=head1 RSPAMC

rspamc - a simple client for rspamd spam filtering system


rspamc [B<-h> I<host[:port]>] [B<-p>] [B<-v>]
[B<-i> I<ip>] [B<-s> I<statfile>] [B<-w> I<weight>]
[B<-P> I<password>] [B<-f> I<flag>] [B<-t> I<timeout>] [command] [file [file ...]] 

rspamc [B<--help>]


B<Rspamc> is a simple client for checking messages using rspamd or for learning rspamd by messages.
B<Rspamc> has several mandatory options for learning: I<password> and I<statfile>.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h> I<host[:port]>, B<--connect> I<host[:port]>

Specify host and port for connecting to rspamd server. Default host is I<localhost> and
default port is I<11333> for checking messages and I<11334> for learning and statistic. 

=item B<-p>, B<--pass-all>

Pass all filters when checking messages. Ignored in case of learning.

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Be more verbose while displaying results. For example show descriptions of symbols.

=item B<-P> I<password>, B<--password> I<password>

Specify controller's password. Mandatory option for learning.

=item B<-s> I<statfile>, B<--statfile> I<statfile>

Specify statfile's symbol to learn message. Mandatory option for learning.

=item B<-i> I<ip>, B<--ip> I<ip>

Add IP header when scanning message. Useful for checking messages and emulating that client comes from 
specific IP address.

=item B<-w> I<weight>, B<--weight> I<weight>

Weight of message for fuzzy operations.

=item B<-f> I<flag>, B<--flag> I<flag>

Flag of list for fuzzy operations.

=item B<-t> I<timeout>, B<--timeout> I<timeout>

Timeout in seconds for all operations. Default value is 5 seconds.



On exit B<rspamc> returns 0 if operation was successfull and error code otherwise.


Check stdin:

	rspamc < some_file

Check files:
	rspamc symbols file1 file2 file3
Learn files:

	rspamc -P pass -s BAYES_SPAM file1 file2 file3

Add fuzzy hash to set 2:
	rspamc -P pass -f 2 -w 10 fuzzy_add file1 file2
Delete fuzzy hash from other server:

	rspamc -P pass -h hostname:11334 -f 2 fuzzy_del file1 file2
Get statistics:
	rspamc stat

Get uptime:
	rspamc uptime

=head1 AUTHOR

Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>


Copyright 2011 by Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of BSD license.
