--[[ Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov Copyright (c) 2018, Mikhail Galanin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- --[[[ -- @module lua_clickhouse -- This module contains Clickhouse access functions --]] local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_http = require "rspamd_http" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local rspamd_text = require "rspamd_text" local exports = {} local N = 'clickhouse' local default_timeout = 10.0 local function escape_spaces(query) return query:gsub('%s', '%%20') end local function ch_number(a) if (a + 2 ^ 52) - 2 ^ 52 == a then -- Integer return tostring(math.floor(a)) end return tostring(a) end local function clickhouse_quote(str) if str then return str:gsub('[\'\\\n\t\r]', { ['\''] = [[\']], ['\\'] = [[\\]], ['\n'] = [[\n]], ['\t'] = [[\t]], ['\r'] = [[\r]], }) end return '' end -- Converts an array to a string suitable for clickhouse local function array_to_string(ar) for i, elt in ipairs(ar) do local t = type(elt) if t == 'string' then ar[i] = string.format('\'%s\'', clickhouse_quote(elt)) elseif t == 'userdata' then ar[i] = string.format('\'%s\'', clickhouse_quote(tostring(elt))) elseif t == 'number' then ar[i] = ch_number(elt) end end return table.concat(ar, ',') end -- Converts a row into TSV, taking extra care about arrays local function row_to_tsv(row) for i, elt in ipairs(row) do local t = type(elt) if t == 'table' then row[i] = '[' .. array_to_string(elt) .. ']' elseif t == 'number' then row[i] = ch_number(elt) elseif t == 'userdata' then row[i] = clickhouse_quote(tostring(elt)) else row[i] = clickhouse_quote(elt) end end return rspamd_text.fromtable(row, '\t') end exports.row_to_tsv = row_to_tsv -- Parses JSONEachRow reply from CH local function parse_clickhouse_response_json_eachrow(params, data, row_cb) local ucl = require "ucl" if data == nil then -- clickhouse returned no data (i.e. empty result set): exiting return {} end local function parse_string(s) local parser = ucl.parser() local res, err if type(s) == 'string' then res, err = parser:parse_string(s) else res, err = parser:parse_text(s) end if not res then rspamd_logger.errx(params.log_obj, 'Parser error: %s', err) return nil end return parser:get_object() end -- iterate over rows and parse local parsed_rows = {} for plain_row in data:lines() do if plain_row and #plain_row > 1 then local parsed_row = parse_string(plain_row) if parsed_row then if row_cb then row_cb(parsed_row) else table.insert(parsed_rows, parsed_row) end end end end return parsed_rows end -- Parses JSON reply from CH local function parse_clickhouse_response_json(params, data) local ucl = require "ucl" if data == nil then -- clickhouse returned no data (i.e. empty result set) considered valid! return nil, {} end local function parse_string(s) local parser = ucl.parser() local res, err if type(s) == 'string' then res, err = parser:parse_string(s) else res, err = parser:parse_text(s) end if not res then rspamd_logger.errx(params.log_obj, 'Parser error: %s', err) return nil end return parser:get_object() end local json = parse_string(data) if not json then return 'bad json', {} end return nil, json end -- Helper to generate HTTP closure local function mk_http_select_cb(upstream, params, ok_cb, fail_cb, row_cb) local function http_cb(err_message, code, data, _) if code ~= 200 or err_message then if not err_message then err_message = data end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) if fail_cb then fail_cb(params, err_message, data) else rspamd_logger.errx(params.log_obj, "request failed on clickhouse server %s: %s", ip_addr, err_message) end upstream:fail() else upstream:ok() local rows = parse_clickhouse_response_json_eachrow(params, data, row_cb) if rows then if ok_cb then ok_cb(params, rows) else lua_util.debugm(N, params.log_obj, "http_select_cb ok: %s, %s, %s, %s", err_message, code, data:gsub('[\n%s]+', ' '), _) end else if fail_cb then fail_cb(params, 'failed to parse reply', data) else local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) rspamd_logger.errx(params.log_obj, "request failed on clickhouse server %s: %s", ip_addr, 'failed to parse reply') end end end end return http_cb end -- Helper to generate HTTP closure local function mk_http_insert_cb(upstream, params, ok_cb, fail_cb) local function http_cb(err_message, code, data, _) if code ~= 200 or err_message then if not err_message then err_message = data end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) if fail_cb then fail_cb(params, err_message, data) else rspamd_logger.errx(params.log_obj, "request failed on clickhouse server %s: %s", ip_addr, err_message) end upstream:fail() else upstream:ok() if ok_cb then local err, parsed = parse_clickhouse_response_json(data) if err then fail_cb(params, err, data) else