## Introduction This document describes the main features and principles of the configuration language called `UCL` - universal configuration language. ## Basic structure UCL is heavily infused by `nginx` configuration as the example of a convenient configuration system. However, UCL is fully compatible with `JSON` format and is able to parse json files. For example, you can write the same configuration in the following ways: * in nginx like: ~~~nginx param = value; section { param = value; param1 = value1; flag = true; number = 10k; time = 0.2s; string = "something"; subsection { host = { host = "hostname"; port = 900; } host = { host = "hostname"; port = 901; } } } ~~~ * or in JSON: ~~~json { "param": "value", "param1": "value1", "flag": true, "subsection": { "host": [ { "host": "hostname", "port": 900 }, { "host": "hostname", "port": 901 } ] } } ~~~ ## Improvements to the json notation. There are various things that make ucl configuration more convenient for editing than strict json: ### General syntax sugar * Braces are not necessary to enclose a top object: it is automatically treated as an object: ~~~json "key": "value" ~~~ is equal to: ~~~json {"key": "value"} ~~~ * There is no requirement of quotes for strings and keys, moreover, `:` may be replaced `=` or even be skipped for objects: ~~~nginx key = value; section { key = value; } ~~~ is equal to: ~~~json { "key": "value", "section": { "key": "value" } } ~~~ * No commas mess: you can safely place a comma or semicolon for the last element in an array or an object: ~~~json { "key1": "value", "key2": "value", } ~~~ ### Automatic arrays creation * Non-unique keys in an object are allowed and are automatically converted to the arrays internally: ~~~json { "key": "value1", "key": "value2" } ~~~ is converted to: ~~~json { "key": ["value1", "value2"] } ~~~ ### Named keys hierarchy UCL accepts named keys and organise them into objects hierarchy internally. Here is an example of this process: ~~~nginx section "blah" { key = value; } section foo { key = value; } ~~~ is converted to the following object: ~~~nginx section { blah { key = value; } foo { key = value; } } ~~~ Plain definitions may be more complex and contain more than a single level of nested objects: ~~~nginx section "blah" "foo" { key = value; } ~~~ is presented as: ~~~nginx section { blah { foo { key = value; } } } ~~~ ### Convenient numbers and booleans * Numbers can have suffixes to specify standard multipliers: + `[kKmMgG]` - standard 10 base multipliers (so `1k` is translated to 1000) + `[kKmMgG]b` - 2 power multipliers (so `1kb` is translated to 1024) + `[s|min|d|w|y]` - time multipliers, all time values are translated to float number of seconds, for example `10min` is translated to 600.0 and `10ms` is translated to 0.01 * Booleans can be specified as `true` or `yes` or `on` and `false` or `no` or `off`. * It is still possible to treat numbers and booleans as strings by enclosing them in double quotes. ## General improvements ### Commments UCL supports different style of comments: * single line: `#` * multiline: `/* ... */` Multiline comments may be nested: ~~~c # Sample single line comment /* some comment /* nested comment */ end of comment */ ~~~ ### Macros support UCL supports external macros both multiline and single line ones: ~~~nginx .macro "sometext"; .macro { Some long text .... }; ~~~ There are two internal macros provided by UCL: * `include` - read a file `/path/to/file` or an url `http://example.com/file` and include it to the current place of UCL configuration; * `includes` - read a file or an url like the previous macro, but fetch and check the signature file (which is obtained by `.sig` suffix appending). Public keys which are used for the last command are specified by the concrete UCL user. ### Variables support UCL supports variables in input. Variables are registered by a user of the UCL parser and can be presented in the following forms: * `${VARIABLE}` * `$VARIABLE` UCL currently does not support nested variables. To escape variables one could use double dollar signs: * `$${VARIABLE}` is converted to `${VARIABLE}` * `$$VARIABLE` is converted to `$VARIABLE` However, if no valid variables are found in a string, no expansion will be performed (and `$$` thus remains unchanged). This may be a subject to change in future libucl releases. ### Multiline strings UCL can handle multiline strings as well as single line ones. It uses shell/perl like notation for such objects: ~~~ key = <). Then I checked jansson library that performs json parsing and emitting and compared it with UCL. Here are results: ~~~ jansson: parsed json in 1.3899 seconds jansson: emitted object in 0.2609 seconds ucl: parsed input in 0.6649 seconds ucl: emitted config in 0.2423 seconds ucl: emitted json in 0.2329 seconds ucl: emitted compact json in 0.1811 seconds ucl: emitted yaml in 0.2489 seconds ~~~ So far, UCL seems to be significantly faster than jansson on parsing and slightly faster on emitting. Moreover, UCL compiled with optimizations (-O3) performs significantly faster: ~~~ ucl: parsed input in 0.3002 seconds ucl: emitted config in 0.1174 seconds ucl: emitted json in 0.1174 seconds ucl: emitted compact json in 0.0991 seconds ucl: emitted yaml in 0.1354 seconds ~~~ You can do your own benchmarks by running `make test` in libucl top directory. ## Conclusion UCL has clear design that should be very convenient for reading and writing. At the same time it is compatible with JSON language and therefore can be used as a simple JSON parser. Macroes logic provides an ability to extend configuration language (for example by including some lua code) and comments allows to disable or enable the parts of a configuration quickly.