--require 'torch' local mytester local torchtest = torch.TestSuite() local msize = 100 local precision -- Lua 5.2 compatibility local loadstring = loadstring or load local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local function maxdiff(x,y) local d = x-y if x:type() == 'torch.DoubleTensor' or x:type() == 'torch.FloatTensor' then return d:abs():max() else local dd = torch.Tensor():resize(d:size()):copy(d) return dd:abs():max() end end -- workarounds for non-existant functions function torch.HalfTensor:__sub(other) return (self:real() - other:real()):half() end function torch.HalfTensor:mean(dim) return self:real():mean(dim):half() end function torch.HalfTensor:abs() return self:real():abs():half() end function torch.HalfTensor:max() return self:real():max() end function torch.HalfTensor:add(a, b) return (self:real():add(a, b:real())):half() end function torch.HalfTensor:reshape(a, b) return (self:real():reshape(a, b)):half() end function torch.HalfTensor:fill(a) return self:real():fill(a):half() end function torchtest.dot() local types = { ['torch.DoubleTensor'] = 1e-8, -- for ddot ['torch.FloatTensor'] = 1e-4, -- for sdot } for tname, prec in pairs(types) do local v1 = torch.randn(100):type(tname) local v2 = torch.randn(100):type(tname) local res1 = torch.dot(v1,v2) local res2 = 0 for i = 1,v1:size(1) do res2 = res2 + v1[i] * v2[i] end local err = math.abs(res1-res2) mytester:assertlt(err, prec, 'error in torch.dot (' .. tname .. ')') end end local genericSingleOpTest = [[ -- [res] torch.functionname([res,] x) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.functionname(m1[{ 4,{} }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.functionname(m1[4][i]) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerrc = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerrc then maxerrc = err[i] end end -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.functionname(m1[{ {}, 4 }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.functionname(m1[i][4]) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerrnc = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerrnc then maxerrnc = err[i] end end return maxerrc, maxerrnc --]] function torchtest.sin() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'sin')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.sinh() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'sinh')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.asin() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'asin')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.cos() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'cos')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.cosh() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'cosh')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.acos() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'acos')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.tan() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'tan')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.tanh() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'tanh')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.atan() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'atan')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.log() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'log')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.sqrt() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'sqrt')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.rsqrt() local function TH_rsqrt(x) return 1 / math.sqrt(x) end local f local t = genericSingleOpTest:gsub('functionname', 'rsqrt'):gsub('math.rsqrt', 'TH_rsqrt') local env = { TH_rsqrt=TH_rsqrt, torch=torch, math=math } if not setfenv then -- Lua 5.2 f = load(t, 'test', 't', env) else f = loadstring(t) setfenv(f, env) end local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.sigmoid() -- can't use genericSingleOpTest, since `math.sigmoid` doesn't exist, have to use -- `torch.sigmoid` instead local inputValues = {-1000,-1,0,0.5,1,2,1000} local expectedOutput = {0.0000, 0.2689, 0.5, 0.6225, 0.7311, 0.8808, 1.000} local precision_4dps = 0.0002 -- float local inputFT = torch.FloatTensor(inputValues) local expectedFT = torch.FloatTensor(expectedOutput) mytester:assertlt((torch.sigmoid(inputFT) - expectedFT):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - single') mytester:assertlt((inputFT - torch.FloatTensor(inputValues)):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - single') local sigmoidFT = torch.FloatTensor(inputValues):sigmoid() mytester:assertlt((sigmoidFT - expectedFT):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - single') -- double local inputDT = torch.DoubleTensor(inputValues) local expectedDT = torch.DoubleTensor(expectedOutput) mytester:assertlt((torch.sigmoid(inputDT) - expectedDT):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - double') mytester:assertlt((inputDT - torch.DoubleTensor(inputValues)):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - double') local sigmoidDT = torch.DoubleTensor(inputValues):sigmoid() mytester:assertlt((sigmoidDT - expectedDT):abs():max(), precision_4dps, 'error in torch.sigmoid - double') end function torchtest.exp() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'exp')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.floor() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'floor')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.ceil() local f = loadstring(string.gsub(genericSingleOpTest, 'functionname', 'ceil')) local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.frac() local function TH_frac(x) return math.fmod(x, 1) end local f local t = genericSingleOpTest:gsub('functionname', 'frac'):gsub('math.frac', 'TH_frac') local env = { TH_frac=TH_frac, torch=torch, math=math } if not setfenv then -- Lua 5.2 f = load(t, 'test', 't', env) else f = loadstring(t) setfenv(f, env) end local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.trunc() local function TH_trunc(x) return x - math.fmod(x, 1) end local f local t = genericSingleOpTest:gsub('functionname', 'trunc'):gsub('math.trunc', 'TH_trunc') local env = { TH_trunc=TH_trunc, torch=torch, math=math } if not setfenv then -- Lua 5.2 f = load(t, 'test', 't', env) else f = loadstring(t) setfenv(f, env) end local maxerrc, maxerrnc = f() mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - contiguous') mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.functionname - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.round() -- [res] torch.round([res,] x) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.round(m1[{ 4,{} }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.floor(m1[4][i]+0.5) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerrc = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerrc then maxerrc = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerrc, precision, 'error in torch.round - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.round(m1[{ {}, 4 }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.floor(m1[i][4]+0.5) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerrnc = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerrnc then maxerrnc = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerrnc, precision, 'error in torch.round - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.max() -- torch.max([resval, resind,] x [,dim]) -- TH_TENSOR_BASE local m1 = torch.Tensor(8,2):fill(3):select(2, 1) local resval, resind = torch.max(m1, 1) mytester:assert(resind[1] == 1) -- torch.max( x ) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.max(m1) local res2 = m1[1][1] for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(2) do if m1[i][j] > res2 then res2 = m1[i][j] end end end local err = res1 - res2 mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.max - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(10,10,10) local m2 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local res1 = torch.max(m2) local res2 = m2[1][1] for i = 1,m2:size(1) do for j = 1,m2:size(2) do if m2[i][j] > res2 then res2 = m2[i][j] end end end local err = res1 - res2 mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.max - non-contiguous') -- torch.max([resval, resind,] x ,dim]) function lua_max(t, dim) assert(t:nDimension() == 2) max_val = t:narrow(dim, 1, 1):clone() max_ind = t:narrow(dim, 1, 1):clone():long():fill(1) other = 3 - dim for i = 1, t:size(other) do for j = 1, t:size(dim) do val = t:select(other, i):select(dim, j) max = max_val:select(other, i):select(dim, 1) if val > max then max_val:select(other, i):fill(val) max_ind:select(other, i):fill(j) end end end return max_val, max_ind end local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) for dim = 1,2 do local res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, dim) local res2val, res2ind = lua_max(m1, dim) mytester:asserteq((res1val-res2val):abs():max(), 0, 'error in torch.max') mytester:asserteq((res1ind-res2ind):abs():max(), 0, 'error in torch.max') end -- NaNs for index in pairs{1, 5, 100} do local m1 = torch.randn(100) m1[index] = 0/0 local res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 1) mytester:assert(res1val[1] ~= res1val[1], 'error in torch.max (value) - NaNs') mytester:assert(res1ind[1] == index, 'error in torch.max (index) - NaNs') local res1val = torch.max(m1) mytester:assert(res1val ~= res1val, 'error in torch.max - NaNs') end -- dim == nDim -1 local a = torch.Tensor({{1,2},{3,4}}):select(2, 1) local aval, aind = torch.max(a, 1) mytester:assert(aval[1] == 3) mytester:assert(aind[1] == 2) local b = torch.Tensor({{{1,2},{3,4}},{{5,6},{7,8}}}):select(3, 1) local bval, bind = torch.max(b, 2) mytester:assert(bval[1][1] == 3) mytester:assert(bind[1][1] == 2) mytester:assert(bval[2][1] == 7) mytester:assert(bind[2][1] == 2) end function torchtest.min() -- torch.min([resval, resind,] x [,dim]) -- torch.min( x ) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.min(m1) local res2 = m1[1][1] for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(2) do if m1[i][j] < res2 then res2 = m1[i][j] end end end local err = res1 - res2 mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.min - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(10,10,10) local m2 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local res1 = torch.min(m2) local res2 = m2[1][1] for i = 1,m2:size(1) do for j = 1,m2:size(2) do if m2[i][j] < res2 then res2 = m2[i][j] end end end local err = res1 - res2 mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.min - non-contiguous') -- torch.max([resval, resind,] x ,dim]) function lua_min(t, dim) assert(t:nDimension() == 2) max_val = t:narrow(dim, 1, 1):clone() max_ind = t:narrow(dim, 1, 1):clone():long():fill(1) other = 3 - dim for i = 1, t:size(other) do for j = 1, t:size(dim) do val = t:select(other, i):select(dim, j) max = max_val:select(other, i):select(dim, 1) if val < max then max_val:select(other, i):fill(val) max_ind:select(other, i):fill(j) end end end return max_val, max_ind end local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) for dim = 1,2 do local res1val, res1ind = torch.min(m1, dim) local res2val, res2ind = lua_min(m1, dim) mytester:asserteq((res1val-res2val):abs():max(), 0, 'error in torch.max') mytester:asserteq((res1ind-res2ind):abs():max(), 0, 'error in torch.max') end -- NaNs for index in pairs{1, 5, 100} do local m1 = torch.randn(100) m1[index] = 0/0 local res1val, res1ind = torch.min(m1, 1) mytester:assert(res1val[1] ~= res1val[1], 'error in torch.min (value) - NaNs') mytester:assert(res1ind[1] == index, 'error in torch.min (index) - NaNs') local res1val = torch.min(m1) mytester:assert(res1val ~= res1val, 'error in torch.min - NaNs') end -- TH_TENSOR_BASE local m1 = torch.Tensor(4):fill(3) local resval, resind = torch.min(m1, 1) mytester:assert(resind[1] == 1) end function torchtest.cmax() -- Two tensors. local a = torch.rand(msize, msize) local b = torch.rand(msize, msize) local c = torch.cmax(a, b) local expected_c = torch.zeros(msize, msize) expected_c:map2(a, b, function(_, a, b) return math.max(a, b) end) mytester:assertTensorEq(expected_c, c, 0, 'error in torch.cmax(tensor, tensor)') -- Tensor and scalar. local v = torch.uniform() c = torch.cmax(a, v) expected_c:map(a, function(_, a) return math.max(a, v) end) mytester:assertTensorEq(expected_c, c, 0, 'error in torch.cmax(tensor, scalar).') end function torchtest.cmin() -- Two tensors. local a = torch.rand(msize, msize) local b = torch.rand(msize, msize) local c = torch.cmin(a, b) local expected_c = torch.zeros(msize, msize) expected_c:map2(a, b, function(_, a, b) return math.min(a, b) end) mytester:assertTensorEq(expected_c, c, 0, 'error in torch.cmin(tensor, tensor)') -- Tensor and scalar. local v = torch.uniform() c = torch.cmin(a, v) expected_c:map(a, function(_, a) return math.min(a, v) end) mytester:assertTensorEq(expected_c, c, 0, 'error in torch.cmin(tensor, scalar).') end function torchtest.lerp() local function TH_lerp(a, b, weight) return a + weight * (b-a); end local a = torch.rand(msize, msize) local b = torch.rand(msize, msize) local w = math.random() local result = torch.lerp(a, b, w) local expected = a:new() expected:map2(a, b, function(_, a, b) return TH_lerp(a, b, w) end) mytester:assertTensorEq(expected, result, precision, 'error in torch.lerp(tensor, tensor, weight)') local a = (math.random()*2-1) * 100000 local b = (math.random()*2-1) * 100000 local w = math.random() local result = torch.lerp(a, b, w) local expected = TH_lerp(a, b, w) mytester:assertalmosteq(expected, result, precision, 'error in torch.lerp(scalar, scalar, weight)') end for i, v in ipairs{{10}, {5, 5}} do torchtest['allAndAny' .. i] = function () local x = torch.ones(unpack(v)):byte() mytester:assert(x:all(), 'error in all()') mytester:assert(x:any(), 'error in any()') x[3] = 0 mytester:assert(not x:all(), 'error in all()') mytester:assert(x:any(), 'error in any()') x:zero() mytester:assert(not x:all(), 'error in all()') mytester:assert(not x:any(), 'error in any()') x:fill(2) mytester:assert(x:all(), 'error in all()') mytester:assert(x:any(), 'error in any()') end end function torchtest.mv() local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local v1 = torch.randn(100) local res1 = torch.mv(m1,v1) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(2) do res2[i] = res2[i] + m1[i][j] * v1[j] end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.mv') end function torchtest.fill() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do -- [res] torch.fill([res,] tensor, value) local m1 = torch.ones(100,100):type(t) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ 3,{} }]:fill(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ 3,i }] = 2 end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.fill - contiguous') local m1 = torch.ones(100,100):type(t) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ {},3 }]:fill(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = 2 end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.fill - non contiguous') end end function torchtest.add() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do -- [res] torch.add([res,] tensor1, tensor2) local m1 = torch.randn(100,100):type(t) local v1 = torch.randn(100):type(t) local res1 = torch.add(m1[{ 4,{} }],v1) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,m1:size(2) do res2[i] = m1[4][i] + v1[i] end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.add - contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) local m1 = torch.randn(100,100):type(t) local v1 = torch.randn(100):type(t) local res1 = torch.add(m1[{ {},4 }],v1) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[i] = m1[i][4] + v1[i] end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.add - non contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) -- [res] torch.add([res,] tensor, value) local m1 = torch.randn(10,10):type(t) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ 3,{} }]:add(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ 3,i }] = res2[{ 3,i }] + 2 end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.add - scalar, contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) local m1 = torch.randn(10,10) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ {},3 }]:add(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] + 2 end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.add - scalar, non contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) -- [res] torch.add([res,] tensor1, value, tensor2) end end function torchtest.csub() local rngState = torch.getRNGState() torch.manualSeed(123) local a = torch.randn(100,90) local b = a:clone():normal() local res_add = torch.add(a, -1, b) local res_csub = a:clone() res_csub:csub(b) mytester:assertlt((res_add - res_csub):abs():max(), 0.00001) local _ = torch.setRNGState(rngState) end function torchtest.csub_scalar() local rngState = torch.getRNGState() torch.manualSeed(123) local a = torch.randn(100,100) local scalar = 123.5 local res_add = torch.add(a, -scalar) local res_csub = a:clone() res_csub:csub(scalar) mytester:assertlt((res_add - res_csub):abs():max(), 0.00001) local _ = torch.setRNGState(rngState) end function torchtest.neg() local rngState = torch.getRNGState() torch.manualSeed(123) local a = torch.randn(100,90) local zeros = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(a):zero() local res_add = torch.add(zeros, -1, a) local res_neg = a:clone() res_neg:neg() mytester:assertlt((res_add - res_neg):abs():max(), 0.00001) local _ = torch.setRNGState(rngState) end function torchtest.cinv() local rngState = torch.getRNGState() torch.manualSeed(123) local a = torch.randn(100,89) local zeros = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(a):zero() local res_pow = torch.pow(a, -1) local res_inv = a:clone() res_inv:cinv() mytester:assertlt((res_pow - res_inv):abs():max(), 0.00001) local _ = torch.setRNGState(rngState) end function torchtest.mul() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do local m1 = torch.randn(10,10):type(t) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ {},3 }]:mul(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] * 2 end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.mul - scalar, non contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) end end function torchtest.div() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do local m1 = torch.Tensor(10,10):uniform(0,10):type(t) local res1 = m1:clone() res1[{ {},3 }]:div(2) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do local ok = pcall(function() res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] / 2 end) if not ok then res2[{ i,3 }] = torch.floor(res2[{ i,3 }] / 2) end end local err = (res1-res2):double():abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.div - scalar, non contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) end end function torchtest.lshift() local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2 local f = math.pow(2, q) res1[{ {},3 }]:lshift(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] * f end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.lshift - scalar, non contiguous') local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2 res1:lshift(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,j }] = res2[{ i,j }] * f end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.lshift - scalar, contiguous') end function torchtest.rshift() local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2 local f = math.pow(2, q) res1[{ {},3 }]:rshift(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = math.floor(res2[{ i,3 }] / f) end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.rshift - scalar, non contiguous') local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2 res1:rshift(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,j }] = math.floor(res2[{ i,j }] / f) end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.rshift - scalar, contiguous') end function torchtest.fmod() local m1 = torch.Tensor(10,10):uniform(-10, 10) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2.1 res1[{ {},3 }]:fmod(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = math.fmod(res2[{ i,3 }], q) end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.fmod - scalar, non contiguous') end function torchtest.remainder() local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10):uniform(-10, 10) local res1 = m1:clone() local q = 2.1 res1[{ {},3 }]:remainder(q) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] % q end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.remainder - scalar, non contiguous') end function torchtest.bitand() local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() local val = 32 -- This should be a power of 2 res1[{ {},3 }]:bitand(val - 1) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = res2[{ i,3 }] % val end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.bitand - scalar, non contiguous') local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,100) local res1 = m1:clone() res1:bitand(val - 1) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,j }] = res2[{ i,j }] % val end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.bitand - scalar, contiguous') end function torchtest.bitor() local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,10000) local res1 = m1:clone() local val = 32 -- This should be a power of 2 res1[{ {},3 }]:bitor(val-1) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,3 }] = math.floor(res2[{ i,3 }] / val) * val + (val - 1) end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.bitor - scalar, non contiguous') local m1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,10000) local res1 = m1:clone() res1:bitor(val - 1) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do for j = 1,m1:size(1) do res2[{ i,j }] = math.floor(res2[{ i,j }] / val) * val + (val - 1) end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.bitor - scalar, contiguous') end function torchtest.cbitxor() local t1 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(0,10000) local t2 = torch.LongTensor(10,10):random(10001,20000) -- Perform xor swap and check results local t3 = torch.cbitxor(t1, t2) local r1 = torch.cbitxor(t3, t2) local r2 = torch.cbitxor(t3, t1) local err1 = (r1 - t1):abs():max() local err2 = (r2 - t2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err1 + err2, precision, 'error in torch.cbitxor contiguous') end function torchtest.mm() -- helper function local function matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) local n = mat1:size(1) local m = mat1:size(2) local p = mat2:size(2) local res = torch.zeros(n,p) for i = 1, n do for j = 1, p do local sum = 0 for k = 1, m do sum = sum + mat1[i][k]*mat2[k][j] end res[i][j] = sum end end return res end -- contiguous case local n, m, p = 10, 10, 5 local mat1 = torch.randn(n,m) local mat2 = torch.randn(m,p) local res = torch.mm(mat1,mat2) local res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res,res2,precision,'error in torch.mm') -- non contiguous case 1 local n, m, p = 10, 10, 5 local mat1 = torch.randn(n,m) local mat2 = torch.randn(p,m):t() local res = torch.mm(mat1,mat2) local res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res,res2,precision,'error in torch.mm, non contiguous') -- non contiguous case 2 local n, m, p = 10, 10, 5 local mat1 = torch.randn(m,n):t() local mat2 = torch.randn(m,p) local res = torch.mm(mat1,mat2) local res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res,res2,precision,'error in torch.mm, non contiguous') -- non contiguous case 3 local n, m, p = 10, 10, 5 local mat1 = torch.randn(m,n):t() local mat2 = torch.randn(p,m):t() local res = torch.mm(mat1,mat2) local res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res,res2,precision,'error in torch.mm, non contiguous') -- test with zero stride local n, m, p = 10, 10, 5 local mat1 = torch.randn(n,m) local mat2 = torch.randn(m,1):expand(m,p) local res = torch.mm(mat1,mat2) local res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1,mat2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res,res2,precision,'error in torch.mm, non contiguous, zero stride') end function torchtest.bmm() local num_batches = 10 local M, N, O = 23, 8, 12 local b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N) local b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O) local res = torch.bmm(b1, b2) for i = 1, num_batches do local r = torch.mm(b1[i], b2[i]) mytester:assertTensorEq(r, res[i], precision, 'result matrix ' .. i .. ' wrong') end end function torchtest.addbmm() local num_batches = 10 local M, N, O = 12, 8, 5 local b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N) local b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O) local res = torch.bmm(b1, b2) local res2 = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(res[1]):zero() res2:addbmm(b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res:sum(1)[1], precision, 'addbmm result wrong') res2:addbmm(1,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res:sum(1)[1]*2, precision, 'addbmm result wrong') res2:addbmm(1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res:sum(1)[1]*2.5, precision, 'addbmm result wrong') local res3 = torch.addbmm(1,res2,0,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res3, res2, precision, 'addbmm result wrong') local res4 = torch.addbmm(1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res4, res:sum(1)[1]*3, precision, 'addbmm result wrong') local res5 = torch.addbmm(0,res2,1,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res5, res:sum(1)[1], precision, 'addbmm result wrong') local res6 = torch.addbmm(.1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res6, res2*.1 + res:sum(1)*.5, precision, 'addbmm result wrong') end function torchtest.baddbmm() local num_batches = 10 local M, N, O = 12, 8, 5 local b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N) local b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O) local res = torch.bmm(b1, b2) local res2 = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(res):zero() res2:baddbmm(b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') res2:baddbmm(1,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res*2, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') res2:baddbmm(1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res2, res*2.5, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') local res3 = torch.baddbmm(1,res2,0,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res3, res2, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') local res4 = torch.baddbmm(1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res4, res*3, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') local res5 = torch.baddbmm(0,res2,1,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res5, res, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') local res6 = torch.baddbmm(.1,res2,.5,b1,b2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res6, res2*.1 + res*.5, precision, 'baddbmm result wrong') end function torchtest.clamp() local m1 = torch.rand(100):mul(5):add(-2.5) -- uniform in [-2.5, 2.5] -- just in case we're extremely lucky: local min_val = -1 local max_val = 1 m1[1] = min_val m1[2] = max_val local res1 = m1:clone() res1:clamp(min_val, max_val) local res2 = m1:clone() for i = 1,m1:size(1) do if res2[i] > max_val then res2[i] = max_val elseif res2[i] < min_val then res2[i] = min_val end end local err = (res1-res2):abs():max() mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error in torch.clamp - scalar, non contiguous') end function torchtest.pow() -- [res] torch.pow([res,] x) -- base - tensor, exponent - number -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.pow(m1[{ 4,{} }], 3) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.pow(m1[4][i], 3) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.pow - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.pow(m1[{ {}, 4 }], 3) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.pow(m1[i][4], 3) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.pow - non-contiguous') -- base - number, exponent - tensor -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.pow(3, m1[{ 4,{} }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.pow(3, m1[4][i]) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.pow - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(100,100) local res1 = torch.pow(3, m1[{ {}, 4 }]) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,res1:size(1) do res2[i] = math.pow(3, m1[i][4]) end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do err[i] = math.abs(res1[i] - res2[i]) end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do if err[i] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i] end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.pow - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.cdiv() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do -- [res] torch.cdiv([res,] tensor1, tensor2) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(0,10):type(t) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10, 10 * 10):uniform(0,10):type(t) m2[m2:eq(0)] = 