#include <ctype.h> /* for toupper etc */ #include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf etc */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for free etc */ #include <string.h> /* for strcmp */ #include "header.h" #define DEFAULT_JAVA_PACKAGE "org.tartarus.snowball.ext" #define DEFAULT_JAVA_BASE_CLASS "org.tartarus.snowball.SnowballProgram" #define DEFAULT_JAVA_AMONG_CLASS "org.tartarus.snowball.Among" #define DEFAULT_JAVA_STRING_CLASS "java.lang.StringBuilder" #define DEFAULT_GO_PACKAGE "snowball" #define DEFAULT_GO_SNOWBALL_RUNTIME "github.com/snowballstem/snowball/go" #define DEFAULT_CS_NAMESPACE "Snowball" #define DEFAULT_CS_BASE_CLASS "Stemmer" #define DEFAULT_CS_AMONG_CLASS "Among" #define DEFAULT_CS_STRING_CLASS "StringBuilder" #define DEFAULT_JS_BASE_CLASS "BaseStemmer" #define DEFAULT_PYTHON_BASE_CLASS "BaseStemmer" static int eq(const char * s1, const char * s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0; } __attribute__((noreturn)) static void print_arglist(int exit_code) { FILE * f = exit_code ? stderr : stdout; fprintf(f, "Usage: snowball SOURCE_FILE... [OPTIONS]\n\n" "Supported options:\n" " -o[utput] file\n" " -s[yntax]\n" " -comments\n" #ifndef DISABLE_JAVA " -j[ava]\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_CSHARP " -cs[harp]\n" #endif " -c++\n" #ifndef DISABLE_PASCAL " -pascal\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_PYTHON " -py[thon]\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_JS " -js\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_RUST " -rust\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GO " -go\n" #endif " -w[idechars]\n" " -u[tf8]\n" " -n[ame] class name\n" " -ep[refix] string\n" " -vp[refix] string\n" " -i[nclude] directory\n" " -r[untime] path to runtime headers\n" " -p[arentclassname] fully qualified parent class name\n" #if !defined(DISABLE_JAVA) || !defined(DISABLE_CSHARP) " -P[ackage] package name for stemmers\n" " -S[tringclass] StringBuffer-compatible class\n" " -a[mongclass] fully qualified name of the Among class\n" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GO " -gop[ackage] Go package name for stemmers\n" " -gor[untime] Go snowball runtime package\n" #endif " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" ); exit(exit_code); } static void check_lim(int i, int argc) { if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "argument list is one short\n"); print_arglist(1); } } static FILE * get_output(symbol * b) { char * s = b_to_s(b); FILE * output = fopen(s, "w"); if (output == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open output %s\n", s); exit(1); } free(s); return output; } static int read_options(struct options * o, int argc, char * argv[]) { char * s; int i = 1; int new_argc = 1; /* Note down the last option used to specify an explicit encoding so * we can warn we ignored it for languages with a fixed encoding. */ const char * encoding_opt = NULL; /* set defaults: */ o->output_file = 0; o->syntax_tree = false; o->comments = false; o->externals_prefix = NULL; o->variables_prefix = 0; o->runtime_path = 0; o->parent_class_name = NULL; o->string_class = NULL; o->among_class = NULL; o->package = NULL; o->go_snowball_runtime = DEFAULT_GO_SNOWBALL_RUNTIME; o->name = NULL; o->make_lang = LANG_C; o->includes = 0; o->includes_end = 0; o->encoding = ENC_SINGLEBYTE; /* read options: */ while (i < argc) { s = argv[i++]; if (s[0] != '-') { /* Non-option argument - shuffle down. */ argv[new_argc++] = s; continue; } { if (eq(s, "-o") || eq(s, "-output")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->output_file = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-n") || eq(s, "-name")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->name = argv[i++]; continue; } #ifndef DISABLE_JS if (eq(s, "-js")) { o->make_lang = LANG_JAVASCRIPT; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_RUST if (eq(s, "-rust")) { o->make_lang = LANG_RUST; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GO if (eq(s, "-go")) { o->make_lang = LANG_GO; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_JAVA if (eq(s, "-j") || eq(s, "-java")) { o->make_lang = LANG_JAVA; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_CSHARP if (eq(s, "-cs") || eq(s, "-csharp")) { o->make_lang = LANG_CSHARP; continue; } #endif if (eq(s, "-c++")) { o->make_lang = LANG_CPLUSPLUS; continue; } #ifndef