--[[ Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- --[[[ -- @module lua_mime -- This module contains helper functions to modify mime parts --]] local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local rspamd_text = require "rspamd_text" local ucl = require "ucl" local exports = {} local function newline(task) local t = task:get_newlines_type() if t == 'cr' then return '\r' elseif t == 'lf' then return '\n' end return '\r\n' end local function do_append_footer(task, part, footer, is_multipart, out, state) local tp = part:get_text() local ct = 'text/plain' local cte = 'quoted-printable' local newline_s = state.newline_s if tp:is_html() then ct = 'text/html' end local encode_func = function(input) return rspamd_util.encode_qp(input, 80, task:get_newlines_type()) end if part:get_cte() == '7bit' then cte = '7bit' encode_func = function(input) if type(input) == 'userdata' then return input else return rspamd_text.fromstring(input) end end end if is_multipart then out[#out + 1] = string.format('Content-Type: %s; charset=utf-8%s' .. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s', ct, newline_s, cte) out[#out + 1] = '' else state.new_cte = cte end local content = tp:get_content('raw_utf') or '' local double_nline = newline_s .. newline_s local nlen = #double_nline -- Hack, if part ends with 2 newline, then we append it after footer if content:sub(-(nlen), nlen + 1) == double_nline then -- content without last newline content = content:sub(-(#newline_s), #newline_s + 1) .. footer out[#out + 1] = { encode_func(content), true } out[#out + 1] = '' else content = content .. footer out[#out + 1] = { encode_func(content), true } out[#out + 1] = '' end end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.add_text_footer(task, html_footer, text_footer) -- Adds a footer to all text parts in a message. It returns a table with the following -- fields: -- * out: new content (body only) -- * need_rewrite_ct: boolean field that means if we must rewrite content type -- * new_ct: new content type (type => string, subtype => string) -- * new_cte: new content-transfer encoding (string) --]] exports.add_text_footer = function(task, html_footer, text_footer) local newline_s = newline(task) local state = { newline_s = newline_s } local out = {} local text_parts = task:get_text_parts() if not (html_footer or text_footer) or not (text_parts and #text_parts > 0) then return false end if html_footer or text_footer then -- We need to take extra care about content-type and cte local ct = task:get_header('Content-Type') if ct then ct = rspamd_util.parse_content_type(ct, task:get_mempool()) end if ct then if ct.type and ct.type == 'text' then if ct.subtype then if html_footer and (ct.subtype == 'html' or ct.subtype == 'htm') then state.need_rewrite_ct = true elseif text_footer and ct.subtype == 'plain' then state.need_rewrite_ct = true end else if text_footer then state.need_rewrite_ct = true end end state.new_ct = ct end else if text_parts then if #text_parts == 1 then state.need_rewrite_ct = true state.new_ct = { type = 'text', subtype = 'plain' } elseif #text_parts > 1 then -- XXX: in fact, it cannot be state.new_ct = { type = 'multipart', subtype = 'mixed' } end end end end local boundaries = {} local cur_boundary for _, part in ipairs(task:get_parts()) do local boundary = part:get_boundary() local part_ct = part:get_header('Content-Type') if part_ct then part_ct = rspamd_util.parse_content_type(part_ct, task:get_mempool()) end if part:is_multipart() then if cur_boundary then out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s', boundaries[#boundaries].boundary) end boundaries[#boundaries + 1] = { boundary = boundary or '--XXX', ct_type = part_ct.type or '', ct_subtype = part_ct.subtype or '', } cur_boundary = boundary local rh = part:get_raw_headers() if #rh > 0 then out[#out + 1] = { rh, true } end elseif part:is_message() then if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close boundary out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s--%s', boundaries[#boundaries].boundary, newline_s) table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = nil end out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s', boundary) end out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } else local append_footer = false local skip_footer = part:is_attachment() local parent = part:get_parent() if parent then local t, st = parent:get_type() if t == 'multipart' and st == 'signed' then -- Do not modify signed parts skip_footer = true end end if text_footer and part:is_text() then local tp = part:get_text() if not tp:is_html() then append_footer = text_footer end end if html_footer and part:is_text() then local tp = part:get_text() if tp:is_html() then append_footer = html_footer end end