--[[ Copyright (c) 2017, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local util = require "rspamd_util" local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local table = table local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local fun = require "fun" local E = {} local rcvd_cb_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'CHECK_RECEIVED', type = 'callback', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', callback = function(task) local cnts = { [1] = 'ONE', [2] = 'TWO', [3] = 'THREE', [5] = 'FIVE', [7] = 'SEVEN', [12] = 'TWELVE' } local def = 'ZERO' local received = task:get_received_headers() local nreceived = fun.reduce(function(acc, rcvd) return acc + 1 end, 0, fun.filter(function(h) return not h['artificial'] end, received)) for k,v in pairs(cnts) do if nreceived >= tonumber(k) then def = v end end task:insert_result('RCVD_COUNT_' .. def, 1.0, tostring(nreceived)) end } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_ZERO', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has no Received headers', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_ONE', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has one Received header', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_TWO', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has two Received headers', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_THREE', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has 3-5 Received headers', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_FIVE', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has 5-7 Received headers', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_SEVEN', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has 7-11 Received headers', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCVD_COUNT_TWELVE', score = 0.0, parent = rcvd_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has 12 or more Received headers', group = 'headers', } local prio_cb_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol { name = 'HAS_X_PRIO', type = 'callback', description = 'X-Priority check callback rule', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', callback = function (task) local cnts = { [1] = 'ONE', [2] = 'TWO', [3] = 'THREE', [5] = 'FIVE', } local def = 'ZERO' local xprio = task:get_header('X-Priority'); if not xprio then return false end local _,_,x = xprio:find('^%s?(%d+)'); if (x) then x = tonumber(x) for k,v in pairs(cnts) do if x >= tonumber(k) then def = v end end task:insert_result('HAS_X_PRIO_' .. def, 1.0, tostring(x)) end end } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_X_PRIO_ZERO', score = 0.0, parent = prio_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has X-Priority header set to 0', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_X_PRIO_ONE', score = 0.0, parent = prio_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has X-Priority header set to 1', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_X_PRIO_TWO', score = 0.0, parent = prio_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has X-Priority header set to 2', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_X_PRIO_THREE', score = 0.0, parent = prio_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has X-Priority header set to 3 or 4', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_X_PRIO_FIVE', score = 0.0, parent = prio_cb_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Message has X-Priority header set to 5 or higher', group = 'headers', } local function get_raw_header(task, name) return ((task:get_header_full(name) or {})[1] or {})['value'] end local check_replyto_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'callback', name = 'CHECK_REPLYTO', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', callback = function(task) local replyto = get_raw_header(task, 'Reply-To') if not replyto then return false end local rt = util.parse_mail_address(replyto, task:get_mempool()) if not (rt and rt[1] and (string.len(rt[1].addr) > 0)) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_UNPARSEABLE', 1.0) return false else local rta = rt[1].addr task:insert_result('HAS_REPLYTO', 1.0, rta) -- Check if Reply-To address starts with title seen in display name local sym = task:get_symbol('FROM_NAME_HAS_TITLE') local title = (((sym or E)[1] or E).options or E)[1] if title then rta = rta:lower() if rta:find('^' .. title) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_EMAIL_HAS_TITLE', 1.0) end end end -- See if Reply-To matches From in some way local from = task:get_from{'mime', 'orig'} local from_h = get_raw_header(task, 'From') if not (from and from[1]) then return false end