--[[ Copyright (c) 2017, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local lutil = require "lua_util" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local ts = require("tableshape").types local exports = {} local E = {} local N = "lua_redis" local common_schema = ts.shape { timeout = (ts.number + ts.string / lutil.parse_time_interval):is_optional(), db = ts.string:is_optional(), database = ts.string:is_optional(), dbname = ts.string:is_optional(), prefix = ts.string:is_optional(), password = ts.string:is_optional(), expand_keys = ts.boolean:is_optional(), sentinels = (ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string)):is_optional(), sentinel_watch_time = (ts.number + ts.string / lutil.parse_time_interval):is_optional(), sentinel_masters_pattern = ts.string:is_optional(), } local config_schema = ts.shape({ read_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string), write_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string), }, {extra_opts = common_schema}) + ts.shape({ servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string), }, {extra_opts = common_schema}) + ts.shape({ server = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string), }, {extra_opts = common_schema}) exports.config_schema = config_schema local function redis_query_sentinel(ev_base, params, initialised) local function flatten_redis_table(tbl) local res = {} for i=1,#tbl,2 do res[tbl[i]] = tbl[i + 1] end return res end -- Coroutines syntax local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local addr = params.sentinels:get_upstream_round_robin() local is_ok, connection = rspamd_redis.connect_sync({ host = addr:get_addr(), timeout = params.timeout, config = rspamd_config, ev_base = ev_base, }) if not is_ok then logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect sentinel at address: %s', tostring(addr:get_addr())) addr:fail() return end -- Get masters list connection:add_cmd('SENTINEL', {'masters'}) local ok,result = connection:exec() if ok and result and type(result) == 'table' then local masters = {} for _,m in ipairs(result) do local master = flatten_redis_table(m) if params.sentinel_masters_pattern then if master.name:match(params.sentinel_masters_pattern) then lutil.debugm(N, 'found master %s with ip %s and port %s', master.name, master.ip, master.port) masters[master.name] = master else lutil.debugm(N, 'skip master %s with ip %s and port %s, pattern %s', master.name, master.ip, master.port, params.sentinel_masters_pattern) end else lutil.debugm(N, 'found master %s with ip %s and port %s', master.name, master.ip, master.port) masters[master.name] = master end end -- For each master we need to get a list of slaves for k,v in pairs(masters) do v.slaves = {} local slave_result connection:add_cmd('SENTINEL', {'slaves', k}) ok,slave_result = connection:exec() if ok then for _,s in ipairs(slave_result) do local slave = flatten_redis_table(s) lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'found slave form master %s with ip %s and port %s', v.name, slave.ip, slave.port) v.slaves[#v.slaves + 1] = slave end end end -- We now form new strings for masters and slaves local read_servers_tbl, write_servers_tbl = {}, {} for _,master in pairs(masters) do write_servers_tbl[#write_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format( '%s:%s', master.ip, master.port ) read_servers_tbl[#read_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format( '%s:%s', master.ip, master.port ) for _,slave in ipairs(master.slaves) do read_servers_tbl[#read_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format( '%s:%s', slave.ip, slave.port ) end end local read_servers_str = table.concat(read_servers_tbl, ',') local write_servers_str = table.concat(read_servers_tbl, ',') lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'new servers list: %s read; %s write', read_servers_str, write_servers_str) if read_servers_str ~= params.read_servers_str then local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" local read_upstreams = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, read_servers_str, 6379) if read_upstreams then logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'sentinel %s: replace read servers with new list: %s', addr:get_addr():to_string(true), read_servers_str) params.read_servers = read_upstreams params.read_servers_str = read_servers_str end end if write_servers_str ~= params.write_servers_str then local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" local write_upstreams = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, write_servers_str, 6379) if write_upstreams then logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'sentinel %s: replace write servers with new list: %s', addr:get_addr():to_string(true), write_servers_str) params.write_servers = write_upstreams params.write_servers_str = write_servers_str end end addr:ok() else logger.errx('cannot get data from Redis Sentinel %s: %s', addr:get_addr():to_string(true), result) addr:fail() end end local function add_redis_sentinels(params) local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" local upstreams_sentinels = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, params.sentinels, 5000) if not upstreams_sentinels then logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot load redis sentinels string: %s', params.sentinels) return end params.sentinels = upstreams_sentinels if not params.sentinel_watch_time then params.sentinel_watch_time = 60 -- Each minute end rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker) local initialised = false if worker:is_scanner() then rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 0.0, function() redis_query_sentinel(ev_base, params, initialised) initialised = true return params.sentinel_watch_time end, false) end end) end local cached_results = {} local function calculate_redis_hash(params) local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash" local h = cr.create() local function rec_hash(k, v) if type(v) == 'string' then h:update(k) h:update(v) elseif type(v) == 'number' then h:update(k) h:update(tostring(v)) elseif type(v) == 'table' then for kk,vv in pairs(v) do rec_hash(kk, vv) end end end rec_hash(params) return h:base32() end --[[[ -- @module lua_redis -- This module contains helper functions for working with Redis --]] local function try_load_redis_servers(options, rspamd_config, result) local default_port = 6379 local default_timeout = 1.0 local default_expand_keys = false local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" local read_only = true -- Try to get read servers: local upstreams_read, upstreams_write if options['read_servers'] then if rspamd_config then upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, options['read_servers'], default_port) else upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['read_servers'], default_port) end result.read_servers_str = options['read_servers'] elseif options['servers'] then if rspamd_config then upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, options['servers'], default_port) else upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['servers'], default_port) end result.read_servers_str = options['servers'] read_only = false elseif options['server'] then if rspamd_config then upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, options['server'], default_port) else upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['server'], default_port) end result.read_servers_str = options['server'] read_only = false end if upstreams_read then if options['write_servers'] then if rspamd_config then upstreams_write = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, options['write_servers'], default_port) else upstreams_write = upstream_list.create(options['write_servers'], default_port) end result.write_servers_str = options['write_servers'] read_only = false elseif not read_only then upstreams_write = upstreams_read result.write_servers_str = result.read_servers_str end end -- Store options if not result['timeout'] or result['timeout'] == default_timeout then if options['timeout'] then result['timeout'] = tonumber(options['timeout']) else result['timeout'] = default_timeout end end if options['prefix'] and not result['prefix'] then result['prefix'] = options['prefix'] end if type(options['expand_keys']) == 'boolean' then result['expand_keys'] = options['expand_keys'] else result['expand_keys'] = default_expand_keys end if not result['db'] then if options['db'] then result['db'] = tostring(options['db']) elseif options['dbname'] then result['db'] = tostring(options['dbname']) elseif options['database'] then result['db'] = tostring(options['database']) end end if options['password'] and not result['password'] then result['password'] = options['password'] end if read_only and not upstreams_write then result.read_only = true elseif upstreams_write then result.read_only = false end if upstreams_read then result.read_servers = upstreams_read if upstreams_write then result.write_servers = upstreams_write end local h = calculate_redis_hash(result) if cached_results[h] then for k,v in pairs(cached_results[h]) do result[k] = v end lutil.debugm(N, 'reused redis server: %s', result) return true end result.hash = h cached_results[h] = result if not result.read_only and options.sentinels then result.sentinels = options.sentinels add_redis_sentinels(result) end lutil.debugm(N, 'loaded redis server: %s', result) return true end return false end exports.try_load_redis_servers = try_load_redis_servers -- This function parses redis server definition using either -- specific server string for this module or global -- redis section local function rspamd_parse_redis_server(module_name, module_opts, no_fallback) local result = {} -- Try local options local opts lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'try load redis config for: %s', module_name) if not module_opts then opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(module_name) else opts = module_opts end if opts then local ret if opts.redis then ret = try_load_redis_servers(opts.redis, rspamd_config, result) if ret then return result end end ret = try_load_redis_servers(opts, rspamd_config, result) if ret then return result end end if no_fallback then logger.infox(rspamd_config, "cannot find Redis definitions for %s and fallback is disabled", module_name) return nil end -- Try global options opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('redis') if opts then local ret if opts[module_name] then ret = try_load_redis_servers(opts[module_name], rspamd_config, result) if ret then return result end else ret = try_load_redis_servers(opts, rspamd_config, result) -- Exclude disabled if opts['disabled_modules'] then for _,v in ipairs(opts['disabled_modules']) do if v == module_name then logger.infox(rspamd_config, "NOT using default redis server for module %s: it is disabled", module_name) return nil end end end if ret then logger.infox(rspamd_config, "use default Redis settings for %s", module_name) return result end end end if result.read_servers then return result end return nil end --[[[ -- @function