if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close boundary out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s--%s', boundaries[#boundaries].boundary, newline_s) -- Need to close previous boundary, if ct_subtype is related if #boundaries > 1 and boundaries[#boundaries].ct_type == "multipart" and boundaries[#boundaries].ct_subtype == "related" then out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s--%s', boundaries[#boundaries -1].boundary, newline_s) table.remove(boundaries) end table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = boundary end out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s', boundary) end if append_footer and not skip_footer then do_append_footer(task, part, append_footer, parent and parent:is_multipart(), out, state) else out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_content(), false } end end end -- Close remaining local b = table.remove(boundaries) while b do out[#out + 1] = string.format('--%s--', b.boundary) if #boundaries > 0 then out[#out + 1] = '' end b = table.remove(boundaries) end state.out = out return state end local function do_replacement (task, part, mp, replacements, is_multipart, out, state) local tp = part:get_text() local ct = 'text/plain' local cte = 'quoted-printable' local newline_s = state.newline_s if tp:is_html() then ct = 'text/html' end local encode_func = function(input) return rspamd_util.encode_qp(input, 80, task:get_newlines_type()) end if part:get_cte() == '7bit' then cte = '7bit' encode_func = function(input) if type(input) == 'userdata' then return input else return rspamd_text.fromstring(input) end end end local content = tp:get_content('raw_utf') or rspamd_text.fromstring('') local match_pos = mp:match(content, true) if match_pos then -- sort matches and form the table: -- start .. end for inclusion position local matches_flattened = {} for npat, matches in pairs(match_pos) do for _, m in ipairs(matches) do table.insert(matches_flattened, { m, npat }) end end -- Handle the case of empty match if #matches_flattened == 0 then out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_content(), false } return end if is_multipart then out[#out + 1] = { string.format('Content-Type: %s; charset="utf-8"%s' .. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s', ct, newline_s, cte), true } out[#out + 1] = { '', true } else state.new_cte = cte end state.has_matches = true -- now sort flattened by start of match and eliminate all overlaps table.sort(matches_flattened, function(m1, m2) return m1[1][1] < m2[1][1] end) for i = 1, #matches_flattened - 1 do local st = matches_flattened[i][1][1] -- current start of match local e = matches_flattened[i][1][2] -- current end of match local max_npat = matches_flattened[i][2] for j = i + 1, #matches_flattened do if matches_flattened[j][1][1] == st then -- overlap if matches_flattened[j][1][2] > e then -- larger exclusion and switch replacement e = matches_flattened[j][1][2] max_npat = matches_flattened[j][2] end else break end end -- Maximum overlap for all matches for j = i, #matches_flattened do if matches_flattened[j][1][1] == st then if e > matches_flattened[j][1][2] then matches_flattened[j][1][2] = e matches_flattened[j][2] = max_npat end else break end end end -- Off-by one: match returns 0 based positions while we use 1 based in Lua for _, m in ipairs(matches_flattened) do m[1][1] = m[1][1] + 1 m[1][2] = m[1][2] + 1 end -- Now flattened match table is sorted by start pos and has the maximum overlapped pattern -- Matches with the same start and end are covering the same replacement -- e.g. we had something like [1 .. 2] -> replacement 1 and [1 .. 4] -> replacement 2 -- after flattening we should have [1 .. 4] -> 2 and [1 .. 4] -> 2 -- we can safely ignore those duplicates in the following code local cur_start = 1 local fragments = {} for _, m in ipairs(matches_flattened) do if m[1][1] >= cur_start then fragments[#fragments + 1] = content:sub(cur_start, m[1][1] - 1) fragments[#fragments + 1] = replacements[m[2]] cur_start = m[1][2] -- end of match end end -- last part if cur_start < #content then fragments[#fragments + 1] = content:span(cur_start) end -- Final stuff out[#out + 1] = { encode_func(rspamd_text.fromtable(fragments)), false } else -- No matches out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_content(), false } end end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.multipattern_text_replace(task, mp, replacements) -- Replaces text according to multipattern matches. It returns a table with the following -- fields: -- * out: new content (body only) -- * need_rewrite_ct: boolean field that means if we must rewrite content type -- * new_ct: new content type (type => string, subtype => string) -- * new_cte: new content-transfer encoding (string) --]] exports.multipattern_text_replace = function(task, mp, replacements) local newline_s = newline(task) local state = { newline_s = newline_s } local out = {} local text_parts = task:get_text_parts() if not mp or not (text_parts and #text_parts > 0) then return false end -- We need to take extra care about content-type and cte local ct = task:get_header('Content-Type') if ct then ct = rspamd_util.parse_content_type(ct, task:get_mempool()) end if ct then if ct.type and ct.type == 'text' then state.need_rewrite_ct = true state.new_ct = ct end else -- No explicit CT, need to guess if text_parts then if #text_parts == 1 then state.need_rewrite_ct = true state.new_ct = { type = 'text', subtype = 'plain' } elseif #text_parts > 1 then -- XXX: in fact, it cannot be state.new_ct = { type = 'multipart', subtype = 'mixed' } end end end local boundaries = {} local cur_boundary for _, part in ipairs(task:get_parts()) do local boundary = part:get_boundary() if part:is_multipart() then if cur_boundary then out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } end boundaries[#boundaries + 1] = boundary or '--XXX' cur_boundary = boundary local rh = part:get_raw_headers() if #rh > 0 then out[#out + 1] = { rh, true } end elseif part:is_message() then if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close boundary out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = nil end out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundary), true } end out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } else local skip_replacement = part:is_attachment() local parent = part:get_parent() if parent then local t, st = parent:get_type() if t == 'multipart' and st == 'signed' then -- Do not modify signed parts skip_replacement = true end end if not part:is_text() then skip_replacement = true end if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close boundary out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = boundary end out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundary), true } end if not skip_replacement then do_replacement(task, part, mp, replacements, parent and parent:is_multipart(), out, state) else -- Append as is out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_content(), false } end end end -- Close remaining local b = table.remove(boundaries) while b do out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', b), true } if #boundaries > 0 then out[#out + 1] = { '', true } end b = table.remove(boundaries) end state.out = out return state end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.modify_headers(task, {add = {hname = {value = 'value', order = 1}}, remove = {hname = {1,2}}}) -- Adds/removes headers both internal and in the milter reply -- Mode defines to be compatible with Rspamd <=3.2 and is the default (equal to 'compat') --]] exports.modify_headers = function(task, hdr_alterations, mode) -- Assume default mode compatibility if not mode then mode = 'compat' end local add = hdr_alterations.add or {} local remove = hdr_alterations.remove or {} local add_headers = {} -- For Milter reply local hdr_flattened = {} -- For C API local function flatten_add_header(hname, hdr) if not add_headers[hname] then add_headers[hname] = {} end if not hdr_flattened[hname] then hdr_flattened[hname] = { add = {} } end local add_tbl = hdr_flattened[hname].add if hdr.value then table.insert(add_headers[hname], { order = (tonumber(hdr.order) or -1), value = hdr.value, }) table.insert(add_tbl, { tonumber(hdr.order) or -1, hdr.value }) elseif type(hdr) == 'table' then for _, v in ipairs(hdr) do flatten_add_header(hname, v) end elseif type(hdr) == 'string' then table.insert(add_headers[hname], { order = -1, value = hdr, }) table.insert(add_tbl, { -1, hdr }) else logger.errx(task, 'invalid modification of header: %s', hdr) end if mode == 'compat' and #add_headers[hname] == 1 then -- Switch to the compatibility mode add_headers[hname] = add_headers[hname][1] end end if hdr_alterations.order then -- Get headers alterations ordered for _, hname in ipairs(hdr_alterations.order) do flatten_add_header(hname, add[hname]) end else for hname, hdr in pairs(add) do flatten_add_header(hname, hdr) end end for hname, hdr in pairs(remove) do if not hdr_flattened[hname] then hdr_flattened[hname] = { remove = {} } end if not hdr_flattened[hname].remove then hdr_flattened[hname].remove = {} end local remove_tbl = hdr_flattened[hname].remove local t_hdr = type(hdr) if t_hdr == 'number' then table.insert(remove_tbl, hdr) elseif t_hdr == 'userdata' then hdr_alterations.remove[hname] = nil else for _, num in ipairs(hdr) do table.insert(remove_tbl, num) end end end if mode == 'compat' then -- Clear empty alterations in the compat mode if add_headers and not next(add_headers) then add_headers = nil end if hdr_alterations.remove and not next(hdr_alterations.remove) then