if (from_h and from_h == replyto) then -- From and Reply-To are identical task:insert_result('REPLYTO_EQ_FROM', 1.0) else if (from and from[1]) then -- See if From and Reply-To addresses match if (util.strequal_caseless(from[1].addr, rt[1].addr)) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_ADDR_EQ_FROM', 1.0) elseif from[1].domain and rt[1].domain then if (util.strequal_caseless(from[1].domain, rt[1].domain)) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_DOM_EQ_FROM_DOM', 1.0) else -- See if Reply-To matches the To address local to = task:get_recipients(2) if (to and to[1] and to[1].addr:lower() == rt[1].addr:lower()) then -- Ignore this for mailing-lists and automatic submissions if (not (task:get_header('List-Unsubscribe') or task:get_header('X-To-Get-Off-This-List') or task:get_header('X-List') or task:get_header('Auto-Submitted'))) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_EQ_TO_ADDR', 1.0) end else task:insert_result('REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_FROM_DOM', 1.0) end end end -- See if the Display Names match if (from[1].name and rt[1].name and util.strequal_caseless(from[1].name, rt[1].name)) then task:insert_result('REPLYTO_DN_EQ_FROM_DN', 1.0) end end end end }) rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_UNPARSEABLE', score = 1.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To header could not be parsed', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'HAS_REPLYTO', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Has Reply-To header', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_EQ_FROM', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To header is identical to From header', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_ADDR_EQ_FROM', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To header is identical to SMTP From', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_DOM_EQ_FROM_DOM', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To domain matches the From domain', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_FROM_DOM', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To domain does not match the From domain', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_DN_EQ_FROM_DN', score = 0.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To display name matches From', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_EMAIL_HAS_TITLE', score = 2.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To header has title', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'REPLYTO_EQ_TO_ADDR', score = 5.0, parent = check_replyto_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Reply-To is the same as the To address', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_dependency('CHECK_REPLYTO', 'CHECK_FROM') local check_mime_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'CHECK_MIME', type = 'callback', group = 'headers', score = 0.0, callback = function(task) -- Check if there is a MIME-Version header local missing_mime = false if not task:has_header('MIME-Version') then missing_mime = true end -- Check presence of MIME specific headers local has_ct_header = task:has_header('Content-Type') local has_cte_header = task:has_header('Content-Transfer-Encoding') -- Add the symbol if we have MIME headers, but no MIME-Version -- (do not add the symbol for RFC822 messages) if (has_ct_header or has_cte_header) and missing_mime then task:insert_result('MISSING_MIME_VERSION', 1.0) end local found_ma = false local found_plain = false local found_html = false for _, p in ipairs(task:get_parts()) do local mtype, subtype = p:get_type() local ctype = mtype:lower() .. '/' .. subtype:lower() if (ctype == 'multipart/alternative') then found_ma = true end if (ctype == 'text/plain') then found_plain = true end if (ctype == 'text/html') then found_html = true end end if (found_ma) then if (not found_plain) then task:insert_result('MIME_MA_MISSING_TEXT', 1.0) end if (not found_html) then task:insert_result('MIME_MA_MISSING_HTML', 1.0) end end end } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'MISSING_MIME_VERSION', score = 2.0, parent = check_mime_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'MIME-Version header is missing in MIME message', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'MIME_MA_MISSING_TEXT', score = 2.0, parent = check_mime_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'MIME multipart/alternative missing text/plain part', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'MIME_MA_MISSING_HTML', score = 1.0, parent = check_mime_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'MIME multipart/alternative missing text/html part', group = 'headers', } -- Used to be called IS_LIST rspamd_config.PREVIOUSLY_DELIVERED = { callback = function(task) if not task:has_recipients(2) then return false end local to = task:get_recipients(2) local rcvds = task:get_header_full('Received') if not rcvds then return false end for _, rcvd in ipairs(rcvds) do local _,_,addr = rcvd['decoded']:lower():find("%sfor%s<(.