--[[ Copyright (c) 2020, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- -- Controller maps plugin local maps_cache local maps_aliases local lua_util = require "lua_util" local function maybe_fill_maps_cache() if not maps_cache then maps_cache = {} maps_aliases = {} local maps = rspamd_config:get_maps() for _,m in ipairs(maps) do -- We get the first url here and that's it local url = m:get_uri() if url ~= 'static' then if not maps_cache[url] then local alias = url:match('/([^/]+)$') maps_cache[url] = m if not maps_aliases[alias] then maps_aliases[alias] = url end else -- Do not override, as we don't care about duplicate maps that come from different -- sources. -- In theory, that should be cached but there are some exceptions even so far... url = math.random() -- to shut luacheck about empty branch with a comment end end end end end local function check_specific_map(input, uri, m, results) local value = m:get_key(input) if value then local result = { map = uri, alias = uri:match('/([^/]+)$'), value = value } table.insert(results, result) end end local function handle_query_map(_, conn, req_params) maybe_fill_maps_cache() if req_params.value and req_params.value ~= '' then local results = {} for uri,m in pairs(maps_cache) do check_specific_map(req_params.value, uri, m, results) end conn:send_ucl{ success = (#results > 0), results = results } else conn:send_error(404, 'missing value') end end local function handle_query_specific_map(_, conn, req_params) maybe_fill_maps_cache() if req_params.value and req_params.value ~= '' then local maps_to_check = maps_cache if req_params.maps then local map_names = lua_util.str_split(req_params.maps, ',') maps_to_check = {} for _,mn in ipairs(map_names) do if maps_cache[mn] then maps_to_check[mn] = maps_cache[mn] else local alias = maps_aliases[mn] if alias then maps_to_check[alias] = maps_cache[alias] else conn:send_error(404, 'no such map: ' .. mn) end end end end local results = {} for uri,m in pairs(maps_to_check) do check_specific_map(req_params.value, uri, m, results) end conn:send_ucl{ success = (#results > 0), results = results } else conn:send_error(404, 'missing value') end end local function handle_list_maps(_, conn, _) maybe_fill_maps_cache() conn:send_ucl{ maps = lua_util.keys(maps_cache), aliases = maps_aliases } end return { query = { handler = handle_query_map, enable = false, }, query_specific = { handler = handle_query_specific_map, enable = false, }, list = { handler = handle_list_maps, enable = false, }, }