/* The MIT License Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 2016-2018 Broad Institute Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef KANN_H #define KANN_H #define KANN_VERSION "r536" #define KANN_F_IN 0x1 /* input */ #define KANN_F_OUT 0x2 /* output */ #define KANN_F_TRUTH 0x4 /* truth output */ #define KANN_F_COST 0x8 /* final cost */ #define KANN_C_CEB 1 /* binary cross-entropy cost, used with sigmoid */ #define KANN_C_CEM 2 /* multi-class cross-entropy cost, used with softmax */ #define KANN_C_CEB_NEG 3 /* binary cross-enytopy-like cost, used with tanh */ #define KANN_C_MSE 4 /* mean square error */ #define KANN_RNN_VAR_H0 0x1 /* take the initial hidden values as variables */ #define KANN_RNN_NORM 0x2 /* apply layer normalization */ #include "kautodiff.h" typedef struct { int n; /* number of nodes in the computational graph */ kad_node_t **v; /* list of nodes */ float *x, *g, *c; /* collated variable values, gradients and constant values */ void *mt; /* auxiliary data for multi-threading; NULL if multi-threading disabled */ } kann_t; extern int kann_verbose; #define kann_size_var(a) kad_size_var((a)->n, (a)->v) #define kann_size_const(a) kad_size_const((a)->n, (a)->v) #define kann_dim_in(a) kann_feed_dim((a), KANN_F_IN, 0) #define kann_dim_out(a) kann_feed_dim((a), KANN_F_TRUTH, 0) #define kann_srand(seed) kad_srand(0, (seed)) #define kann_drand() kad_drand(0) #define kann_set_batch_size(ann, B) kad_sync_dim((ann)->n, (ann)->v, (B)) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * Generate a network from a computational graph * * A network must have at least one scalar cost node (i.e. whose n_d==0). It * may optionally contain other cost nodes or output nodes not leading to the * primary cost node. * * @param cost cost node (must be a scalar, i.e. cost->n_d==0) * @param n_rest number of other nodes without predecessors * @param ... other nodes (of type kad_node_t*) without predecessors * * @return network on success, or NULL otherwise */ kann_t *kann_new(kad_node_t *cost, int n_rest, ...); /** * Unroll an RNN * * @param a network * @param len number of unrolls * * @return an unrolled network, or NULL if the network is not an RNN */ kann_t *kann_unroll(kann_t *a, ...); kann_t *kann_unroll_array(kann_t *a, int *len); kann_t *kann_clone(kann_t *a, int batch_size); void kann_delete(kann_t *a); /* delete a network generated by kann_new() or kann_layer_final() */ void kann_delete_unrolled(kann_t *a); /* delete a network generated by kann_unroll() */ /** * Enable/disable multi-threading (requiring pthread) * * KANN splits a mini-batch to $n_threads mini-mini-batches and puts each of * them on one thread. So far, only kann_cost() takes the advantage of * multi-threading. * * @param ann network * @param n_threads number of threads; <=1 to completely disable multi-threading * @param max_batch_size max mini-batch size; shall no smaller than n_threads */ void kann_mt(kann_t *ann, int n_threads, int max_batch_size); /** * Bind float arrays to feed nodes * * @param a network * @param ext_flag required external flags * @param ext_label required external label * @param x pointers (size equal to the number of matching feed nodes) * * @return number of matching feed nodes */ int kann_feed_bind(kann_t *a, uint32_t ext_flag, int32_t ext_label, float **x); /** * Compute the cost and optionally gradients * * @param a network * @param cost_label required external label * @param cal_grad whether to compute gradients * * @return cost */ float kann_cost(kann_t *a, int cost_label, int cal_grad); int kann_eval(kann_t *a, uint32_t ext_flag, int ext_label); int kann_eval_out(kann_t *a); int kann_class_error(const kann_t *ann, int *base); /** * Find a node * * @param a network * @param ext_flag required external flags; set to 0 to