# Rspamd lua API {#top} Rspamd lua api is a core part of rspamd functionality. Lua is used for writing rules and plugins in rspamd. There are several objects and libraries that simplify classifying of mail. ## Using lua API from rules {#luarules} Many lua rules are shipped with rspamd. They can be included to rspamd by using tag **lua** in rspamd.conf: ~~~nginx lua = "$CONFDIR/lua/rspamd.lua" ~~~ ### Global configuration tables {#luaglobal} While load of this file rspamd defines two global variables: - *config* - a global table of modules configuration. Here is a sample of usage of this table: ~~~lua -- Init empty module configuration config['module'] = {} -- Rewrite module configuration config['regexp'] = { RULE_NAME = '/some_re/' } -- Insert by index config['regexp']['RULE_NAME2'] = '/more_re/' ~~~ - *metrics* - a global table of metrics definitions. This variable is a table that is indexed by metric name and provide ability to set up symbols' properties: ~~~lua metrics['default'] = { -- Set weight and description SYMBOL = { weight = 9.0, description = 'description'}, -- Just set weight SYMBOL2 = 9.0, } -- Add symbol definition metrics['default']['SYMBOL3'] = { weight = 1, description = 'description' } ~~~ * *classifiers* - a table of classifiers pre-filters. Pre-filter must be a function that accepts 4 parameters: `classifier`, `task`, `is_learn` and `is_spam`. Pre-filter must return a table of statfiles to be checked or learned for this message or nil if all suitable statfiles must be learned or checked. Here is an example of language detection for classification: ~~~lua -- Detect language of message and selects appropriate statfiles for it classifiers['bayes'] = function(classifier, task, is_learn, is_spam) -- Subfunction for detection of message's language local detect_language = function(task) local parts = task:get_text_parts() for _,p in ipairs(parts) do local l = p:get_language() if l then return l end end return nil end -- Main procedure language = detect_language(task) if language then -- Find statfiles with specified language local selected = {} for _,st in pairs(classifier:get_statfiles()) do local st_l = st:get_param('language') if st_l and st_l == language then -- Insert statfile with specified language table.insert(selected, st) end end if table.maxn(selected) > 1 then return selected end else -- Language not detected local selected = {} for _,st in ipairs(classifier:get_statfiles()) do local st_l = st:get_param('language') -- Insert only statfiles without language if not st_l then table.insert(selected, st) end end if table.maxn(selected) > 1 then return selected end end return nil end ~~~ * *rspamd_config* - is a global object that allows you to modify configuration and register new symbols. ## Writing advanced rules {#luarules} So by using these two tables it is possible to configure rules and metrics. Also note that it is possible to use any lua functions and rspamd libraries: ~~~lua -- Declare variable that contains regexp rule definition local rulebody = string.format('%s & !%s', '/re1/', '/re2') -- Set global table element config['regexp']['test_rule'] = rulebody -- Write message to log rspamd_logger.info('Loaded test rule: ' .. rulebody) ~~~ Also it is possible to declare functions and use `closures` when defining rspamd rules: ~~~lua -- Here is a sample of using closure function inside rule local function check_headers_tab(task, header_name) -- Extract raw headers from message local raw_headers = task:get_raw_header(header_name) -- Make match of headers, that are separated with tabs, not spaces if raw_headers then for _,rh in ipairs(raw_headers) do if rh['tab_separated'] then -- We have header value separated by tab symbol return true,rh['name'] end end end return false end rspamd_config.HEADER_TAB_FROM_WHITELISTED = function(task) return check_headers_tab(task, "From") end rspamd_config.HEADER_TAB_TO_WHITELISTED = function(task) return check_headers_tab(task, "To") end rspamd_config.HEADER_TAB_DATE_WHITELISTED = function(task) return check_headers_tab(task, "Date") end -- Table form of rule definition rspamd_config.R_EMPTY_IMAGE = { callback = function(task) local tp = task:get_text_parts() -- get text parts in a message for _,p in ipairs(tp) do -- iterate over text parts array using `ipairs` if p:is_html() then -- if the current part is html part local hc = p:get_html() -- we get HTML context local len = p:get_length() -- and part's length if len < 50 then -- if we have a part that has less than 50 bytes of text local images = hc:get_images() -- then we check for HTML images if images then -- if there are images for _,i in ipairs(images) do -- then iterate over images in the part if i['height'] + i['width'] >= 400 then -- if we have a large image return true -- add symbol end end end end end end end, score = 10.0, condition = function(task) if task:get_header('Subject') then return true end return false end, description = 'No text parts and a large image', score = 3.1, } ~~~ Using lua in rules provides many abilities to write complex mail filtering rules. ## Writing lua plugins {#luaplugins} Plugins are more complex filters than ordinary rules. Plugins can have their own configuration parameters and multiple callbacks. Plugins can make DNS requests, read from rspamd maps and insert custom results. ### Structure of the typical plugin Each rspamd plugin has a common structure: - Registering configuration parameters - Reading configuration parameters and set up callbacks - Callbacks that are called by rspamd during message processing Here is a simple plugin example: ~~~lua local config_param = 'default' local function sample_callback(task) end -- Reading configuration -- Get all options for this plugin local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('sample') if opts then if opts['config'] then config_param = opts['config'] -- Register callback rspamd_config:register_symbol('some_symbol', sample_callback) end end ~~~ This plugin uses global variable *rspamd_config* to extract configuration options. Then it registers function `sample_callback` that will be called for processing symbol `some_symbol`. ### Using DNS requests inside plugins It is often required to make DNS requests for messages checks. Here is an example of making asynchronous DNS request from rspamd lua plugin: ~~~lua -- Function-callback of rspamd rule local function symbol_cb(task) -- Task is now local variable local function dns_cb(resolver, to_resolve, results, err, str) -- Increase total count of dns requests task:inc_dns_req() if results then task:insert_result('symbol', 1, str) end end -- Resolve 'example.com' using primitives from the task passed task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), 'example.com', dns_cb, 'sample string') end ~~~ ### Using maps from lua plugin Maps hold dynamically loaded data like lists or ip trees. It is possible to use 3 types of maps: * **radix_tree** stores ip addresses * **hash_map** stores plain strings (domains usually) * **callback** call for a specified lua callback when a map is loaded or changed, map's content is passed to that callback as a parameter Here is a sample of using maps from lua API: ~~~lua local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" -- Add two maps in configuration section local hash_map = rspamd_config:add_hash_map('file:///path/to/file', 'sample map') local radix_tree = rspamd_config:add_radix_map('http://somehost.com/test.dat', 'sample ip map') local generic_map = rspamd_config:add_map('file:///path/to/file', 'sample generic map', function(str) -- This callback is called when a map is loaded or changed -- Str contains map content rspamd_logger.info('Got generic map content: ' .. str) end) local function sample_symbol_cb(task) -- Check whether hash map contains from address of message if hash_map:get_key(task:get_from()) then -- Check whether radix map contains client's ip if radix_map:get_key(task:get_from_ip_num()) then ... end end end ~~~ ## Conclusions {#luaconclusion} Lua plugins is a powerful tool for creating complex filters that can access practically all features of rspamd. Lua plugins can be used for writing custom rules and interact with rspamd in many ways, can use maps and make DNS requests. Rspamd is shipped with a couple of lua plugins that can be used as examples while writing your own plugins. ## References {#luareference} - [Lua manual](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/) - [Programming in lua](http://www.lua.org/pil/)