# Please don't modify this file as your changes might be overwritten with
# the next update.
# You can modify 'local.d/rbl.conf' to add and merge
# parameters defined inside this section
# You can modify 'override.d/rbl.conf' to strictly override all
# parameters defined inside this section
# See https://rspamd.com/doc/faq.html#what-are-the-locald-and-overrided-directories
# for details
# Module documentation can be found at  https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/rbl.html

rbl {
  default_exclude_users = true;
  default_unknown = true;

  url_whitelist = [

  attached_maps = [
      selector_alias = "surbl_hashbl_map",
      description = "SURBL hashbl map",
      url = "regexp;http://sa-update.surbl.org/rspamd/surbl-hashbl-map.inc",

  rbls {

    spamhaus {
      symbol = "SPAMHAUS"; # Augmented by prefixes
      rbl = "zen.spamhaus.org";
      # Check types
      checks = ['received', 'from'];

      symbols_prefixes = {
        received = 'RECEIVED',
        from = 'RBL',
      returncodes {
        SPAMHAUS_SBL = "";
        SPAMHAUS_CSS = "";
        SPAMHAUS_XBL = ["", "", "", ""];
        SPAMHAUS_PBL = ["", ""];
        SPAMHAUS_DROP = "";

    mailspike {
      symbol = "MAILSPIKE";
      rbl = "rep.mailspike.net";
      is_whitelist = true;
      checks = ['from'];
      whitelist_exception = "MAILSPIKE";
      whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE_GOOD";
      whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE_NEUTRAL";
      whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE_POSSIBLE";
      whitelist_exception = "RBL_MAILSPIKE_WORST";
      whitelist_exception = "RBL_MAILSPIKE_VERYBAD";
      whitelist_exception = "RBL_MAILSPIKE_BAD";
      returncodes {
        RBL_MAILSPIKE_BAD = "";
        RWL_MAILSPIKE_NEUTRAL = ["", "", "", ""];
        RWL_MAILSPIKE_GOOD = "";

    senderscore {
      symbol = "RBL_SENDERSCORE";
      checks = ['from'];
      rbl = "bl.score.senderscore.com";

    sem {
      symbol = "RBL_SEM";
      rbl = "bl.spameatingmonkey.net";
      ipv6 = false;
      checks = ['from'];

    semIPv6 {
      symbol = "RBL_SEM_IPV6";
      rbl = "bl.ipv6.spameatingmonkey.net";
      ipv4 = false;
      ipv6 = true;
      checks = ['from'];

    dnswl {
      symbol = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL";
      rbl = "list.dnswl.org";
      ipv6 = true;
      checks = ['from', 'received'];
      is_whitelist = true;
      returncodes_matcher = "luapattern";
      whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL";
      whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE";
      whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW";
      whitelist_exception = "DNSWL_BLOCKED";
      returncodes {
        RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE = ["127%.0%.%d%.0", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.0", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.0", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.0"];
        RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW = ["127%.0%.%d%.1", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.1", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.1", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.1"];
        RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED = ["127%.0%.%d%.2", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.2", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.2", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.2"];
        RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI = ["127%.0%.%d%.3", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.3", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.3", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.3"];
        DNSWL_BLOCKED = ["127%.0%.0%.255", "127%.0%.10%.%d+"];

    # Provided by https://virusfree.cz
    virusfree {
      symbol = "RBL_VIRUSFREE_UNKNOWN";
      rbl = "bip.virusfree.cz";
      ipv6 = true;
      checks = ['from'];
      returncodes {

    nixspam {
      symbol = "RBL_NIXSPAM";
      rbl = "ix.dnsbl.manitu.net";
      ipv6 = true;
      checks = ['from'];

    blocklistde {
      symbols_prefixes = {
        received = 'RECEIVED',
        from = 'RBL',
      symbol = "BLOCKLISTDE";
      rbl = "bl.blocklist.de";
      checks = ['from', 'received'];