lua_redis.parse_redis_server(module_name, module_opts, no_fallback) -- Extracts Redis server settings from configuration -- @param {string} module_name name of module to get settings for -- @param {table} module_opts settings for module or `nil` to fetch them from configuration -- @param {boolean} no_fallback should be `true` if global settings must not be used -- @return {table} redis server settings -- @example -- local rconfig = lua_redis.parse_redis_server('my_module') -- -- rconfig contains upstream_list objects in ['write_servers'] and ['read_servers'] -- -- ['timeout'] contains timeout in seconds -- -- ['expand_keys'] if true tells that redis key expansion is enabled --]] exports.rspamd_parse_redis_server = rspamd_parse_redis_server exports.parse_redis_server = rspamd_parse_redis_server local process_cmd = { bitop = function(args) local idx_l = {} for i = 2, #args do table.insert(idx_l, i) end return idx_l end, blpop = function(args) local idx_l = {} for i = 1, #args -1 do table.insert(idx_l, i) end return idx_l end, eval = function(args) local idx_l = {} local numkeys = args[2] if numkeys and tonumber(numkeys) >= 1 then for i = 3, numkeys + 2 do table.insert(idx_l, i) end end return idx_l end, set = function(args) return {1} end, mget = function(args) local idx_l = {} for i = 1, #args do table.insert(idx_l, i) end return idx_l end, mset = function(args) local idx_l = {} for i = 1, #args, 2 do table.insert(idx_l, i) end return idx_l end, sdiffstore = function(args) local idx_l = {} for i = 2, #args do table.insert(idx_l, i) end return idx_l end, smove = function(args) return {1, 2} end, script = function() end } process_cmd.append = process_cmd.set process_cmd.auth = process_cmd.script process_cmd.bgrewriteaof = process_cmd.script process_cmd.bgsave = process_cmd.script process_cmd.bitcount = process_cmd.set process_cmd.bitfield = process_cmd.set process_cmd.bitpos = process_cmd.set process_cmd.brpop = process_cmd.blpop process_cmd.brpoplpush = process_cmd.blpop process_cmd.client = process_cmd.script process_cmd.cluster = process_cmd.script process_cmd.command = process_cmd.script process_cmd.config = process_cmd.script process_cmd.dbsize = process_cmd.script process_cmd.debug = process_cmd.script process_cmd.decr = process_cmd.set process_cmd.decrby = process_cmd.set process_cmd.del = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.discard = process_cmd.script process_cmd.dump = process_cmd.set process_cmd.echo = process_cmd.script process_cmd.evalsha = process_cmd.eval process_cmd.exec = process_cmd.script process_cmd.exists = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.expire = process_cmd.set process_cmd.expireat = process_cmd.set process_cmd.flushall = process_cmd.script process_cmd.flushdb = process_cmd.script process_cmd.geoadd = process_cmd.set process_cmd.geohash = process_cmd.set process_cmd.geopos = process_cmd.set process_cmd.geodist = process_cmd.set process_cmd.georadius = process_cmd.set process_cmd.georadiusbymember = process_cmd.set process_cmd.get = process_cmd.set process_cmd.getbit = process_cmd.set process_cmd.getrange = process_cmd.set process_cmd.getset = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hdel = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hexists = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hget = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hgetall = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hincrby = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hincrbyfloat = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hkeys = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hlen = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hmget = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hmset = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hscan = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hset = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hsetnx = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hstrlen = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hvals = process_cmd.set process_cmd.incr = process_cmd.set process_cmd.incrby = process_cmd.set process_cmd.incrbyfloat = process_cmd.set process_cmd.info = process_cmd.script process_cmd.keys = process_cmd.script process_cmd.lastsave = process_cmd.script process_cmd.lindex = process_cmd.set process_cmd.linsert = process_cmd.set process_cmd.llen = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lpop = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lpush = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lpushx = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lrange = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lrem = process_cmd.set process_cmd.lset = process_cmd.set process_cmd.ltrim = process_cmd.set process_cmd.migrate = process_cmd.script process_cmd.monitor = process_cmd.script process_cmd.move = process_cmd.set process_cmd.msetnx = process_cmd.mset process_cmd.multi = process_cmd.script process_cmd.object = process_cmd.script process_cmd.persist = process_cmd.set process_cmd.pexpire = process_cmd.set process_cmd.pexpireat = process_cmd.set process_cmd.pfadd = process_cmd.set process_cmd.pfcount = process_cmd.set process_cmd.pfmerge = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.ping = process_cmd.script process_cmd.psetex = process_cmd.set process_cmd.psubscribe = process_cmd.script process_cmd.pubsub = process_cmd.script process_cmd.pttl = process_cmd.set process_cmd.publish = process_cmd.script process_cmd.punsubscribe = process_cmd.script process_cmd.quit = process_cmd.script process_cmd.randomkey = process_cmd.script process_cmd.readonly = process_cmd.script process_cmd.readwrite = process_cmd.script process_cmd.rename = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.renamenx = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.restore = process_cmd.set process_cmd.role = process_cmd.script process_cmd.rpop = process_cmd.set process_cmd.rpoplpush = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.rpush = process_cmd.set process_cmd.rpushx = process_cmd.set process_cmd.sadd = process_cmd.set process_cmd.save = process_cmd.script process_cmd.scard = process_cmd.set process_cmd.sdiff = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.select = process_cmd.script process_cmd.setbit = process_cmd.set process_cmd.setex = process_cmd.set process_cmd.setnx = process_cmd.set process_cmd.sinterstore = process_cmd.sdiff process_cmd.sismember = process_cmd.set process_cmd.slaveof = process_cmd.script process_cmd.slowlog = process_cmd.script process_cmd.smembers = process_cmd.script process_cmd.sort = process_cmd.set process_cmd.spop = process_cmd.set process_cmd.srandmember = process_cmd.set process_cmd.srem = process_cmd.set process_cmd.strlen = process_cmd.set process_cmd.subscribe = process_cmd.script process_cmd.sunion = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.sunionstore = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.swapdb = process_cmd.script process_cmd.sync = process_cmd.script process_cmd.time = process_cmd.script process_cmd.touch = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.ttl = process_cmd.set process_cmd.type = process_cmd.set process_cmd.unsubscribe = process_cmd.script process_cmd.unlink = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.unwatch = process_cmd.script process_cmd.wait = process_cmd.script process_cmd.watch = process_cmd.mget process_cmd.zadd = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zcard = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zcount = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zincrby = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zinterstore = process_cmd.eval process_cmd.zlexcount = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrange = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrangebylex = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrank = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrem = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrembylex = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrembyrank = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrembyscore = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrevrange = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrevrangebyscore = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zrevrank = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zscore = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zunionstore = process_cmd.eval process_cmd.scan = process_cmd.script process_cmd.sscan = process_cmd.set process_cmd.hscan = process_cmd.set process_cmd.zscan = process_cmd.set local function get_key_indexes(cmd, args) local idx_l = {} cmd = string.lower(cmd) if process_cmd[cmd] then idx_l = process_cmd[cmd](args) else logger.warnx(rspamd_config, "Don't know how to extract keys for %s Redis command", cmd) end return idx_l end local gen_meta = { principal_recipient = function(task) return task:get_principal_recipient() end, principal_recipient_domain = function(task) local p = task:get_principal_recipient() if not p then return end return string.match(p, '.*@(.*)') end, ip = function(task) local i = task:get_ip() if i and i:is_valid() then return i:to_string() end end, from = function(task) return ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['addr'] end, from_domain = function(task) return ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['domain'] end, from_domain_or_helo_domain = function(task) local d = ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['domain'] if d and #d > 0 then return d end return task:get_helo() end, mime_from = function(task) return ((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1] or E)['addr'] end, mime_from_domain = function(task) return ((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1] or E)['domain'] end, } local function gen_get_esld(f) return function(task) local d = f(task) if not d then return end return rspamd_util.get_tld(d) end end gen_meta.smtp_from = gen_meta.from gen_meta.smtp_from_domain = gen_meta.from_domain gen_meta.smtp_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_meta.from_domain_or_helo_domain gen_meta.esld_principal_recipient_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.principal_recipient_domain) gen_meta.esld_from_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.from_domain) gen_meta.esld_smtp_from_domain = gen_meta.esld_from_domain gen_meta.esld_mime_from_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.mime_from_domain) gen_meta.esld_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.from_domain_or_helo_domain) gen_meta.esld_smtp_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_meta.esld_from_domain_or_helo_domain local function get_key_expansion_metadata(task) local md_mt = { __index = function(self, k) k = string.lower(k) local v = rawget(self, k) if v then return v end if gen_meta[k] then v = gen_meta[k](task) rawset(self, k, v) end return v end, } local lazy_meta = {} setmetatable(lazy_meta, md_mt) return lazy_meta end -- Performs async call to redis hiding all complexity