# Read Evaluate Print Loop ++  [](https://travis-ci.org/AmokHuginnsson/replxx) A small, portable GNU readline replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. Unlike GNU readline, which is GPL, this library uses a BSD license and can be used in any kind of program. ## Origin This replxx implementation is based on the work by [ArangoDB Team](https://github.com/arangodb/linenoise-ng) and [Salvatore Sanfilippo](https://github.com/antirez/linenoise) and 10gen Inc. The goal is to create a zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement usable in Apache2 or BSD licensed programs. ## Features * single-line and multi-line editing mode with the usual key bindings implemented * history handling * completion * syntax highlighting * hints * BSD license source code * Only uses a subset of VT100 escapes (ANSI.SYS compatible) * UTF8 aware * support for Linux, MacOS and Windows It deviates from Salvatore's original goal to have a minimal readline replacement for the sake of supporting UTF8 and Windows. It deviates from 10gen Inc.'s goal to create a C++ interface to linenoise. This library uses C++ internally, but to the user it provides a pure C interface that is compatible with the original linenoise API. C interface. ## Requirements To build this library, you will need a C++11-enabled compiler and some recent version of CMake. ## Build instructions ### *nix 1. Create a build directory ```bash mkdir -p build && cd build ``` 2. Build the library ```bash cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make ``` 3. Install the library at the default target location ```bash sudo make install ``` The default installation location can be adjusted by setting the `DESTDIR` variable when invoking `make install`: ```bash make DESTDIR=/tmp install ``` ### Windows 1. Create a build directory in MS-DOS command prompt ``` md build cd build ``` 2. Generate Visual Studio solution file with cmake * 32 bit: ```bash cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..` ``` * 64 bit: ```bash `cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..` ``` 3. Open the generated file `replxx.sln` in the `build` subdirectory with Visual Studio. ## Tested with... * Linux text only console ($TERM = linux) * Linux KDE terminal application ($TERM = xterm) * Linux xterm ($TERM = xterm) * Linux Buildroot ($TERM = vt100) * Mac OS X iTerm ($TERM = xterm) * Mac OS X default Terminal.app ($TERM = xterm) * OpenBSD 4.5 through an OSX Terminal.app ($TERM = screen) * IBM AIX 6.1 * FreeBSD xterm ($TERM = xterm) * ANSI.SYS * Emacs comint mode ($TERM = dumb) * Windows Please test it everywhere you can and report back! ## Let's push this forward! Patches should be provided in the respect of linenoise sensibility for small and easy to understand code that and the license restrictions. Extensions must be submitted under a BSD license-style. A contributor license is required for contributions.