--[[ Copyright (c) 2017, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local exports = {} local N = "metatokens" local ts = require("tableshape").types local logger = require "rspamd_logger" -- Metafunctions local function meta_size_function(task) local sizes = { 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 100000, 200000, 400000, 800000, 1000000, 2000000, 8000000, } local size = task:get_size() for i = 1,#sizes do if sizes[i] >= size then return {(1.0 * i) / #sizes} end end return {0} end local function meta_images_function(task) local images = task:get_images() local ntotal = 0 local njpg = 0 local npng = 0 local nlarge = 0 local nsmall = 0 if images then for _,img in ipairs(images) do if img:get_type() == 'png' then npng = npng + 1 elseif img:get_type() == 'jpeg' then njpg = njpg + 1 end local w = img:get_width() local h = img:get_height() if w > 0 and h > 0 then if w + h > 256 then nlarge = nlarge + 1 else nsmall = nsmall + 1 end end ntotal = ntotal + 1 end end if ntotal > 0 then njpg = 1.0 * njpg / ntotal npng = 1.0 * npng / ntotal nlarge = 1.0 * nlarge / ntotal nsmall = 1.0 * nsmall / ntotal end return {ntotal,njpg,npng,nlarge,nsmall} end local function meta_nparts_function(task) local nattachments = 0 local ntextparts = 0 local totalparts = 1 local tp = task:get_text_parts() if tp then ntextparts = #tp end local parts = task:get_parts() if parts then for _,p in ipairs(parts) do if p:is_attachment() then nattachments = nattachments + 1 end totalparts = totalparts + 1 end end return {(1.0 * ntextparts)/totalparts, (1.0 * nattachments)/totalparts} end local function meta_encoding_function(task) local nutf = 0 local nother = 0 local tp = task:get_text_parts() if tp and #tp > 0 then for _,p in ipairs(tp) do if p:is_utf() then nutf = nutf + 1 else nother = nother + 1 end end return {nutf / #tp, nother / #tp} end return {0, 0} end local function meta_recipients_function(task) local nmime = 0 local nsmtp = 0 if task:has_recipients('mime') then nmime = #(task:get_recipients('mime')) end if task:has_recipients('smtp') then nsmtp = #(task:get_recipients('smtp')) end if nmime > 0 then nmime = 1.0 / nmime end if nsmtp > 0 then nsmtp = 1.0 / nsmtp end return {nmime,nsmtp} end local function meta_received_function(task) local count_factor = 0 local invalid_factor = 0 local rh = task:get_received_headers() local time_factor = 0 local secure_factor = 0 local fun = require "fun" if rh and #rh > 0 then local ntotal = 0.0 local init_time = 0 fun.each(function(rc) ntotal = ntotal + 1.0 if not rc.by_hostname then invalid_factor = invalid_factor + 1.0 end if init_time == 0 and rc.timestamp then init_time = rc.timestamp elseif rc.timestamp then time_factor = time_factor + math.abs(init_time - rc.timestamp) init_time = rc.timestamp end if rc.flags and (rc.flags['ssl'] or rc.flags['authenticated']) then secure_factor = secure_factor + 1.0 end end, fun.filter(function(rc) return not rc.flags or not rc.flags['artificial'] end, rh)) if ntotal > 0 then invalid_factor = invalid_factor / ntotal secure_factor = secure_factor / ntotal count_factor = 1.0 / ntotal end if time_factor ~= 0 then time_factor = 1.0 / time_factor end end return {count_factor, invalid_factor, time_factor, secure_factor} end local function meta_urls_function(task) local has_urls,nurls = task:has_urls() if has_urls and nurls > 0 then return {1.0 / nurls} end return {0} end local function meta_words_function(task) local avg_len = task:get_mempool():get_variable("avg_words_len", "double") or 0.0 local short_words = task:get_mempool():get_variable("short_words_cnt", "double") or 0.0 local ret_len = 0 local lens = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, } for i = 1,#lens do if lens[i] >= avg_len then ret_len = (1.0 * i) / #lens break end end local tp = task:get_text_parts() local wres = { 0, -- spaces rate 0, -- double spaces rate 0, -- non spaces rate 0, -- ascii characters rate 0, -- non-ascii characters rate 0, -- capital characters rate 0, -- numeric cahracters } for _,p in ipairs(tp) do local stats = p:get_stats() local len = p:get_length() if len > 0 then wres[1] = wres[1] + stats['spaces'] / len wres[2] = wres[2] + stats['double_spaces'] / len wres[3] = wres[3] + stats['non_spaces'] / len wres[4] = wres[4] + stats['ascii_characters'] / len wres[5] = wres[5] + stats['non_ascii_characters'] / len wres[6] = wres[6] + stats['capital_letters'] / len wres[7] = wres[7] + stats['numeric_characters'] / len end end local ret = { short_words, ret_len, } local divisor = 1.0 if #tp > 0 then divisor = #tp end for _,wr in ipairs(wres) do table.insert(ret, wr / divisor) end return ret end local metafunctions = { { cb = meta_size_function, ninputs = 1, names = { "size" }, description = 'Describes size of the message', }, { cb = meta_images_function, ninputs = 5, -- 1 - number of images, -- 2 - number of png images, -- 3 - number of jpeg images -- 4 - number of large