# Please don't modify this file as your changes might be overwritten with # the next update. # # You can modify '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/rspamd.conf.local.override' to redefine # parameters defined on the top level # # You can modify '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/rspamd.conf.local' to add # parameters defined on the top level # # For specific modules or configuration you can also modify # '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/file.conf' - to add your options or rewrite defaults # '$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/file.conf' - to override the defaults # # See https://rspamd.com/doc/tutorials/writing_rules.html for details # Rspamd statistic setup, set up the Redis server as appropriate classifier "bayes" { tokenizer { name = "osb"; } min_tokens = 11; backend = "redis"; min_learns = 200; statfile { symbol = "BAYES_HAM"; spam = false; } statfile { symbol = "BAYES_SPAM"; spam = true; } # Define different if needed servers = ""; # Store not only probabilities, but full tokens, false by default #store_tokens = true; # Use new schema (TODO: add convert tool) #new_schema = true; # Store bayes signatures (TODO: add some usefullnes to this feature) #signatures = true; # Expire bayes tokens (TODO: check for new schema, add expiration logic) #expiry = 30d; # Enable per user statistics (TODO: describe how to use per user + normal stats) #per_user = true; learn_condition =<= 0.95 else cl = 'ham' in_class = prob <= 0.05 end if in_class then return false,string.format('already in class %s; probability %.2f%%', cl, math.abs((prob - 0.5) * 200.0)) end end return true end EOD .include(try=true; priority=1) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/classifier-bayes.conf" .include(try=true; priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/classifier-bayes.conf" } .include(try=true; priority=1) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/statistic.conf" .include(try=true; priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/statistic.conf"