    # Dkim whitelist
    dnswl_dwl {
      symbol = "DWL_DNSWL";
      rbl = "dwl.dnswl.org";
      checks = ['dkim'];
      ignore_whitelist = true;
      returncodes_matcher = "luapattern";
      unknown = false;

      returncodes {
        DWL_DNSWL_NONE = ["127%.0%.%d%.0", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.0", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.0", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.0"];
        DWL_DNSWL_LOW = ["127%.0%.%d%.1", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.1", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.1", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.1"];
        DWL_DNSWL_MED = ["127%.0%.%d%.2", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.2", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.2", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.2"];
        DWL_DNSWL_HI = ["127%.0%.%d%.3", "127%.0%.[02-9]%d%.3", "127%.0%.1[1-9]%.3", "127%.0%.[12]%d%d%.3"];
        DWL_DNSWL_BLOCKED = ["127%.0%.0%.255", "127%.0%.10%.%d+"];

      ignore_whitelist = true;
      ignore_defaults = true;
      exclude_users = false;
      emails_delimiter = ".";
      hash_format = "base32";
      hash_len = 32;
      rbl = "email.rspamd.com";
      checks = ['emails', 'replyto'];
      hash = "blake2";
      returncodes = {
        RSPAMD_EMAILBL = "";

    MSBL_EBL {
      ignore_whitelist = true;
      ignore_defaults = true;
      exclude_users = false;
      rbl = "ebl.msbl.org";
      checks = ['emails', 'replyto'];
      emails_domainonly = false;
      hash = "sha1";
      returncodes = {
        MSBL_EBL = [
        MSBL_EBL_GREY = [

      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "multi.surbl.org";
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'helo', 'rdns', 'replyto', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      exclude_users = false;

      returnbits = {
        CRACKED_SURBL = 128;
        ABUSE_SURBL = 64;
        MW_SURBL_MULTI = 16;
        PH_SURBL_MULTI = 8;
        SURBL_BLOCKED = 1;

      rbl = "hashbl.surbl.org";
      ignore_defaults = true;
      random_monitored = true,
      # TODO: make limit more configurable maybe?
      selector = "specific_urls_filter_map('surbl_hashbl_map', {limit = 10}).apply_methods('get_host', 'get_path').join_tables('/')",
      hash = 'md5';
      hash_len = 32;
      returncodes_matcher = "luapattern";
      returncodes = {
        SURBL_HASHBL_PHISH = "";
        SURBL_HASHBL_ABUSE = "";
        SURBL_HASHBL_EMAIL = "127.0.1.%d+";

      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "multi.uribl.com";
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'helo', 'rdns', 'replyto', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      exclude_users = false;

      returnbits {
        URIBL_BLOCKED = 1;
        URIBL_BLACK = 2;
        URIBL_GREY = 4;
        URIBL_RED = 8;

      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "uribl.rspamd.com";
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      hash = 'blake2';
      hash_len = 32;
      hash_format = 'base32';
      exclude_users = false;

      returncodes = {
        RSPAMD_URIBL = [

    "DBL" {
      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "dbl.spamhaus.org";
      no_ip = true;
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'helo', 'rdns', 'replyto', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      exclude_users = false;

      returncodes = {
        # spam domain
        DBL_SPAM = "";
        # phish domain
        DBL_PHISH = "";
        # malware domain
        DBL_MALWARE = "";
        # botnet C&C domain
        DBL_BOTNET = "";
        # abused legit spam
        DBL_ABUSE = "";
        # abused spammed redirector domain
        DBL_ABUSE_REDIR = "";
        # abused legit phish
        DBL_ABUSE_PHISH = "";
        # abused legit malware
        DBL_ABUSE_MALWARE = "";
        # abused legit botnet C&C
        DBL_ABUSE_BOTNET = "";
        # error - IP queries prohibited!
        DBL_PROHIBIT = "";
        # issue #3074
        DBL_BLOCKED = "";

    # Not enabled by default due to privacy concerns! (see also groups.d/surbl_group.conf)
      enabled = false;
      rbl = "zen.spamhaus.org";
      checks = ['emails'];
      resolve_ip = true;
      returncodes = {
        URIBL_SBL = "";
        URIBL_SBL_CSS = "";
        URIBL_XBL = ["", "", "", ""];
        URIBL_PBL = ["", ""];
        URIBL_DROP = "";

      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "uribl.spameatingmonkey.net";
      no_ip = true;
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      returnbits {
        SEM_URIBL = 2;

      ignore_defaults = true;
      rbl = "fresh15.spameatingmonkey.net";
      no_ip = true;
      checks = ['emails', 'dkim', 'urls'];
      emails_domainonly = true;
      returnbits {
        SEM_URIBL_FRESH15 = 2;

  .include(try=true,priority=5) "${DBDIR}/dynamic/rbl.conf"
  .include(try=true,priority=1,duplicate=merge) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/rbl.conf"
  .include(try=true,priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/rbl.conf"