2 local sm1 = m1[{4, {}, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{4, {}}] local res1 = torch.cdiv(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j local ok = pcall(function() res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] / sm2[idx1d] end) if not ok then res2[i][j] = torch.floor(sm1[i][j] / sm2[idx1d]) end end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cdiv - contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(0,10):type(t) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10 * 10, 10 * 10):uniform(0,10):type(t) m2[m2:eq(0)] = 2 local sm1 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{{}, 4}] local res1 = torch.cdiv(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j local ok = pcall(function() res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] / sm2[idx1d] end) if not ok then res2[i][j] = torch.floor(sm1[i][j] / sm2[idx1d]) end end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cdiv - non-contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) end end function torchtest.cfmod() -- contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(-10, 10) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10, 10 * 10):uniform(-3, 3) local sm1 = m1[{4, {}, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{4, {}}] local res1 = torch.cfmod(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = math.fmod(sm1[i][j], sm2[idx1d]) end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cfmod - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(-10, 10) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10 * 10, 10 * 10):uniform(-3, 3) local sm1 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{{}, 4}] local res1 = torch.cfmod(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = math.fmod(sm1[i][j], sm2[idx1d]) end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cfmod - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.cremainder() -- contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(-10, 10) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10, 10 * 10):uniform(-3, 3) local sm1 = m1[{4, {}, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{4, {}}] local res1 = torch.cremainder(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] % sm2[idx1d] end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cremainder - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10, 10):uniform(-10, 10) local m2 = torch.Tensor(10 * 10, 10 * 10):uniform(-3, 3) local sm1 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{{}, 4}] local res1 = torch.cremainder(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] % sm2[idx1d] end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cremainder - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.cmul() local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } for k,t in ipairs(types) do -- [res] torch.cmul([res,] tensor1, tensor2) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10):type(t) local m2 = torch.randn(10, 10 * 10):type(t) local sm1 = m1[{4, {}, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{4, {}}] local res1 = torch.cmul(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] * sm2[idx1d] end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cmul - contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10):type(t) local m2 = torch.randn(10 * 10, 10 * 10):type(t) local sm1 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{{}, 4}] local res1 = torch.cmul(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = sm1[i][j] * sm2[idx1d] end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cmul - non-contiguous' .. ' ' .. t) end end function torchtest.cpow() -- [res] torch.cpow([res,] tensor1, tensor2) -- contiguous local m1 = torch.rand(10, 10, 10) local m2 = torch.rand(10, 10 * 10) local sm1 = m1[{4, {}, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{4, {}}] local res1 = torch.cpow(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = math.pow(sm1[i][j], sm2[idx1d]) end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cpow - contiguous') -- non-contiguous local m1 = torch.rand(10, 10, 10) local m2 = torch.rand(10 * 10, 10 * 10) local sm1 = m1[{{}, 4, {}}] local sm2 = m2[{{}, 4}] local res1 = torch.cpow(sm1, sm2) local res2 = res1:clone():zero() for i = 1,sm1:size(1) do for j = 1, sm1:size(2) do local idx1d = (((i-1)*sm1:size(1)))+j res2[i][j] = math.pow(sm1[i][j],sm2[idx1d]) end end local err = res1:clone():zero() -- find absolute error for i = 1, res1:size(1) do for j = 1, res1:size(2) do err[i][j] = math.abs(res1[i][j] - res2[i][j]) end end -- find maximum element of error local maxerr = 0 for i = 1, err:size(1) do for j = 1, err:size(2) do if err[i][j] > maxerr then maxerr = err[i][j] end end end mytester:assertlt(maxerr, precision, 'error in torch.cpow - non-contiguous') end function torchtest.sum() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.sum(x,2) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.sum(mxx,x,2) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.sum value') local y = torch.rand(5, 5, 5) for i=1,3 do local a = y:sum(i) local b = y:narrow(i, 1, 1):clone():zero() for j = 1, 5 do b:add(y:narrow(i, j, 1)) end mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a, b), 0, 'torch.sum value') end end function torchtest.prod() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.prod(x,2) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.prod(mxx,x,2) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.prod value') local y = torch.rand(5, 5, 5) for i=1,3 do local a = y:prod(i) local b = y:narrow(i, 1, 1):clone():fill(1) for j = 1, 5 do b:cmul(y:narrow(i, j, 1)) end mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a, b), 0, 'torch.sum value') end end function torchtest.cumsum() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.cumsum(x,2) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.cumsum(mxx,x,2) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.cumsum value') end function torchtest.cumprod() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.cumprod(x,2) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.cumprod(mxx,x,2) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.cumprod value') end function torchtest.cross() local x = torch.rand(msize,3,msize) local y = torch.rand(msize,3,msize) local mx = torch.cross(x,y) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.cross(mxx,x,y) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.cross value') end function torchtest.zeros() local mx = torch.zeros(msize,msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.zeros(mxx,msize,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.zeros value') end function torchtest.histc() local x = torch.Tensor{ 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4 } local y = torch.histc(x, 5, 1, 5) -- nbins, min, max local z = torch.Tensor{ 0, 3, 0, 2, 1 } mytester:assertTensorEq(y,z,precision,'error in torch.histc') end function torchtest.bhistc() local x = torch.Tensor(3, 6) x[1] = torch.Tensor{ 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4 } x[2] = torch.Tensor{ 3, 5, 1, 5, 3, 5 } x[3] = torch.Tensor{ 3, 4, 2, 5, 5, 1 } local y = torch.bhistc(x, 5, 1, 5) -- nbins, min, max local z = torch.Tensor(3, 5) z[1] = torch.Tensor{ 0, 3, 0, 2, 1 } z[2] = torch.Tensor{ 1, 0, 2, 0, 3 } z[3] = torch.Tensor{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 } mytester:assertTensorEq(y,z,precision,'error in torch.bhistc in last dimension') end function torchtest.ones() local mx = torch.ones(msize,msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.ones(mxx,msize,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.ones value') end function torchtest.diag() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.diag(x) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.diag(mxx,x) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.diag value') end function torchtest.eye() local mx = torch.eye(msize,msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.eye(mxx,msize,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.eye value') end function torchtest.renorm() local m1 = torch.randn(10,5) local res1 = torch.Tensor() local m2 local function renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm) local m1 = matrix:transpose(dim, 1):contiguous() -- collapse non-dim dimensions: m2 = m1:reshape(m1:size(1), m1:nElement()/m1:size(1)) local norms = m2:norm(value,2) -- clip local new_norms = norms:clone() new_norms[torch.gt(norms, max_norm)] = max_norm new_norms:cdiv(norms:add(1e-7)) -- renormalize m1:cmul(new_norms:expandAs(m1)) return m1:transpose(dim, 1) end -- note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1) local maxnorm = m1:norm(2,1):mean() m2 = renorm(m1,2,2,maxnorm) m1:renorm(2,2,maxnorm) mytester:assertTensorEq(m1, m2, 0.00001, 'error in renorm') mytester:assertTensorEq(m1:norm(2,1), m2:norm(2,1), 0.00001, 'error in renorm') m1 = torch.randn(3,4,5) m2 = m1:transpose(2,3):contiguous():reshape(15,4) maxnorm = m2:norm(2,1):mean() m2 = renorm(m2,2,2,maxnorm) m1:renorm(2,2,maxnorm) local m3 = m1:transpose(2,3):contiguous():reshape(15,4) mytester:assertTensorEq(m3, m2, 0.00001, 'error in renorm') mytester:assertTensorEq(m3:norm(2,1), m2:norm(2,1), 0.00001, 'error in renorm') end function torchtest.multinomialwithreplacement() local n_row = 3 for n_col=4,5 do local t=os.time() torch.manualSeed(t) local prob_dist = torch.rand(n_row,n_col) prob_dist:select(2,n_col):fill(0) --index n_col shouldn't be sampled local n_sample = n_col local sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, true) mytester:assert(prob_dist:dim() == 2, "wrong number of prob_dist dimensions") mytester:assert(sample_indices:size(2) == n_sample, "wrong number of samples") for i=1,n_row do for j=1,n_sample do mytester:assert(sample_indices[{i,j}] ~= n_col, "sampled an index with zero probability") end end end end function torchtest.multinomialwithoutreplacement() local n_row = 3 for n_col=4,5 do local t=os.time() torch.manualSeed(t) local prob_dist = torch.rand(n_row,n_col) prob_dist:select(2,n_col):fill(0) --index n_col shouldn't be sampled local n_sample = 3 local sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, false) mytester:assert(prob_dist:dim() == 2, "wrong number of prob_dist dimensions") mytester:assert(sample_indices:size(2) == n_sample, "wrong number of samples") for i=1,n_row do local row_samples = {} for j=1,n_sample do local sample_idx = sample_indices[{i,j}] mytester:assert( sample_idx ~= n_col, "sampled an index with zero probability" ) mytester:assert( not row_samples[sample_idx], "sampled an index twice" ) row_samples[sample_idx] = true end end end end function torchtest.multinomialvector() local n_col = 4 local t=os.time() torch.manualSeed(t) local prob_dist = torch.rand(n_col) local n_sample = n_col local sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, true) local s_dim = sample_indices:dim() mytester:assert(s_dim == 1, "wrong number of returned dimensions: "..s_dim) mytester:assert(prob_dist:dim() == 1, "wrong number of prob_dist dimensions") mytester:assert(sample_indices:size(1) == n_sample, "wrong number of samples") end function torchtest.range() local mx = torch.range(0,1) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.range(mxx,0,1) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.range value') -- Check range for non-contiguous tensors. local x = torch.zeros(2, 3) local y = x:narrow(2, 2, 2) y:range(0, 3) mytester:assertTensorEq(x, torch.Tensor{{0, 0, 1}, {0, 2, 3}}, 1e-16, 'non-contiguous range failed') end function torchtest.rangenegative() local mx = torch.Tensor({1,0}) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.range(mxx,1,0,-1) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.range value for negative step') end function torchtest.rangeequalbounds() local mx = torch.Tensor({1}) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.range(mxx,1,1,-1) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.range value for equal bounds step') torch.range(mxx,1,1,1) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.range value for equal bounds step') end function torchtest.rangefloat() local mx = torch.FloatTensor():range(0.6, 0.9, 0.1) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1), 4, 'wrong size for FloatTensor range') mx = torch.FloatTensor():range(1, 10, 0.3) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1), 31, 'wrong size for FloatTensor range') end function torchtest.rangedouble() local mx = torch.DoubleTensor():range(0.6, 0.9, 0.1) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1), 4, 'wrong size for DoubleTensor range') mx = torch.DoubleTensor():range(1, 10, 0.3) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1), 31, 'wrong size for DoubleTensor range') end function torchtest.randperm() local t=os.time() torch.manualSeed(t) local mx = torch.randperm(msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.manualSeed(t) torch.randperm(mxx,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.randperm value') end function torchtest.reshape() local x = torch.rand(10,13,23) local mx = torch.reshape(x,130,23) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.reshape(mxx,x,130,23) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.reshape value') end local function assertIsOrdered(order, x, mxx, ixx, task) local areOrdered if order == 'descending' then areOrdered = function(a, b) return a >= b end elseif order == 'ascending' then areOrdered = function(a, b) return a <= b end else error('unknown order "' .. order .. '", must be "ascending" or "descending"') end local decreasing = true for j = 1,msize do for k = 2,msize do decreasing = decreasing and areOrdered(mxx[j][k-1], mxx[j][k]) end end mytester:assert(decreasing, 'torch.sort (' .. order .. ') values unordered for ' .. task) local seen = torch.ByteTensor(msize) local indicesCorrect = true for k = 1,msize do seen:zero() for j = 1,msize do indicesCorrect = indicesCorrect and (x[k][ixx[k][j]] == mxx[k][j]) seen[ixx[k][j]] = 1 end indicesCorrect = indicesCorrect and (torch.sum(seen) == msize) end mytester:assert(indicesCorrect, 'torch.sort (' .. order .. ') indices wrong for ' .. task) end function torchtest.sortAscending() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx,ix = torch.sort(x) -- Test use of result tensor local mxx = torch.Tensor() local ixx = torch.LongTensor() torch.sort(mxx,ixx,x) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.sort (ascending) value') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(ix,ixx),0,'torch.sort (ascending) index') -- Test sorting of