--[[ Copyright (c) 2020, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local argparse = require "argparse" local lua_clickhouse = require "lua_clickhouse" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local rspamd_http = require "rspamd_http" local rspamd_upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local ucl = require "ucl" local E = {} -- Define command line options local parser = argparse() :name 'rspamadm clickhouse' :description 'Retrieve information from Clickhouse' :help_description_margin(30) :command_target('command') :require_command(true) parser:option '-c --config' :description 'Path to config file' :argname('config_file') :default(rspamd_paths['CONFDIR'] .. '/rspamd.conf') parser:option '-d --database' :description 'Name of Clickhouse database to use' :argname('database') :default('default') parser:flag '--no-ssl-verify' :description 'Disable SSL verification' :argname('no_ssl_verify') parser:mutex( parser:option '-p --password' :description 'Password to use for Clickhouse' :argname('password'), parser:flag '-a --ask-password' :description 'Ask password from the terminal' :argname('ask_password') ) parser:option '-s --server' :description 'Address[:port] to connect to Clickhouse with' :argname('server') parser:option '-u --user' :description 'Username to use for Clickhouse' :argname('user') parser:option '--use-gzip' :description 'Use Gzip with Clickhouse' :argname('use_gzip') :default(true) parser:flag '--use-https' :description 'Use HTTPS with Clickhouse' :argname('use_https') local neural_profile = parser:command 'neural_profile' :description 'Generate symbols profile using data from Clickhouse' neural_profile:option '-w --where' :description 'WHERE clause for Clickhouse query' :argname('where') neural_profile:flag '-j --json' :description 'Write output as JSON' :argname('json') neural_profile:option '--days' :description 'Number of days to collect stats for' :argname('days') :default('7') neural_profile:option '--limit -l' :description 'Maximum rows to fetch per day' :argname('limit') neural_profile:option '--settings-id' :description 'Settings ID to query' :argname('settings_id') :default('') local neural_train = parser:command 'neural_train' :description 'Train neural using data from Clickhouse' neural_train:option '--days' :description 'Number of days to query data for' :argname('days') :default('7') neural_train:option '--column-name-digest' :description 'Name of neural profile digest column in Clickhouse' :argname('column_name_digest') :default('NeuralDigest') neural_train:option '--column-name-vector' :description 'Name of neural training vector column in Clickhouse' :argname('column_name_vector') :default('NeuralMpack') neural_train:option '--limit -l' :description 'Maximum rows to fetch per day' :argname('limit') neural_train:option '--profile -p' :description 'Profile to use for training' :argname('profile') :default('default') neural_train:option '--rule -r' :description 'Rule to train' :argname('rule') :default('default') neural_train:option '--spam -s' :description 'WHERE clause to use for spam' :argname('spam') :default("Action == 'reject'") neural_train:option '--ham -h' :description 'WHERE clause to use for ham' :argname('ham') :default('Score < 0') neural_train:option '--url -u' :description 'URL to use for training' :argname('url') :default('') local http_params = { config = rspamd_config, ev_base = rspamadm_ev_base, session = rspamadm_session, resolver = rspamadm_dns_resolver, } local function load_config(config_file) local _r,err = rspamd_config:load_ucl(config_file) if not _r then rspamd_logger.errx('cannot load %s: %s', config_file, err) os.exit(1) end _r,err = rspamd_config:parse_rcl({'logging', 'worker'}) if not _r then rspamd_logger.errx('cannot process %s: %s', config_file, err) os.exit(1) end if not rspamd_config:init_modules() then rspamd_logger.errx('cannot init modules when parsing %s', config_file) os.exit(1) end rspamd_config:init_subsystem('symcache') end local function days_list(days) -- Create list of days to query starting with yesterday local query_days = {} local previous_date = os.time() - 86400 local num_days = tonumber(days) for _ = 1, num_days do table.insert(query_days, os.date('%Y-%m-%d', previous_date)) previous_date = previous_date - 86400 end return query_days end local function get_excluded_symbols(known_symbols, correlations, seen_total) -- Walk results once to collect all symbols & count ocurrences local remove = {} local known_symbols_list = {} local composites = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('composites') local all_symbols = rspamd_config:get_symbols() local skip_flags = { nostat = true, skip = true, idempotent = true, composite = true, } for k, v in pairs(known_symbols) do local lower_count, higher_count if v.seen_spam > v.seen_ham then lower_count = v.seen_ham higher_count = v.seen_spam else lower_count = v.seen_spam higher_count = v.seen_ham end if composites[k] then remove[k] = 'composite symbol' elseif lower_count / higher_count >= 0.95 then remove[k] = 'weak ham/spam correlation' elseif v.seen / seen_total >= 0.9 then remove[k] = 'omnipresent symbol' elseif not all_symbols[k] then remove[k] = 'nonexistent symbol' else for fl,_ in pairs(all_symbols[k].flags or {}) do if skip_flags[fl] then remove[k] = fl .. ' symbol' break end end end known_symbols_list[v.id] = { seen = v.seen, name = k, } end -- Walk correlation matrix and check total counts for sym_id, row in pairs(correlations) do for inner_sym_id, count in pairs(row) do local known = known_symbols_list[sym_id] local inner = known_symbols_list[inner_sym_id] if known and count == known.seen and not remove[inner.name] and not remove[known.name] then remove[known.name] = string.format("overlapped by %s", known_symbols_list[inner_sym_id].name) end end end return remove end local function handle_neural_profile(args) local known_symbols, correlations = {}, {} local symbols_count, seen_total = 0, 0 local function process_row(r) local is_spam = true if r['Action'] == 'no action' or r['Action'] == 'greylist' then is_spam = false end seen_total = seen_total + 1 local nsym = #r['Symbols.Names'] for i = 1,nsym do local sym = r['Symbols.Names'][i] local t = known_symbols[sym] if not t then local spam_count, ham_count = 0, 0 if is_spam then spam_count = spam_count + 1 else ham_count = ham_count + 1 end known_symbols[sym] = { id = symbols_count, seen = 1, seen_ham = ham_count, seen_spam = spam_count, } symbols_count = symbols_count + 1 else known_symbols[sym].seen = known_symbols[sym].seen + 1 if is_spam then known_symbols[sym].seen_spam = known_symbols[sym].seen_spam + 1 else known_symbols[sym].seen_ham = known_symbols[sym].seen_ham + 1 end end end -- Fill correlations for i = 1,nsym do for j = 1,nsym do if i ~= j then local sym = r['Symbols.Names'][i] local inner_sym_name = r['Symbols.Names'][j] local known_sym = known_symbols[sym] local inner_sym = known_symbols[inner_sym_name] if known_sym and inner_sym then if not correlations[known_sym.id] then correlations[known_sym.id] = {} end local n = correlations[known_sym.id][inner_sym.id] or 0 n = n + 1 correlations[known_sym.id][inner_sym.id] = n end end end end end local query_days = days_list(args.days) local conditions = {} table.insert(conditions, string.format("SettingsId = '%s'", args.settings_id)) local limit = '' local num_limit = tonumber(args.limit) if num_limit then limit = string.format(' LIMIT %d', num_limit) -- Contains leading space end if args.where then table.insert(conditions, args.where) end local query_fmt = 'SELECT Action, Symbols.Names FROM rspamd WHERE %s%s' for _, query_day in ipairs(query_days) do -- Date should be the last condition table.insert(conditions, string.format("Date = '%s'", query_day)) local query = string.format(query_fmt, table.concat(conditions, ' AND '), limit) local upstream = args.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local err = lua_clickhouse.select_sync(upstream, args, http_params, query, process_row) if err ~= nil then io.stderr:write(string.format('Error querying Clickhouse: %s\n', err)) os.exit(1) end conditions[#conditions] = nil -- remove Date condition end local remove = get_excluded_symbols(known_symbols, correlations, seen_total) if not args.json then for k in pairs(known_symbols) do if not remove[k] then io.stdout:write(string.format('%s\n', k)) end end os.exit(0) end local json_output = { all_symbols = {}, removed_symbols = {}, used_symbols = {}, } for k in pairs(known_symbols) do table.insert(json_output.all_symbols, k) local why_removed = remove[k] if why_removed then json_output.removed_symbols[k] = why_removed else table.insert(json_output.used_symbols, k) end end io.stdout:write(ucl.to_format(json_output, 'json')) end local function post_neural_training(url, rule, spam_rows, ham_rows) -- Prepare JSON payload local payload = ucl.to_format( { ham_vec = ham_rows, rule = rule, spam_vec = spam_rows, }, 'json') -- POST the payload local err, response = rspamd_http.request({ body = payload, config = rspamd_config, ev_base = rspamadm_ev_base, log_obj = rspamd_config, resolver = rspamadm_dns_resolver, session = rspamadm_session, url = url, }) if err then io.stderr:write(string.format('HTTP error: %s\n', err)) os.exit(1) end if response.code ~= 200 then io.stderr:write(string.format('bad HTTP code: %d\n', response.code)) os.exit(1) end