inside function -- task - rspamd_task -- redis_params - valid params returned by rspamd_parse_redis_server -- key - key to select upstream or nil to select round-robin/master-slave -- is_write - true if need to write to redis server -- callback - function to be called upon request is completed -- command - redis command -- args - table of arguments -- extra_opts - table of optional request arguments local function rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args, extra_opts) local addr local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data) if err then addr:fail() else addr:ok() end callback(err, data, addr) end if not task or not redis_params or not callback or not command then return false,nil,nil end local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" if key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key) end end if not addr then logger.errx(task, 'cannot select server to make redis request') end if redis_params['expand_keys'] then local m = get_key_expansion_metadata(task) local indexes = get_key_indexes(command, args) for _, i in ipairs(indexes) do args[i] = lutil.template(args[i], m) end end local ip_addr = addr:get_addr() local options = { task = task, callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb, host = ip_addr, timeout = redis_params['timeout'], cmd = command, args = args } if extra_opts then for k,v in pairs(extra_opts) do options[k] = v end end if redis_params['password'] then options['password'] = redis_params['password'] end if redis_params['db'] then options['dbname'] = redis_params['db'] end lutil.debugm(N, task, 'perform request to redis server' .. ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s, arguments: %s', ip_addr, options.timeout, options.cmd, args) local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(options) if not ret then addr:fail() logger.warnx(task, "cannot make redis request to: %s", tostring(ip_addr)) end return ret,conn,addr end --[[[ -- @function lua_redis.redis_make_request(task, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args) -- Sends a request to Redis -- @param {rspamd_task} task task object -- @param {table} redis_params redis configuration in format returned by lua_redis.parse_redis_server() -- @param {string} key key to use for sharding -- @param {boolean} is_write should be `true` if we are performing a write operating -- @param {function} callback callback function (first parameter is error if applicable, second is a 2D array (table)) -- @param {string} command Redis command to run -- @param {table} args Numerically indexed table containing arguments for command --]] exports.rspamd_redis_make_request = rspamd_redis_make_request exports.redis_make_request = rspamd_redis_make_request local function redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, cfg, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args, extra_opts) if not ev_base or not redis_params or not callback or not command then return false,nil,nil end local addr local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data) if err then addr:fail() else addr:ok() end callback(err, data, addr) end local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" if key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key) end end if not addr then logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot select server to make redis request') end local options = { ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb, host = addr:get_addr(), timeout = redis_params['timeout'], cmd = command, args = args } if extra_opts then for k,v in pairs(extra_opts) do options[k] = v end end if redis_params['password'] then options['password'] = redis_params['password'] end if redis_params['db'] then options['dbname'] = redis_params['db'] end lutil.debugm(N, cfg, 'perform taskless request to redis server' .. ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s, arguments: %s', options.host, options.timeout, options.cmd, args) local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(options) if not ret then logger.errx('cannot execute redis request') addr:fail() end return ret,conn,addr end --[[[ -- @function lua_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args) -- Sends a request to Redis in context where `task` is not available for some specific use-cases -- Identical to redis_make_request() except in that first parameter is an `event base` object --]] exports.rspamd_redis_make_request_taskless = redis_make_request_taskless exports.redis_make_request_taskless = redis_make_request_taskless local redis_scripts = { } local function script_set_loaded(script) if script.sha then script.loaded = true end local wait_table = {} for _,s in ipairs(script.waitq) do table.insert(wait_table, s) end script.waitq = {} for _,s in ipairs(wait_table) do s(script.loaded) end end local function prepare_redis_call(script) local function merge_tables(t1, t2) for k,v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end end local servers = {} local options = {} if script.redis_params.read_servers then merge_tables(servers, script.redis_params.read_servers:all_upstreams()) end if script.redis_params.write_servers then merge_tables(servers, script.redis_params.write_servers:all_upstreams()) end -- Call load script on each server, set loaded flag script.in_flight = #servers for _,s in ipairs(servers) do local cur_opts = { host = s:get_addr(), timeout = script.redis_params['timeout'], cmd = 'SCRIPT', args = {'LOAD', script.script }, upstream = s } if script.redis_params['password'] then cur_opts['password'] = script.redis_params['password'] end