--[[ Copyright (c) 2018, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local ansicolors = require "rspamadm/ansicolors" local local_conf = rspamd_paths['CONFDIR'] local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local lua_stat_tools = require "lua_stat" local lua_redis = require "lua_redis" local ucl = require "ucl" local plugins_stat = require "rspamadm/plugins_stats" local rspamd_logo = [[ ____ _ | _ \ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ __| | | |_) |/ __|| '_ \ / _` || '_ ` _ \ / _` | | _ < \__ \| |_) || (_| || | | | | || (_| | |_| \_\|___/| .__/ \__,_||_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| ]] local redis_params local function printf(fmt, ...) io.write(string.format(fmt, ...)) io.write('\n') end local function highlight(str) return ansicolors.white .. str .. ansicolors.reset end local function ask_yes_no(greet, default) local def_str if default then greet = greet .. "[Y/n]: " def_str = "yes" else greet = greet .. "[y/N]: " def_str = "no" end local reply = rspamd_util.readline(greet) if not reply then os.exit(0) end if #reply == 0 then reply = def_str end reply = reply:lower() if reply == 'y' or reply == 'yes' then return true end return false end local function readline_default(greet, def_value) local reply = rspamd_util.readline(greet) if not reply then os.exit(0) end if #reply == 0 then return def_value end return reply end local function print_changes(changes) local function print_change(k, c, where) printf('File: %s, changes list:', highlight(local_conf .. '/' .. where .. '/'.. k)) for ek,ev in pairs(c) do printf("%s => %s", highlight(ek), rspamd_logger.slog("%s", ev)) end end for k, v in pairs(changes.l) do print_change(k, v, 'local.d') if changes.o[k] then v = changes.o[k] print_change(k, v, 'override.d') end print() end end local function apply_changes(changes) local function dirname(fname) if fname:match(".-/.-") then return string.gsub(fname, "(.*/)(.*)", "%1") else return nil end end local function apply_change(k, c, where) local fname = local_conf .. '/' .. where .. '/'.. k if not rspamd_util.file_exists(fname) then printf("Create file %s", highlight(fname)) local dname = dirname(fname) if dname then local ret, err = rspamd_util.mkdir(dname, true) if not ret then printf("Cannot make directory %s: %s", dname, highlight(err)) os.exit(1) end end end local f = io.open(fname, "a+") if not f then printf("Cannot open file %s, aborting", highlight(fname)) os.exit(1) end f:write(ucl.to_config(c)) f:close() end for k, v in pairs(changes.l) do apply_change(k, v, 'local.d') if changes.o[k] then v = changes.o[k] apply_change(k, v, 'override.d') end end end local function setup_controller(controller, changes) printf("Setup %s and controller worker:", highlight("WebUI")) if not controller.password or controller.password == 'q1' then if ask_yes_no("Controller password is not set, do you want to set one?", true) then local pw_encrypted = rspamadm.pw_encrypt() if pw_encrypted then printf("Set encrypted password to: %s", highlight(pw_encrypted)) changes.l['worker-controller.inc'] = { password = pw_encrypted } end end end end local function setup_redis(cfg, changes) local function parse_servers(servers) local ls = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(servers, ",") return ls end printf("%s servers are not set:", highlight("Redis")) printf("The following modules will be enabled if you add Redis servers:") for k,_ in pairs(rspamd_plugins_state.disabled_redis) do printf("\t* %s", highlight(k)) end if ask_yes_no("Do you wish to set Redis servers?", true) then local read_servers = readline_default("Input read only servers separated by `,` [default: localhost]: ", "localhost") local rs = parse_servers(read_servers) if rs and #rs > 0 then changes.l['redis.conf'] = { read_servers = table.concat(rs, ",") } end local write_servers = readline_default("Input write only servers separated by `,` [default: " .. read_servers .. "]: ", read_servers) if not write_servers or #write_servers == 0 then printf("Use read servers %s as write servers", highlight(table.concat(rs, ","))) write_servers = read_servers end redis_params = { read_servers = rs, } local ws = parse_servers(write_servers) if ws and #ws > 0 then changes.l['redis.conf']['write_servers'] = table.concat(ws, ",") redis_params['write_servers'] = ws end if ask_yes_no('Do you have any password set for your Redis?') then local passwd = readline_default("Enter Redis password:", nil) if passwd then changes.l['redis.conf']['password'] = passwd redis_params['password'] = passwd end end if ask_yes_no('Do you have any specific database for your