hdr_alterations.remove = nil end end task:set_milter_reply({ add_headers = add_headers, remove_headers = hdr_alterations.remove }) for hname, flat_rules in pairs(hdr_flattened) do task:modify_header(hname, flat_rules) end end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.message_to_ucl(task, [stringify_content]) -- Exports a message to an ucl object --]] exports.message_to_ucl = function(task, stringify_content) local E = {} local maybe_stringify_f = stringify_content and tostring or function(t) return t end local result = { size = task:get_size(), digest = task:get_digest(), newlines = task:get_newlines_type(), headers = task:get_headers(true) } -- Utility to convert ip addr to a string or nil if invalid/absent local function maybe_stringify_ip(addr) if addr and addr:is_valid() then return addr:to_string() end return nil end -- Envelope (smtp) information from email (nil if empty) result.envelope = { from_smtp = (task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1], recipients_smtp = task:get_recipients('smtp'), helo = task:get_helo(), hostname = task:get_hostname(), client_ip = maybe_stringify_ip(task:get_client_ip()), from_ip = maybe_stringify_ip(task:get_from_ip()), } if not next(result.envelope) then result.envelope = ucl.null end local parts = task:get_parts() or E result.parts = {} for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if not part:is_multipart() and not part:is_message() then local p = { size = part:get_length(), type = string.format('%s/%s', part:get_type()), detected_type = string.format('%s/%s', part:get_detected_type()), filename = part:get_filename(), content = maybe_stringify_f(part:get_content()), headers = part:get_headers(true) or E, boundary = part:get_enclosing_boundary(), } table.insert(result.parts, p) else -- Service part: multipart container or message/rfc822 local p = { type = string.format('%s/%s', part:get_type()), headers = part:get_headers(true) or E, boundary = part:get_enclosing_boundary(), size = 0, } if part:is_multipart() then p.multipart_boundary = part:get_boundary() end table.insert(result.parts, p) end end return result end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.message_to_ucl_schema() -- Returns schema for a message to verify result/document fields --]] exports.message_to_ucl_schema = function() local ts = require("tableshape").types local function headers_schema() return ts.shape { order = ts.integer:describe('Header order in a message'), raw = ts.string:describe('Raw header value'):is_optional(), empty_separator = ts.boolean:describe('Whether header has an empty separator'), separator = ts.string:describe('Separator between a header and a value'), decoded = ts.string:describe('Decoded value'):is_optional(), value = ts.string:describe('Decoded value'):is_optional(), name = ts.string:describe('Header name'), tab_separated = ts.boolean:describe('Whether header has tab as a separator') } end local function part_schema() return ts.shape { content = ts.string:describe('Decoded content'):is_optional(), multipart_boundary = ts.string:describe('Multipart service boundary'):is_optional(), size = ts.integer:describe('Size of the part'), type = ts.string:describe('Announced type'):is_optional(), detected_type = ts.string:describe('Detected type'):is_optional(), boundary = ts.string:describe('Eclosing boundary'):is_optional(), filename = ts.string:describe('File name for attachments'):is_optional(), headers = ts.array_of(headers_schema()):describe('Part headers'), } end local function email_addr_schema() return ts.shape { addr = ts.string:describe('Parsed address'):is_optional(), raw = ts.string:describe('Raw address'), flags = ts.shape { valid = ts.boolean:describe('Valid address'):is_optional(), ip = ts.boolean:describe('IP like address'):is_optional(), braced = ts.boolean:describe('Have braces around address'):is_optional(), quoted = ts.boolean:describe('Have quotes around address'):is_optional(), empty = ts.boolean:describe('Empty address'):is_optional(), backslash = ts.boolean:describe('Backslash in address'):is_optional(), ['8bit'] = ts.boolean:describe('8 bit characters in address'):is_optional(), }, user = ts.string:describe('Parsed user part'):is_optional(), name = ts.string:describe('Displayed name'):is_optional(), domain = ts.string:describe('Parsed domain part'):is_optional(), } end local function envelope_schema() return ts.shape { from_smtp = email_addr_schema():describe('SMTP from'):is_optional(), recipients_smtp = ts.array_of(email_addr_schema()):describe('SMTP recipients'):is_optional(), helo = ts.string:describe('SMTP Helo'):is_optional(), hostname = ts.string:describe('Sender hostname'):is_optional(), client_ip = ts.string:describe('Client ip'):is_optional(), from_ip = ts.string:describe('Sender ip'):is_optional(), } end return ts.shape { headers = ts.array_of(headers_schema()), parts = ts.array_of(part_schema()), digest = ts.pattern(string.format('^%s$', string.rep('%x', 32))) :describe('Message digest'), newlines = ts.one_of({ "cr", "lf", "crlf" }):describe('Newlines type'), size = ts.integer:describe('Size of the message in bytes'), envelope = envelope_schema() } end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.remove_attachments(task, settings) -- Removes all attachments from a message, keeping only text parts -- @param {task} task Rspamd task object -- @param {table} settings Table with the following fields: -- * keep_images: boolean, whether to keep inline images (default: false) -- * min_text_size: number, minimum text part size to keep (default: 0) -- * max_text_size: number, maximum text part size to keep (default: inf) -- @return {table} modified message state similar to other modification functions: -- * out: new content (body only) --]] exports.remove_attachments = function(task, settings) local newline_s = newline(task) local state = { newline_s = newline_s } local out = {} settings = settings or {} local keep_images = settings.keep_images or false local min_text_size = settings.min_text_size or 0 local max_text_size = settings.max_text_size or math.huge -- Process message structure local boundaries = {} local cur_boundary local has_attachments = false local parts_to_keep = {} local parts_indexes_to_keep = {} -- First pass: identify parts to keep for i, part in ipairs(task:get_parts()) do local keep_part = false if part:is_text() and not part:is_attachment() then local length = part:get_length() if length >= min_text_size and length <= max_text_size then keep_part = true end elseif keep_images and part:is_image() then local cd = part:get_header('Content-Disposition') if cd and cd:lower():match('inline') then keep_part = true end end if keep_part then table.insert(parts_to_keep, part) parts_indexes_to_keep[i] = true else has_attachments = true end end -- If no attachments found, return false to indicate that no alterations are required if not has_attachments then return false end -- Second pass: reconstruct message for i, part in ipairs(task:get_parts()) do local boundary = part:get_boundary() if part:is_multipart() then if cur_boundary then out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } end boundaries[#boundaries + 1] = boundary or '--XXX' cur_boundary = boundary local rh = part:get_raw_headers() if #rh > 0 then out[#out + 1] = { rh, true } end elseif part:is_message() then if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close boundary out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = nil end out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundary), true } end out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_headers(), true } else if parts_indexes_to_keep[i] then if boundary then if cur_boundary and boundary ~= cur_boundary then -- Need to close previous boundary out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', boundaries[#boundaries]), true } table.remove(boundaries) cur_boundary = boundary end out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', boundary), true } end -- Add part headers local headers = part:get_raw_headers() if headers then out[#out + 1] = { headers, true } end -- Add content out[#out + 1] = { part:get_raw_content(), false } end end end -- Close remaining boundaries local b = table.remove(boundaries) while b do out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', b), true } if #boundaries > 0 then out[#out + 1] = { '', true } end b = table.remove(boundaries) end state.out = out return state end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.get_displayed_text_part(task) -- Returns the most relevant displayed content from an email -- @param {task} task Rspamd task object -- @return {text_part} a selected part --]] exports.get_displayed_text_part = function(task) local text_parts = task:get_text_parts() if not text_parts then return nil end local html_part local text_part local html_attachment -- First pass: categorize parts for _, part in ipairs(text_parts) do local mp = part:get_mimepart() if not mp:is_attachment() then if part:is_html() then html_part = part else text_part = text_part or part end else -- Check for HTML attachments if part:is_html() and mp:get_length() < 102400 then -- 100KB limit, as long ones are likely not something that we should check html_attachment = part end end end -- Decision logic if html_part then local word_count = html_part:get_words_count() or 0 if word_count >= 10 then -- Arbitrary minimum threshold, e.g. I believe it's minimum sane return html_part end end if text_part then local word_count = text_part:get_words_count() or 0 if word_count >= 10 then -- Arbitrary minimum threshold, e.g. I believe it's minimum sane return