# Migrating between rspamd version This document describes incompatible changes introduced in the recent rspamd versions. Here you can find information about how to overcome this incompatibilities and update your rules and configuration according to these changes. ## Migrating from rspamd 0.6 to rspamd 0.7 {#0607} ### Webui changes Rspamd web interface is now a part of distribution. Moreover, all static files are now served by rspamd itself so you won't need to setup additional web server to distribute static files. At the same time, webui worker is now removed and the controller acts as webui+old_controller allowing to work with both web browser and rspamc client. However, one might still want to setup a full-featured HTTP server before rspamd to enable, for example TLS and access controls. Now there are two password levels for rspamd: `password` for read-only commands and `enable_password` for data changing commands. If `enable_password` is not specified then `password` is used for both commands. Here is an example of the full configuration of rspamd controller worker to serve webui: ~~~nginx worker { type = "controller"; bind_socket = "localhost:11334"; count = 1; password = "q1"; enable_password = "q2"; secure_ip = ""; # Allows to use *all* commands from this IP static_dir = "${WWWDIR}"; } ~~~ ### Settings changes Settings system has been completely reworked. It is now a lua plugin that registers pre-filter and assign settings according to some dynamic map or a static configuration. Should you want to use the new settings system then please check the recent [documentation](https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/settings.html). The old settings have been completely removed from rspamd. ### Lua changes There are many changes in lua API and some of them are unfortunately breaking ones. * many superglobals are removed: now rspamd modules need to be loaded explicitly, the only global remaining is `rspamd_config`. This affects the following modules: - `rspamd_logger` - `rspamd_ip` - `rspamd_http` - `rspamd_cdb` - `rspamd_regexp` - `rspamd_trie` ~~~lua local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_trie = require "rspamd_trie" local rspamd_cdb = require "rspamd_cdb" local rspamd_ip = require "rspamd_ip" local rspamd_regexp = require "rspamd_regexp" ~~~ * new system of symbols registration: now symbols can be registered by adding new indices to `rspamd_config` object. Old version: ~~~lua local reconf = config['regexp'] reconf['SYMBOL'] = function(task) ... end ~~~ new one: ~~~lua rspamd_config.SYMBOL = function(task) ... end ~~~ `rspamd_message` is **removed** completely, you should use task methods to access message's data. This includes such methods as: * `get_date` - now this method can return date for task and message based on the arguments: ~~~lua local dm = task:get_date{format = 'message'} -- MIME message date local dt = task:get_date{format = 'connect'} -- check date ~~~ * `get_header` - this function is now totally reworked. Now `get_header` version returns just a decoded string, `get_header_raw` returns undecoded string and `get_header_full` returns the full list of tables. Please consult with the corresponding [documentation](https://rspamd.com/doc/lua/task.html) for details. You also might want to correct old invocation of task:get_header to new one. Old version: ~~~lua function kmail_msgid (task) local msg = task:get_message() local header_msgid = msg:get_header('Message-Id') if header_msgid then -- header_from and header_msgid are tables for _,header_from in ipairs(msg:get_header('From')) do ... end end return false end ~~~ new one: ~~~lua function kmail_msgid (task) local header_msgid = task:get_header('Message-Id') if header_msgid then local header_from = task:get_header('From') -- header_from and header_msgid are strings end return false end ~~~ or with the full version: ~~~lua rspamd_config.FORGED_GENERIC_RECEIVED5 = function (task) local headers_recv = task:get_header_full('Received') if headers_recv then -- headers_recv is now the list of tables for _,header_r in ipairs(headers_recv) do if re:match(header_r['value']) then return true end end end return false end ~~~ * `get_from` and `get_recipients` now accepts optional numeric argument that specifies where to get a sender and recipients for a message. By default this argument is `0` which means that data is initially checked in SMTP envelope (meaning `MAIL FROM` and `RCPT TO` SMTP commands) and if envelope data is unaccessible then it is grabbed from MIME headers. Value `1` means that data is checked on envelope only, whilst `2` switches mode to MIME headers. Here is an example from `forged_recipients` module: ~~~lua -- Check sender local smtp_from = task:get_from(1) if smtp_from then local mime_from = task:get_from(2) if not mime_from or not (string.lower(mime_from[1]['addr']) == string.lower(smtp_from[1]['addr'])) then task:insert_result(symbol_sender, 1) end end ~~~ ### Protocol changes Rspamd now uses `HTTP` protocols for all operations, therefore an additional client library is unlikely needed. The fallback to old `spamc` protocol has also been implemented automatically to be compatible with `rmilter` and other software that uses `rspamc` protocol.