-)>") if addr then for _, toa in ipairs(to) do if toa and toa.addr:lower() == addr then return true, addr end end return false end end end, description = 'Message either to a list or was forwarded', group = 'headers', score = 0.0 } rspamd_config.BROKEN_HEADERS = { callback = function(task) return task:has_flag('broken_headers') end, score = 10.0, group = 'headers', description = 'Headers structure is likely broken' } rspamd_config.BROKEN_CONTENT_TYPE = { callback = function(task) return fun.any(function(p) return p:is_broken() end, task:get_parts()) end, score = 1.5, group = 'headers', description = 'Message has part with broken content type' } rspamd_config.HEADER_RCONFIRM_MISMATCH = { callback = function (task) local header_from = nil local cread = task:get_header('X-Confirm-Reading-To') if task:has_from('mime') then header_from = task:get_from('mime')[1] end local header_cread = nil if cread then local headers_cread = util.parse_mail_address(cread, task:get_mempool()) if headers_cread then header_cread = headers_cread[1] end end if header_from and header_cread then if not string.find(header_from['addr'], header_cread['addr']) then return true end end return false end, score = 2.0, group = 'headers', description = 'Read confirmation address is different to from address' } rspamd_config.HEADER_FORGED_MDN = { callback = function (task) local mdn = task:get_header('Disposition-Notification-To') if not mdn then return false end local header_rp = nil if task:has_from('smtp') then header_rp = task:get_from('smtp')[1] end -- Parse mail addr local headers_mdn = util.parse_mail_address(mdn, task:get_mempool()) if headers_mdn and not header_rp then return true end if header_rp and not headers_mdn then return false end if not headers_mdn and not header_rp then return false end local found_match = false for _, h in ipairs(headers_mdn) do if util.strequal_caseless(h['addr'], header_rp['addr']) then found_match = true break end end return (not found_match) end, score = 2.0, group = 'headers', description = 'Read confirmation address is different to return path' } local headers_unique = { ['Content-Type'] = 1.0, ['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 1.0, -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6 ['Date'] = 0.1, ['From'] = 1.0, ['Sender'] = 1.0, ['Reply-To'] = 1.0, ['To'] = 0.2, ['Cc'] = 0.1, ['Bcc'] = 0.1, ['Message-ID'] = 0.7, ['In-Reply-To'] = 0.7, ['References'] = 0.3, ['Subject'] = 0.7 } rspamd_config.MULTIPLE_UNIQUE_HEADERS = { callback = function(task) local res = 0 local max_mult = 0.0 local res_tbl = {} for hdr,mult in pairs(headers_unique) do local hc = task:get_header_count(hdr) if hc > 1 then res = res + 1 table.insert(res_tbl, hdr) if max_mult < mult then max_mult = mult end end end if res > 0 then return true,max_mult,table.concat(res_tbl, ',') end return false end, score = 7.0, group = 'headers', one_shot = true, description = 'Repeated unique headers' } rspamd_config.MISSING_FROM = { callback = function(task) local from = task:get_header('From') if from == nil or from == '' then return true end return false end, score = 2.0, group = 'headers', description = 'Missing From: header' } rspamd_config.MULTIPLE_FROM = { callback = function(task) local from = task:get_from('mime') if from and from[2] then return true, 1.0, fun.totable(fun.map(function(a) return a.raw end, from)) end return false end, score = 8.0, group = 'headers', description = 'Multiple addresses in From' } rspamd_config.MV_CASE = { callback = function (task) return task:has_header('Mime-Version', true) end, description = 'Mime-Version .vs. MIME-Version', score = 0.5, group = 'headers' } local check_from_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'CHECK_FROM', type = 'callback', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', callback = function(task) local envfrom = task:get_from(1) local from = task:get_from(2) if (envfrom and envfrom[1] and not envfrom[1]["flags"]["valid"]) then task:insert_result('ENVFROM_INVALID', 1.0) end if (from and from[1]) then if not (from[1]["flags"]["valid"]) then task:insert_result('FROM_INVALID', 1.0) end if (from[1].name == nil or from[1].name == '' ) then task:insert_result('FROM_NO_DN', 1.0) elseif (from[1].name and util.strequal_caseless(from[1].name, from[1].addr)) then task:insert_result('FROM_DN_EQ_ADDR', 1.0) elseif (from[1].name and from[1].name ~= '') then task:insert_result('FROM_HAS_DN', 1.0) -- Look for Mr/Mrs/Dr titles local n = from[1].name:lower() local match, match_end match, match_end = n:find('^mrs?