path: root/test/lua/busted/runner.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lua/busted/runner.lua')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/runner.lua b/test/lua/busted/runner.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91ce94e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/busted/runner.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+-- Busted command-line runner
+local path = require 'pl.path'
+local term = require 'term'
+local utils = require 'busted.utils'
+local loaded = false
+return function(options)
+ if loaded then return else loaded = true end
+ local opt = options or {}
+ local isBatch = opt.batch
+ local cli = require 'cliargs'
+ local busted = require 'busted.core'()
+ local configLoader = require 'busted.modules.configuration_loader'()
+ local helperLoader = require 'busted.modules.helper_loader'()
+ local outputHandlerLoader = require 'busted.modules.output_handler_loader'()
+ local luacov = require 'busted.modules.luacov'()
+ local osexit = require 'busted.compatibility'.osexit
+ require 'busted'(busted)
+ -- Default cli arg values
+ local defaultOutput = term.isatty(io.stdout) and 'utfTerminal' or 'plainTerminal'
+ local defaultLoaders = 'lua,moonscript'
+ local defaultPattern = '_spec'
+ local defaultSeed = 'os.time()'
+ local lpathprefix = './src/?.lua;./src/?/?.lua;./src/?/init.lua'
+ local cpathprefix = path.is_windows and './csrc/?.dll;./csrc/?/?.dll;' or './csrc/?.so;./csrc/?/?.so;'
+ local level = 2
+ local info = debug.getinfo(level, 'Sf')
+ local source = info.source
+ local fileName = source:sub(1,1) == '@' and source:sub(2) or source
+ local cliArgsParsed = {}
+ local function processOption(key, value, altkey, opt)
+ if altkey then cliArgsParsed[altkey] = value end
+ cliArgsParsed[key] = value
+ return true
+ end
+ local function processNumber(key, value, altkey, opt)
+ local number = tonumber(value)
+ if not number then
+ return nil, 'argument to ' .. opt:gsub('=.*', '') .. ' must be a number'
+ end
+ if altkey then cliArgsParsed[altkey] = number end
+ cliArgsParsed[key] = number
+ return true
+ end
+ local function processVersion()
+ -- Return early if asked for the version
+ print(busted.version)
+ osexit(0, true)
+ end
+ -- Load up the command-line interface options
+ cli:set_name(path.basename(fileName))
+ cli:add_flag('--version', 'prints the program version and exits', processVersion)
+ if isBatch then
+ cli:optarg('ROOT', 'test script file/folder. Folders will be traversed for any file that matches the --pattern option.', 'spec', 1)
+ cli:add_option('-p, --pattern=PATTERN', 'only run test files matching the Lua pattern', defaultPattern, processOption)
+ end
+ cli:add_option('-o, --output=LIBRARY', 'output library to load', defaultOutput, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-d, --cwd=cwd', 'path to current working directory', './', processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-t, --tags=TAGS', 'only run tests with these #tags', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--exclude-tags=TAGS', 'do not run tests with these #tags, takes precedence over --tags', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--filter=PATTERN', 'only run test names matching the Lua pattern', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--filter-out=PATTERN', 'do not run test names matching the Lua pattern, takes precedence over --filter', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-m, --lpath=PATH', 'optional path to be prefixed to the Lua module search path', lpathprefix, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--cpath=PATH', 'optional path to be prefixed to the Lua C module search path', cpathprefix, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-r, --run=RUN', 'config to run from .busted file', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--repeat=COUNT', 'run the tests repeatedly', '1', processNumber)
+ cli:add_option('--seed=SEED', 'random seed value to use for shuffling test order', defaultSeed, processNumber)
+ cli:add_option('--lang=LANG', 'language for error messages', 'en', processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--loaders=NAME', 'test file loaders', defaultLoaders, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('--helper=PATH', 'A helper script that is run before tests', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-Xoutput OPTION', 'pass `OPTION` as an option to the output handler. If `OPTION` contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_option('-Xhelper OPTION', 'pass `OPTION` as an option to the helper script. If `OPTION` contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.', nil, processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('-c, --coverage', 'do code coverage analysis (requires `LuaCov` to be installed)', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('-v, --verbose', 'verbose output of errors', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('-s, --enable-sound', 'executes `say` command if available', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('-l, --list', 'list the names of all tests instead of