/* global d3:writable, require, requirejs */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars requirejs.config({ baseUrl: "js/lib", paths: { app: "../app", jquery: "jquery-3.7.1.min", visibility: "visibility.min", bootstrap: "bootstrap.bundle.min", codejar: "codejar.min", d3: "d3.min", d3evolution: "d3evolution.min", d3pie: "d3pie.min", fontawesome: "fontawesome.min", fontawesome_solid: "solid.min", footable: "footable.min", linenumbers: "codejar-linenumbers.min", nprogress: "nprogress.min", prism: "prism", stickytabs: "jquery.stickytabs.min" }, shim: { app: {deps: ["jquery"]}, codejar: {exports: "CodeJar", deps: ["linenumbers"]}, bootstrap: {exports: "bootstrap", deps: ["jquery"]}, // Popovers require jQuery d3: {exports: "d3"}, d3evolution: {exports: "D3Evolution", deps: ["d3.global", "jquery"]}, d3pie: {exports: "D3Pie", deps: ["d3.global", "jquery"]}, fontawesome: {exports: "FontAwesome", deps: ["fontawesome_solid"]}, footable: {deps: ["bootstrap", "jquery"]}, linenumbers: {exports: "withLineNumbers", deps: ["prism"]}, prism: {exports: "Prism"}, stickytabs: {deps: ["jquery"]} }, waitSeconds: 30, }); document.title = window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "") + (window.location.pathname !== "/" ? window.location.pathname : "") + " - Rspamd Web Interface"; // Ugly hack to get d3pie work with requirejs define("d3.global", ["d3"], (d3global) => { // eslint-disable-line strict d3 = d3global; }); // Notify user on module loading failure requirejs.onError = function (e) { "use strict"; document.getElementById("loading").classList.add("d-none"); document.getElementsByClassName("notification-area")[0].innerHTML = "