# Please don't modify this file as your changes might be overwritten with # the next update. # # You can modify '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/rspamd.conf.local.override' to redefine # parameters defined on the top level # # You can modify '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/rspamd.conf.local' to add # parameters defined on the top level # # For specific modules or configuration you can also modify # '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/file.conf' - to add your options or rewrite defaults # '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/file.conf' - to override the defaults # # See https://rspamd.com/doc/tutorials/writing_rules.html for details rbl { .include(try=true,priority=5) "${DBDIR}/dynamic/rbl.conf" .include(try=true,priority=1) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/rbl.conf" .include(try=true,priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/rbl.conf" default_from = true; default_received = false; default_exclude_users = true; rbls { spamhaus { symbol = "RBL_SPAMHAUS"; rbl = "zen.spamhaus.org"; ipv6 = true; unknown = true; returncodes { RBL_SPAMHAUS_SBL = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_CSS = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_XBL = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_XBL1 = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_XBL2 = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_XBL3 = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_PBL = ""; RBL_SPAMHAUS_PBL1 = ""; } } spamhaus_xbl { symbol = "RECEIVED_SPAMHAUS_XBL"; rbl = "xbl.spamhaus.org"; ipv6 = true; received = true; from = false; ignore_whitelists = true; } spamhaus_swl { symbol = "RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL"; rbl = "swl.spamhaus.org"; ipv6 = true; is_whitelist = true; unknown = true; whitelist_exception = "RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL"; returncodes { RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL_IND = ""; RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL_TRANS = ""; RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL_IND_EXP = ""; RWL_SPAMHAUS_WL_TRANS_EXP = ""; } } mailspike_bl { symbol = "RBL_MAILSPIKE"; unknown = true; rbl = "bl.mailspike.net"; returncodes { RBL_MAILSPIKE_ZOMBIE = ""; RBL_MAILSPIKE_WORST = ""; RBL_MAILSPIKE_VERYBAD = ""; RBL_MAILSPIKE_BAD = ""; } } mailspike_wl { symbol = "RWL_MAILSPIKE"; rbl = "wl.mailspike.net"; is_whitelist = true; unknown = true; whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE"; whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE_GOOD"; whitelist_exception = "RWL_MAILSPIKE_POSSIBLE"; returncodes { RWL_MAILSPIKE_POSSIBLE = ""; RWL_MAILSPIKE_GOOD = ""; RWL_MAILSPIKE_VERYGOOD = ""; RWL_MAILSPIKE_EXCELLENT = ""; } } senderscore { symbol = "RBL_SENDERSCORE"; rbl = "bl.score.senderscore.com"; } abusech { symbol = "RBL_ABUSECH"; rbl = "spam.abuse.ch"; } uceprotect1 { symbol = "RBL_UCEPROTECT_LEVEL1"; rbl = "dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net"; } sorbs { symbol = "RBL_SORBS"; rbl = "dnsbl.sorbs.net"; unknown = true; returncodes { # http:// www.sorbs.net/general/using.shtml RBL_SORBS_HTTP = ""; RBL_SORBS_SOCKS = ""; RBL_SORBS_MISC = ""; RBL_SORBS_SMTP = ""; RBL_SORBS_RECENT = ""; RBL_SORBS_WEB = ""; RBL_SORBS_DUL = ""; RBL_SORBS_BLOCK = ""; RBL_SORBS_ZOMBIE = ""; } } sem { symbol = "RBL_SEM"; rbl = "bl.spameatingmonkey.net"; } semIPv6 { symbol = "RBL_SEM_IPV6"; rbl = "bl.ipv6.spameatingmonkey.net"; ipv4 = false; ipv6 = true; } dnswl { symbol = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL"; rbl = "list.dnswl.org"; ipv6 = true; is_whitelist = true; unknown = true; whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL"; whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE"; whitelist_exception = "RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW"; whitelist_exception = "DNSWL_BLOCKED"; returncodes { RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE = "127.0.%d+.0"; RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW = "127.0.%d+.1"; RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED = "127.0.%d+.2"; RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI = "127.0.%d+.3"; DNSWL_BLOCKED = ""; } } rambleremails { symbol = RAMBLER_EMAILBL; rbl = "email-bl.rambler.ru"; from = false; emails = true; exclude_users = false; exclude_private_ips = false; exclude_local = false; ignore_whitelists = true; } } }