-=item I<set_content_location> (location)
-=item I<get_content_location> ()
-Set and get content location (Content-Location) on the MIME part.
-=item I<set_encoding> (encoding)
-=item I<encoding_from_string> (encoding_string)
-=item I<get_encoding> ()
-=item I<encoding_to_string> ()
-Set and get encoding on the MIME part. Encoding could be one of these
-constants (or strings):
- GMIME_PART_ENCODING_7BIT # string '7 bit'
- Mail::Rspamd::Part::encoding_to_string("GMIME_PART_ENCODING_BASE64");
-=item I<set_content_disposition> (disposition)
-=item I<set_content_disposition_object> (Mail::Rspamd::Disposition)
-=item I<get_content_disposition> ()
-=item I<get_content_disposition> ()
-Set and get content disposition (Content-Disposition) on the MIME part.
-As the parameter one can issue usualy 'inline' or 'attachment'.
-Function get_content_disposition() returns only the main part of this
-header (no parameters).
-=item I<add_content_disposition_parameter> (name, value)
-=item I<get_content_disposition_parameter> (name)
-Add and get content disposition parameter.
-=item I<set_filename> (filename)
-Add the 'filename' content disposition parameter to the Content-Disposition
-header, and 'name' parameter to the Content-Type header.
-=item I<get_filename> ()
-Get filename suggested by the MIME part headers (either from the
-Content-Disposition or Content-Type header).
-=item I<set_content> (content_object)
-Set content of the MIME part based on the supplied argument (text
-Mail::Rspamd::Stream object, Mail::Rspamd::DataWrapper object
-=item I<get_content> ()
-Get text content of the MIME part (readonly).
-=item I<get_content_object> ()
-Get Mail::Rspamd::DataWrapper object of the MIME part.
-=item I<set_pre_encoded_content> (content, encoding)
-Set pre-encoded content on the MIME part. The 'encoding'
-parameter can have values described in encoding_to_string() function above.
-These function are used by the parser. You can write your own.
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Object
-This is the base class for Mail::Rspamd objects (messages,
-parts, multiparts, filters, streams etc.).
-=over 4
-=item I<set_content_type> ($type)
-=item I<get_content_type> ()
-Set and get content type on the Mail::Rspamd::Object. The 'type' parameter
-should be a Mail::Rspamd::ContentType object.
- $type = $part->get_content_type;
- print "Type of $part is " . $type->to_string;
-=item I<set_content_type_parameter> ($name, $value)
-=item I<get_content_type_parameter> ($name)
-Sets or gets the value of the content-type param $name set on the MIME part object.
-=item I<set_content_id> (content_id)
-=item I<get_content_id> ()
-Set and get content id (Content-Id) on the MIME part object.
-=item I<set_header>(field, value)
-Set a message header to the MIME object.
-=item I<add_header>(field, value)
-Add a header field to the MIME object header.
-=item I<remove_header>(field)
-Removes the given field from the header.
-=item I<get_header>(field)
-Gets the value of the requested header.
-=item I<get_content_length> ()
-Get content length of the MIME object.
-B<NOTE>: This methoid does not exists in the C gmime.
-B<NOTE>: Encoded content length is only prediction, not the exact number of bytes
-you would get after final encoding. Predicted encoded length is
-greater or equal to size of the encoded parts, though. The length
-of the part/message headers is not counted.
-=item I<is_multipart> ()
-Returns 1 if the MIME object is of type multipart, 0 otherwise.
-B<NOTE>: This methoid does not exists in the C gmime.
-=item I<effective_type> ()
-Returns content type of the given object as a lowercase text string.
-B<NOTE>: This methoid does not exists in the C gmime.
-=item I<to_string>()
-Returns the contents of the MIME object as a string.
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::ContentType
-=over 4
-=item I<new> (type, subtype)
-=item I<new> (str)
-Create new Mail::Rspamd::ContentType object with type of 'type/subtype'
-or type read from the string 'str'.
-=item I<type> ()
-Get the 'type' part (string) of the Mail::Rspamd::ContentType object.
-B<NOTE>: this method is not in gmime C library.
-=item I<subtype> ()
-Get the 'subtype' part (string) of the Mail::Rspamd::ContentType object.
-B<NOTE>: this method is not in gmime C library.
-=item I<to_string> ()
-Get the string representation for the Mail::Rspamd::ContentType object.
-=item I<is_type> (type, subtype)
-Returns 1 if content type match the given type and subtype, 0 otherwise.
-You can use '*' in place of type or subtype as a wildcard.
-This function is case insensitive.
- $is_multipart = $content_type->is_type('multipart','*');
- $is_text = $content_type->is_type('text','*');
-=item I<add_parameter> (attribute, value)
-=item I<get_parameter> ()
-Add and get parameter to/of the content type header.
- $content_type->add_parameter('name', 'test.gif');
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Task
-This is the base class for Mail::Rspamd objects (messages,
-parts, multiparts, filters, streams etc.).
-=over 4
-=item I<get_message> ()
-=item I<set_message> (message)
-Get and set Mail::Rspamd::Message object from task.
-=item I<ip> ()
-Get ip address of client.
-=item I<from> ()
-Get MAIL FROM address.
-=item I<save_point> ()
-Set save point to task for delayed filter's processing.
-=item I<recall_filter> ()
-Restore filter's processing
-=item I<insert_result> (metric, symbol, flag)
-Insert to task result to metric <metric>, that have symbol <symbol> and value <flag>.
-=item I<get_conf> ()
-Return Mail::Rspamd::Config object.
-=item I<get_urls> ()
-Return message's urls as array of strings.
-=item I<get_text_parts> ()
-Return message's text parts as array of Mail::Rspamd::TextPart objects.
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::Config
-Object that allows access to rspamd config (read and write).
-=over 4
-=item I<get_scalar> (scalar)
-=item I<set_scalar> (scalar, value)
-Gets and sets specified parameter in config.
-=item I<get_metric> (metric)
-Returns hash of parameters of specified metric:
-=begin text
-'name' => name of metric
-'func_name' => consolidation function
-'required_score' => score for metric
-=end text
-=item I<get_statfile> (statfile)
-Returns parameters of specified statfile:
-=begin text
-'alias' => alias of statfile
-'pattern' => fs pattern
-'metric' => metric of statfile
-'weight' => weigth of statfile
-'size' => size of statfile
-=end text
-=item I<get_module_param> (modulename, paramname)
-Return parameter's value for specified module.
-=head2 Mail::Rspamd::TextPart
-Object that represent a single text part of message.
-=over 4
-=item I<get_content> ()
-Returns content of part.
-=item I<get_fuzzy> ()
-Returns fuzzy hash of part as string.
-=item I<compare_distance> (other)
-Calculate distance between two parts using their fuzzy hashes. Return value from 0 (identical) to 100 (totally different).
-=item I<is_html> ()
-Return 0 if part is plain text and not 0 otherwise.
-This module Mail::Rspamd requires perl 5.8.x and gmime 2.0.9 or higher.
-=head1 BUGS
-Quoted-printable binary parts could be wrongly decoded (when
-the new line is "\n" instead of "\r\n", and there is no equal sign
-at the end of line. RFC says that binary parts should be encoded with
-BASE64 not Q-P (it is also best compression for such parts).
-Then there is no harm.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Piotr Klaban, post@klaban.torun.pl (original author of MIME::Fast)
-Vsevolod Stakhov, vsevolod@highsecure.ru
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The homepage of gmime C library at http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/
-The homepage of MIME::Fast perl module is available at http://search.cpan.org/dist/MIME-Fast/