io.stdout:write(string.format('%s\n', response.content)) end local function handle_neural_train(args) local this_where -- which class of messages are we collecting data for local ham_rows, spam_rows = {}, {} local want_spam, want_ham = true, true -- keep collecting while true -- Try find profile in config local neural_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('neural') local symbols_profile = ((((neural_opts or E).rules or E)[args.rule] or E).profile or E)[args.profile] if not symbols_profile then io.stderr:write(string.format("Couldn't find profile %s in rule %s\n", args.profile, args.rule)) os.exit(1) end -- Try find max_trains local max_trains = (neural_opts.rules[args.rule].train or E).max_trains or 1000 -- Callback used to process rows from Clickhouse local function process_row(r) local destination -- which table to collect this information in if this_where == args.ham then destination = ham_rows if #destination >= max_trains then want_ham = false return end else destination = spam_rows if #destination >= max_trains then want_spam = false return end end local ucl_parser = ucl.parser() local ok, err = ucl_parser:parse_string(r[args.column_name_vector], 'msgpack') if not ok then io.stderr:write(string.format("Couldn't parse [%s]: %s", r[args.column_name_vector], err)) os.exit(1) end table.insert(destination, ucl_parser:get_object()) end -- Generate symbols digest table.sort(symbols_profile) local symbols_digest = lua_util.table_digest(symbols_profile) -- Create list of days to query data for local query_days = days_list(args.days) -- Set value for limit local limit = '' local num_limit = tonumber(args.limit) if num_limit then limit = string.format(' LIMIT %d', num_limit) -- Contains leading space end -- Prepare query elements local conditions = {string.format("%s = '%s'", args.column_name_digest, symbols_digest)} local query_fmt = 'SELECT %s FROM rspamd WHERE %s%s' -- Run queries for _, the_where in ipairs({args.ham, args.spam}) do -- Inform callback which group of vectors we're collecting this_where = the_where table.insert(conditions, the_where) -- should be 2nd from last condition -- Loop over days and try collect data for _, query_day in ipairs(query_days) do -- Break the loop if we have enough data already if this_where == args.ham then if not want_ham then break end else if not want_spam then break end end -- Date should be the last condition table.insert(conditions, string.format("Date = '%s'", query_day)) local query = string.format(query_fmt, args.column_name_vector, table.concat(conditions, ' AND '), limit) local upstream = args.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local err = lua_clickhouse.select_sync(upstream, args, http_params, query, process_row) if err ~= nil then io.stderr:write(string.format('Error querying Clickhouse: %s\n', err)) os.exit(1) end conditions[#conditions] = nil -- remove Date condition end conditions[#conditions] = nil -- remove spam/ham condition end -- Make sure we collected enough data for training if #ham_rows < max_trains then io.stderr:write(string.format('Insufficient ham rows: %d/%d\n', #ham_rows, max_trains)) os.exit(1) end if #spam_rows < max_trains then io.stderr:write(string.format('Insufficient spam rows: %d/%d\n', #spam_rows, max_trains)) os.exit(1) end return post_neural_training(args.url, args.rule, spam_rows, ham_rows) end local command_handlers = { neural_profile = handle_neural_profile, neural_train = handle_neural_train, } local function handler(args) local cmd_opts = parser:parse(args) load_config(cmd_opts.config_file) local cfg_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('clickhouse') if cmd_opts.ask_password then local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" io.write('Password: ') cmd_opts.password = rspamd_util.readpassphrase() end local function override_settings(params) for _, which in ipairs(params) do if cmd_opts[which] == nil then cmd_opts[which] = cfg_opts[which] end end end override_settings({ 'database', 'no_ssl_verify', 'password', 'server', 'use_gzip', 'use_https', 'user', }) local servers = cmd_opts['server'] or cmd_opts['servers'] if not servers then parser:error("server(s) unspecified & couldn't be fetched from config") end cmd_opts.upstream = rspamd_upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, servers, 8123) if not cmd_opts.upstream then io.stderr:write(string.format("can't parse clickhouse address: %s\n", servers)) os.exit(1) end local f = command_handlers[cmd_opts.command] if not f then parser:error(string.format("command isn't implemented: %s", cmd_opts.command)) end f(cmd_opts) end return { handler = handler, description = parser._description, name = 'clickhouse' }