local util = require "rspamd_util" local opts = {} local argparse = require "argparse" local parser = argparse() :name "rspamadm confighelp" :description "Shows help for the specified configuration options" :help_description_margin(32) parser:flag "--no-ips" :description "No IPs stats" parser:flag "--no-keys" :description "No keys stats" parser:flag "--short" :description "Short output mode" parser:flag "-n --number" :description "Disable numbers humanization" parser:option "-s --sort" :description "Sort order" :convert { matched = "matched", errors = "errors", ip = "ip" } local function add_data(target, src) for k,v in pairs(src) do if k ~= 'ips' then if target[k] then target[k] = target[k] + v else target[k] = v end else if not target['ips'] then target['ips'] = {} end -- Iterate over IPs for ip,st in pairs(v) do if not target['ips'][ip] then target['ips'][ip] = {} end add_data(target['ips'][ip], st) end end end end local function print_num(num) if opts['n'] or opts['number'] then return tostring(num) else return util.humanize_number(num) end end local function print_stat(st, tabs) if st['checked'] then print(string.format('%sChecked: %s', tabs, print_num(st['checked']))) end if st['matched'] then print(string.format('%sMatched: %s', tabs, print_num(st['matched']))) end if st['errors'] then print(string.format('%sErrors: %s', tabs, print_num(st['errors']))) end if st['added'] then print(string.format('%sAdded: %s', tabs, print_num(st['added']))) end if st['deleted'] then print(string.format('%sDeleted: %s', tabs, print_num(st['deleted']))) end end -- Sort by checked local function sort_ips(tbl, _opts) local res = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(res, {ip = k, data = v}) end local function sort_order(elt) local key = 'checked' local _res = 0 if _opts['sort'] then if _opts['sort'] == 'matched' then key = 'matched' elseif _opts['sort'] == 'errors' then key = 'errors' elseif _opts['sort'] == 'ip' then return elt['ip'] end end if elt['data'][key] then _res = elt['data'][key] end return _res end table.sort(res, function(a, b) return sort_order(a) > sort_order(b) end) return res end local function add_result(dst, src, k) if type(src) == 'table' then if type(dst) == 'number' then -- Convert dst to table dst = {dst} elseif type(dst) == 'nil' then dst = {} end for i,v in ipairs(src) do if dst[i] and k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst[i] = dst[i] + v else dst[i] = v end end else if type(dst) == 'table' then if k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst[1] = dst[1] + src else dst[1] = src end else if dst and k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst = dst + src else dst = src end end end return dst end local function print_result(r) local function num_to_epoch(num) if num == 1 then return 'v0.6' elseif num == 2 then return 'v0.8' elseif num == 3 then return 'v0.9' elseif num == 4 then return 'v1.0+' elseif num == 5 then return 'v1.7+' end return '???' end if type(r) == 'table' then local res = {} for i,num in ipairs(r) do res[i] = string.format('(%s: %s)', num_to_epoch(i), print_num(num)) end return table.concat(res, ', ') end return print_num(r) end return function(args, res) local res_ips = {} local res_databases = {} local wrk = res['workers'] opts = parser:parse(args) if wrk then for _,pr in pairs(wrk) do -- processes cycle if pr['data'] then local id = pr['id'] if id then local res_db = res_databases[id] if not res_db then res_db = { keys = {} } res_databases[id] = res_db end -- General stats for k,v in pairs(pr['data']) do if k ~= 'keys' and k ~= 'errors_ips' then res_db[k] = add_result(res_db[k], v, k) elseif k == 'errors_ips' then -- Errors ips if not res_db['errors_ips'] then res_db['errors_ips'] = {} end for ip,nerrors in pairs(v) do if not res_db['errors_ips'][ip] then res_db['errors_ips'][ip] = nerrors else res_db['errors_ips'][ip] = nerrors + res_db['errors_ips'][ip] end end end end if pr['data']['keys'] then local res_keys = res_db['keys'] if not res_keys then res_keys = {} res_db['keys'] = res_keys end -- Go through keys in input for k,elts in pairs(pr['data']['keys']) do -- keys cycle if not res_keys[k] then res_keys[k] = {} end add_data(res_keys[k], elts) if elts['ips'] then for ip,v in pairs(elts['ips']) do if not res_ips[ip] then res_ips[ip] = {} end add_data(res_ips[ip], v) end end end end end end end end -- General stats for db,st in pairs(res_databases) do print(string.format('Statistics for storage %s', db)) for k,v in pairs(st) do if k ~= 'keys' and k ~= 'errors_ips' then print(string.format('%s: %s', k, print_result(v))) end end print('') local res_keys = st['keys'] if res_keys and not opts['no-keys'] and not opts['short'] then print('Keys statistics:') for k,_st in pairs(res_keys) do print(string.format('Key id: %s', k)) print_stat(_st, '\t') if _st['ips'] and not opts['no-ips'] then print('') print('\tIPs stat:') local sorted_ips = sort_ips(_st['ips'], opts) for _,v in ipairs(sorted_ips) do print(string.format('\t%s', v['ip'])) print_stat(v['data'], '\t\t') print('') end end print('') end end if st['errors_ips'] and not opts['no-ips'] and not opts['short'] then print('') print('Errors IPs statistics:') table.sort(st['errors_ips'], function(a, b) return a > b end) for i, v in pairs(st['errors_ips']) do print(string.format('%s: %s', i, print_result(v))) end print('') end end if not opts['no-ips'] and not opts['short'] then print('') print('IPs statistics:') local sorted_ips = sort_ips(res_ips, opts) for _, v in ipairs(sorted_ips) do print(string.format('%s', v['ip'])) print_stat(v['data'], '\t') print('') end end end