--[[ Copyright (c) 2019, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- --[[[ -- @module lua_settings -- This module contains internal helpers for the settings infrastructure in Rspamd -- More details at https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/settings.html --]] local exports = {} local known_ids = {} local post_init_added = false local post_init_performed = false local all_symbols local default_symbols local fun = require "fun" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local function register_settings_cb() if not post_init_performed then all_symbols = rspamd_config:get_symbols() default_symbols = fun.totable(fun.filter(function(_, v) return not v.allowed_ids or #v.allowed_ids == 0 or v.flags.explicit_disable end,all_symbols)) local explicit_symbols = lua_util.keys(fun.filter(function(k, v) return v.flags.explicit_disable end, all_symbols)) local symnames = lua_util.list_to_hash(lua_util.keys(all_symbols)) for _,set in pairs(known_ids) do local s = set.settings.apply or {} set.symbols = lua_util.shallowcopy(symnames) local enabled_symbols = {} local seen_enabled = false local disabled_symbols = {} local seen_disabled = false -- Enabled map if s.symbols_enabled then -- Remove all symbols from set.symbols aside of explicit_disable symbols set.symbols = lua_util.list_to_hash(explicit_symbols) seen_enabled = true for _,sym in ipairs(s.symbols_enabled) do enabled_symbols[sym] = true set.symbols[sym] = true end end if s.groups_enabled then seen_enabled = true for _,gr in ipairs(s.groups_enabled) do local syms = rspamd_config:get_group_symbols(gr) if syms then for _,sym in ipairs(syms) do enabled_symbols[sym] = true set.symbols[sym] = true end end end end -- Disabled map if s.symbols_disabled then seen_disabled = true for _,sym in ipairs(s.symbols_disabled) do disabled_symbols[sym] = true set.symbols[sym] = false end end if s.groups_disabled then seen_disabled = true for _,gr in ipairs(s.groups_disabled) do local syms = rspamd_config:get_group_symbols(gr) if syms then for _,sym in ipairs(syms) do disabled_symbols[sym] = true set.symbols[sym] = false end end end end -- Deal with complexity to avoid mess in C if not seen_enabled then enabled_symbols = nil end if not seen_disabled then disabled_symbols = nil end if enabled_symbols or disabled_symbols then -- Specify what symbols are really enabled for this settings id set.has_specific_symbols = true end rspamd_config:register_settings_id(set.name, enabled_symbols, disabled_symbols) -- Remove to avoid clash s.symbols_disabled = nil s.symbols_enabled = nil s.groups_enabled = nil s.groups_disabled = nil end -- We now iterate over all symbols and check for allowed_ids/forbidden_ids for k,v in pairs(all_symbols) do if v.allowed_ids and not v.flags.explicit_disable then for _,id in ipairs(v.allowed_ids) do if known_ids[id] then local set = known_ids[id] if not set.has_specific_symbols then set.has_specific_symbols = true end set.symbols[k] = true else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'symbol %s is allowed at unknown settings id %s', k, id) end end end if v.forbidden_ids then for _,id in ipairs(v.forbidden_ids) do if known_ids[id] then local set = known_ids[id] if not set.has_specific_symbols then set.has_specific_symbols = true end set.symbols[k] = false else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'symbol %s is denied at unknown settings id %s', k, id) end end end end -- Now we create lists of symbols for each settings and digest for _,set in pairs(known_ids) do set.symbols = lua_util.keys(fun.filter(function(_, v) return v end, set.symbols)) table.sort(set.symbols) set.digest = lua_util.table_digest(set.symbols) end post_init_performed = true end end -- Returns numeric representation of the settings id local function numeric_settings_id(str) local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash" local util = require "rspamd_util" local ret = util.unpack("I4", cr.create_specific('xxh64'):update(str):bin()) return ret end exports.numeric_settings_id = numeric_settings_id -- Used to do the following: -- If there is a group of symbols_allowed, it checks if that is an array -- If that is a hash table then we transform it to a normal list, probably adding symbols to adjust scores local function transform_settings_maybe(settings, name) if settings.apply then local apply = settings.apply if apply.symbols_enabled then local senabled = apply.symbols_enabled if not senabled[1] then -- Transform map to a list local nlist = {} if not apply.scores then apply.scores = {} end for k,v in pairs(senabled) do if tonumber(v) then -- Move to symbols as well apply.scores[k] = tonumber(v) lua_util.debugm('settings', rspamd_config, 'set symbol %s -> %s for settings %s', k, v, name) end nlist[#nlist + 1] = k end -- Convert apply.symbols_enabled = nlist end local symhash = lua_util.list_to_hash(apply.symbols_enabled) if apply.symbols then -- Check if added symbols are enabled for k,v in pairs(apply.symbols) do local s -- Check if we have ["sym1", "sym2" ...] or {"sym1": xx, "sym2": yy} if type(k) == 'string' then s = k else s = v end if not symhash[s] then lua_util.debugm('settings', rspamd_config, 'added symbol %s to symbols_enabled for %s', s, name) apply.symbols_enabled[#apply.symbols_enabled + 1] = s end end end end end return settings end local function register_settings_id(str, settings) local numeric_id = numeric_settings_id(str) if known_ids[numeric_id] then -- Might be either rewrite or a collision if known_ids[numeric_id].name ~= str then local logger = require "rspamd_logger" logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'settings ID clash! id %s maps to %s and conflicts with %s', numeric_id, known_ids[numeric_id].name, str) return nil end else known_ids[numeric_id] = { name = str, id = numeric_id, settings = transform_settings_maybe(settings, str), symbols = {} } end if not post_init_added then rspamd_config:add_post_init(register_settings_cb) rspamd_config:add_config_unload(function() if post_init_added then known_ids = {} post_init_added = false end post_init_performed = false end) post_init_added = true end return numeric_id end exports.register_settings_id = register_settings_id local function settings_by_id(id) if not post_init_performed then register_settings_cb() end return known_ids[id] end exports.settings_by_id = settings_by_id exports.all_settings = function() if not post_init_performed then register_settings_cb() end return known_ids end exports.all_symbols = function() if not post_init_performed then register_settings_cb() end return all_symbols end -- What is enabled when no settings are there exports.default_symbols = function() if not post_init_performed then register_settings_cb() end return default_symbols end return exports