DISABLE_PASCAL if (eq(s, "-pascal")) { o->make_lang = LANG_PASCAL; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_PYTHON if (eq(s, "-py") || eq(s, "-python")) { o->make_lang = LANG_PYTHON; continue; } #endif if (eq(s, "-w") || eq(s, "-widechars")) { encoding_opt = s; o->encoding = ENC_WIDECHARS; continue; } if (eq(s, "-s") || eq(s, "-syntax")) { o->syntax_tree = true; continue; } if (eq(s, "-comments")) { o->comments = true; continue; } if (eq(s, "-ep") || eq(s, "-eprefix")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->externals_prefix = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-vp") || eq(s, "-vprefix")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->variables_prefix = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-i") || eq(s, "-include")) { check_lim(i, argc); { NEW(include, p); symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, argv[i++]); b = add_s_to_b(b, "/"); p->next = 0; p->b = b; if (o->includes == 0) o->includes = p; else o->includes_end->next = p; o->includes_end = p; } continue; } if (eq(s, "-r") || eq(s, "-runtime")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->runtime_path = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-u") || eq(s, "-utf8")) { encoding_opt = s; o->encoding = ENC_UTF8; continue; } if (eq(s, "-p") || eq(s, "-parentclassname")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->parent_class_name = argv[i++]; continue; } #if !defined(DISABLE_JAVA) || !defined(DISABLE_CSHARP) if (eq(s, "-P") || eq(s, "-Package")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->package = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-S") || eq(s, "-stringclass")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->string_class = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-a") || eq(s, "-amongclass")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->among_class = argv[i++]; continue; } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GO if (eq(s, "-gop") || eq(s, "-gopackage")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->package = argv[i++]; continue; } if (eq(s, "-gor") || eq(s, "-goruntime")) { check_lim(i, argc); o->go_snowball_runtime = argv[i++]; continue; } #endif if (eq(s, "--help")) { print_arglist(0); } if (eq(s, "--version")) { printf("Snowball compiler version " SNOWBALL_VERSION "\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr, "'%s' misplaced\n", s); print_arglist(1); } } if (new_argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "no source files specified\n"); print_arglist(1); } argv[new_argc] = NULL; /* Set language-dependent defaults. */ switch (o->make_lang) { case LANG_C: case LANG_CPLUSPLUS: encoding_opt = NULL; break; case LANG_CSHARP: o->encoding = ENC_WIDECHARS; if (!o->parent_class_name) o->parent_class_name = DEFAULT_CS_BASE_CLASS; if (!o->string_class) o->string_class = DEFAULT_CS_STRING_CLASS; if (!o->among_class) o->among_class = DEFAULT_CS_AMONG_CLASS; if (!o->package) o->package = DEFAULT_CS_NAMESPACE; break; case LANG_GO: o->encoding = ENC_UTF8; if (!o->package) o->package = DEFAULT_GO_PACKAGE; break; case LANG_JAVA: o->encoding = ENC_WIDECHARS; if (!o->parent_class_name) o->parent_class_name = DEFAULT_JAVA_BASE_CLASS; if (!o->string_class) o->string_class = DEFAULT_JAVA_STRING_CLASS; if (!o->among_class) o->among_class = DEFAULT_JAVA_AMONG_CLASS; if (!o->package) o->package = DEFAULT_JAVA_PACKAGE; break; case LANG_JAVASCRIPT: o->encoding = ENC_WIDECHARS; if (!o->parent_class_name) o->parent_class_name = DEFAULT_JS_BASE_CLASS; break; case LANG_PYTHON: o->encoding = ENC_WIDECHARS; if (!o->parent_class_name) o->parent_class_name = DEFAULT_PYTHON_BASE_CLASS; break; case LANG_RUST: o->encoding = ENC_UTF8; break; default: break; } if (encoding_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: %s only meaningful for C and C++\n", encoding_opt); } if (o->make_lang != LANG_C && o->make_lang != LANG_CPLUSPLUS) { if (o->runtime_path) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: -r/-runtime only meaningful for C and C++\n"); } if (o->externals_prefix) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: -ep/-eprefix only meaningful for C and C++\n"); } } if (!o->externals_prefix) o->externals_prefix = ""; if (!o->name && o->output_file) { /* Default class name to basename of output_file - this is the standard * convention for at least Java and C#. */ const char * slash = strrchr(o->output_file, '/'); size_t len; const char * leaf = (slash == NULL) ? o->output_file : slash + 1; slash = strrchr(leaf, '\\'); if (slash != NULL) leaf = slash + 1; { const char * dot = strchr(leaf, '.'); len = (dot == NULL) ? strlen(leaf) : (size_t)(dot - leaf); } { char * new_name = malloc(len + 1); switch (o->make_lang) { case LANG_CSHARP: case LANG_PASCAL: /* Upper case initial letter. */ memcpy(new_name, leaf, len); new_name[0] = toupper(new_name[0]); break; case LANG_JAVASCRIPT: case LANG_PYTHON: { /* Upper case initial letter and change each * underscore+letter or hyphen+letter to an upper case * letter. */ size_t i, j = 0; int uc_next = true; for (i = 0; i != len; ++i) { unsigned char ch = leaf[i]; if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') { uc_next = true; } else { if (uc_next) { new_name[j] = toupper(ch); uc_next = false; } else { new_name[j] = ch; } ++j; } } len = j; break; } default: /* Just copy. */ memcpy(new_name, leaf, len); break; } new_name[len] = '\0'; o->name = new_name; } } return new_argc; } extern int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int i; NEW(options, o); argc = read_options(o, argc, argv); { char * file = argv[1]; symbol * u = get_input(file); if (u == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input %s\n", file); exit(1); } { struct tokeniser * t = create_tokeniser(u, file); struct analyser * a = create_analyser(t); struct input ** next_input_ptr = &(t->next); a->encoding = t->encoding = o->encoding; t->includes = o->includes; /* If multiple source files are specified, set up the others to be * read after the first in order, using the same mechanism as * 'get' uses. */ for (i = 2; i != argc; ++i) { NEW(input, q); file = argv[i]; u = get_input(file); if (u == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input %s\n", file); exit(1); } q->p = u; q->c = 0; q->file = file; q->file_needs_freeing = false; q->line_number = 1; *next_input_ptr = q; next_input_ptr = &(q->next); } *next_input_ptr = NULL; read_program(a); if (t->error_count > 0) exit(1); if (o->syntax_tree) print_program(a); close_tokeniser(t); if (!o->syntax_tree) { struct generator * g; const char * s = o->output_file; if (!s) { fprintf(stderr, "Please include the -o option\n"); print_arglist(1); } g = create_generator(a, o); if (o->make_lang == LANG_C || o->make_lang == LANG_CPLUSPLUS) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".h"); o->output_h = get_output(b); b[SIZE(b) - 1] = 'c'; if (o->make_lang == LANG_CPLUSPLUS) { b = add_s_to_b(b, "c"); } o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_c(g); fclose(o->output_src); fclose(o->output_h); } #ifndef DISABLE_JAVA if (o->make_lang == LANG_JAVA) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".java"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_java(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_PASCAL if (o->make_lang == LANG_PASCAL) { symbol *b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".pas"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_pascal(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_PYTHON if (o->make_lang == LANG_PYTHON) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".py"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_python(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_JS if (o->make_lang == LANG_JAVASCRIPT) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".js"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_js(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_CSHARP if (o->make_lang == LANG_CSHARP) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".cs"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_csharp(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_RUST if (o->make_lang == LANG_RUST) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".rs"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_rust(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GO if (o->make_lang == LANG_GO) { symbol * b = add_s_to_b(0, s); b = add_s_to_b(b, ".go"); o->output_src = get_output(b); lose_b(b); generate_program_go(g); fclose(o->output_src); } #endif close_generator(g); } close_analyser(a); } lose_b(u); } { struct include * p = o->includes; while (p) { struct include * q = p->next; lose_b(p->b); FREE(p); p = q; } } FREE(o); if (space_count) fprintf(stderr, "%d blocks unfreed\n", space_count); return 0; }