path: root/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f34015cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+local ansicolors = require 'ansicolors'
+local s = require 'say'
+local pretty = require 'pl.pretty'
+return function(options, busted)
+ local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
+ local successDot = ansicolors('%{green}●')
+ local failureDot = ansicolors('%{red}◼')
+ local errorDot = ansicolors('%{magenta}✱')
+ local pendingDot = ansicolors('%{yellow}◌')
+ local pendingDescription = function(pending)
+ local name =
+ local string = ansicolors('%{yellow}' .. s('output.pending')) .. ' → ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. pending.trace.short_src) .. ' @ ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. pending.trace.currentline) ..
+ '\n' .. ansicolors('%{bright}' .. name)
+ if type(pending.message) == 'string' then
+ string = string .. '\n' .. pending.message
+ elseif pending.message ~= nil then
+ string = string .. '\n' .. pretty.write(pending.message)
+ end
+ return string
+ end
+ local failureMessage = function(failure)
+ local string
+ if type(failure.message) == 'string' then
+ string = failure.message
+ elseif failure.message == nil then
+ string = 'Nil error'
+ else
+ string = pretty.write(failure.message)
+ end
+ return string
+ end
+ local failureDescription = function(failure, isError)
+ local string = ansicolors('%{red}' .. s('output.failure')) .. ' → '
+ if isError then
+ string = ansicolors('%{magenta}' .. s('output.error')) .. ' → '
+ end
+ if not failure.element.trace or not failure.element.trace.short_src then
+ string = string ..
+ ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failureMessage(failure)) .. '\n' ..
+ ansicolors('%{bright}' ..
+ else
+ string = string ..
+ ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failure.element.trace.short_src) .. ' @ ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failure.element.trace.currentline) .. '\n' ..
+ ansicolors('%{bright}' .. .. '\n' ..
+ failureMessage(failure)
+ end
+ if options.verbose and failure.trace and failure.trace.traceback then
+ string = string .. '\n' .. failure.trace.traceback
+ end
+ return string
+ end
+ local statusString = function()
+ local successString = s('output.success_plural')
+ local failureString = s('output.failure_plural')
+ local pendingString = s('output.pending_plural')
+ local errorString = s('output.error_plural')
+ local ms = handler.getDuration()
+ local successes = handler.successesCount
+ local pendings = handler.pendingsCount
+ local failures = handler.failuresCount
+ local errors = handler.errorsCount
+ if successes == 0 then
+ successString = s('output.success_zero')
+ elseif successes == 1 then
+ successString = s('output.success_single')
+ end
+ if failures == 0 then
+ failureString = s('output.failure_zero')
+ elseif failures == 1 then
+ failureString = s('output.failure_single')
+ end
+ if pendings == 0 then
+ pendingString = s('output.pending_zero')
+ elseif pendings == 1 then
+ pendingString = s('output.pending_single')
+ end
+ if errors == 0 then
+ errorString = s('output.error_zero')
+ elseif errors == 1 then
+ errorString = s('output.error_single')
+ end
+ local formattedTime = ('%.6f'):format(ms):gsub('([0-9])0+$', '%1')
+ return ansicolors('%{green}' .. successes) .. ' ' .. successString .. ' / ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{red}' .. failures) .. ' ' .. failureString .. ' / ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{magenta}' .. errors) .. ' ' .. errorString .. ' / ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{yellow}' .. pendings) .. ' ' .. pendingString .. ' : ' ..
+ ansicolors('%{bright}' .. formattedTime) .. ' ' .. s('output.seconds')
+ end
+ handler.testEnd = function(element, parent, status, debug)
+ if not options.deferPrint then
+ local string = successDot
+ if status == 'pending' then
+ string = pendingDot
+ elseif status == 'failure' then
+ string = failureDot
+ elseif status == 'error' then
+ string = errorDot
+ end
+ io.write(string)
+ io.flush()
+ end
+ return nil, true
+ end
+ handler.suiteStart = function(count, total)
+ local runString = (total > 1 and '\nRepeating all tests (run %d of %d) . . .\n\n' or '')
+ io.write(runString:format(count, total))
+ io.flush()
+ end
+ handler.suiteEnd = function(count, total)
+ print('')
+ print(statusString())
+ for i, pending in pairs(handler.pendings) do
+ print('')
+ print(pendingDescription(pending))
+ end
+ for i, err in pairs(handler.failures) do
+ print('')
+ print(failureDescription(err))
+ end
+ for i, err in pairs(handler.errors) do
+ print('')
+ print(failureDescription(err, true))
+ end
+ return nil, true
+ end
+ handler.error = function(element, parent, message, debug)
+ io.write(errorDot)
+ io.flush()
+ return nil, true
+ end
+ busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'end' }, handler.testEnd, { predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
+ busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, handler.suiteStart)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'file' }, handler.error)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'file' }, handler.error)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'describe' }, handler.error)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'describe' }, handler.error)
+ return handler