text_part end end if html_attachment then return html_attachment end -- Only short parts, but still let's try our best return html_part or text_part end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.get_distinct_text_parts(task) -- Returns the list of parts that are visible or have a distinct content -- @param {task} task Rspamd task object -- @return array of {text_part} a selected part --]] exports.get_distinct_text_parts = function(task) local text_parts = task:get_text_parts() if not text_parts then return {} end local text_part_idx local distance = task:get_mempool():get_variable('parts_distance', 'double') if not distance then return text_parts end distance = tonumber(distance) if distance > 0.5 then -- Parts are distinct return text_parts end -- First pass: categorize parts for i, part in ipairs(text_parts) do local mp = part:get_mimepart() if not mp:is_attachment() then if not part:is_html() then -- Found text part that is similar to html part text_part_idx = i end end end if text_part_idx then table.remove(text_parts, text_part_idx) end return text_parts end --[[[ -- @function lua_mime.anonymize_message(task, settings) -- Anonymizes message content by replacing sensitive data -- @param {task} task Rspamd task object -- @param {table} settings Table with the following fields: -- * strip_attachments: boolean, whether to strip all attachments -- * custom_header_process: table of header_name => function(orig_header) pairs -- @return {table} modified message state similar to other modification functions --]] exports.anonymize_message = function(task, settings) local rspamd_re = require "rspamd_regexp" local lua_util = require "lua_util" -- We exclude words with digits, currency symbols and so on local exclude_words_re = rspamd_re.create_cached([=[/^(?:\d+|\d+\D{1,3}|\p{Sc}.*|(\+?\d{1,3}[\s\-]?)?)$/(:?^[[:alpha:]]*\d{4,}.*$)/u]=]) local newline_s = newline(task) local state = { newline_s = newline_s } local out = {} -- Default header processors local function anonymize_email_header(hdr) local addrs = rspamd_util.parse_mail_address(hdr.value, task:get_mempool()) if addrs and addrs[1] then local modified = {} for _, addr in ipairs(addrs) do table.insert(modified, string.format('anonymous@%s', addr.domain or 'example.com')) end return table.concat(modified, ',') end return 'anonymous@example.com' end local function anonymize_received_header(hdr) local processed = string.gsub(hdr.value, '%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+', 'x.x.x.x') processed = string.gsub(processed, '%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+', 'x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x') return processed end local default_header_process = { ['from'] = anonymize_email_header, ['to'] = anonymize_email_header, ['cc'] = anonymize_email_header, ['bcc'] = anonymize_email_header, ['received'] = anonymize_received_header, } -- Merge with custom processors local header_processors = settings.custom_header_process or {} for k, v in pairs(default_header_process) do if not header_processors[k] then header_processors[k] = v end end -- Process headers local all_include = true local all_exclude = false -- Convert strings list to a list of globs where possible local function process_exceptions_list(list) if list and #list > 0 then for i, hdr in ipairs(list) do local gl = rspamd_re.import_glob(hdr, 'i') if gl then list[i] = gl end end return true end end local function maybe_match_header(hdr, list) if not list then return false end for _, expr in ipairs(list) do if type(expr) == 'userdata' then if expr:match(hdr) then return true end else if expr:lower() == hdr:lower() then return true end end end return false end if process_exceptions_list(settings.include_header) then all_include = false all_exclude = true end if process_exceptions_list(settings.exclude_header) then all_exclude = true end local modified_headers = {} local function process_hdr(name, hdr) local include_hdr = (all_include and not maybe_match_header(name, settings.exclude_header)) or (all_exclude and maybe_match_header(name, settings.include_header)) if include_hdr then local processor = header_processors[name:lower()] if processor then local new_value = processor(hdr) if new_value then table.insert(modified_headers, { name = name, value = new_value }) end else table.insert(modified_headers, { name = name, value = hdr.value }) end end end task:headers_foreach(process_hdr, { full = true }) -- Create new text content local text_content = {} local urls = {} local emails = {} local sel_part = exports.get_displayed_text_part(task) if sel_part and settings.gpt then -- LLM version local gpt_settings = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('gpt') if not gpt_settings then logger.errx(task, 'no gpt settings found') return false end -- Prepare the LLM request local function send_to_llm(input_content) local rspamd_http = require 'rspamd_http' -- settings for LLM API local llm_settings = lua_util.override_defaults(gpt_settings, { api_key = settings.api_key, model = settings.model, timeout = settings.timeout, url = settings.url, }) -- Do not use prompt settings from the module llm_settings.prompt = settings.gpt_prompt or 'Remove all personal data from the following email ' .. 