running them', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--no-keep-going', 'quit after first error or failure', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--no-recursive', 'do not recurse into subdirectories', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--shuffle', 'randomize file and test order, takes precedence over --sort (--shuffle-test and --shuffle-files)', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--shuffle-files', 'randomize file execution order, takes precedence over --sort-files', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--shuffle-tests', 'randomize test order within a file, takes precedence over --sort-tests', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--sort', 'sort file and test order (--sort-tests and --sort-files)', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--sort-files', 'sort file execution order', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--sort-tests', 'sort test order within a file', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--suppress-pending', 'suppress `pending` test output', processOption)
+ cli:add_flag('--defer-print', 'defer print to when test suite is complete', processOption)
+ -- Parse the cli arguments
+ local cliArgs = cli:parse(arg)
+ if not cliArgs then
+ osexit(1, true)
+ end
+ -- Load current working directory
+ local fpath = utils.normpath(cliArgs.cwd)
+ -- Load busted config file if available
+ local configFile = { }
+ local bustedConfigFilePath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, '.busted'))
+ local bustedConfigFile = pcall(function() configFile = loadfile(bustedConfigFilePath)() end)
+ if bustedConfigFile then
+ local config, err = configLoader(configFile, cliArgsParsed, cliArgs)
+ if err then
+ print('Error: ' .. err)
+ osexit(1, true)
+ else
+ cliArgs = config
+ end
+ end
+ local tags = {}
+ local excludeTags = {}
+ if cliArgs.tags and cliArgs.tags ~= '' then
+ tags = utils.split(cliArgs.tags, ',')
+ end
+ if cliArgs['exclude-tags'] and cliArgs['exclude-tags'] ~= '' then
+ excludeTags = utils.split(cliArgs['exclude-tags'], ',')
+ end
+ -- If coverage arg is passed in, load LuaCovsupport
+ if cliArgs.coverage then
+ luacov()
+ end
+ -- Add additional package paths based on lpath and cpath cliArgs
+ if #cliArgs.lpath > 0 then
+ lpathprefix = cliArgs.lpath
+ lpathprefix = lpathprefix:gsub('^%.([/%\\])', fpath .. '%1')
+ lpathprefix = lpathprefix:gsub(';%.([/%\\])', ';' .. fpath .. '%1')
+ package.path = (lpathprefix .. ';' .. package.path):gsub(';;',';')
+ end
+ if #cliArgs.cpath > 0 then
+ cpathprefix = cliArgs.cpath
+ cpathprefix = cpathprefix:gsub('^%.([/%\\])', fpath .. '%1')
+ cpathprefix = cpathprefix:gsub(';%.([/%\\])', ';' .. fpath .. '%1')
+ package.cpath = (cpathprefix .. ';' .. package.cpath):gsub(';;',';')
+ end
+ local loaders = {}
+ if #cliArgs.loaders > 0 then
+ string.gsub(cliArgs.loaders, '([^,]+)', function(c) loaders[#loaders+1] = c end)
+ end
+ -- We report an error if the same tag appears in both `options.tags`
+ -- and `options.excluded_tags` because it does not make sense for the
+ -- user to tell Busted to include and exclude the same tests at the
+ -- same time.
+ for _, excluded in pairs(excludeTags) do
+ for _, included in pairs(tags) do
+ if excluded == included then
+ print('Error: Cannot use --tags and --exclude-tags for the same tags')
+ osexit(1, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- watch for test errors
+ local failures = 0
+ local errors = 0
+ local quitOnError = cliArgs['no-keep-going']
+ busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'output' }, function(element, parent, message)
+ print('Error: Cannot load output library: ' .. element.name .. '\n' .. message)
+ return nil, true
+ end)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'helper' }, function(element, parent, message)
+ print('Error: Cannot load helper script: ' .. element.name .. '\n' .. message)
+ return nil, true
+ end)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'error' }, function(element, parent, message)
+ errors = errors + 1
+ busted.skipAll = quitOnError
+ return nil, true
+ end)
+ busted.subscribe({ 'failure' }, function(element, parent, message)
+ if element.descriptor == 'it' then
+ failures = failures + 1
+ else
+ errors = errors + 1
+ end
+ busted.skipAll = quitOnError
+ return nil, true
+ end)
+ -- Set up output handler to listen to events
+ local outputHandlerOptions = {
+ verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
+ suppressPending = cliArgs['suppress-pending'],
+ language = cliArgs.lang,
+ deferPrint = cliArgs['defer-print'],
+ arguments = utils.split(cliArgs.Xoutput or '', ',') or {}
+ }
+ local opath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.output))
+ local outputHandler = outputHandlerLoader(cliArgs.output, opath, outputHandlerOptions, busted, defaultOutput)
+ outputHandler:subscribe(outputHandlerOptions)
+ if cliArgs['enable-sound'] then
+ require 'busted.outputHandlers.sound'(outputHandlerOptions, busted)
+ end
+ -- Set up randomization options
+ busted.sort = cliArgs['sort-tests'] or cliArgs.sort