random numbers assertIsOrdered('ascending', x, mxx, ixx, 'random') mytester:assertTensorEq( torch.sort(torch.Tensor{ 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 }), torch.Tensor{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }, 1e-16, "torch.sort (ascending) simple sort" ) -- Test that we still have proper sorting with duplicate keys local x = torch.floor(torch.rand(msize,msize)*10) torch.sort(mxx,ixx,x) assertIsOrdered('ascending', x, mxx, ixx, 'random with duplicate keys') end function torchtest.sortDescending() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx,ix = torch.sort(x,true) -- Test use of result tensor local mxx = torch.Tensor() local ixx = torch.LongTensor() torch.sort(mxx,ixx,x,true) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.sort (descending) value') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(ix,ixx),0,'torch.sort (descending) index') -- Test sorting of random numbers assertIsOrdered('descending', x, mxx, ixx, 'random') -- Test simple sort task mytester:assertTensorEq( torch.sort(torch.Tensor{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 },true), torch.Tensor{ 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 }, 1e-16, "torch.sort (descending) simple sort" ) -- Test that we still have proper sorting with duplicate keys assertIsOrdered('descending', x, mxx, ixx, 'random with duplicate keys') end function torchtest.topK() local function topKViaSort(t, k, dim, dir) local sorted, indices = t:sort(dim, dir) return sorted:narrow(dim, 1, k), indices:narrow(dim, 1, k) end local function compareTensors(t, res1, ind1, res2, ind2, dim, msg) -- Values should be exactly equivalent mytester:assertTensorEq(res1, res2, 0, msg) -- Indices might differ based on the implementation, since there is -- no guarantee of the relative order of selection if ind1:eq(ind2):min() == 0 then -- To verify that the indices represent equivalent elements, -- gather from the input using the topk indices and compare against -- the sort indices local vals = t:gather(dim, ind2) mytester:assertTensorEq(res1, vals, 0, msg) end end local function compare(t, k, dim, dir, msg) local topKVal, topKInd = t:topk(k, dim, dir, true) local sortKVal, sortKInd = topKViaSort(t, k, dim, dir) compareTensors(t, sortKVal, sortKInd, topKVal, topKInd, dim, msg) end local t = torch.rand(math.random(1, msize), math.random(1, msize), math.random(1, msize)) for kTries = 1, 3 do for dimTries = 1, 3 do for _, transpose in ipairs({true, false}) do for _, dir in ipairs({true, false}) do local testTensor = t local transposeMsg = nil if transpose then local dim1 = math.random(1, t:nDimension()) local dim2 = dim1 while dim1 == dim2 do dim2 = math.random(1, t:nDimension()) end testTensor = t:transpose(dim1, dim2) transposeMsg = 'transpose(' .. dim1 .. ', ' .. dim2 .. ')' end local dim = math.random(1, testTensor:nDimension()) local k = math.random(1, testTensor:size(dim)) local msg = 'topk(' .. k .. ', ' .. dim .. ', ' .. tostring(dir) .. ', true)' if transposeMsg then msg = msg .. ' ' .. transposeMsg end compare(testTensor, k, dim, dir, msg) end end end end end function torchtest.kthvalue() local x = torch.rand(msize, msize, msize) local x0 = x:clone() do local k = math.random(1, msize) local mx, ix = torch.kthvalue(x, k) local mxx, ixx = torch.sort(x) mytester:assertTensorEq(mxx:select(3, k), mx:select(3, 1), 0, 'torch.kthvalue value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ixx:select(3, k), ix:select(3, 1), 0, 'torch.kthvalue index') end do -- test use of result tensors local k = math.random(1, msize) local mx = torch.Tensor() local ix = torch.LongTensor() torch.kthvalue(mx, ix, x, k) local mxx, ixx = torch.sort(x) mytester:assertTensorEq(mxx:select(3, k), mx:select(3, 1), 0, 'torch.kthvalue value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ixx:select(3, k), ix:select(3, 1), 0, 'torch.kthvalue index') end do -- test non-default dim local k = math.random(1, msize) local mx, ix = torch.kthvalue(x, k, 1) local mxx, ixx = torch.sort(x, 1) mytester:assertTensorEq(mxx:select(1, k), mx[1], 0, 'torch.kthvalue value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ixx:select(1, k), ix[1], 0, 'torch.kthvalue index') end do -- non-contiguous local y = x:narrow(2, 1, 1) local y0 = y:clone() local k = math.random(1, msize) local my, ix = torch.kthvalue(y, k) local my0, ix0 = torch.kthvalue(y0, k) mytester:assertTensorEq(my, my0, 0, 'torch.kthvalue value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ix, ix0, 0, 'torch.kthvalue index') end mytester:assertTensorEq(x, x0, 0, 'torch.kthvalue modified input') -- simple test case (with repetitions) local y = torch.Tensor{3,5,4,1,1,5} mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.kthvalue(y, 3), torch.Tensor{3}, 1e-16, 'torch.kthvalue simple') mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.kthvalue(y, 2), torch.Tensor{1}, 1e-16, 'torch.kthvalue simple') end function torchtest.median() for _, msize in ipairs{155,156} do local x = torch.rand(msize, msize) local x0 = x:clone() local mx, ix = torch.median(x) local mxx, ixx = torch.sort(x) local ind = math.floor((msize+1)/2) mytester:assertTensorEq(mxx:select(2, ind), mx:select(2, 1), 0, 'torch.median value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ixx:select(2, ind), ix:select(2, 1), 0, 'torch.median index') -- Test use of result tensor local mr = torch.Tensor() local ir = torch.LongTensor() torch.median(mr, ir, x) mytester:assertTensorEq(mr, mx, 0, 'torch.median result tensor value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ir, ix, 0, 'torch.median result tensor index') -- Test non-default dim mx, ix = torch.median(x, 1) mxx, ixx = torch.sort(x, 1) mytester:assertTensorEq(mxx:select(1, ind), mx[1], 0, 'torch.median value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ixx:select(1, ind), ix[1], 0, 'torch.median index') -- input unchanged mytester:assertTensorEq(x, x0, 0, 'torch.median modified input') end end function torchtest.mode() local x = torch.range(1, msize * msize):reshape(msize, msize) x:select(1, 1):fill(1) x:select(1, 2):fill(1) x:select(2, 1):fill(1) x:select(2, 2):fill(1) local x0 = x:clone() -- Pre-calculated results. local res = torch.Tensor(msize):fill(1) -- The indices are the position of the last appearance of the mode element. local resix = torch.LongTensor(msize):fill(2) resix[1] = msize resix[2] = msize local mx, ix = torch.mode(x) mytester:assertTensorEq(res:view(msize, 1), mx, 0, 'torch.mode value') mytester:assertTensorEq(resix:view(msize, 1), ix, 0, 'torch.mode index') -- Test use of result tensor local mr = torch.Tensor() local ir = torch.LongTensor() torch.mode(mr, ir, x) mytester:assertTensorEq(mr, mx, 0, 'torch.mode result tensor value') mytester:assertTensorEq(ir, ix, 0, 'torch.mode result tensor index') -- Test non-default dim mx, ix = torch.mode(x, 1) mytester:assertTensorEq(res:view(1, msize), mx, 0, 'torch.mode value') mytester:assertTensorEq(resix:view(1, msize), ix, 0, 'torch.mode index') local input = torch.Tensor({ {1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2}, {1.5, 2, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 5}, }) local value, index = torch.mode(input) local expected_value = torch.Tensor({{2}, {1.5}}) mytester:assertTensorEq(value, expected_value) -- input unchanged mytester:assertTensorEq(x, x0, 0, 'torch.mode modified input') end function torchtest.tril() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.tril(x) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.tril(mxx,x) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.tril value') end function torchtest.triu() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mx = torch.triu(x) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.triu(mxx,x) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.tril value') end function torchtest.cat() for dim = 1, 3 do local x = torch.rand(13, msize, msize):transpose(1, dim) local y = torch.rand(17, msize, msize):transpose(1, dim) local mx = torch.cat(x, y, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx:narrow(dim, 1, 13), x, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx:narrow(dim, 14, 17), y, 0, 'torch.cat value') local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.cat(mxx, x, y, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, mxx, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.rand(1,2,3) local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat(x,y,dim) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1),1,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(2),2,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(3),3,'torch.cat size') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, x, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat(x,y,dim) mytester:asserteq(mx:dim(),0,'torch.cat dim') end local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.rand(1,2,3) local mx = torch.cat(x,y) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1),1,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(2),2,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(3),3,'torch.cat size') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, y, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat(x,y) mytester:asserteq(mx:dim(),0,'torch.cat dim') end function torchtest.catArray() for dim = 1, 3 do local x = torch.rand(13, msize, msize):transpose(1, dim) local y = torch.rand(17, msize, msize):transpose(1, dim) local z = torch.rand(19, msize, msize):transpose(1, dim) local mx = torch.cat({x, y, z}, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx:narrow(dim, 1, 13), x, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx:narrow(dim, 14, 17), y, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx:narrow(dim, 31, 19), z, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertError(function() torch.cat{} end, 'torch.cat empty table') local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.cat(mxx, {x, y, z}, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, mxx, 0, 'torch.cat value') torch.cat(mxx:float(), {x:float(), y:float(), z:float()}, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, mxx, 0, 'torch.cat value') torch.cat(mxx:double(), {x:double(), y:double(), z:double()}, dim) mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, mxx, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.rand(1,2,3) local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat({x,y},dim) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1),1,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(2),2,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(3),3,'torch.cat size') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, x, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat({x,y},dim) mytester:asserteq(mx:dim(),0,'torch.cat dim') end local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.rand(1,2,3) local mx = torch.cat({x,y}) mytester:asserteq(mx:size(1),1,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(2),2,'torch.cat size') mytester:asserteq(mx:size(3),3,'torch.cat size') mytester:assertTensorEq(mx, y, 0, 'torch.cat value') local x = torch.Tensor() local y = torch.Tensor() local mx = torch.cat({x,y}) mytester:asserteq(mx:dim(),0,'torch.cat dim') end function torchtest.catNoDim() local a local b local c a = torch.Tensor(msize):uniform() b = torch.Tensor(msize):uniform() c = torch.cat(a, b) mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(1, 1, msize), a, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(1, msize + 1, msize), b, 0, 'torch.cat value') a = torch.Tensor(1, msize):uniform() b = torch.Tensor(1, msize):uniform() c = torch.cat(a, b) mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(2, 1, msize), a, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(2, msize + 1, msize), b, 0, 'torch.cat value') a = torch.Tensor(10, msize):uniform() b = torch.Tensor(10, msize):uniform() c = torch.cat(a, b) mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(2, 1, msize), a, 0, 'torch.cat value') mytester:assertTensorEq(c:narrow(2, msize + 1, msize), b, 0, 'torch.cat value') end function torchtest.sin_2() local x = torch.rand(msize,msize,msize) local mx = torch.sin(x) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.sin(mxx,x) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.sin value') end function torchtest.linspace() local from = math.random() local to = from+math.random() local mx = torch.linspace(from,to,137) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.linspace(mxx,from,to,137) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.linspace value') mytester:assertError(function() torch.linspace(0,1,1) end, 'accepted 1 point between 2 distinct endpoints') mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.linspace(0,0,1),torch.zeros(1),1e-16, 'failed to generate for torch.linspace(0,0,1)') -- Check linspace for generating with start > end. mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.linspace(2,0,3), torch.Tensor{2,1,0}, 1e-16, 'failed to generate for torch.linspace(2,0,3)') -- Check linspace for non-contiguous tensors. local x = torch.zeros(2, 3) local y = x:narrow(2, 2, 2) y:linspace(0, 3, 4) mytester:assertTensorEq(x, torch.Tensor{{0, 0, 1}, {0, 2, 3}}, 1e-16, 'non-contiguous linspace failed') end function torchtest.logspace() local from = math.random() local to = from+math.random() local mx = torch.logspace(from,to,137) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.logspace(mxx,from,to,137) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.logspace value') mytester:assertError(function() torch.logspace(0,1,1) end, 'accepted 1 point between 2 distinct endpoints') mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.logspace(0,0,1),torch.ones(1),1e-16, 'failed to generate for torch.linspace(0,0,1)') -- Check logspace for generating with start > end. mytester:assertTensorEq(torch.logspace(1,0,2), torch.Tensor{10, 1}, 1e-16, 'failed to generate for torch.logspace(1,0,2)') -- Check logspace for non-contiguous tensors. local x = torch.zeros(2, 3) local y = x:narrow(2, 2, 2) y:logspace(0, 3, 4) mytester:assertTensorEq(x, torch.Tensor{{0, 1, 10}, {0, 100, 1000}}, 1e-16, 'non-contiguous logspace failed') end function torchtest.rand() torch.manualSeed(123456) local mx = torch.rand(msize,msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.manualSeed(123456) torch.rand(mxx,msize,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.rand value') end function torchtest.randn() torch.manualSeed(123456) local mx = torch.randn(msize,msize) local mxx = torch.Tensor() torch.manualSeed(123456) torch.randn(mxx,msize,msize) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.randn value') end function torchtest.gesv() if not torch.gesv then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03}, {-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86}, {9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99}}):t() local mx = torch.gesv(b,a) mytester:assertlt(b:dist(a*mx),1e-12,'torch.gesv') local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() local mxx = torch.gesv(tb,ta,b,a) local mxxx = torch.gesv(b,a,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gesv value temp') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,b),0,'torch.gesv value flag') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.gesv value out1') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxxx),0,'torch.gesv value out2') end function torchtest.gesv_reuse() if not torch.gesv then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03}, {-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86}, {9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99}}):t() local mx = torch.gesv(b,a) local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() torch.gesv(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gesv value temp') torch.gesv(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gesv value reuse') end function torchtest.trtrs() if not torch.trtrs then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03}, {-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86}, {9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99}}):t() local U = torch.triu(a) local L = torch.tril(a) -- solve Ux = b local x = torch.trtrs(b, U) mytester:assertlt(b:dist(U*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') x = torch.trtrs(b, U, 'U', 'N', 'N') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(U*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') -- solve Lx = b x = torch.trtrs(b, L, 'L') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(L*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') x = torch.trtrs(b, L, 'L', 'N', 'N') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(L*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') -- solve U'x = b x = torch.trtrs(b, U, 'U', 'T') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(U:t()*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') x = torch.trtrs(b, U, 'U', 'T', 'N') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(U:t()*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') -- solve U'x = b by manual transposition y = torch.trtrs(b, U:t(), 'L', 'N') mytester:assertlt(x:dist(y),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') -- solve L'x = b x = torch.trtrs(b, L, 'L', 'T') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(L:t()*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') x = torch.trtrs(b, L, 'L', 'T', 'N') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(L:t()*x),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') -- solve L'x = b by manual transposition y = torch.trtrs(b, L:t(), 'U', 'N') mytester:assertlt(x:dist(y),1e-12,'torch.trtrs') end function torchtest.trtrs_reuse() if not torch.trtrs then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03}, {-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86}, {9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99}}):t() local mx = torch.trtrs(b,a) local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() torch.trtrs(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.trtrs value temp') tb:zero() torch.trtrs(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.trtrs value reuse') end function torchtest.gels_uniquely_determined() if not torch.gels then return end local expectedNorm = 0 local a=torch.Tensor({{ 1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34}, {-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09}, {-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28}, {4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28}, {9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26}}):t() local a_copy = a:clone() local b_copy = b:clone() local mx = torch.gels(b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,mx)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() local mxx = torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local mxxx = torch.gels(b,a,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a_copy,b)-b_copy):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gels value temp') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,b),0,'torch.gels value flag') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.gels value out1') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxxx),0,'torch.gels value out2') end function torchtest.gels_reuse() if not torch.gels then return end local expectedNorm = 0 local a=torch.Tensor({{ 1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34}, {-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09}, {-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28}, {4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28}, {9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26}}):t() local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') end function torchtest.gels_overdetermined() if not torch.gels then return end local expectedNorm = 17.390200628863 local a=torch.Tensor({{ 1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34, 7.08, -5.45}, {-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09, 2.52, -5.70}, {-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28, 0.74, -1.19}, {4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06, -2.47, 4.70}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28, 5.72, 8.93}, {9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26, -7.36, -2.52}}):t() local a_copy = a:clone() local b_copy = b:clone() local mx = torch.gels(b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a, mx)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() local mxx = torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local mxxx = torch.gels(b,a,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a_copy,b)-b_copy):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gels value temp') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,b),0,'torch.gels value flag') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.gels value out1') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxxx),0,'torch.gels value out2') end function torchtest.gels_underdetermined() if not torch.gels then return end local expectedNorm = 0 local a=torch.Tensor({{ 1.44, -9.96, -7.55}, {-7.84, -0.28, 3.24}, {-4.39, -3.24, 6.27}, {4.53, 3.83, -6.64}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{8.58, 8.26, 8.48}, {9.35, -4.43, -0.70}}):t() local a_copy = a:clone() local b_copy = b:clone() local mx = torch.gels(b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,mx)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local ta = torch.Tensor() local tb = torch.Tensor() local mxx = torch.gels(tb,ta,b,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(a,a_copy),0,'torch.gels changed a') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(b,b_copy),0,'torch.gels changed b') mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a,tb)-b):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') local mxxx = torch.gels(b,a,b,a) mytester:assertalmosteq((torch.mm(a_copy,b)-b_copy):norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8, 'torch.gels wrong answer') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,tb),0,'torch.gels value temp') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,b),0,'torch.gels value flag') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxx),0,'torch.gels value out1') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(mx,mxxx),0,'torch.gels value out2') end function torchtest.eig() if not torch.eig then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{ 1.96, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}, {-6.49, 3.80, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}, {-0.47, -6.39, 4.17, 0.00, 0.00}, {-7.20, 1.50, -1.51, 5.70, 0.00}, {-0.65, -6.34, 2.67, 1.80, -7.10}}):t():clone() local e = torch.eig(a) local ee,vv = torch.eig(a,'V') local te = torch.Tensor() local tv = torch.Tensor() local eee,vvv = torch.eig(te,tv,a,'V') mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(e,ee),1e-12,'torch.eig value') mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(ee,eee),1e-12,'torch.eig value') mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(ee,te),1e-12,'torch.eig value') mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(vv,vvv),1e-12,'torch.eig value') mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(vv,tv),1e-12,'torch.eig value') end function torchtest.eig_reuse() if not torch.eig then return end local X = torch.randn(4,4) X = X:t()*X local e, v = torch.zeros(4,2), torch.zeros(4,4) torch.eig(e, v, X,'V') local Xhat = v * torch.diag(e:select(2,1)) * v:t() mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') mytester:assert(not v:isContiguous(), 'V is contiguous') torch.eig(e, v, X, 'V') local Xhat = torch.mm(v, torch.mm(e:select(2,1):diag(), v:t())) mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') mytester:assert(not v:isContiguous(), 'V is contiguous') end function torchtest.eig_noncontig() if not torch.eig then return end local X = torch.randn(4,4) X = X:t()*X local e = torch.zeros(4,2,2)[{ {}, 2, {} }] local v = torch.zeros(4,2,4)[{ {}, 2, {} }] mytester:assert(not v:isContiguous(), 'V is contiguous') mytester:assert(not e:isContiguous(), 'E is contiguous') torch.eig(e, v, X,'V') local Xhat = v * torch.diag(e:select(2,1)) * v:t() mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') end function torchtest.test_symeig() if not torch.symeig then return end local xval = torch.rand(100,3) local cov = torch.mm(xval:t(), xval) local rese = torch.zeros(3) local resv = torch.zeros(3,3) -- First call to symeig mytester:assert(resv:isContiguous(), 'resv is not contiguous') -- PASS torch.symeig(rese, resv, cov:clone(), 'V') local ahat = resv*torch.diag(rese)*resv:t() mytester:assertTensorEq(cov, ahat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') -- PASS -- Second call to symeig mytester:assert(not resv:isContiguous(), 'resv is contiguous') -- FAIL torch.symeig(rese, resv, cov:clone(), 'V') local ahat = torch.mm(torch.mm(resv, torch.diag(rese)), resv:t()) mytester:assertTensorEq(cov, ahat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') -- FAIL end function torchtest.symeig_noncontig() if not torch.symeig then return end local X = torch.rand(5,5) X = X:t()*X local e = torch.zeros(4,2):select(2,2) local v = torch.zeros(4,2,4)[{ {}, 2, {} }] mytester:assert(not v:isContiguous(), 'V is contiguous') mytester:assert(not e:isContiguous(), 'E is contiguous') torch.symeig(e, v, X,'V') local Xhat = v * torch.diag(e) * v:t() mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong') end function torchtest.svd() if not torch.svd then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{8.79, 6.11, -9.15, 9.57, -3.49, 9.84}, {9.93, 6.91, -7.93, 1.64, 4.02, 0.15}, {9.83, 5.04, 4.86, 8.83, 9.80, -8.99}, {5.45, -0.27, 4.85, 0.74, 10.00, -6.02}, {3.16, 7.98, 3.01, 5.80, 4.27, -5.31}}):t():clone() local u,s,v = torch.svd(a) local uu = torch.Tensor() local ss = torch.Tensor() local vv = torch.Tensor() local uuu,sss,vvv = torch.svd(uu,ss,vv,a) mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(u,uu),0,'torch.svd') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(u,uuu),0,'torch.svd') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(s,ss),0,'torch.svd') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(s,sss),0,'torch.svd') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(v,vv),0,'torch.svd') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(v,vvv),0,'torch.svd') end function torchtest.svd_reuse() if not torch.svd then return end local X = torch.randn(4,4) local U, S, V = torch.svd(X) local Xhat = torch.mm(U, torch.mm(S:diag(), V:t())) mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong') mytester:assert(not U:isContiguous(), 'U is contiguous') torch.svd(U, S, V, X) local Xhat = torch.mm(U, torch.mm(S:diag(), V:t())) mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong') end function torchtest.svd_noncontig() if not torch.svd then return end local X = torch.randn(5,5) local U = torch.zeros(5,2,5)[{ {}, 2, {} }] local S = torch.zeros(5,2)[{ {}, 2 }] local V = torch.zeros(5,2,5)[{ {}, 2, {} }] mytester:assert(not U:isContiguous(), 'U is contiguous') mytester:assert(not S:isContiguous(), 'S is contiguous') mytester:assert(not V:isContiguous(), 'V is contiguous') torch.svd(U, S, V, X) local Xhat = torch.mm(U, torch.mm(S:diag(), V:t())) mytester:assertTensorEq(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong') end function torchtest.inverse() if not torch.inverse then return end local M = torch.randn(5,5) local MI = torch.inverse(M) local E = torch.eye(5) mytester:assert(not MI:isContiguous(), 'MI is contiguous') mytester:assertalmosteq(maxdiff(E,torch.mm(M,MI)), 0, 1e-8, 'inverse value') mytester:assertalmosteq(maxdiff(E,torch.mm(MI,M)), 0, 1e-8, 'inverse value') local MII = torch.Tensor(5,5) torch.inverse(MII, M) mytester:assert(not MII:isContiguous(), 'MII is contiguous') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(MII, MI), 0, 'inverse value in-place') -- second call, now that MII is transposed torch.inverse(MII, M) mytester:assert(not MII:isContiguous(), 'MII is contiguous') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(MII, MI), 0, 'inverse value in-place') end function torchtest.conv2() local x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(50,100)),math.floor(torch.uniform(50,100))) local k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(10,20)),math.floor(torch.uniform(10,20))) local imvc = torch.conv2(x,k) local imvc2 = torch.conv2(x,k,'V') local imfc = torch.conv2(x,k,'F') local ki = k:clone(); local ks = k:storage() local kis = ki:storage() for i=ks:size(),1,-1 do kis[ks:size()-i+1]=ks[i] end local imvx = torch.xcorr2(x,ki) local imvx2 = torch.xcorr2(x,ki,'V') local imfx = torch.xcorr2(x,ki,'F') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvc2),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvx),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvx2),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imfc,imfx),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:assertlt(math.abs(x:dot(x)-torch.xcorr2(x,x)[1][1]),1e-10,'torch.conv2') local xx = torch.Tensor(2,x:size(1),x:size(2)) xx[1]:copy(x) xx[2]:copy(x) local