Redis?') then local db = readline_default("Enter Redis database:", nil) if db then changes.l['redis.conf']['db'] = db redis_params['db'] = db end end end end local function setup_dkim_signing(cfg, changes) local domains = {} local has_domains = false local dkim_keys_dir = rspamd_paths["DBDIR"] .. "/dkim/" local prompt = string.format("Enter output directory for the keys [default: %s]: ", highlight(dkim_keys_dir)) dkim_keys_dir = readline_default(prompt, dkim_keys_dir) local ret, err = rspamd_util.mkdir(dkim_keys_dir, true) if not ret then printf("Cannot make directory %s: %s", dkim_keys_dir, highlight(err)) os.exit(1) end local function print_domains() print("Domains configured:") for k,v in pairs(domains) do printf("Domain: %s, selector: %s, privkey: %s", highlight(k), v.selector, v.privkey) end print("--") end repeat if has_domains then print_domains() end local domain repeat domain = rspamd_util.readline("Enter domain to sign: ") if not domain then os.exit(1) end until #domain ~= 0 local selector = readline_default("Enter domain to sign [default: dkim]: ", 'dkim') if not selector then selector = 'dkim' end local privkey_file = string.format("%s/%s.%s.key", dkim_keys_dir, domain, selector) if not rspamd_util.file_exists(privkey_file) then if ask_yes_no("Do you want to create privkey " .. highlight(privkey_file), true) then local pubkey_file = privkey_file .. ".pub" rspamadm.dkim_keygen(domain, selector, privkey_file, pubkey_file, 2048) local f = io.open(pubkey_file) if not f then printf("Cannot open pubkey file %s, fatal error", highlight(pubkey_file)) os.exit(1) end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() print("To make dkim signing working, you need to place the following record in your DNS zone:") print(content) end end domains[domain] = { selector = selector, privkey = privkey_file, } until not ask_yes_no("Do you wish to add another DKIM domain?") changes.l.dkim_signing = {domain = domains} end local function check_redis_classifier(cls, changes) local symbol_spam, symbol_ham -- Load symbols from statfiles local statfiles = cls.statfile for _,stf in ipairs(statfiles) do local symbol = stf.symbol or 'undefined' local spam if stf.spam then spam = stf.spam else if string.match(symbol:upper(), 'SPAM') then spam = true else spam = false end end if spam then symbol_spam = symbol else symbol_ham = symbol end end if not symbol_spam or not symbol_ham then printf("Calssifier has no symbols defined") return end local parsed_redis = {} if not lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(cls, nil, parsed_redis) then if not lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(redis_params, nil, parsed_redis) then printf("Cannot parse Redis params") return end end local function try_convert() if ask_yes_no("Do you wish to convert data to the new schema?", true) then local expire = readline_default("Expire time for new tokens [default: 100d]: ", '100d') expire = lua_util.parse_time_interval(expire) if not lua_stat_tools.convert_bayes_schema(parsed_redis, symbol_spam, symbol_ham, expire) then printf("Conversion failed") else printf("Conversion succeed") changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'] = { new_schema = true, } if expire then changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'].expire = expire end end end end local function get_version() local _,conn = lua_redis.redis_connect_sync(parsed_redis, true) -- We still need to check versions local lua_script = [[ local ver = 0 local tst = redis.call('GET', KEYS[1]..'_version') if tst then ver = tonumber(tst) or 0 end return ver ]] conn:add_cmd('EVAL', {lua_script, '1', symbol_spam}) local _,ver = conn:exec() return tonumber(ver) end local function check_expire() local _,conn = lua_redis.redis_connect_sync(parsed_redis, true) -- We still need to check versions local lua_script = [[ local ttl = 0 local sc = redis.call('SCAN', 0, 'MATCH', 'RS*_*', 'COUNT', 1) local _,key = sc[1], sc[2] if key and key[1] then ttl = redis.call('TTL', key[1]) end return ttl ]] conn:add_cmd('EVAL', {lua_script, '0'}) local _,ttl = conn:exec() return tonumber(ttl) end if not cls.new_schema then local ver = get_version() if ver ~= 2 then printf("You are using an old schema for %s/%s", symbol_ham, symbol_spam) try_convert() else printf("You have configured an old schema for %s/%s but your data has new layout", symbol_ham, symbol_spam) if ask_yes_no("Switch config to the new schema?", true) then changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'] = { new_schema = true, } local expire = check_expire() if expire then changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'].expire = expire end end end else local ver = get_version() if ver ~= 2 then printf("You have configured new schema for %s/%s but your DB has old data", symbol_spam, symbol_ham) try_convert() end end end local function setup_statistic(cfg, changes) local sqlite_configs = lua_stat_tools.load_sqlite_config(cfg) if #sqlite_configs > 0 then if not redis_params then printf('You have %d sqlite classifiers, but you have no Redis servers being set', #sqlite_configs) return false end local parsed_redis = {} if lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(redis_params, nil, parsed_redis) then printf('You have %d sqlite classifiers', #sqlite_configs) local expire = readline_default("Expire time for new tokens [default: 100d]: ", '100d') expire = lua_util.parse_time_interval(expire) local reset_previous = ask_yes_no("Reset previuous data?") if ask_yes_no('Do you wish to convert them to Redis?', true) then for _,cls in ipairs(sqlite_configs) do if not lua_stat_tools.convert_sqlite_to_redis(parsed_redis, cls.db_spam, cls.db_ham, cls.symbol_spam, cls.symbol_ham, cls.learn_cache, expire, reset_previous) then rspamd_logger.errx('conversion failed') return false end rspamd_logger.messagex('Converted classifier to the from sqlite to redis') changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'] = { backend = 'redis', new_schema = true, } if expire then changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'].expire = expire end if cls.learn_cache then changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'].cache = { backend = 'redis' } end end end end else -- Check sanity for the existing Redis classifiers local classifier = cfg.classifier if classifier then if classifier[1] then for _,cls in ipairs(classifier) do if cls.bayes then cls = cls.bayes end if cls.backend and cls.backend == 'redis' then check_redis_classifier(cls, changes) end end else if classifier.bayes then classifier = classifier.bayes if classifier[1] then for _,cls in ipairs(classifier) do if cls.backend and cls.backend == 'redis' then check_redis_classifier(cls, changes) end end else if classifier.backend and classifier.backend == 'redis' then check_redis_classifier(classifier, changes) end end end end end end end local function find_worker(cfg, wtype) if cfg.worker then for k,s in pairs(cfg.worker) do if type(k) == 'number' and type(s) == 'table' then if s[wtype] then return s[wtype] end end if type(s) == 'table' and s.type and s.type == wtype then return s end if type(k) == 'string' and k == wtype then return s end end end return nil end return function(args, cfg) local changes = { l = {}, -- local changes o = {}, -- override changes } local interactive_start = true local checks = {} local all_checks = { 'controller', 'redis', 'dkim', 'statistic', } if #args > 0 then interactive_start = false for _,arg in ipairs(args) do if arg == 'all' then checks = all_checks elseif arg == 'list' then printf(highlight(rspamd_logo)) printf('Available modules') for _,c in ipairs(all_checks) do printf('- %s', c) end return else table.insert(checks, arg) end end else checks = all_checks end local function has_check(check) for _,c in ipairs(checks) do if c == check then return true end end return false end rspamd_util.umask('022') if interactive_start then printf(highlight(rspamd_logo)) printf("Welcome to the configuration tool") printf("We use %s configuration file, writing results to %s", highlight(cfg.config_path), highlight(local_conf)) plugins_stat(nil, nil) end if not interactive_start or ask_yes_no("Do you wish to continue?", true) then if has_check('controller') then local controller = find_worker(cfg, 'controller') if controller then setup_controller(controller, changes) end end if has_check('redis') then if not cfg.redis or (not cfg.redis.servers and not cfg.redis.read_servers) then setup_redis(cfg, changes) else redis_params = cfg.redis end else redis_params = cfg.redis end if has_check('dkim') then if cfg.dkim_signing and not cfg.dkim_signing.domain then if ask_yes_no('Do you want to setup dkim signing feature?') then setup_dkim_signing(cfg, changes) end end end if has_check('statistic') then setup_statistic(cfg, changes) end local nchanges = 0 for _,_ in pairs(changes.l) do nchanges = nchanges + 1 end for _,_ in pairs(changes.o) do nchanges = nchanges + 1 end if nchanges > 0 then print_changes(changes) if ask_yes_no("Apply changes?", true) then apply_changes(changes) printf("%d changes applied, the wizard is finished now", nchanges) else printf("No changes applied, the wizard is finished now") end else printf("No changes found, the wizard is finished now") end end end