if script.redis_params['db'] then cur_opts['dbname'] = script.redis_params['db'] end table.insert(options, cur_opts) end return options end local function load_script_task(script, task) local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local opts = prepare_redis_call(script) for _,opt in ipairs(opts) do opt.task = task opt.callback = function(err, data) if err then logger.errx(task, 'cannot upload script to %s: %s', opt.upstream:get_addr(), err) opt.upstream:fail() script.fatal_error = err else opt.upstream:ok() logger.infox(task, "uploaded redis script to %s with id %s, sha: %s", opt.upstream:get_addr(), script.id, data) script.sha = data -- We assume that sha is the same on all servers end script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1 if script.in_flight == 0 then script_set_loaded(script) end end local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request(opt) if not ret then logger.errx('cannot execute redis request to load script on %s', opt.upstream:get_addr()) script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1 opt.upstream:fail() end if script.in_flight == 0 then script_set_loaded(script) end end end local function load_script_taskless(script, cfg, ev_base) local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local opts = prepare_redis_call(script) for _,opt in ipairs(opts) do opt.config = cfg opt.ev_base = ev_base opt.callback = function(err, data) if err then logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot upload script to %s: %s', opt.upstream:get_addr(), err) opt.upstream:fail() script.fatal_error = err else opt.upstream:ok() logger.infox(cfg, "uploaded redis script to %s with id %s, sha: %s", opt.upstream:get_addr(), script.id, data) script.sha = data -- We assume that sha is the same on all servers script.fatal_error = nil end script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1 if script.in_flight == 0 then script_set_loaded(script) end end local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request(opt) if not ret then logger.errx('cannot execute redis request to load script on %s', opt.upstream:get_addr()) script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1 opt.upstream:fail() end if script.in_flight == 0 then script_set_loaded(script) end end end local function load_redis_script(script, cfg, ev_base, _) if script.redis_params then load_script_taskless(script, cfg, ev_base) end end local function add_redis_script(script, redis_params) local new_script = { loaded = false, redis_params = redis_params, script = script, waitq = {}, -- callbacks pending for script being loaded id = #redis_scripts + 1 } -- Register on load function rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker) local mult = 0.0 rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 0.0, function() if not new_script.sha then load_redis_script(new_script, cfg, ev_base, worker) mult = mult + 1 return 1.0 * mult -- Check one more time in one second end return false end, false) end) table.insert(redis_scripts, new_script) return #redis_scripts end exports.add_redis_script = add_redis_script local function exec_redis_script(id, params, callback, keys, args) local redis_args = {} if not redis_scripts[id] then logger.errx("cannot find registered script with id %s", id) return false end local script = redis_scripts[id] if script.fatal_error then callback(script.fatal_error, nil) return true end if not script.redis_params then callback('no redis servers defined', nil) return true end local function do_call(can_reload) local function redis_cb(err, data) if not err then callback(err, data) elseif string.match(err, 'NOSCRIPT') then -- Schedule restart script.sha = nil if can_reload then table.insert(script.waitq, do_call) if script.in_flight == 0 then -- Reload scripts if this has not been initiated yet if params.task then load_script_task(script, params.task) else load_script_taskless(script, rspamd_config, params.ev_base) end end else callback(err, data) end else callback(err, data) end end if #redis_args == 0 then table.insert(redis_args, script.sha) table.insert(redis_args, tostring(#keys)) for _,k in ipairs(keys) do table.insert(redis_args, k) end if type(args) == 'table' then for _, a in ipairs(args) do table.insert(redis_args, a) end end end if params.task then if not rspamd_redis_make_request(params.task, script.redis_params, params.key, params.is_write, redis_cb, 'EVALSHA', redis_args) then callback('Cannot make redis request', nil) end else if not redis_make_request_taskless(params.ev_base, rspamd_config, script.redis_params, params.key, params.is_write, redis_cb, 'EVALSHA', redis_args) then callback('Cannot make redis request', nil) end end end if script.loaded then do_call(true) else -- Delayed until scripts are loaded if not params.task then table.insert(script.waitq, do_call) else -- TODO: fix taskfull requests callback('NOSCRIPT', nil) end end return true end exports.exec_redis_script = exec_redis_script local function redis_connect_sync(redis_params, is_write, key, cfg, ev_base) if not redis_params then return false,nil end local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local addr if key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key) end end if not addr then logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot select server to make redis request') end local options = { host = addr:get_addr(), timeout = redis_params['timeout'], config = cfg or rspamd_config, ev_base = ev_base or rspamadm_ev_base, session = redis_params.session or rspamadm_session } for k,v