kk = torch.Tensor(2,k:size(1),k:size(2)) kk[1]:copy(k) kk[2]:copy(k) local immvc = torch.conv2(xx,kk) local immvc2 = torch.conv2(xx,kk,'V') local immfc = torch.conv2(xx,kk,'F') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc[1],immvc[2]),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc[1],imvc),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc2[1],imvc2),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immfc[1],immfc[2]),0,'torch.conv2') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immfc[1],imfc),0,'torch.conv2') end function torchtest.conv3() local x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)), math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)), math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40))) local k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)), math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)), math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10))) local imvc = torch.conv3(x,k) local imvc2 = torch.conv3(x,k,'V') local imfc = torch.conv3(x,k,'F') local ki = k:clone(); local ks = k:storage() local kis = ki:storage() for i=ks:size(),1,-1 do kis[ks:size()-i+1]=ks[i] end local imvx = torch.xcorr3(x,ki) local imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x,ki,'V') local imfx = torch.xcorr3(x,ki,'F') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvc2),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvx),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imvc,imvx2),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(imfc,imfx),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:assertlt(math.abs(x:dot(x)-torch.xcorr3(x,x)[1][1][1]),4*1e-10,'torch.conv3') local xx = torch.Tensor(2,x:size(1),x:size(2),x:size(3)) xx[1]:copy(x) xx[2]:copy(x) local kk = torch.Tensor(2,k:size(1),k:size(2),k:size(3)) kk[1]:copy(k) kk[2]:copy(k) local immvc = torch.conv3(xx,kk) local immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx,kk,'V') local immfc = torch.conv3(xx,kk,'F') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc[1],immvc[2]),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc[1],imvc),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immvc2[1],imvc2),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immfc[1],immfc[2]),0,'torch.conv3') mytester:asserteq(maxdiff(immfc[1],imfc),0,'torch.conv3') end function torchtest.xcorr3_xcorr2_eq() local ix = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iy = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iz = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local kx = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local ky = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local kz = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local x = torch.rand(ix,iy,iz) local k = torch.rand(kx,ky,kz) local o3 = torch.xcorr3(x,k) local o32 = torch.zeros(o3:size()) for i=1,o3:size(1) do for j=1,k:size(1) do o32[i]:add(torch.xcorr2(x[i+j-1],k[j])) end end mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(o3,o32),precision,'torch.conv3_conv2_eq') end function torchtest.fxcorr3_fxcorr2_eq() local ix = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iy = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iz = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local kx = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local ky = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local kz = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local x = torch.rand(ix,iy,iz) local k = torch.rand(kx,ky,kz) local o3 = torch.xcorr3(x,k,'F') local o32 = torch.zeros(o3:size()) for i=1,x:size(1) do for j=1,k:size(1) do o32[i+j-1]:add(torch.xcorr2(x[i],k[k:size(1)-j + 1],'F')) end end mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(o3,o32),precision,'torch.conv3_conv2_eq') end function torchtest.conv3_conv2_eq() local ix = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iy = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iz = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local kx = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local ky = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local kz = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local x = torch.rand(ix,iy,iz) local k = torch.rand(kx,ky,kz) local o3 = torch.conv3(x,k) local o32 = torch.zeros(o3:size()) for i=1,o3:size(1) do for j=1,k:size(1) do o32[i]:add(torch.conv2(x[i+j-1],k[k:size(1)-j+1])) end end mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(o3,o32),precision,'torch.conv3_conv2_eq') end function torchtest.fconv3_fconv2_eq() local ix = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iy = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local iz = math.floor(torch.uniform(20,40)) local kx = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local ky = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local kz = math.floor(torch.uniform(5,10)) local x = torch.rand(ix,iy,iz) local k = torch.rand(kx,ky,kz) local o3 = torch.conv3(x,k,'F') local o32 = torch.zeros(o3:size()) for i=1,x:size(1) do for j=1,k:size(1) do o32[i+j-1]:add(torch.conv2(x[i],k[j],'F')) end end mytester:assertlt(maxdiff(o3,o32),precision,'torch.conv3_conv2_eq') end function torchtest.logical() local x = torch.rand(100,100)*2-1; local xx = x:clone() local xgt = torch.gt(x,1) local xlt = torch.lt(x,1) local xeq = torch.eq(x,1) local xne = torch.ne(x,1) local neqs = xgt+xlt local all = neqs + xeq mytester:asserteq(neqs:sum(), xne:sum(), 'torch.logical') mytester:asserteq(x:nElement(),all:double():sum() , 'torch.logical') end function torchtest.RNGState() local state = torch.getRNGState() local stateCloned = state:clone() local before = torch.rand(1000) mytester:assert(state:ne(stateCloned):long():sum() == 0, 'getRNGState should have value semantics, but appears to have reference semantics') torch.setRNGState(state) local after = torch.rand(1000) mytester:assertTensorEq(before, after, 1e-16, 'getRNGState/setRNGState not generating same sequence') end function torchtest.RNGStateAliasing() torch.manualSeed(1) local unused = torch.uniform() -- Fork the random number stream at this point local gen = torch.Generator() torch.setRNGState(gen, torch.getRNGState()) local target_value = torch.rand(1000) --Dramatically alter the internal state of the main generator local also_unused = torch.rand(100000) local forked_value = torch.rand(gen, 1000) mytester:assertTensorEq(target_value, forked_value, 1e-16, "RNG has not forked correctly.") end function torchtest.serializeGenerator() local generator = torch.Generator() torch.manualSeed(generator, 123) local differentGenerator = torch.Generator() torch.manualSeed(differentGenerator, 124) local serializedGenerator = torch.serialize(generator) local deserializedGenerator = torch.deserialize(serializedGenerator) local generated = torch.random(generator) local differentGenerated = torch.random(differentGenerator) local deserializedGenerated = torch.random(deserializedGenerator) mytester:asserteq(generated, deserializedGenerated, 'torch.Generator changed internal state after being serialized') mytester:assertne(generated, differentGenerated, 'Generators with different random seed should not produce the same output') end function torchtest.testBoxMullerState() torch.manualSeed(123) local odd_number = 101 local seeded = torch.randn(odd_number) local state = torch.getRNGState() local midstream = torch.randn(odd_number) torch.setRNGState(state) local repeat_midstream = torch.randn(odd_number) torch.manualSeed(123) local reseeded = torch.randn(odd_number) mytester:assertTensorEq(midstream, repeat_midstream, 1e-16, 'getRNGState/setRNGState not generating same sequence of normally distributed numbers') mytester:assertTensorEq(seeded, reseeded, 1e-16, 'repeated calls to manualSeed not generating same sequence of normally distributed numbers') end function torchtest.testCholesky() local x = torch.rand(10,10) local A = torch.mm(x, x:t()) ---- Default Case local C = torch.potrf(A) local B = torch.mm(C:t(), C) mytester:assertTensorEq(A, B, 1e-14, 'potrf did not allow rebuilding the original matrix') ---- Test Upper Triangular local U = torch.potrf(A, 'U') B = torch.mm(U:t(), U) mytester:assertTensorEq(A, B, 1e-14, 'potrf (upper) did not allow rebuilding the original matrix') ---- Test Lower Triangular local L = torch.potrf(A, 'L') B = torch.mm(L, L:t()) mytester:assertTensorEq(A, B, 1e-14, 'potrf (lower) did not allow rebuilding the original matrix') end function torchtest.potrs() if not torch.potrs then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() local b=torch.Tensor({{4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03}, {-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86}, {9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99}}):t() ---- Make sure 'a' is symmetric PSD a = torch.mm(a, a:t()) ---- Upper Triangular Test local U = torch.potrf(a, 'U') local x = torch.potrs(b, U, 'U') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(a*x),1e-12,"torch.potrs; uplo='U'") ---- Lower Triangular Test local L = torch.potrf(a, 'L') x = torch.potrs(b, L, 'L') mytester:assertlt(b:dist(a*x),1e-12,"torch.potrs; uplo='L") end function torchtest.potri() if not torch.potrs then return end local a=torch.Tensor({{6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23}, {-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08}, {-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04}, {8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14}, {-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87}}):t() ---- Make sure 'a' is symmetric PSD a = torch.mm(a, a:t()) ---- Compute inverse directly local inv0 = torch.inverse(a) ---- Default case local chol = torch.potrf(a) local inv1 = torch.potri(chol) mytester:assertlt(inv0:dist(inv1),1e-12,"torch.potri; uplo=''") ---- Upper Triangular Test chol = torch.potrf(a, 'U') inv1 = torch.potri(chol, 'U') mytester:assertlt(inv0:dist(inv1),1e-12,"torch.potri; uplo='U'") ---- Lower Triangular Test chol = torch.potrf(a, 'L') inv1 = torch.potri(chol, 'L') mytester:assertlt(inv0:dist(inv1),1e-12,"torch.potri; uplo='L'") end function torchtest.pstrf() local function checkPsdCholesky(a, uplo, inplace) local u, piv, args, a_reconstructed if inplace then u = torch.Tensor(a:size()) piv = torch.IntTensor(a:size(1)) args = {u, piv, a} else args = {a} end if uplo then table.insert(args, uplo) end u, piv = torch.pstrf(unpack(args)) if uplo == 'L' then a_reconstructed = torch.mm(u, u:t()) else a_reconstructed = torch.mm(u:t(), u) end piv = piv:long() local a_permuted = a:index(1, piv):index(2, piv) mytester:assertTensorEq(a_permuted, a_reconstructed, 1e-14, 'torch.pstrf did not allow rebuilding the original matrix;' .. 'uplo=' .. tostring(uplo)) end local dimensions = { {5, 1}, {5, 3}, {5, 5}, {10, 10} } for _, dim in pairs(dimensions) do local m = torch.Tensor(unpack(dim)):uniform() local a = torch.mm(m, m:t()) -- add a small number to the diagonal to make the matrix numerically positive semidefinite for i = 1, m:size(1) do a[i][i] = a[i][i] + 1e-7 end checkPsdCholesky(a, nil, false) checkPsdCholesky(a, 'U', false) checkPsdCholesky(a, 'L', false) checkPsdCholesky(a, nil, true) checkPsdCholesky(a, 'U', true) checkPsdCholesky(a, 'L', true) end end function torchtest.testNumel() local b = torch.ByteTensor(3, 100, 100) mytester:asserteq(b:nElement(), 3*100*100, "nElement not right") mytester:asserteq(b:numel(), 3*100*100, "numel not right") end -- Generate a tensor of size `size` whose values are ascending integers from -- `start` (or 1, if `start is not given) local function consecutive(size, start) local sequence = torch.ones(torch.Tensor(size):prod(1)[1]):cumsum(1) if start then sequence:add(start - 1) end return sequence:resize(unpack(size)) end function torchtest.index() local badIndexMsg = "Lookup with valid index should return correct result" local reference = consecutive{3, 3, 3} mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[1], consecutive{3, 3}, 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[2], consecutive({3, 3}, 10), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[3], consecutive({3, 3}, 19), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{1}], consecutive{3, 3}, 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{2}], consecutive({3, 3}, 10), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{3}], consecutive({3, 3}, 19), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{1,2}], consecutive({3}, 4), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{{1,2}}], consecutive({2, 3, 3}), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) mytester:asserteq(reference[{3, 3, 3}], 27, badIndexMsg) mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[{}], consecutive{3, 3, 3}, 1e-16, badIndexMsg) local shouldErrorMsg = "Lookup with too many indices should error" mytester:assertError(function() return reference[{1, 1, 1, 1}] end, shouldErrorMsg) mytester:assertError(function() return reference[{1, 1, 1, {1, 1}}] end, shouldErrorMsg) mytester:assertError(function() return reference[{3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}] end, shouldErrorMsg) end function torchtest.newIndex() local badIndexMsg = "Assignment to valid index should produce correct result" local reference = consecutive{3, 3, 3} -- This relies on __index__() being correct - but we have separate tests for that local function checkPartialAssign(index) local reference = torch.zeros(3, 3, 3) reference[index] = consecutive{3, 3, 3}[index] mytester:assertTensorEq(reference[index], consecutive{3, 3, 3}[index], 1e-16, badIndexMsg) reference[index] = 0 mytester:assertTensorEq(reference, torch.zeros(3, 3, 3), 1e-16, badIndexMsg) end checkPartialAssign{1} checkPartialAssign{2} checkPartialAssign{3} checkPartialAssign{1,2} checkPartialAssign{2,3} checkPartialAssign{1,3} checkPartialAssign{} local shouldErrorMsg = "Assignment with too many indices should error" mytester:assertError(function() reference[{1, 1, 1, 1}] = 1 end, shouldErrorMsg) mytester:assertError(function() reference[{1, 1, 1, {1, 1}}] = 1 end, shouldErrorMsg) mytester:assertError(function() reference[{3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}] = 1 end, shouldErrorMsg) end function torchtest.indexCopy() local nCopy, nDest = 3, 20 local dest = torch.randn(nDest,4,5) local src = torch.randn(nCopy,4,5) local idx = torch.randperm(nDest):narrow(1, 1, nCopy):long() local dest2 = dest:clone() dest:indexCopy(1, idx, src) for i=1,idx:size(1) do dest2[idx[i]]:copy(src[i]) end mytester:assertTensorEq(dest, dest2, 0.000001, "indexCopy