=head1 NAME Mail::Rspamd::Client - Client for rspamd Protocol =head1 SYNOPSIS my $client = new Mail::Rspamd::Client({port => 11333, host => 'localhost', ip => ''}); if ($client->ping()) { print "Ping is ok\n"; } my $result = $client->check($testmsg); if ($result->{'default'}->{isspam} eq 'True') { do something with spam message here } =head1 DESCRIPTION Mail::Rspamd::Client is a module that provides a perl implementation for the spamd protocol. =cut package Mail::Rspamd::Client; use IO::Socket; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "1.00"; my $EOL = "\015\012"; my $BLANK = $EOL x 2; my $PROTOVERSION = 'RSPAMC/1.0'; =head1 PUBLIC METHODS =head2 new public class (Mail::Rspamd::Client) new (\% $args) Description: This method creates a new Mail::Rspamd::Client object. =cut sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = {}; # with a sockets_path set then it makes no sense to set host and port if ($args->{socketpath}) { $self->{socketpath} = $args->{socketpath}; } else { $self->{hosts} = $args->{hosts}; $self->{alive_hosts} = $self->{hosts}; } if ($args->{username}) { $self->{username} = $args->{username}; } if ($args->{ip}) { $self->{ip} = $args->{ip}; } if ($args->{from}) { $self->{from} = $args->{from}; } if ($args->{subject}) { $self->{subject} = $args->{subject}; } if ($args->{rcpt}) { $self->{rcpt} = $args->{rcpt}; } if ($args->{timeout}) { $self->{timeout} = $args->{timeout}; } else { $self->{timeout} = 5; } if ($args->{password}) { $self->{password} = $args->{password}; } bless($self, $class); $self; } =head2 check public instance (\%) check (String $msg) Description: This method makes a call to the spamd server and depending on the value of C<$is_check_p> either calls PROCESS or CHECK. The return value is a hash reference containing metrics indexed by name. Each metric is hash that contains data: isspam score threshold symbols - array of symbols =cut sub check { my ($self, $msg) = @_; my %metrics; my $command = 'SYMBOLS'; $self->_clear_errors(); my $remote = $self->_create_connection(); return 0 unless ($remote); my $msgsize = length($msg.$EOL); local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; if (!(syswrite($remote, "$command $PROTOVERSION$EOL"))) { $self->_mark_dead($remote); return 0; } syswrite $remote, "Content-length: $msgsize$EOL"; syswrite $remote, "User: $self->{username}$EOL" if ($self->{username}); syswrite $remote, "From: $self->{from}$EOL" if ($self->{from}); syswrite $remote, "IP: $self->{ip}$EOL" if ($self->{ip}); syswrite $remote, "Subject: $self->{subject}$EOL" if ($self->{subject}); if (ref $self->{rcpt} eq "ARRAY") { foreach ($self->{rcpt}) { syswrite $remote, "Rcpt: $_ $EOL"; } } syswrite $remote, $EOL; syswrite $remote, $msg; syswrite $remote, $EOL; return undef unless $self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 0); my ($in, $res); my $offset = 0; do { $res = sysread($remote, $in, 512, $offset); if ($res > 0 && $res < 512) { $self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 0); } $offset += $res; } while ($res > 0); my ($version, $resp_code, $resp_msg) = $self->_parse_response_line($in); $self->{resp_code} = $resp_code; $self->{resp_msg} = $resp_msg; return undef unless ($resp_code == 0); my $cur_metric; my @lines = split (/^/, $in); foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ m!Metric: (\S+); (\S+); (\S+) / (\S+)!) { $metrics{$1} = { isspam => $2, score => $3 + 0, threshold => $4 + 0, symbols => [], }; $cur_metric = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Symbol: (\S+)/ && $cur_metric) { my $symref = $metrics{$cur_metric}->{'symbols'}; push(@$symref, $1); } elsif ($line =~ /^${EOL}$/) { last; } } close $remote; return \%metrics; } sub _auth { my ($self, $sock) = @_; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; if (!(syswrite($sock, "PASSWORD $self->{password}$EOL"))) { $self->_mark_dead($remote); return 0; } return 0 unless $self->_get_io_readiness($sock, 0); if (sysread($sock, $reply, 255)) { if ($reply =~ /^password accepted/) { return 1; } } return 0; } =head2 learn public instance (\%) check (String $msg, String $statfile, Boolean in_class) Description: This method makes a call to the spamd learning a statfile with message. =cut sub learn { my ($self, $msg, $statfile, $in_class) = @_; my %metrics; my $command = 'LEARN'; $self->_clear_errors(); my $remote = $self->_create_connection(); return 0 unless ($remote); return 0 unless $self->_auth($remote); my $msgsize = length($msg.