--[[ Copyright (c) 2019, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- -- Bitcoin filter rules local fun = require "fun" local bit = require "bit" local off = 0 local base58_dec = fun.tomap(fun.map( function(c) off = off + 1 return c,(off - 1) end, "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz")) local function is_traditional_btc_address(word) local hash = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash" local bytes = {} for i=1,25 do bytes[i] = 0 end -- Base58 decode loop fun.each(function(ch) local acc = base58_dec[ch] or 0 for i=25,1,-1 do acc = acc + (58 * bytes[i]); bytes[i] = acc % 256 acc = math.floor(acc / 256); end end, word) -- Now create a validation tag local sha256 = hash.create_specific('sha256') for i=1,21 do sha256:update(string.char(bytes[i])) end sha256 = hash.create_specific('sha256', sha256:bin()):bin() -- Compare tags local valid = true for i=1,4 do if string.sub(sha256, i, i) ~= string.char(bytes[21 + i]) then valid = false end end return valid end -- Beach32 checksum combiner local function polymod(...) local chk = 1; local gen = {0x3b6a57b2, 0x26508e6d, 0x1ea119fa, 0x3d4233dd, 0x2a1462b3}; for _,t in ipairs({...}) do for _,v in ipairs(t) do local top = bit.rshift(chk, 25) chk = bit.bxor(bit.lshift(bit.band(chk, 0x1ffffff), 5), v) for i=1,5 do if bit.band(bit.rshift(top, i - 1), 0x1) ~= 0 then chk = bit.bxor(chk, gen[i]) end end end end return chk end -- Beach32 expansion function local function hrpExpand(hrp) local ret = {} fun.each(function(byte) ret[#ret + 1] = bit.rshift(byte, 5) end, fun.map(string.byte, fun.iter(hrp))) ret[#ret + 1] = 0 fun.each(function(byte) ret[#ret + 1] = bit.band(byte, 0x1f) end, fun.map(string.byte, fun.iter(hrp))) return ret end local function verify_beach32_cksum(hrp, elts) return polymod(hrpExpand(hrp), elts) == 1 end local function is_segwit_bech32_address(word) local has_upper, has_lower, has_invalid if #word > 90 then return false end fun.each(function(ch) if ch < 33 or ch > 126 then has_invalid = true elseif ch >= 97 and ch <= 122 then has_lower = true elseif ch >= 65 and ch <= 90 then has_upper = true; end end, fun.map(string.byte, fun.iter(word))) if has_invalid or (has_lower and has_upper) then return false end word = word:lower() local last_one_pos = word:find('1[^1]*$') if not last_one_pos or (last_one_pos < 1 or last_one_pos + 7 > #word) then return false end local hrp = word:sub(1, last_one_pos - 1) local d = {} local charset = 'qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l'; for i=last_one_pos + 1,#word do local c = word:sub(i, i) local pos = charset:find(c) if not pos then return false end d[#d + 1] = pos - 1 end return verify_beach32_cksum(hrp, d) end rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'BITCOIN_ADDR', description = 'Message has a valid bitcoin wallet address', callback = function(task) local rspamd_re = require "rspamd_regexp" local btc_wallet_re = rspamd_re.create_cached('^[13LM][1-9A-Za-z]{25,34}$') local segwit_wallet_re = rspamd_re.create_cached('^[b][c]1[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{14,74}$', 'i') local words_matched = {} local segwit_words_matched = {} local valid_wallets = {} for _,part in ipairs(task:get_text_parts() or {}) do local pw = part:filter_words(btc_wallet_re, 'raw', 3) if pw and #pw > 0 then for _,w in ipairs(pw) do words_matched[#words_matched + 1] = w end end pw = part:filter_words(segwit_wallet_re, 'raw', 3) if pw and #pw > 0 then for _,w in ipairs(pw) do segwit_words_matched[#segwit_words_matched + 1] = w end end end for _,word in ipairs(words_matched) do local valid = is_traditional_btc_address(word) if valid then valid_wallets[#valid_wallets + 1] = word end end for _,word in ipairs(segwit_words_matched) do local valid = is_segwit_bech32_address(word) if valid then valid_wallets[#valid_wallets + 1] = word end end if #valid_wallets > 0 then return true,1.0,valid_wallets end end, score = 0.0, group = 'scams' }