tensor error") local dest = torch.randn(nDest) local src = torch.randn(nCopy) local idx = torch.randperm(nDest):narrow(1, 1, nCopy):long() local dest2 = dest:clone() dest:indexCopy(1, idx, src) for i=1,idx:size(1) do dest2[idx[i]] = src[i] end mytester:assertTensorEq(dest, dest2, 0.000001, "indexCopy scalar error") end function torchtest.indexAdd() local nCopy, nDest = 3, 20 local dest = torch.randn(nDest,4,5) local src = torch.randn(nCopy,4,5) local idx = torch.randperm(nDest):narrow(1, 1, nCopy):long() local dest2 = dest:clone() dest:indexAdd(1, idx, src) for i=1,idx:size(1) do dest2[idx[i]]:add(src[i]) end mytester:assertTensorEq(dest, dest2, 0.000001, "indexAdd tensor error") local dest = torch.randn(nDest) local src = torch.randn(nCopy) local idx = torch.randperm(nDest):narrow(1, 1, nCopy):long() local dest2 = dest:clone() dest:indexAdd(1, idx, src) for i=1,idx:size(1) do dest2[idx[i]] = dest2[idx[i]] + src[i] end mytester:assertTensorEq(dest, dest2, 0.000001, "indexAdd scalar error") end -- Fill idx with valid indices. local function fillIdx(idx, dim, dim_size, elems_per_row, m, n, o) for i = 1, (dim == 1 and 1 or m) do for j = 1, (dim == 2 and 1 or n) do for k = 1, (dim == 3 and 1 or o) do local ii = {i, j, k} ii[dim] = {} idx[ii] = torch.randperm(dim_size)[{{1, elems_per_row}}] end end end end function torchtest.gather() local m, n, o = torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20) local elems_per_row = torch.random(10) local dim = torch.random(3) local src = torch.randn(m, n, o) local idx_size = {m, n, o} idx_size[dim] = elems_per_row local idx = torch.LongTensor():resize(unpack(idx_size)) fillIdx(idx, dim, src:size(dim), elems_per_row, m, n, o) local actual = torch.gather(src, dim, idx) local expected = torch.Tensor():resize(unpack(idx_size)) for i = 1, idx_size[1] do for j = 1, idx_size[2] do for k = 1, idx_size[3] do local ii = {i, j, k} ii[dim] = idx[i][j][k] expected[i][j][k] = src[ii] end end end mytester:assertTensorEq(actual, expected, 0, "Wrong values for gather") idx[1][1][1] = 23 mytester:assertError(function() torch.gather(src, dim, idx) end, "Invalid index not detected") end function torchtest.gatherMax() local src = torch.randn(3, 4, 5) local expected, idx = src:max(3) local actual = torch.gather(src, 3, idx) mytester:assertTensorEq(actual, expected, 0, "Wrong values for gather") end function torchtest.scatter() local m, n, o = torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20) local elems_per_row = torch.random(10) local dim = torch.random(3) local idx_size = {m, n, o} idx_size[dim] = elems_per_row local idx = torch.LongTensor():resize(unpack(idx_size)) fillIdx(idx, dim, ({m, n, o})[dim], elems_per_row, m, n, o) local src = torch.Tensor():resize(unpack(idx_size)):normal() local actual = torch.zeros(m, n, o):scatter(dim, idx, src) local expected = torch.zeros(m, n, o) for i = 1, idx_size[1] do for j = 1, idx_size[2] do for k = 1, idx_size[3] do local ii = {i, j, k} ii[dim] = idx[i][j][k] expected[ii] = src[i][j][k] end end end mytester:assertTensorEq(actual, expected, 0, "Wrong values for scatter") idx[1][1][1] = 34 mytester:assertError(function() torch.zeros(m, n, o):scatter(dim, idx, src) end, "Invalid index not detected") end function torchtest.scatterFill() local m, n, o = torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20), torch.random(10, 20) local elems_per_row = torch.random(10) local dim = torch.random(3) local val = torch.uniform() local idx_size = {m, n, o} idx_size[dim] = elems_per_row local idx = torch.LongTensor():resize(unpack(idx_size)) fillIdx(idx, dim, ({m, n, o})[dim], elems_per_row, m, n, o) local actual = torch.zeros(m, n, o):scatter(dim, idx, val) local expected = torch.zeros(m, n, o) for i = 1, idx_size[1] do for j = 1, idx_size[2] do for k = 1, idx_size[3] do local ii = {i, j, k} ii[dim] = idx[i][j][k] expected[ii] = val end end end mytester:assertTensorEq(actual, expected, 0, "Wrong values for scatter") idx[1][1][1] = 28 mytester:assertError(function() torch.zeros(m, n, o):scatter(dim, idx, val) end, "Invalid index not detected") end function torchtest.maskedCopy() local nCopy, nDest = 3, 10 local dest = torch.randn(nDest) local src = torch.randn(nCopy) local mask = torch.ByteTensor{0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0} local dest2 = dest:clone() dest:maskedCopy(mask, src) local j = 1 for i=1,nDest do if mask[i] == 1 then dest2[i] = src[j] j = j + 1 end end mytester:assertTensorEq(dest, dest2, 0.000001, "maskedCopy error") -- make source bigger than number of 1s in mask src = torch.randn(nDest) local ok = pcall(dest.maskedCopy, dest, mask, src) mytester:assert(ok, "maskedCopy incorrect complaint when" .. " src is bigger than mask's one count") src = torch.randn(nCopy - 1) -- make src smaller. this should fail local ok = pcall(dest.maskedCopy, dest, mask, src) mytester:assert(not ok, "maskedCopy not erroring when" .. " src is smaller than mask's one count") end function torchtest.maskedSelect() local nSrc = 10 local src = torch.randn(nSrc) local mask = torch.rand(nSrc):mul(2):floor():byte() local dst = torch.Tensor() dst:maskedSelect(src, mask) local dst2 = {} for i=1,nSrc do if mask[i] == 1 then table.insert(dst2, src[i]) end end mytester:assertTensorEq(dst, torch.DoubleTensor(dst2), 0.000001, "maskedSelect error") end function torchtest.maskedFill() local nDst = 10 local dst = torch.randn(nDst) local mask = torch.rand(nDst):mul(2):floor():byte() local val = math.random() local dst2 = dst:clone() dst:maskedFill(mask, val) for i=1,nDst do if mask[i] == 1 then dst2[i] = val end end mytester:assertTensorEq(dst, dst2, 0.000001, "maskedFill error") end function torchtest.abs() local size = 1000 local range = 1000 local original = torch.rand(size):mul(range) -- Tensor filled with {-1,1} local switch = torch.rand(size):mul(2):floor():mul(2):add(-1) local types = {'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor'} for k,t in ipairs(types) do local data = original:type(t) local switch = switch:type(t) local input = torch.cmul(data, switch) mytester:assertTensorEq(input:abs(), data, 1e-16, 'Error in abs() for '..t) end -- Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor local bignumber if torch.LongTensor():elementSize() > 4 then bignumber = 2^31 + 1 else bignumber = 2^15 + 1 end local input = torch.LongTensor{-bignumber} mytester:assertgt(input:abs()[1], 0, 'torch.abs(3)') end function torchtest.classInModule() -- Need a global for this module _mymodule123 = {} local x = torch.class('_mymodule123.myclass') mytester:assert(x ~= nil, 'Could not create class in module') -- Remove the global _G['_mymodule123'] = nil debug.getregistry()['_mymodule123.myclass']=nil end function torchtest.classNoModule() local x = torch.class('_myclass123') mytester:assert(x ~= nil, 'Could not create class in module') debug.getregistry()['_myclass123'] = nil end function torchtest.type() local objects = {torch.DoubleTensor(), {}, nil, 2, "asdf"} local types = {'torch.DoubleTensor', 'table', 'nil', 'number', 'string'} for i,obj in ipairs(objects) do mytester:assert(torch.type(obj) == types[i], "wrong type "..types[i]) end end function torchtest.isTypeOfInheritance() do local A = torch.class('A') local B, parB = torch.class('B', 'A') local C, parC = torch.class('C', 'A') end local a, b, c = A(), B(), C() mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(a, 'A'), 'isTypeOf error, string spec') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(a, A), 'isTypeOf error, constructor') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(b, 'B'), 'isTypeOf error child class') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(b, B), 'isTypeOf error child class ctor') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(b, 'A'), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(b, A), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(c, 'B'), 'isTypeOf error: common parent') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(c, B), 'isTypeOf error: common parent') debug.getregistry()['A'] = nil debug.getregistry()['B'] = nil debug.getregistry()['C'] = nil end function torchtest.isTypeOfPartial() do local TorchDummy = torch.class('TorchDummy') local OtherTorchDummy = torch.class('OtherTorchDummy') local TorchMember = torch.class('TorchMember') local OtherTorchMember = torch.class('OtherTorchMember') local FirstTorchMember = torch.class('FirstTorchMember', 'TorchMember') local SecondTorchMember = torch.class('SecondTorchMember', 'TorchMember') local ThirdTorchMember = torch.class('ThirdTorchMember', 'OtherTorchMember') end local td, otd = TorchDummy(), OtherTorchDummy() local tm, ftm, stm, ttm = TorchMember(), FirstTorchMember(), SecondTorchMember(), ThirdTorchMember() mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(td, 'OtherTorchDummy'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect partial match') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(otd, 'TorchDummy'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect partial match') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(tm, 'TorchMember'), 'isTypeOf error, string spec') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(tm, TorchMember), 'isTypeOf error, constructor') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(ftm, 'FirstTorchMember'), 'isTypeOf error child class') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(ftm, FirstTorchMember), 'isTypeOf error child class ctor') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(ftm, 'TorchMember'), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(ftm, TorchMember), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(stm, 'FirstTorchMember'), 'isTypeOf error: common parent') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(stm, FirstTorchMember), 'isTypeOf error: common parent') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(ttm, TorchMember), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(ttm, 'TorchMember'), 'isTypeOf error: inheritance') debug.getregistry()['TorchDummy'] = nil debug.getregistry()['OtherTorchDummy'] = nil debug.getregistry()['TorchMember'] = nil debug.getregistry()['OtherTorchMember'] = nil debug.getregistry()['FirstTorchMember'] = nil debug.getregistry()['SecondTorchMember'] = nil debug.getregistry()['ThirdTorchMember'] = nil end function torchtest.isTypeOfPattern() local t = torch.LongTensor() mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(t, torch.LongTensor), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(t, torch.IntTensor), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(t, 'torch.LongTensor'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(t, 'torch.Long'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(t, 'torch.*Tensor'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(torch.isTypeOf(t, '.*Long'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') mytester:assert(not torch.isTypeOf(t, 'torch.IntTensor'), 'isTypeOf error: incorrect match') end function torchtest.isTensor() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_isTensor(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_isTensor(func) local t = func(torch.randn(3,4)) mytester:assert(torch.isTensor(t), 'error in isTensor') mytester:assert(torch.isTensor(t[1]), 'error in isTensor for subTensor') mytester:assert(not torch.isTensor(t[1][2]), 'false positive in isTensor') mytester:assert(torch.Tensor.isTensor(t), 'alias not working') end function torchtest.isStorage() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_isStorage(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_isStorage(func) local t = torch.randn(3,4) mytester:assert(torch.isStorage(t:storage()), 'error in isStorage') mytester:assert(not torch.isStorage(t), 'false positive in isStorage') end function torchtest.view() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_view(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_view(func) local tensor = func(torch.rand(15)) local template = func(torch.rand(3,5)) local target = template:size():totable() mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:viewAs(template):size():totable(), target, 'Error in viewAs') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:view(3,5):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:view(torch.LongStorage{3,5}):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using LongStorage') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:view(-1,5):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using dimension -1') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:view(3,-1):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using dimension -1') local tensor_view = tensor:view(5,3) tensor_view:fill(torch.rand(1)[1]) mytester:asserteq((tensor_view-tensor):abs():max(), 0, 'Error in view') local target_tensor = func(torch.Tensor()) mytester:assertTableEq(target_tensor:viewAs(tensor, template):size():totable(), target, 'Error in viewAs') mytester:assertTableEq(target_tensor:view(tensor, 3,5):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view') mytester:assertTableEq(target_tensor:view(tensor, torch.LongStorage{3,5}):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using LongStorage') mytester:assertTableEq(target_tensor:view(tensor, -1,5):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using dimension -1') mytester:assertTableEq(target_tensor:view(tensor, 3,-1):size():totable(), target, 'Error in view using dimension -1') target_tensor:fill(torch.rand(1)[1]) mytester:asserteq((target_tensor-tensor):abs():max(), 0, 'Error in viewAs') end function torchtest.expand() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_expand(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_expand(func) local result = func(torch.Tensor()) local tensor = func(torch.rand(8,1)) local template = func(torch.rand(8,5)) local target = template:size():totable() mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:expandAs(template):size():totable(), target, 'Error in expandAs') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:expand(8,5):size():totable(), target, 'Error in expand') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:expand(torch.LongStorage{8,5}):size():totable(), target, 'Error in expand using LongStorage') result:expandAs(tensor,template) mytester:assertTableEq(result:size():totable(), target, 'Error in expandAs using result') result:expand(tensor,8,5) mytester:assertTableEq(result:size():totable(), target, 'Error in expand using result') result:expand(tensor,torch.LongStorage{8,5}) mytester:assertTableEq(result:size():totable(), target, 'Error in expand using