require 'torch' local myTester = torch.Tester() local tests = torch.TestSuite() function torch.HalfTensor:norm() return self:real():norm() end -- checks that an object can be written and unwritten -- returns false if an error occurs local function serializeAndDeserialize(obj) local file = torch.MemoryFile() file:binary() local ok, msg = pcall (file.writeObject, file, obj) myTester:assert(ok, 'error in writing an object' ) file:seek(1) local ok, copy = pcall(file.readObject, file) if not ok then print(copy) end myTester:assert(ok, 'error in reading an object ') return copy end function tests.test_can_write_a_nil_closure() local a local function closure() if not a then return 1 end return 0 end local copyClosure = serializeAndDeserialize(closure) myTester:assert(copyClosure() == closure(), 'the closures should give same output') end function tests.test_nil_upvalues_in_closure() local a = 1 local b local c = 2 local function closure() if not b then return c end return a end local copyClosure = serializeAndDeserialize(closure) myTester:assert(copyClosure() == closure(), 'the closures should give same output') end function tests.test_global_function_in_closure() local x = "5" local function closure(str) return tonumber(str .. x) end local copyClosure = serializeAndDeserialize(closure) myTester:assert(copyClosure("3") == closure("3"), 'the closures should give same output') end function tests.test_a_recursive_closure() local foo foo = function (level) if level == 1 then return 1 end return 1+foo(level-1) end local copyFoo = serializeAndDeserialize(foo) myTester:assert(copyFoo(42) == foo(42), 'the closures should give same output') end function tests.test_a_tensor() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do tests_test_a_tensor(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function tests_test_a_tensor(func) local x = func(torch.rand(5, 10)) local xcopy = serializeAndDeserialize(x) myTester:assert(x:norm() == xcopy:norm(), 'tensors should be the same') end -- Regression test for bug reported in issue 456. function tests.test_empty_table() local file = torch.MemoryFile() file:writeObject({}) end function tests.test_error_msg() local torch = torch local inner = { baz = function(a) torch.somefunc() end } local outer = { theinner = inner } local function evil_func() outer.prop = 1 image.compress(1) end local ok, msg = pcall(, 'saved.t7', evil_func) myTester:assert(not ok) myTester:assert(msg:find('at <%?>%.outer%.theinner%.baz%.torch') ~= nil) end function tests.test_warning_msg() local foo = {} torch.class('Bar', foo) local obj = foo.Bar() local tensor = torch.Tensor() = tensor:cdata() -- pick something NOT writable local file = torch.MemoryFile('rw'):binary() local ok, _ = pcall(torch.File.writeObject, file, obj) -- only a warning is printed on STDOUT: -- $ Warning: cannot write object field of myTester:assert(ok) file:close() end function tests.test_referenced() local file = torch.MemoryFile('rw'):binary() file:referenced(false) local foo = 'bar' file:writeObject(foo) file:close() end function tests.test_shared_upvalues() if debug.upvalueid then local i=1 local j=2 local func = {} func.increment = function() i=i+1 j=j+2 end func.get_i = function() return i end func.get_j = function() return j end local copyFunc = serializeAndDeserialize(func) myTester:assert(copyFunc.get_i()==1) myTester:assert(copyFunc.get_j()==2) copyFunc.increment() myTester:assert(copyFunc.get_i()==2) myTester:assert(copyFunc.get_j()==4) else print('Not running shared upvalues test, as we are in Lua-5.1') end end -- checks that the hook function works properly -- returns false if an error occurs function tests.test_SerializationHook() -- Simpel uuid implementation from [] -- The only goal is to aoid collisions within the scope of tests, -- so more than enough. local random = math.random local function uuid() local template ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c) local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb) return string.format('%x', v) end) end local unique1 = uuid() local unique2 = uuid() local class = {} -- Create 2 classes local spec = torch.class('class.'.. unique1, class) function spec:test() return false end local gen = torch.class('class.' .. unique2, class) function gen:test() return true end local hook = function(object) local class = class local newObject = object if torch.typename(object) == 'class.'..unique1 then newObject = class[unique2]() end return newObject end -- Write to 2 files, first without hooking, -- second with hooking local file = torch.MemoryFile('rw') file:binary() local file2 = torch.MemoryFile('rw') file2:binary() local s = class[unique1]() local object = {s1 = s, v = 'test', g = class[unique2](), s2 = s} file:writeObject(object) file2:writeObject(object, nil, hook) -- unregister class[unique1] and try to reload the first serialized object if debug and debug.getregistry then local ok, res = pcall(function() classTestSerializationHook1 = nil debug.getregistry()[classTestSerializationHook1] = nil file:seek(1) return file:readObject() end) myTester:assert(not ok) else print('Not running serialization hook failure test because debug is missing.') end -- Try to reload the second serialized object local ok, clone = pcall(function() file2:seek(1) return file2:readObject() end) -- Test that everything happened smoothly myTester:assert(clone.v == 'test') myTester:assert(torch.typename(clone.s1) == 'class.' .. unique2) myTester:assert(clone.s1:test() and clone.s2:test()) myTester:assert(string.format('%x',torch.pointer(clone.s1)) == string.format('%x',torch.pointer(clone.s2))) end function tests.test_serializeToStorage()"foo.t7", "foo") local f ="foo.t7", "rb") local size = f:seek("end") f:close() myTester:eq( torch.serializeToStorage("foo"):size(), size, "memory and disk serializations should have the same size" ) end myTester:add(tests) myTester:run() if myTester.errors[1] then os.exit(1) end