$EOL); local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; if (!(syswrite ($remote, "$command $statfile $msgsize$EOL"))) { $self->_mark_dead($remote); return 0; } syswrite($remote, $msg); syswrite($remote, $EOL); return undef unless $self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 0); if (sysread ($remote, $reply, 255)) { if ($reply =~ /^learn ok/) { close $remote; return 1; } } close $remote; return 0; } =head2 ping public instance (Boolean) ping () Description: This method performs a server ping and returns 0 or 1 depending on if the server responded correctly. =cut sub ping { my ($self) = @_; my $remote = $self->_create_connection(); return 0 unless ($remote); local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; if (!(syswrite($remote, "PING $PROTOVERSION$EOL"))) { $self->_mark_dead($remote); return 0; } syswrite($remote, $EOL); return undef unless $self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 0); my $line; sysread ($remote, $line, 255); close $remote; return undef unless $line; my ($version, $resp_code, $resp_msg) = $self->_parse_response_line($line); return 0 unless ($resp_msg eq 'PONG'); return 1; } =head1 PRIVATE METHODS =head2 _create_connection private instance (IO::Socket) _create_connection () Description: This method sets up a proper IO::Socket connection based on the arguments used when greating the client object. On failure, it sets an internal error code and returns undef. =cut sub _create_connection { my ($self) = @_; my $remote; my $tries = 0; if ($self->{socketpath}) { $remote = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Peer => $self->{socketpath}, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Blocking => 0, ); # Get write readiness if ($self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 1) == 0) { print "Connection timed out: $!\n"; return undef; } } else { my $server; do { $server = $self->_select_server(); $tries ++; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $server->{host}, PeerPort => $server->{port}, Blocking => 0, ); # Get write readiness if ($self->_get_io_readiness($remote, 1) != 0) { return $remote; } else { next; } } while ($tries < 5); return undef unless $server; } unless ($remote) { print "Failed to create connection to spamd daemon: $!\n"; return undef; } $remote; } sub _revive_dead { my ($self) = @_; my $now = time(); foreach my $s ($self->{dead_hosts}) { # revive after minute of downtime if (defined($s->{dead}) && $s->{dead} == 1 && $now - $s->{t} > 60) { $s->{dead} = 0; push(@{$self->{alive_hosts}}, $s->{host}); } } 1; } sub _select_server { my($self) = @_; $self->_revive_dead(); my $alive_num = scalar(@{$self->{alive_hosts}}); if (!$alive_num) { $self->{alive_hosts} = $self->{hosts}; $self->{dead_hosts} = (); $alive_num = scalar($self->{alive_hosts}); } my $selected = $self->{alive_hosts}[int(rand($alive_num))]; if ($selected =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)$/) { my $server = { host => $1, port => $2, }; return $server; } undef; } sub _mark_dead { my ($self, $server) = @_; my $now = time(); $self->{dead_hosts}->{$server} = { host => $server, dead => 1, t => $now, }; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@{$self->{alive_hosts}}); $i ++) { if ($self->{alive_hosts} == $server) { splice(@{$self->{alive_hosts}}, $i, 1); last; } } } sub _get_io_readiness { my ($self, $sock, $is_write) = @_; my $w = ''; vec($w, fileno($sock), 1) = 1; if ($is_write) { return select(undef, $w, undef, $self->{timeout}); } else { return select($w, undef,undef, $self->{timeout}); } undef; } =head2 _parse_response_line private instance (@) _parse_response_line (String $line) Description: This method parses the initial response line/header from the server and returns its parts. We have this as a seperate method in case we ever decide to get fancy with the response line. =cut sub _parse_response_line { my ($self, $line) = @_; $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; return split(/\s+/, $line, 3); } =head2 _clear_errors private instance () _clear_errors () Description: This method clears out any current errors. =cut sub _clear_errors { my ($self) = @_; $self->{resp_code} = undef; $self->{resp_msg} = undef; } 1;