--[[ An implementation of L-BFGS, heavily inspired by minFunc (Mark Schmidt) This implementation of L-BFGS relies on a user-provided line search function (state.lineSearch). If this function is not provided, then a simple learningRate is used to produce fixed size steps. Fixed size steps are much less costly than line searches, and can be useful for stochastic problems. The learning rate is used even when a line search is provided. This is also useful for large-scale stochastic problems, where opfunc is a noisy approximation of f(x). In that case, the learning rate allows a reduction of confidence in the step size. ARGS: - `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX - `x` : the initial point - `state` : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified - `state.maxIter` : Maximum number of iterations allowed - `state.maxEval` : Maximum number of function evaluations - `state.tolFun` : Termination tolerance on the first-order optimality - `state.tolX` : Termination tol on progress in terms of func/param changes - `state.lineSearch` : A line search function - `state.learningRate` : If no line search provided, then a fixed step size is used RETURN: - `x*` : the new `x` vector, at the optimal point - `f` : a table of all function values: `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*` (Clement Farabet, 2012) ]] function optim.lbfgs(opfunc, x, config, state) -- get/update state local config = config or {} local state = state or config local maxIter = tonumber(config.maxIter) or 20 local maxEval = tonumber(config.maxEval) or maxIter*1.25 local tolFun = config.tolFun or 1e-5 local tolX = config.tolX or 1e-9 local nCorrection = config.nCorrection or 100 local lineSearch = config.lineSearch local lineSearchOpts = config.lineSearchOptions local learningRate = config.learningRate or 1 local isverbose = config.verbose or false state.funcEval = state.funcEval or 0 state.nIter = state.nIter or 0 -- verbose function local verbose if isverbose then verbose = function(...) print('<optim.lbfgs> ', ...) end else verbose = function() end end -- import some functions local abs = math.abs local min = math.min -- evaluate initial f(x) and df/dx local f,g = opfunc(x) local f_hist = {f} local currentFuncEval = 1 state.funcEval = state.funcEval + 1 local p = g:size(1) -- check optimality of initial point state.tmp1 = state.tmp1 or g.new(g:size()):zero(); local tmp1 = state.tmp1 tmp1:copy(g):abs() if tmp1:sum() <= tolFun then -- optimality condition below tolFun verbose('optimality condition below tolFun') return x,f_hist end if not state.dir_bufs then -- reusable buffers for y's and s's, and their histories verbose('creating recyclable direction/step/history buffers') state.dir_bufs = state.dir_bufs or g.new(nCorrection+1, p):split(1) state.stp_bufs = state.stp_bufs or g.new(nCorrection+1, p):split(1) for i=1,#state.dir_bufs do state.dir_bufs[i] = state.dir_bufs[i]:squeeze(1) state.stp_bufs[i] = state.stp_bufs[i]:squeeze(1) end end -- variables cached in state (for tracing) local d = state.d local t = state.t local old_dirs = state.old_dirs local old_stps = state.old_stps local Hdiag = state.Hdiag local g_old = state.g_old local f_old = state.f_old -- optimize for a max of maxIter iterations local nIter = 0 while nIter < maxIter do -- keep track of nb of iterations nIter = nIter + 1 state.nIter = state.nIter + 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ -- compute gradient descent direction ------------------------------------------------------------ if state.nIter == 1 then d = g:clone():mul(-1) -- -g old_dirs = {} old_stps = {} Hdiag = 1 else -- do lbfgs update (update memory) local y = table.remove(state.dir_bufs) -- pop local s = table.remove(state.stp_bufs) y:add(g, -1, g_old) -- g - g_old s:mul(d, t) -- d*t local ys = y:dot(s) -- y*s if ys > 1e-10 then -- updating memory if #old_dirs == nCorrection then -- shift history by one (limited-memory) local removed1 = table.remove(old_dirs, 1) local removed2 = table.remove(old_stps, 1) table.insert(state.dir_bufs, removed1) table.insert(state.stp_bufs, removed2) end -- store new direction/step table.insert(old_dirs, s) table.insert(old_stps, y) -- update scale of initial Hessian approximation Hdiag = ys / y:dot(y) -- (y*y) else -- put y and s back into the buffer pool table.insert(state.dir_bufs, y) table.insert(state.stp_bufs, s) end -- compute the approximate (L-BFGS) inverse Hessian -- multiplied by the gradient local k = #old_dirs -- need to be accessed element-by-element, so don't re-type tensor: state.ro = state.ro or torch.Tensor(nCorrection); local ro = state.ro for i = 1,k do ro[i] = 1 / old_stps[i]:dot(old_dirs[i]) end -- iteration in L-BFGS loop collapsed to use just one buffer local q = tmp1 -- reuse tmp1 for the q buffer -- need to be accessed element-by-element, so don't re-type tensor: state.al = state.al or torch.zeros(nCorrection) local al = state.al q:mul(g, -1) -- -g for i = k,1,-1 do al[i] = old_dirs[i]:dot(q) * ro[i] q:add(-al[i], old_stps[i]) end -- multiply by initial Hessian r = d -- share the same buffer, since we don't need the old d r:mul(q, Hdiag) -- q[1] * Hdiag for i = 1,k do local be_i = old_stps[i]:dot(r) * ro[i] r:add(al[i]-be_i, old_dirs[i]) end -- final direction is in r/d (same object) end g_old = g_old or g:clone() g_old:copy(g) f_old = f ------------------------------------------------------------ -- compute step length ------------------------------------------------------------ -- directional derivative local gtd = g:dot(d) -- g * d -- check that progress can be made along that direction if gtd > -tolX then break end -- reset initial guess for step size if state.nIter == 1 then tmp1:copy(g):abs() t = min(1,1/tmp1:sum()) * learningRate else t = learningRate end -- optional line search: user function local lsFuncEval = 0 if lineSearch and type(lineSearch) == 'function' then -- perform line search, using user function f,g,x,t,lsFuncEval = lineSearch(opfunc,x,t,d,f,g,gtd,lineSearchOpts) table.insert(f_hist, f) else -- no line search, simply move with fixed-step x:add(t,d) if nIter ~= maxIter then -- re-evaluate function only if not in last iteration -- the reason we do this: in a stochastic setting, -- no use to re-evaluate that function here f,g = opfunc(x) lsFuncEval = 1 table.insert(f_hist, f) end end -- update func eval currentFuncEval = currentFuncEval + lsFuncEval state.funcEval = state.funcEval + lsFuncEval ------------------------------------------------------------ -- check conditions ------------------------------------------------------------ if nIter == maxIter then -- no use to run tests verbose('reached max number of iterations') break end if currentFuncEval >= maxEval then -- max nb of function evals verbose('max nb of function evals') break end tmp1:copy(g):abs() if tmp1:sum() <= tolFun then -- check optimality verbose('optimality condition below tolFun') break end tmp1:copy(d):mul(t):abs() if tmp1:sum() <= tolX then -- step size below tolX verbose('step size below tolX') break end if abs(f-f_old) < tolX then -- function value changing less than tolX verbose('function value changing less than tolX') break end end -- save state state.old_dirs = old_dirs state.old_stps = old_stps state.Hdiag = Hdiag state.g_old = g_old state.f_old = f_old state.t = t state.d = d -- return optimal x, and history of f(x) return x,f_hist,currentFuncEval end