-- Lua script to invalidate ANNs by rank -- Uses the following keys -- key1 - prefix for keys -- key2 - number of elements to leave local card = redis.call('ZCARD', KEYS[1]) local lim = tonumber(KEYS[2]) if card > lim then local to_delete = redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[1], 0, card - lim - 1) if to_delete then for _, k in ipairs(to_delete) do local tb = cjson.decode(k) if type(tb) == 'table' and type(tb.redis_key) == 'string' then redis.call('DEL', tb.redis_key) -- Also train vectors redis.call('DEL', tb.redis_key .. '_spam_set') redis.call('DEL', tb.redis_key .. '_ham_set') end end end redis.call('ZREMRANGEBYRANK', KEYS[1], 0, card - lim - 1) return to_delete else return {} end