ok_cb(params, parsed) end else lua_util.debugm(N, params.log_obj, "http_insert_cb ok: %s, %s, %s, %s", err_message, code, data:gsub('[\n%s]+', ' '), _) end end end return http_cb end --[[[ -- @function lua_clickhouse.select(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb) -- Make select request to clickhouse -- @param {upstream} upstream clickhouse server upstream -- @param {table} settings global settings table: -- * use_gsip: use gzip compression -- * timeout: request timeout -- * no_ssl_verify: skip SSL verification -- * user: HTTP user -- * password: HTTP password -- @param {params} HTTP request params -- @param {string} query select query (passed in HTTP body) -- @param {function} ok_cb callback to be called in case of success -- @param {function} fail_cb callback to be called in case of some error -- @param {function} row_cb optional callback to be called on each parsed data row (instead of table insertion) -- @return {boolean} whether a connection was successful -- @example -- --]] exports.select = function(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb, row_cb) local http_params = {} for k, v in pairs(params) do http_params[k] = v end http_params.callback = mk_http_select_cb(upstream, http_params, ok_cb, fail_cb, row_cb) http_params.gzip = settings.use_gzip http_params.mime_type = 'text/plain' http_params.timeout = settings.timeout or default_timeout http_params.no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify http_params.user = settings.user http_params.password = settings.password http_params.body = query http_params.log_obj = params.task or params.config http_params.opaque_body = true lua_util.debugm(N, http_params.log_obj, "clickhouse select request: %s", http_params.body) if not http_params.url then local connect_prefix = "http://" if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local database = settings.database or 'default' http_params.url = string.format('%s%s/?database=%s&default_format=JSONEachRow', connect_prefix, ip_addr, escape_spaces(database)) end return rspamd_http.request(http_params) end --[[[ -- @function lua_clickhouse.select_sync(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb, row_cb) -- Make select request to clickhouse -- @param {upstream} upstream clickhouse server upstream -- @param {table} settings global settings table: -- * use_gsip: use gzip compression -- * timeout: request timeout -- * no_ssl_verify: skip SSL verification -- * user: HTTP user -- * password: HTTP password -- @param {params} HTTP request params -- @param {string} query select query (passed in HTTP body) -- @param {function} ok_cb callback to be called in case of success -- @param {function} fail_cb callback to be called in case of some error -- @param {function} row_cb optional callback to be called on each parsed data row (instead of table insertion) -- @return -- {string} error message if exists -- nil | {rows} | {http_response} -- @example -- --]] exports.select_sync = function(upstream, settings, params, query, row_cb) local http_params = {} for k, v in pairs(params) do http_params[k] = v end http_params.gzip = settings.use_gzip http_params.mime_type = 'text/plain' http_params.timeout = settings.timeout or default_timeout http_params.no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify http_params.user = settings.user http_params.password = settings.password http_params.body = query http_params.log_obj = params.task or params.config http_params.opaque_body = true lua_util.debugm(N, http_params.log_obj, "clickhouse select request: %s", http_params.body) if not http_params.url then local connect_prefix = "http://" if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local database = settings.database or 'default' http_params.url = string.format('%s%s/?database=%s&default_format=JSONEachRow', connect_prefix, ip_addr, escape_spaces(database)) end local err, response = rspamd_http.request(http_params) if err then return err, nil elseif response.code ~= 200 then return response.content, response else lua_util.debugm(N, http_params.log_obj, "clickhouse select response: %1", response) local rows = parse_clickhouse_response_json_eachrow(params, response.content, row_cb) return nil, rows end end --[[[ -- @function lua_clickhouse.insert(upstream, settings, params, query, rows, ok_cb, fail_cb) -- Insert data rows to clickhouse -- @param {upstream} upstream clickhouse server upstream -- @param {table} settings global settings table: -- * use_gsip: use gzip compression -- * timeout: request timeout -- * no_ssl_verify: skip SSL verification -- * user: HTTP user -- * password: HTTP password -- @param {params} HTTP request params -- @param {string} query select query (passed in `query` request element with spaces escaped) -- @param {table|mixed} rows mix of strings, numbers or tables (for arrays) -- @param {function} ok_cb callback to be called in case of success -- @param {function} fail_cb callback to be called in case of some error -- @return {boolean} whether a connection was successful -- @example -- --]] exports.insert = function(upstream, settings, params, query, rows, ok_cb, fail_cb) local http_params = {} for k, v in pairs(params) do http_params[k] = v end http_params.callback = mk_http_insert_cb(upstream, http_params, ok_cb, fail_cb) http_params.gzip = settings.use_gzip http_params.mime_type = 'text/plain' http_params.timeout = settings.timeout or default_timeout http_params.no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify http_params.user = settings.user http_params.password = settings.password http_params.method = 'POST' http_params.body = { rspamd_text.fromtable(rows, '\n'), '\n' } http_params.log_obj = params.task or params.config if not http_params.url then local connect_prefix = "http://" if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local database = settings.database or 'default' http_params.url = string.format('%s%s/?database=%s&query=%s%%20FORMAT%%20TabSeparated', connect_prefix, ip_addr, escape_spaces(database), escape_spaces(query)) end return rspamd_http.request(http_params) end --[[[ -- @function lua_clickhouse.generic(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb) -- Make a generic request to Clickhouse (e.g. alter) -- @param {upstream} upstream clickhouse server upstream -- @param {table} settings global settings table: -- * use_gsip: use gzip compression -- * timeout: request timeout -- * no_ssl_verify: skip SSL verification -- * user: HTTP user -- * password: HTTP password -- @param {params} HTTP request params -- @param {string} query Clickhouse query (passed in `query` request element with spaces escaped) -- @param {function} ok_cb callback to be called in case of success -- @param {function} fail_cb callback to be called in case of some error -- @return {boolean} whether a connection was successful -- @example -- --]] exports.generic = function(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb) local http_params = {} for k, v in pairs(params) do http_params[k] = v end http_params.callback = mk_http_insert_cb(upstream, http_params, ok_cb, fail_cb) http_params.gzip = settings.use_gzip http_params.mime_type = 'text/plain' http_params.timeout = settings.timeout or default_timeout http_params.no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify http_params.user = settings.user http_params.password = settings.password http_params.log_obj = params.task or params.config http_params.body = query if not http_params.url then local connect_prefix = "http://" if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local database = settings.database or 'default' http_params.url = string.format('%s%s/?database=%s&default_format=JSONEachRow', connect_prefix, ip_addr, escape_spaces(database)) end return rspamd_http.request(http_params) end --[[[ -- @function lua_clickhouse.generic_sync(upstream, settings, params, query, ok_cb, fail_cb) -- Make a generic request to Clickhouse (e.g. alter) -- @param {upstream} upstream clickhouse server upstream -- @param {table} settings global settings table: -- * use_gsip: use gzip compression -- * timeout: request timeout -- * no_ssl_verify: skip SSL verification -- * user: HTTP user -- * password: HTTP password -- @param {params} HTTP request params -- @param {string} query Clickhouse query (passed in `query` request element with spaces escaped) -- @return {boolean} whether a connection was successful -- @example -- --]] exports.generic_sync = function(upstream, settings, params, query) local http_params = {} for k, v in pairs(params) do http_params[k] = v end http_params.gzip = settings.use_gzip http_params.mime_type = 'text/plain' http_params.timeout = settings.timeout or default_timeout http_params.no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify http_params.user = settings.user http_params.password = settings.password http_params.log_obj = params.task or params.config http_params.body = query if not http_params.url then local connect_prefix = "http://" if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local database = settings.database or 'default' http_params.url = string.format('%s%s/?database=%s&default_format=JSON', connect_prefix, ip_addr, escape_spaces(database)) end local err, response = rspamd_http.request(http_params) if err then return err, nil elseif response.code ~= 200 then return response.content, response else lua_util.debugm(N, http_params.log_obj, "clickhouse generic response: %1", response) local e, obj = parse_clickhouse_response_json(params, response.content) if e then return e, nil end return nil, obj end end return exports 390' href='#n390'>390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416