#ifndef REPLXX_IO_HXX_INCLUDED #define REPLXX_IO_HXX_INCLUDED 1 #include <deque> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <vector> #include <windows.h> #else #include <termios.h> #endif #include "utf8string.hxx" namespace replxx { class Terminal { public: enum class EVENT_TYPE { KEY_PRESS, MESSAGE, TIMEOUT, RESIZE }; private: #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE _consoleOut; HANDLE _consoleIn; DWORD _origOutMode; DWORD _origInMode; bool _autoEscape; WORD _oldDisplayAttribute; UINT const _inputCodePage; UINT const _outputCodePage; HANDLE _interrupt; typedef std::deque<EVENT_TYPE> events_t; events_t _events; std::vector<char> _empty; #else struct termios _origTermios; /* in order to restore at exit */ int _interrupt[2]; #endif bool _rawMode; /* for destructor to check if restore is needed */ Utf8String _utf8; public: enum class CLEAR_SCREEN { WHOLE, TO_END }; public: Terminal( void ); ~Terminal( void ); void write32( char32_t const*, int ); void write8( char const*, int ); int get_screen_columns(void); int get_screen_rows(void); void enable_bracketed_paste( void ); void disable_bracketed_paste( void ); int enable_raw_mode(void); void disable_raw_mode(void); char32_t read_char(void); void clear_screen( CLEAR_SCREEN ); EVENT_TYPE wait_for_input( int long = 0 ); void notify_event( EVENT_TYPE ); void jump_cursor( int, int ); void set_cursor_visible( bool ); #ifndef _WIN32 int read_verbatim( char32_t*, int ); int install_window_change_handler( void ); #endif private: void enable_out( void ); void disable_out( void ); private: Terminal( Terminal const& ) = delete; Terminal& operator = ( Terminal const& ) = delete; Terminal( Terminal&& ) = delete; Terminal& operator = ( Terminal&& ) = delete; }; void beep(); char32_t read_unicode_character(void); namespace tty { extern bool in; extern bool out; } } #endif