'and return just the anonymized content' local request_body = { model = llm_settings.model, max_tokens = llm_settings.max_tokens, temperature = 0, messages = { { role = 'system', content = llm_settings.prompt }, { role = 'user', content = input_content } } } if llm_settings.type == 'ollama' then request_body.stream = false end -- Make the HTTP request to the LLM API local http_params = { url = llm_settings.url, headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. llm_settings.api_key, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, body = ucl.to_format(request_body, 'json-compact'), method = 'POST', task = task, timeout = llm_settings.timeout, } local err, data = rspamd_http.request(http_params) if err then logger.errx(task, 'LLM request failed: %s', err) return end local parser = ucl.parser() local res, parse_err = parser:parse_string(data.content) if not res then logger.errx(task, 'Cannot parse LLM response: %s', parse_err) return end local reply = parser:get_object() local anonymized_content if llm_settings.type == 'openai' then anonymized_content = reply.choices and reply.choices[1] and reply.choices[1].message and reply.choices[1].message.content elseif llm_settings.type == 'ollama' then anonymized_content = reply.message.content end if anonymized_content then -- Replace the original content with the anonymized content -- sel_part:set_content(anonymized_content) -- Not available, so rebuild message instead -- Create new message with anonymized content local cur_boundary = '--XXX' -- Add headers out[#out + 1] = { string.format('Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"', cur_boundary), true } for _, hdr in ipairs(modified_headers) do if hdr.name:lower() ~= 'content-type' then out[#out + 1] = { string.format('%s: %s', hdr.name, hdr.value), true } end end out[#out + 1] = { '', true } -- Add text part with anonymized content out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', cur_boundary), true } out[#out + 1] = { 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable', true } out[#out + 1] = { '', true } out[#out + 1] = { rspamd_util.encode_qp(anonymized_content, 76, task:get_newlines_type()), true } -- Close boundaries out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', cur_boundary), true } state.out = out state.need_rewrite_ct = true state.new_ct = { type = 'multipart', subtype = 'mixed' } return state end return false end -- Send content to LLM return send_to_llm(sel_part:get_content()) else if sel_part then text_content = sel_part:get_words('norm') for i, w in ipairs(text_content) do if exclude_words_re:match(w) then text_content[i] = string.rep('x', #w) end end end -- Process URLs local function process_url(url) local clean_url = url:get_host() local path = url:get_path() if path and path ~= "/" then clean_url = string.format("%s/%s", clean_url, path) end return string.format('https://%s', clean_url) end for _, url in ipairs(task:get_urls(true)) do urls[process_url(url)] = true end -- Process emails local function process_email(email) return string.format('nobody@%s', email.domain or 'example.com') end for _, email in ipairs(task:get_emails()) do emails[process_email(email)] = true end -- Construct new message table.insert(text_content, '\nurls:') table.insert(text_content, table.concat(lua_util.keys(urls), ', ')) table.insert(text_content, '\nemails:') table.insert(text_content, table.concat(lua_util.keys(emails), ', ')) local new_text = table.concat(text_content, ' ') -- Create new message structure local cur_boundary = '--XXX' -- Add headers out[#out + 1] = { string.format('Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"', cur_boundary), true } for _, hdr in ipairs(modified_headers) do if hdr.name ~= 'Content-Type' then out[#out + 1] = { string.format('%s: %s', hdr.name, hdr.value), true } end end out[#out + 1] = { '', true } -- Add text part out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s', cur_boundary), true } out[#out + 1] = { 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable', true } out[#out + 1] = { '', true } out[#out + 1] = { rspamd_util.encode_qp(new_text, 76, task:get_newlines_type()), true } -- Close boundaries out[#out + 1] = { string.format('--%s--', cur_boundary), true } state.out = out state.need_rewrite_ct = true state.new_ct = { type = 'multipart', subtype = 'mixed' } return state end end return exports