--[[ Copyright (c) 2023, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local argparse = require "argparse" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local rspamd_cryptobox = require "rspamd_cryptobox" local parser = argparse() :name 'rspamadm dkim_keygen' :description 'Create key pairs for dkim signing' :help_description_margin(30) parser:option '-d --domain' :description 'Create a key for a specific domain' :default "example.com" parser:option '-s --selector' :description 'Create a key for a specific DKIM selector' :default "mail" parser:option '-k --privkey' :description 'Save private key to file instead of printing it to stdout' parser:option '-b --bits' :convert(function(input) local n = tonumber(input) if not n or n < 512 or n > 4096 then return nil end return n end) :description 'Generate an RSA key with the specified number of bits (512 to 4096)' :default(1024) parser:option '-t --type' :description 'Key type: RSA, ED25519 or ED25119-seed' :convert { ['rsa'] = 'rsa', ['RSA'] = 'rsa', ['ed25519'] = 'ed25519', ['ED25519'] = 'ed25519', ['ed25519-seed'] = 'ed25519-seed', ['ED25519-seed'] = 'ed25519-seed', } :default 'rsa' parser:option '-o --output' :description 'Output public key in the following format: dns, dnskey or plain' :convert { ['dns'] = 'dns', ['plain'] = 'plain', ['dnskey'] = 'dnskey', } :default 'dns' parser:option '--priv-output' :description 'Output private key in the following format: PEM or DER (for RSA)' :convert { ['pem'] = 'pem', ['der'] = 'der', } :default 'pem' parser:flag '-f --force' :description 'Force overwrite of existing files' local function split_string(input, max_length) max_length = max_length or 253 local pieces = {} local index = 1 while index <= #input do local piece = input:sub(index, index + max_length - 1) table.insert(pieces, piece) index = index + max_length end return pieces end local function print_public_key_dns(opts, base64_pk) local key_type = opts.type == 'rsa' and 'rsa' or 'ed25519' if #base64_pk < 255 - 2 then io.write(string.format('%s._domainkey IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; k=%s;" \n\t"p=%s" ) ;\n', opts.selector, key_type, base64_pk)) else -- Split it by parts local parts = split_string(base64_pk) io.write(string.format('%s._domainkey IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; k=%s; "\n', opts.selector, key_type)) for i,part in ipairs(parts) do if i == 1 then io.write(string.format('\t"p=%s"\n', part)) else io.write(string.format('\t"%s"\n', part)) end end io.write(") ; \n") end end local function print_public_key(opts, pk) local key_type = opts.type == 'rsa' and 'rsa' or 'ed25519' local base64_pk = tostring(rspamd_util.encode_base64(pk)) if opts.output == 'plain' then io.write(base64_pk) io.write("\n") elseif opts.output == 'dns' then print_public_key_dns(opts, base64_pk) elseif opts.output == 'dnskey' then io.write(string.format('v=DKIM1; k=%s; p=%s\n', key_type, base64_pk)) end end local function gen_rsa_key(opts) local rsa = require "rspamd_rsa" local sk,pk = rsa.keypair(opts.bits or 1024) if opts.privkey then if opts.force then os.remove(opts.privkey) end sk:save(opts.privkey, opts.priv_output) else sk:save("-", opts.priv_output) end print_public_key(opts, tostring(pk)) end local function gen_eddsa_key(opts) local sk,pk = rspamd_cryptobox.gen_dkim_keypair(opts.type) if opts.privkey and opts.force then os.remove(opts.privkey) end if not sk:save_in_file(opts.privkey, tonumber('0600', 8)) then io.stderr:write('cannot save private key to ' .. (opts.privkey or 'stdout') .. '\n') os.exit(1) end if not opts.privkey then io.write("\n") io.flush() end print_public_key(opts, tostring(pk)) end local function handler(args) local opts = parser:parse(args) if not opts then os.exit(1) end if opts.type == 'rsa' then gen_rsa_key(opts) else gen_eddsa_key(opts) end end return { name = 'dkim_keygen', aliases = {'dkimkeygen'}, handler = handler, description = parser._description }