in pairs(redis_params) do options[k] = v end if not options.config then logger.errx('config is not set') return false,nil,addr end if not options.ev_base then logger.errx('ev_base is not set') return false,nil,addr end if not options.session then logger.errx('session is not set') return false,nil,addr end local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(options) if not ret then logger.errx('cannot execute redis request: %s', conn) addr:fail() return false,nil,addr end if conn then if redis_params['password'] then conn:add_cmd('AUTH', {redis_params['password']}) end if redis_params['db'] then conn:add_cmd('SELECT', {tostring(redis_params['db'])}) elseif redis_params['dbname'] then conn:add_cmd('SELECT', {tostring(redis_params['dbname'])}) end end return ret,conn,addr end exports.redis_connect_sync = redis_connect_sync --[[[ -- @function lua_redis.request(redis_params, attrs, req) -- Sends a request to Redis synchronously with coroutines or asynchronously using -- a callback (modern API) -- @param redis_params a table of redis server parameters -- @param attrs a table of redis request attributes (e.g. task, or ev_base + cfg + session) -- @param req a table of request: a command + command options -- @return {result,data/connection,address} boolean result, connection object in case of async request and results if using coroutines, redis server address --]] exports.request = function(redis_params, attrs, req) local lua_util = require "lua_util" if not attrs or not redis_params or not req then logger.errx('invalid arguments for redis request') return false,nil,nil end if not (attrs.task or (attrs.config and attrs.ev_base)) then logger.errx('invalid attributes for redis request') return false,nil,nil end local opts = lua_util.shallowcopy(attrs) local log_obj = opts.task or opts.config local addr if opts.callback then -- Wrap callback local callback = opts.callback local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data) if err then addr:fail() else addr:ok() end callback(err, data, addr) end opts.callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb end local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local is_write = opts.is_write if opts.key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(attrs.key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(attrs.key) end end if not addr then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot select server to make redis request') end opts.host = addr:get_addr() opts.timeout = redis_params.timeout if type(req) == 'string' then opts.cmd = req else -- XXX: modifies the input table opts.cmd = table.remove(req, 1); opts.args = req end if redis_params.password then opts.password = redis_params.password end if redis_params.db then opts.dbname = redis_params.db end lutil.debugm(N, 'perform generic request to redis server' .. ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s, arguments: %s', addr, opts.timeout, opts.cmd, opts.args) if opts.callback then local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(opts) if not ret then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis request') addr:fail() end return ret,conn,addr else -- Coroutines version local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(opts) if not ret then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis request') addr:fail() else conn:add_cmd(opts.cmd, opts.args) return conn:exec() end return false,nil,addr end end --[[[ -- @function lua_redis.connect(redis_params, attrs) -- Connects to Redis synchronously with coroutines or asynchronously using a callback (modern API) -- @param redis_params a table of redis server parameters -- @param attrs a table of redis request attributes (e.g. task, or ev_base + cfg + session) -- @return {result,connection,address} boolean result, connection object, redis server address --]] exports.connect = function(redis_params, attrs) local lua_util = require "lua_util" if not attrs or not redis_params then logger.errx('invalid arguments for redis connect') return false,nil,nil end if not (attrs.task or (attrs.config and attrs.ev_base)) then logger.errx('invalid attributes for redis connect') return false,nil,nil end local opts = lua_util.shallowcopy(attrs) local log_obj = opts.task or opts.config local addr if opts.callback then -- Wrap callback local callback = opts.callback local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data) if err then addr:fail() else addr:ok() end callback(err, data, addr) end opts.callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb end local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" local is_write = opts.is_write if opts.key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(attrs.key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(attrs.key) end end if not addr then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot select server to make redis connect') end opts.host = addr:get_addr() opts.timeout = redis_params.timeout if redis_params.password then opts.password = redis_params.password end if redis_params.db then opts.dbname = redis_params.db end if opts.callback then local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.connect(opts) if not ret then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis connect') addr:fail() end return ret,conn,addr else -- Coroutines version local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(opts) if not ret then logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis connect') addr:fail() else return true,conn,addr end return false,nil,addr end end return exports