match all flags * @param ext_label required external label * * @return >=0 if found; -1 if not found; -2 if found multiple */ int kann_find(const kann_t *a, uint32_t ext_flag, int32_t ext_label); /** * Get the size of a feed node, assuming mini-batch size 1 * * @param a network * @param ext_flag required external flags * @param ext_label required external label * * @return size>=0; -1 if not found; -2 if found multiple */ int kann_feed_dim(const kann_t *a, uint32_t ext_flag, int32_t ext_label); /** * Get an RNN ready for continuous feeding * * @param a network */ void kann_rnn_start(kann_t *a); void kann_rnn_end(kann_t *a); /** * Switch between training and prediction networks (effective only when there are switch nodes) * * @param a network * @param is_train 0 for prediction network and non-zero for training net */ void kann_switch(kann_t *a, int is_train); /** * RMSprop update * * @param n number of variables * @param h0 learning rate * @param h per-variable learning rate; NULL if not applicable * @param decay RMSprop decay; use 0.9 if unsure * @param g gradient, of size n * @param t variables to change * @param r memory, of size n */ void kann_RMSprop(int n, float h0, const float *h, float decay, const float *g, float *t, float *r); void kann_shuffle(int n, int *s); float kann_grad_clip(float thres, int n, float *g); /* common layers */ kad_node_t *kann_layer_input(int n1); kad_node_t *kann_layer_dense(kad_node_t *in, int n1); kad_node_t *kann_layer_dropout(kad_node_t *t, float r); kad_node_t *kann_layer_layernorm(kad_node_t *in); kad_node_t *kann_layer_rnn(kad_node_t *in, int n1, int rnn_flag); kad_node_t *kann_layer_lstm(kad_node_t *in, int n1, int rnn_flag); kad_node_t *kann_layer_gru(kad_node_t *in, int n1, int rnn_flag); kad_node_t *kann_layer_conv2d(kad_node_t *in, int n_flt, int k_rows, int k_cols, int stride_r, int stride_c, int pad_r, int pad_c); kad_node_t *kann_layer_conv1d(kad_node_t *in, int n_flt, int k_size, int stride, int pad); kad_node_t *kann_layer_cost(kad_node_t *t, int n_out, int cost_type); kad_node_t *kann_new_leaf(uint8_t flag, float x0_01, int n_d, ...); /* flag can be KAD_CONST or KAD_VAR */ kad_node_t *kann_new_scalar(uint8_t flag, float x); kad_node_t *kann_new_weight(int n_row, int n_col); kad_node_t *kann_new_bias(int n); kad_node_t *kann_new_weight_conv2d(int n_out, int n_in, int k_row, int k_col); kad_node_t *kann_new_weight_conv1d(int n_out, int n_in, int kernel_len); kad_node_t *kann_new_leaf_array(int *offset, kad_node_p *par, uint8_t flag, float x0_01, int n_d, int32_t d[KAD_MAX_DIM]); kad_node_t *kann_new_leaf2(int *offset, kad_node_p *par, uint8_t flag, float x0_01, int n_d, ...); kad_node_t *kann_layer_dense2(int *offset, kad_node_p *par, kad_node_t *in, int n1); kad_node_t *kann_layer_dropout2(int *offset, kad_node_p *par, kad_node_t *t, float r); kad_node_t *kann_layer_layernorm2(int *offset, kad_node_t **par, kad_node_t *in); kad_node_t *kann_layer_rnn2(int *offset, kad_node_t **par, kad_node_t *in, kad_node_t *h0, int rnn_flag); kad_node_t *kann_layer_gru2(int *offset, kad_node_t **par, kad_node_t *in, kad_node_t *h0, int rnn_flag); /* operations on network with a single input node and a single output node */ typedef void (*kann_train_cb)(int iter, float train_cost, float val_cost, void *ud); int kann_train_fnn1(kann_t *ann, float lr, int mini_size, int max_epoch, int max_drop_streak, float frac_val, int n, float **_x, float **_y, kann_train_cb cb, void *ud); float kann_cost_fnn1(kann_t *a, int n, float **x, float **y); const float *kann_apply1(kann_t *a, float *x); /* model I/O */ void kann_save_fp(FILE *fp, kann_t *ann); void kann_save(const char *fn, kann_t *ann); kann_t *kann_load_fp(FILE *fp); kann_t *kann_load(const char *fn); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif