path: root/test/lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/lua')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/url.lua b/test/lua/unit/url.lua
index cd23afd7c..e2daa7771 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/url.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/url.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
local test_helper = require("rspamd_test_helper")
local ffi = require("ffi")
- ffi.cdef[[
+ ffi.cdef [[
void rspamd_normalize_path_inplace(char *path, size_t len, size_t *nlen);
@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
local pool = mpool.create()
local cases = {
- {"", {"", nil}},
- {"", {"", nil}},
- {"<> text", {"", nil}},
- {" text", {"", nil}},
- {" text", {"", "A.User"}},
- {"http://Тест.Рф:18 text", {"тест.рф", nil}},
- {"http://user:password@тест2.РФ:18 text", {"тест", "user"}},
- {"", {"", "somebody"}},
- {" text", {"", nil}},
- {"https:\\\\ text", {"", nil}},
- {"https:\\\\", {"", nil}},
- {" text", {"", nil}},
- {"https://[::1]:1", {"::1", nil}},
- {"https://user:password@[::1]:1", {"::1", nil}},
- {"https://user:password@[::1]", {"::1", nil}},
- {"https://user:password@[::1]/1", {"::1", nil}},
+ { "", { "", nil } },
+ { "", { "", nil } },
+ { "<> text", { "", nil } },
+ { " text", { "", nil } },
+ { " text", { "", "A.User" } },
+ { "http://Тест.Рф:18 text", { "тест.рф", nil } },
+ { "http://user:password@тест2.РФ:18 text", { "тест", "user" } },
+ { "", { "", "somebody" } },
+ { " text", { "", nil } },
+ { "https:\\\\ text", { "", nil } },
+ { "https:\\\\", { "", nil } },
+ { " text", { "", nil } },
+ { "https://[::1]:1", { "::1", nil } },
+ { "https://user:password@[::1]:1", { "::1", nil } },
+ { "https://user:password@[::1]", { "::1", nil } },
+ { "https://user:password@[::1]/1", { "::1", nil } },
- for i,c in ipairs(cases) do
+ for i, c in ipairs(cases) do
local res = url.create(pool, c[1])
test("Extract urls from text" .. i, function()
@@ -46,107 +46,112 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
assert_not_nil(t, "cannot convert to table " .. c[1])
assert_equal(c[2][1], t['host'],
- logger.slog('expected host "%s", but got "%s" in url %s => %s',
+ logger.slog('expected host "%s", but got "%s" in url %s => %s',
c[2][1], t['host'], c[1], t))
if c[2][2] then
assert_equal(c[2][1], t['host'],
- logger.slog('expected user "%s", but got "%s" in url %s => %s',
- c[2][1], t['host'], c[1], t))
+ logger.slog('expected user "%s", but got "%s" in url %s => %s',
+ c[2][1], t['host'], c[1], t))
cases = {
- {[[]], true, {
+ { [[]], true, {
host = '', path = 'path/'
- }},
- {'', true, {
+ } },
+ { '', true, {
host = '', fragment = 'fragment', query = 'arg=x',
path = 'hello world.php',
- }},
- {'', true, {
+ } },
+ { '', true, {
host = '', fragment = 'fragment', query = 'arg=#',
- }},
- {"http:/\\[::eeee:]/#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http:/\\[::eeee:]/#test", true, {
host = '::eeee:c0a8:1', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http:/\\[::eeee:]#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http:/\\[::eeee:]#test", true, {
host = '::eeee:c0a8:1', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http:/\\[::eeee:]?test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http:/\\[::eeee:]?test", true, {
host = '::eeee:c0a8:1', query = 'test'
- }},
- {"http:\\\\%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01", true, { --0xc0.0250.01
+ } },
+ { "http:\\\\%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01", true, { --0xc0.0250.01
host = '',
- }},
- {"http:/\\", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http:/\\", true, {
host = '', path = 'foo', query = 'bar=baz', tld = ''
- }},
- {"http://[]/", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://[]/", true, {
host = '',
- }},
- {"<", true, {
+ } },
+ { "<", true, {
host = '', tld = '',
- }},
- {">", false},
- {", text", false},
- {"ht\;p?#", false},
- {"http://user:pass@/", false},
- {"http://foo:-80/", false},
- {"http:////////", true, {
+ } },
+ { ">", false },
+ { ", text", false },
+ { "ht\;p?#", false },
+ { "http://user:pass@/", false },
+ { "http://foo:-80/", false },
+ { "http:////////", true, {
host = '', user = 'user', port = 99, query = 'foo'
- }},
- {"", true, {
+ } },
+ { "", true, {
host = '', user = '%25DOMAIN'
- }},
- {"http://0.0xFFFFFF", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://0.0xFFFFFF", true, {
host = ''
- }},
+ } },
--{"http:/\\030052000001", true, {
-- host = ''
- {"http:\\/0xc0.052000001", true, {
+ { "http:\\/0xc0.052000001", true, {
host = ''
