# - Find Ragel executable and provides macros to generate custom build rules # The module defines the following variables: # # RAGEL_EXECUTABLE - path to the ragel program # RAGEL_VERSION - version of ragel # RAGEL_FOUND - true if the program was found # # If ragel is found, the module defines the macros: # # RAGEL_TARGET(<Name> INPUTS <inputs> OUTPUT <output> # [COMPILE_FLAGS <string>] [DEPENDS <depends>]) # # which will create a custom rule to generate a state machine. <RagelInp> is # the path to a Ragel file. <CodeOutput> is the name of the source file # generated by ragel. If COMPILE_FLAGS option is specified, the next # parameter is added in the ragel command line. # # The macro defines a set of variables: # RAGEL_${Name}_DEFINED - true is the macro ran successfully # RAGEL_${Name}_INPUT - The input source file, an alias for <RagelInp> # RAGEL_${Name}_OUTPUT_SOURCE - The source file generated by ragel # RAGEL_${Name}_OUTPUT_HEADER - The header file generated by ragel # RAGEL_${Name}_OUTPUTS - The sources files generated by ragel # RAGEL_${Name}_COMPILE_FLAGS - Options used in the ragel command line # # ==================================================================== # Example: # # find_package(RAGEL) # or e.g.: find_package(RAGEL 6.6 REQUIRED) # RAGEL_TARGET(MyMachine machine.rl ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/machine.cc) # add_executable(Foo main.cc ${RAGEL_MyMachine_OUTPUTS}) # ==================================================================== # 2014-02-09, Georg Sauthoff <mail@georg.so> # # I don't think that these few lines are even copyrightable material, # but I am fine with using the BSD/MIT/GPL license on it ... # # I've used following references: # http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.12/cmake.html # /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindFLEX.cmake # /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindBISON.cmake # uses some features which are not available in 2.6 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) find_program(RAGEL_EXECUTABLE NAMES ragel DOC "path to the ragel executable") mark_as_advanced(RAGEL_EXECUTABLE) if(RAGEL_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${RAGEL_EXECUTABLE} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE RAGEL_version_output ERROR_VARIABLE RAGEL_version_error RESULT_VARIABLE RAGEL_version_result OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(${RAGEL_version_result} EQUAL 0) string(REGEX REPLACE "^Ragel State Machine Compiler version ([^ ]+) .*$" "\\1" RAGEL_VERSION "${RAGEL_version_output}") else() message(SEND_ERROR "Command \"${RAGEL_EXECUTABLE} --version\" failed with output: ${RAGEL_version_error}") endif() #============================================================ # RAGEL_TARGET (public macro) #============================================================ # macro(RAGEL_TARGET Name) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(RAGEL "" "OUTPUT" "INPUTS;DEPENDS;COMPILE_FLAGS" ${ARGN}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${RAGEL_OUTPUT} COMMAND ${RAGEL_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${RAGEL_COMPILE_FLAGS} -o${RAGEL_OUTPUT} ${RAGEL_INPUTS} DEPENDS ${RAGEL_INPUTS} ${RAGEL_DEPENDS} COMMENT "[RAGEL][${Name}] Compiling state machine with Ragel ${RAGEL_VERSION}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(RAGEL_${Name}_DEFINED TRUE) set(RAGEL_${Name}_OUTPUTS ${RAGEL_OUTPUT}) set(RAGEL_${Name}_INPUT ${RAGEL_INPUTS}) set(RAGEL_${Name}_COMPILE_FLAGS ${RAGEL_COMPILE_FLAGS}) endmacro() endif() # use this include when module file is located under /usr/share/cmake/Modules #include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) # use this include when module file is located in build tree include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(RAGEL REQUIRED_VARS RAGEL_EXECUTABLE VERSION_VAR RAGEL_VERSION)