--- workspace: base: /rspamd pipeline: prepare: # ubuntu used as base image for build and test images # and we need to download it anyway image: ubuntu:18.04 commands: - install -d -o nobody -g nogroup /rspamd/build /rspamd/install # lua-torch CMakeLists writes to src dir - chown nobody $CI_WORKSPACE/contrib/lua-torch/nn build: # https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd-build-docker/blob/master/ubuntu-build/Dockerfile image: rspamd/ci-ubuntu-build group: build commands: # build directories should be writable by nobody, for rspamd in functional tests # works as nobody and writes coverage files there - test "$(id -un)" = nobody - cd /rspamd/build - cmake $CI_WORKSPACE -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON -DENABLE_LIBUNWIND=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/rspamd/install -DCMAKE_RULE_MESSAGES=OFF - ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) - make -j $ncpu install - make -j $ncpu rspamd-test eslint: image: node:10-alpine group: build commands: - npm install - ./node_modules/.bin/eslint -v - ./node_modules/.bin/eslint ./ rspamd-test: # https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd-build-docker/blob/master/ubuntu-test/Dockerfile image: rspamd/ci-ubuntu-test pull: true group: tests commands: - test "$(id -un)" = nobody - ulimit -c unlimited # rspamd-test and functional test both use luacov.stats.out file and should be started from # different directories (if started in parallel) - cd /rspamd/build/test - set +e - ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$? - set -e # shell sets exit status of a process terminated by a signal to '128 + signal-number' # if rspamd-test was terminated by a signal it should be SIGSEGV or SIGABRT, try to examine core - > if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "thread apply all bt full" --batch; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi # luacov-coveralls reads luacov.stats.out written by rspamd-test using luacov module # and writes json report for coveralls.io service - luacov-coveralls -o /rspamd/build/unit_test_lua.json --dryrun - cd /rspamd/build - coveralls --dump coverage.rspamd-test.dump - exit $EXIT_CODE functional: # https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd-build-docker/blob/master/ubuntu-test-func/Dockerfile image: rspamd/ci-ubuntu-test-func pull: true group: tests commands: - cd /rspamd/build # some rspamd processes during this test work as root and some as nobody # use umask to create world-writable files so nobody can write to *.gcda files created by root - umask 0000 - set +e - RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=/rspamd/install robot --xunit xunit.xml --exclude isbroken $CI_WORKSPACE/test/functional/cases; EXIT_CODE=$? - set -e - coveralls --dump coverage.functional.dump - exit $EXIT_CODE send-coverage: image: rspamd/ci-ubuntu-test secrets: [ coveralls_repo_token ] commands: - cd /rspamd/build - $CI_WORKSPACE/test/functional/util/merge_coveralls.py --input coverage.functional.dump coverage.rspamd-test.dump unit_test_lua.json lua_coverage_report.json --output out.josn --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN when: branch: master # don't send coverage report for pull request event: [push, tag] send-test-log: image: drillster/drone-email from: noreply@rspamd.com attachment: /rspamd/build/log.html secrets: [email_host, email_username, email_password] when: status: failure