+ busted.randomize = cliArgs['shuffle-tests'] or cliArgs.shuffle
+ busted.randomseed = tonumber(cliArgs.seed) or os.time()
+ local getFullName = function(name)
+ local parent = busted.context.get()
+ local names = { name }
+ while parent and (parent.name or parent.descriptor) and
+ parent.descriptor ~= 'file' do
+ table.insert(names, 1, parent.name or parent.descriptor)
+ parent = busted.context.parent(parent)
+ end
+ return table.concat(names, ' ')
+ end
+ local hasTag = function(name, tag)
+ local found = name:find('#' .. tag)
+ return (found ~= nil)
+ end
+ local filterExcludeTags = function(name)
+ for i, tag in pairs(excludeTags) do
+ if hasTag(name, tag) then
+ return nil, false
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, true
+ end
+ local filterTags = function(name)
+ local fullname = getFullName(name)
+ for i, tag in pairs(tags) do
+ if hasTag(fullname, tag) then
+ return nil, true
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, (#tags == 0)
+ end
+ local filterOutNames = function(name)
+ local found = (getFullName(name):find(cliArgs['filter-out']) ~= nil)
+ return nil, not found
+ end
+ local filterNames = function(name)
+ local found = (getFullName(name):find(cliArgs.filter) ~= nil)
+ return nil, found
+ end
+ local printNameOnly = function(name, fn, trace)
+ local fullname = getFullName(name)
+ if trace and trace.what == 'Lua' then
+ print(trace.short_src .. ':' .. trace.currentline .. ': ' .. fullname)
+ else
+ print(fullname)
+ end
+ return nil, false
+ end
+ local ignoreAll = function()
+ return nil, false
+ end
+ local skipOnError = function()
+ return nil, (failures == 0 and errors == 0)
+ end
+ local applyFilter = function(descriptors, name, fn)
+ if cliArgs[name] and cliArgs[name] ~= '' then
+ for _, descriptor in ipairs(descriptors) do
+ busted.subscribe({ 'register', descriptor }, fn, { priority = 1 })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if cliArgs.list then
+ busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, ignoreAll, { priority = 1 })
+ busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, ignoreAll, { priority = 1 })
+ applyFilter({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, 'list', ignoreAll)
+ applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' }, 'list', printNameOnly)
+ end
+ applyFilter({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, 'no-keep-going', skipOnError)
+ applyFilter({ 'file', 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'no-keep-going', skipOnError)
+ -- The following filters are applied in reverse order
+ applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' } , 'filter' , filterNames )
+ applyFilter({ 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'filter-out' , filterOutNames )
+ applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' } , 'tags' , filterTags )
+ applyFilter({ 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'exclude-tags', filterExcludeTags)
+ -- Set up helper script
+ if cliArgs.helper and cliArgs.helper ~= '' then
+ local helperOptions = {
+ verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
+ language = cliArgs.lang,
+ arguments = utils.split(cliArgs.Xhelper or '', ',') or {}
+ }
+ local hpath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.helper))
+ helperLoader(cliArgs.helper, hpath, helperOptions, busted)
+ end
+ -- Set up test loader options
+ local testFileLoaderOptions = {
+ verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
+ sort = cliArgs['sort-files'] or cliArgs.sort,
+ shuffle = cliArgs['shuffle-files'] or cliArgs.shuffle,
+ recursive = not cliArgs['no-recursive'],
+ seed = busted.randomseed
+ }
+ -- Load test directory
+ local rootFile = cliArgs.ROOT and utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.ROOT)) or fileName
+ local pattern = cliArgs.pattern
+ local testFileLoader = require 'busted.modules.test_file_loader'(busted, loaders, testFileLoaderOptions)
+ local fileList = testFileLoader(rootFile, pattern)
+ if not cliArgs.ROOT then
+ local ctx = busted.context.get()
+ local file = busted.context.children(ctx)[1]
+ getmetatable(file.run).__call = info.func
+ end
+ busted.subscribe({'suite', 'reinitialize'}, function()
+ local oldctx = busted.context.get()
+ local children = busted.context.children(oldctx)
+ busted.context.clear()
+ local ctx = busted.context.get()
+ for k, v in pairs(oldctx) do
+ ctx[k] = v
+ end
+ for _, child in pairs(children) do
+ for descriptor, _ in pairs(busted.executors) do
+ child[descriptor] = nil
+ end
+ busted.context.attach(child)
+ end
+ busted.randomseed = tonumber(cliArgs.seed) or os.time()
+ return nil, true
+ end)
+ local runs = tonumber(cliArgs['repeat']) or 1
+ for i = 1, runs do
+ if i > 1 then
+ busted.publish({ 'suite', 'reinitialize' })
+ end
+ busted.publish({ 'suite', 'start' }, i, runs)
+ busted.execute()
+ busted.publish({ 'suite', 'end' }, i, runs)
+ if quitOnError and (failures > 0 or errors > 0) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ busted.publish({ 'exit' })
+ local exit = 0
+ if failures > 0 or errors > 0 then
+ exit = failures + errors
+ if exit > 255 then
+ exit = 255
+ end
+ end
+ osexit(exit, true)