- }},
- {"", true, {
+ } },
+ { "", true, {
host = '', query = 'foo',
- }},
- {"", true, {
+ } },
+ { "", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"", true, {
+ } },
+ { "", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http://example。com#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://example。com#test", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http://hoho.example。com#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://hoho.example。com#test", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http://hoho。example。com#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://hoho。example。com#test", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http://hoho.example。com#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://hoho.example。com#test", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http://hehe。example。com#test", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http://hehe。example。com#test", true, {
host = '', fragment = 'test'
- }},
- {"http:////$%^&****((", true, {
+ } },
+ { "http:////$%^&****((", true, {
user = '$%^&****((', host = '', fragment = 'f@f'
- }},
- {"", true, {
+ } },
+ { "", true, {
user = "@", host = ""
- }},
- {"\\_Resources\\ClientImages\\UserData?ol\\o#ololo\\", true, {
+ } },
+ { "\\_Resources\\ClientImages\\UserData?ol\\o#ololo\\", true, {
host = "", path = "_Resources\\ClientImages\\UserData",
query = "ol\\o", fragment = "ololo\\",
- }},
+ } },
+ {
+ "http://0x3f8f29a4/pro/au.html", true, {
+ host = "",
+ path = "pro/au.html",
+ } },
-- Some cases from
- for i,c in ipairs(cases) do
+ for i, c in ipairs(cases) do
local res = url.create(pool, c[1])
test("Parse url: " .. c[1], function()
@@ -155,12 +160,12 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
local uf = res:to_table()
- for k,v in pairs(c[3]) do
+ for k, v in pairs(c[3]) do
assert_not_nil(uf[k], k .. ' is missing in url, must be ' .. v)
- assert_equal(uf[k], v, logger.slog('expected "%s", for %s, but got "%s" in url %s => %s',
- v, k, uf[k], c[1], uf))
+ assert_equal(uf[k], v, logger.slog('expected " %s ", for %s, but got " %s " in url %s => %s',
+ v, k, uf[k], c[1], uf))
- for k,v in pairs(uf) do
+ for k, v in pairs(uf) do
if k ~= 'url' and k ~= 'protocol' and k ~= 'tld' then
assert_not_nil(c[3][k], k .. ' should be absent but it is ' .. v .. ' in: ' .. c[1])
@@ -172,32 +177,32 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
cases = {
- {"/././foo", "/foo"},
- {"/a/b/c/./../../g", "/a/g"},
- {"/./.foo", "/.foo"},
- {"/foo/.", "/foo/"},
- {"/foo/./", "/foo/"},
- {"/foo/bar/..", "/foo"},
- {"/foo/bar/../", "/foo/"},
- {"/foo/", "/foo/"},
- {"/foo/bar/../ton", "/foo/ton"},
- {"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", "/a"},
- {"/foo/../../..", "/"},
- {"/foo/../../../ton", "/ton"},
- {"////../..", "/"},
- {"./", ""},
- {"/./", "/"},
- {"/./././././././", "/"},
- {"/", "/"},
- {"/a/b", "/a/b"},
- {"/a/b/", "/a/b/"},
- {"..", "/"},
- {"/../", "/"},
- {"../", "/"},
- {"///foo", "/foo"},
+ { "/././foo", "/foo" },
+ { "/a/b/c/./../../g", "/a/g" },
+ { "/./.foo", "/.foo" },
+ { "/foo/.", "/foo/" },
+ { "/foo/./", "/foo/" },
+ { "/foo/bar/..", "/foo" },
+ { "/foo/bar/../", "/foo/" },
+ { "/foo/", "/foo/" },
+ { "/foo/bar/../ton", "/foo/ton" },
+ { "/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", "/a" },
+ { "/foo/../../..", "/" },
+ { "/foo/../../../ton", "/ton" },
+ { "////../..", "/" },
+ { "./", "" },
+ { "/./", "/" },
+ { "/./././././././", "/" },
+ { "/", "/" },
+ { "/a/b", "/a/b" },
+ { "/a/b/", "/a/b/" },
+ { "..", "/" },
+ { "/../", "/" },
+ { "../", "/" },
+ { "///foo", "/foo" },
- for i,v in ipairs(cases) do
+ for i, v in ipairs(cases) do
test(string.format("Normalize paths '%s'", v[1]), function()
local buf ="uint8_t[?]", #v[1])
local sizbuf ="size_t[1]")
@@ -209,28 +214,28 @@ context("URL check functions", function()
cases = {
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
- {'', ''},
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
+ { '', '' },
local excl_rules1 = {
- '',
- '*',
- '!'
+ '',
+ '*',
+ '!'
local comp_rules = lua_urls_compose.inject_composition_rules(rspamd_config, excl_rules1)
- for _,v in ipairs(cases) do
+ for _, v in ipairs(cases) do
test("URL composition " .. v[1], function()
local u = url.create(pool, v[1])
- assert_not_nil(u, "we are able to parse url: " .. v[1])
+ assert_not_nil(u, "we are able to parse url:" .. v[1])
local res = comp_rules:process_url(nil, u:get_tld(), u:get_host())
assert_equal(v[2], res, 'expected ' .. v[2] .. ' but got ' .. res .. ' in url ' .. v[1])