images (> 128 x 128) -- 5 - number of small images (< 128 x 128) names = { 'nimages', 'npng_images', 'njpeg_images', 'nlarge_images', 'nsmall_images' }, description = [[Functions for images matching: - number of images, - number of png images, - number of jpeg images - number of large images (> 128 x 128) - number of small images (< 128 x 128) ]] }, { cb = meta_nparts_function, ninputs = 2, -- 1 - number of text parts -- 2 - number of attachments names = { 'ntext_parts', 'nattachments' }, description = [[Functions for images matching: - number of text parts - number of attachments ]] }, { cb = meta_encoding_function, ninputs = 2, -- 1 - number of utf parts -- 2 - number of non-utf parts names = { 'nutf_parts', 'nascii_parts' }, description = [[Functions for encoding matching: - number of utf parts - number of non-utf parts ]] }, { cb = meta_recipients_function, ninputs = 2, -- 1 - number of mime rcpt -- 2 - number of smtp rcpt names = { 'nmime_rcpt', 'nsmtp_rcpt' }, description = [[Functions for recipients data matching: - number of mime rcpt - number of smtp rcpt ]] }, { cb = meta_received_function, ninputs = 4, names = { 'nreceived', 'nreceived_invalid', 'nreceived_bad_time', 'nreceived_secure' }, description = [[Functions for received headers data matching: - number of received headers - number of bad received headers - number of skewed time received headers - number of received via secured relays ]] }, { cb = meta_urls_function, ninputs = 1, names = { 'nurls' }, description = [[Functions for urls data matching: - number of urls ]] }, { cb = meta_words_function, ninputs = 9, names = { 'avg_words_len', 'nshort_words', 'spaces_rate', 'double_spaces_rate', 'non_spaces_rate', 'ascii_characters_rate', 'non_ascii_characters_rate', 'capital_characters_rate', 'numeric_cahracters' }, description = [[Functions for words data matching: - average length of the words - number of short words - rate of spaces in the text - rate of multiple spaces - rate of non space characters - rate of ascii characters - rate of non-ascii characters - rate of capital letters - rate of numbers ]] }, } local meta_schema = ts.shape{ cb = ts.func, ninputs = ts.number, names = ts.array_of(ts.string), description = ts.string:is_optional() } local metatokens_by_name = {} local function fill_metatokens_by_name() metatokens_by_name = {} for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do for i=1,mt.ninputs do local name = mt.names[i] metatokens_by_name[name] = function(task) local results = mt.cb(task) return results[i] end end end end local function calculate_digest() local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash" local h = cr.create() for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do for i=1,mt.ninputs do local name = mt.names[i] h:update(name) end end exports.digest = h:hex() end local function rspamd_gen_metatokens(task, names) local lua_util = require "lua_util" local ipairs = ipairs local metatokens = {} if not names then local cached = task:cache_get('metatokens') if cached then return cached else for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do local ct = mt.cb(task) for i,tok in ipairs(ct) do lua_util.debugm(N, task, "metatoken: %s = %s", mt.names[i], tok) if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity', mt.names[i], tok) tok = 0.0 end table.insert(metatokens, tok) end end task:cache_set('metatokens', metatokens) end else for _,n in ipairs(names) do if metatokens_by_name[n] then local tok = metatokens_by_name[n](task) if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity', n, tok) tok = 0.0 end table.insert(metatokens, tok) else logger.errx(task, 'unknown metatoken: %s', n) end end end return metatokens end exports.rspamd_gen_metatokens = rspamd_gen_metatokens exports.gen_metatokens = rspamd_gen_metatokens local function rspamd_gen_metatokens_table(task) local metatokens = {} for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do local ct = mt.cb(task) for i,tok in ipairs(ct) do if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity', mt.names[i], tok) tok = 0.0 end metatokens[mt.names[i]] = tok end end return metatokens end exports.rspamd_gen_metatokens_table = rspamd_gen_metatokens_table exports.gen_metatokens_table = rspamd_gen_metatokens_table local function rspamd_count_metatokens() local ipairs = ipairs local total = 0 for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do total = total + mt.ninputs end return total end exports.rspamd_count_metatokens = rspamd_count_metatokens exports.count_metatokens = rspamd_count_metatokens exports.version = 1 -- MUST be increased on each change of metatokens exports.add_metafunction = function(tbl) local ret, err = meta_schema(tbl) if not ret then logger.errx('cannot add metafunction: %s', err) else table.insert(metafunctions, tbl) fill_metatokens_by_name() calculate_digest() end end fill_metatokens_by_name() calculate_digest() return exports