result and LongStorage') mytester:asserteq((result:mean(2):view(8,1)-tensor):abs():max(), 0, 'Error in expand (not equal)') end function torchtest.repeatTensor() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_repeatTensor(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_repeatTensor(func, mean) local result = func(torch.Tensor()) local tensor = func(torch.rand(8,4)) local size = {3,1,1} local sizeStorage = torch.LongStorage(size) local target = {3,8,4} mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:repeatTensor(unpack(size)):size():totable(), target, 'Error in repeatTensor') mytester:assertTableEq(tensor:repeatTensor(sizeStorage):size():totable(), target, 'Error in repeatTensor using LongStorage') result:repeatTensor(tensor,unpack(size)) mytester:assertTableEq(result:size():totable(), target, 'Error in repeatTensor using result') result:repeatTensor(tensor,sizeStorage) mytester:assertTableEq(result:size():totable(), target, 'Error in repeatTensor using result and LongStorage') mytester:asserteq((result:mean(1):view(8,4)-tensor):abs():max(), 0, 'Error in repeatTensor (not equal)') end function torchtest.isSameSizeAs() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_isSameSizeAs(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_isSameSizeAs(func) local t1 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)) local t2 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4)) local t3 = func(torch.Tensor(1, 9, 3, 3)) local t4 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)) mytester:assert(t1:isSameSizeAs(t2) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:isSameSizeAs(t3) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:isSameSizeAs(t4) == true, "wrong answer ") end function torchtest.isSetTo() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_isSetTo(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_isSetTo(func) local t1 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)) local t2 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)) local t3 = func(torch.Tensor()):set(t1) local t4 = t3:reshape(12, 90) mytester:assert(t1:isSetTo(t2) == false, "tensors do not share storage") mytester:assert(t1:isSetTo(t3) == true, "tensor is set to other") mytester:assert(t3:isSetTo(t1) == true, "isSetTo should be symmetric") mytester:assert(t1:isSetTo(t4) == false, "tensors have different view") mytester:assert(not func(torch.Tensor()):isSetTo(func(torch.Tensor())), "Tensors with no storages should not appear to be set " .. "to each other") end function torchtest.equal() -- Contiguous, 1D local t1 = torch.Tensor{3, 4, 9, 10} local t2 = t1:clone() local t3 = torch.Tensor{1, 9, 3, 10} local t4 = torch.Tensor{3, 4, 9} local t5 = torch.Tensor() mytester:assert(t1:equal(t2) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:equal(t3) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:equal(t4) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:equal(t5) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(t1, t2) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(t1, t3) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(t1, t4) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(t1, t5) == false, "wrong answer ") -- Non contiguous, 2D local s = torch.Tensor({{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}}) local s1 = s[{{}, {2, 3}}] local s2 = s1:clone() local s3 = torch.Tensor({{2, 3}, {6, 7}}) local s4 = torch.Tensor({{0, 0}, {0, 0}}) mytester:assert(not s1:isContiguous(), "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(s1:equal(s2) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(s1:equal(s3) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(s1:equal(s4) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(s1, s2) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(s1, s3) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(torch.equal(s1, s4) == false, "wrong answer ") end function torchtest.isSize() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_isSize(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_isSize(func) local t1 = func(torch.Tensor(3, 4, 5)) local s1 = torch.LongStorage({3, 4, 5}) local s2 = torch.LongStorage({5, 4, 3}) mytester:assert(t1:isSize(s1) == true, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:isSize(s2) == false, "wrong answer ") mytester:assert(t1:isSize(t1:size()) == true, "wrong answer ") end function torchtest.elementSize() local byte = torch.ByteStorage():elementSize() local char = torch.CharStorage():elementSize() local short = torch.ShortStorage():elementSize() local int = torch.IntStorage():elementSize() local long = torch.LongStorage():elementSize() local float = torch.FloatStorage():elementSize() local double = torch.DoubleStorage():elementSize() local half = torch.HalfStorage():elementSize() mytester:asserteq(byte, torch.ByteTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(char, torch.CharTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(short, torch.ShortTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(int, torch.IntTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(long, torch.LongTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(float, torch.FloatTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(double, torch.DoubleTensor():elementSize()) mytester:asserteq(half, torch.HalfTensor():elementSize()) mytester:assertne(byte, 0) mytester:assertne(char, 0) mytester:assertne(short, 0) mytester:assertne(int, 0) mytester:assertne(long, 0) mytester:assertne(float, 0) mytester:assertne(double, 0) mytester:assertne(half, 0) -- These tests are portable, not necessarily strict for your system. mytester:asserteq(byte, 1) mytester:asserteq(char, 1) mytester:assert(short >= 2) mytester:assert(int >= 2) mytester:assert(int >= short) mytester:assert(long >= 4) mytester:assert(long >= int) mytester:assert(double >= float) mytester:assert(half <= float) end function torchtest.split() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_split(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_split(func) local result = {} local tensor = func(torch.rand(7,4)) local splitSize = 3 local targetSize = {{3,4},{3,4},{1,4}} local dim = 1 local splits = tensor:split(splitSize, dim) local start = 1 for i, split in ipairs(splits) do mytester:assertTableEq(split:size():totable(), targetSize[i], 'Size error in split '..i) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensor:narrow(dim, start, targetSize[i][dim]), split, 0.00001, 'Content error in split '..i) start = start + targetSize[i][dim] end torch.split(result, tensor, splitSize, dim) local start = 1 for i, split in ipairs(result) do mytester:assertTableEq(split:size():totable(), targetSize[i], 'Result size error in split '..i) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensor:narrow(dim, start, targetSize[i][dim]), split, 0.000001, 'Result content error in split '..i) start = start + targetSize[i][dim] end mytester:asserteq(#splits, #result, 'Non-consistent output size from split') for i, split in ipairs(splits) do mytester:assertTensorEq(split,result[i], 0, 'Non-consistent outputs from split') end end function torchtest.chunk() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_chunk(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_chunk(func) local result = {} local tensor = func(torch.rand(4,7)) local nChunk = 3 local targetSize = {{4,3},{4,3},{4,1}} local dim = 2 local splits = tensor:chunk(nChunk, dim) local start = 1 for i, split in ipairs(splits) do mytester:assertTableEq(split:size():totable(), targetSize[i], 'Size error in chunk '..i) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensor:narrow(dim, start, targetSize[i][dim]), split, 0.00001, 'Content error in chunk '..i) start = start + targetSize[i][dim] end torch.split(result, tensor, nChunk, dim) local start = 1 for i, split in ipairs(result) do mytester:assertTableEq(split:size():totable(), targetSize[i], 'Result size error in chunk '..i) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensor:narrow(dim, start, targetSize[i][dim]), split, 0.000001, 'Result content error in chunk '..i) start = start + targetSize[i][dim] end end function torchtest.table() local convStorage = { ['real'] = 'FloatStorage', ['half'] = 'HalfStorage' } for k,v in ipairs(convStorage) do torchtest_totable(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[k], v) end end function torchtest_totable(func, storageType) local table0D = {} local tensor0D = func(torch.Tensor(table0D)) mytester:assertTableEq(torch.totable(tensor0D), table0D, 'tensor0D:totable incorrect') local table1D = {1, 2, 3} local tensor1D = func(torch.Tensor(table1D)) local storage = torch[storageType](table1D) mytester:assertTableEq(tensor1D:totable(), table1D, 'tensor1D:totable incorrect') mytester:assertTableEq(storage:totable(), table1D, 'storage:totable incorrect') mytester:assertTableEq(torch.totable(tensor1D), table1D, 'torch.totable incorrect for Tensors') mytester:assertTableEq(torch.totable(storage), table1D, 'torch.totable incorrect for Storages') local table2D = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} local tensor2D = func(torch.Tensor(table2D)) mytester:assertTableEq(tensor2D:totable(), table2D, 'tensor2D:totable incorrect') local tensor3D = func(torch.Tensor({{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}, {{5, 6}, {7, 8}}})) local tensorNonContig = tensor3D:select(2, 2) mytester:assert(not tensorNonContig:isContiguous(), 'invalid test') mytester:assertTableEq(tensorNonContig:totable(), {{3, 4}, {7, 8}}, 'totable() incorrect for non-contiguous tensors') end function torchtest.permute() for k,v in ipairs({"real", "half"}) do torchtest_permute(torch.getmetatable(torch.Tensor():type())[v]) end end function torchtest_permute(func) local orig = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} local perm = torch.randperm(7):totable() local x = torch.Tensor(unpack(orig)):fill(0) local new = x:permute(unpack(perm)):size():totable() mytester:assertTableEq(perm, new, 'Tensor:permute incorrect') mytester:assertTableEq(x:size():totable(), orig, 'Tensor:permute changes tensor') end function torchtest.serialize() local tableObj = {6, a = 42} local tensObj = torch.randn(3,4,5) -- Test serializing a table local serString = torch.serialize(tableObj) local serStorage = torch.serializeToStorage(tableObj) mytester:assertTableEq(tableObj, torch.deserialize(serString)) mytester:assertTableEq(tableObj, torch.deserializeFromStorage(serStorage)) -- Test serializing a Tensor serString = torch.serialize(tensObj) serStorage = torch.serializeToStorage(tensObj) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensObj, torch.deserialize(serString), 1e-10) mytester:assertTensorEq(tensObj, torch.deserializeFromStorage(serStorage), 1e-10) end function torchtest.storageview() local s1 = torch.LongStorage({3, 4, 5}) local s2 = torch.LongStorage(s1, 2) mytester:assert(s2:size() == 2, "should be size 2") mytester:assert(s2[1] == s1[2], "should have 4 at position 1") mytester:assert(s2[2] == s1[3], "should have 5 at position 2") s2[1] = 13 mytester:assert(13 == s1[2], "should have 13 at position 1") end function torchtest.nonzero() local nSrc = 12 local types = { 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', } local shapes = { torch.LongStorage{12}, torch.LongStorage{12, 1}, torch.LongStorage{1, 12}, torch.LongStorage{6, 2}, torch.LongStorage{3, 2, 2}, } for _, type in ipairs(types) do local tensor = torch.rand(nSrc):mul(2):floor():type(type) for _, shape in ipairs(shapes) do tensor = tensor:reshape(shape) local dst1 = torch.nonzero(tensor) local dst2 = tensor:nonzero() -- Does not work. Torch uses the first argument to determine what -- type the Tensor is expected to be. In our case the second argument -- determines the type of Tensor. --local dst3 = torch.LongTensor() --torch.nonzero(dst3, tensor) -- However, there are workarounds to this issue when it is desired to -- use an existing tensor for the result: local dst4 = torch.LongTensor() tensor.nonzero(dst4, tensor) if shape:size() == 1 then local dst = {} for i = 1 , nSrc do if tensor[i] ~= 0 then table.insert(dst, i) end end mytester:assertTensorEq(dst1:select(2, 1), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0.0, "nonzero error") mytester:assertTensorEq(dst2:select(2, 1), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0.0, "nonzero error") --mytester:assertTensorEq(dst3:select(2, 1), torch.LongTensor(dst), -- 0.0, "nonzero error") mytester:assertTensorEq(dst4:select(2, 1), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0.0, "nonzero error") elseif shape:size() == 2 then -- This test will allow through some false positives. It only checks -- that the elements flagged positive are indeed non-zero. for i=1,dst1:size()[1] do mytester:assert(tensor[dst1[i][1]][dst1[i][2]] ~= 0) end elseif shape:size() == 3 then -- This test will allow through some false positives. It only checks -- that the elements flagged positive are indeed non-zero. for i=1,dst1:size()[1] do mytester:assert(tensor[dst1[i][1]][dst1[i][2]][dst1[i][3]] ~= 0) end end end end end function torchtest.testheaptracking() local oldheaptracking = torch._heaptracking if oldheaptracking == nil then oldheaptracking = false end torch.setheaptracking(true) mytester:assert(torch._heaptracking == true, 'Heap tracking expected true') torch.setheaptracking(false) mytester:assert(torch._heaptracking == false, 'Heap tracking expected false') -- put heap tracking to its original state torch.setheaptracking(oldheaptracking) end function torchtest.bernoulli() local size = torch.LongStorage{10, 10} local t = torch.ByteTensor(size) local function isBinary(t) return torch.ne(t, 0):cmul(torch.ne(t, 1)):sum() == 0 end local p = 0.5 t:bernoulli(p) mytester:assert(isBinary(t), 'Sample from torch.bernoulli is not binary') local p = torch.rand(size) t:bernoulli(p) mytester:assert(isBinary(t), 'Sample from torch.bernoulli is not binary') end function torchtest.logNormal() local t = torch.FloatTensor(10, 10) local mean, std = torch.uniform(), 0.1 * torch.uniform() local tolerance = 0.02 t:logNormal(mean, std) local logt = t:log() mytester:assertalmosteq(logt:mean(), mean, tolerance, 'mean is wrong') mytester:assertalmosteq(logt:std(), std, tolerance, 'tolerance is wrong') end function torch.test(tests) torch.setheaptracking(true) math.randomseed(os.time()) if torch.getdefaulttensortype() == 'torch.FloatTensor' then precision = 1e-4 elseif torch.getdefaulttensortype() == 'torch.DoubleTensor' then precision = 1e-8 end mytester = torch.Tester() mytester:add(torchtest) mytester:run(tests) return mytester end