[%.%s]') if match then task:insert_result('FROM_NAME_HAS_TITLE', 1.0, n:sub(match, match_end-1)) end match, match_end = n:find('^dr[%.%s]') if match then task:insert_result('FROM_NAME_HAS_TITLE', 1.0, n:sub(match, match_end-1)) end -- Check for excess spaces if n:find('%s%s') then task:insert_result('FROM_NAME_EXCESS_SPACE', 1.0) end end if envfrom then if util.strequal_caseless(envfrom[1].addr, from[1].addr) then task:insert_result('FROM_EQ_ENVFROM', 1.0) elseif envfrom[1].addr ~= '' then task:insert_result('FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM', 1.0, from[1].addr, envfrom[1].addr) end end end local to = task:get_recipients(2) if not (to and to[1] and #to == 1 and from and from[1]) then return false end -- Check if FROM == TO if (util.strequal_caseless(to[1].addr, from[1].addr)) then task:insert_result('TO_EQ_FROM', 1.0) elseif (to[1].domain and from[1].domain and util.strequal_caseless(to[1].domain, from[1].domain)) then task:insert_result('TO_DOM_EQ_FROM_DOM', 1.0) end end } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'ENVFROM_INVALID', score = 2.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Envelope from does not have a valid format', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_INVALID', score = 2.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header does not have a valid format', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_NO_DN', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header does not have a display name', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_DN_EQ_ADDR', score = 1.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header display name is the same as the address', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_HAS_DN', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header has a display name', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_NAME_EXCESS_SPACE', score = 1.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header display name contains excess whitespace', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_NAME_HAS_TITLE', score = 1.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From header display name has a title (Mr/Mrs/Dr)', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_EQ_ENVFROM', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From address is the same as the envelope', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'From address is different to the envelope', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_EQ_FROM', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'To address matches the From address', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DOM_EQ_FROM_DOM', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_from_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'To domain is the same as the From domain', } local check_to_cc_id = rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'CHECK_TO_CC', type = 'callback', score = 0.0, group = 'headers,mime', callback = function(task) local rcpts = task:get_recipients(1) local to = task:get_recipients(2) local to_match_envrcpt = 0 local cnts = { [1] = 'ONE', [2] = 'TWO', [3] = 'THREE', [5] = 'FIVE', [7] = 'SEVEN', [12] = 'TWELVE', [50] = 'GT_50' } local def = 'ZERO' if (not to) then return false end -- Add symbol for recipient count local nrcpt = #to for k,v in pairs(cnts) do if nrcpt >= tonumber(k) then def = v end end task:insert_result('RCPT_COUNT_' .. def, 1.0, tostring(nrcpt)) -- Check for display names local to_dn_count = 0 local to_dn_eq_addr_count = 0 for _, toa in ipairs(to) do -- To: Recipients if (toa['name'] and (toa['name']:lower() == 'recipient' or toa['name']:lower() == 'recipients')) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_RECIPIENTS', 1.0) end if (toa['name'] and util.strequal_caseless(toa['name'], toa['addr'])) then to_dn_eq_addr_count = to_dn_eq_addr_count + 1 elseif (toa['name'] and toa['name'] ~= '') then to_dn_count = to_dn_count + 1 end -- See if header recipients match envrcpts if (rcpts) then for _, rcpt in ipairs(rcpts) do if (toa and toa['addr'] and rcpt and rcpt['addr'] and util.strequal_caseless(rcpt['addr'], toa['addr'])) then to_match_envrcpt = to_match_envrcpt + 1 end end end end if (to_dn_count == 0 and to_dn_eq_addr_count == 0) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_NONE', 1.0) elseif (to_dn_count == #to) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_ALL', 1.0) elseif (to_dn_count > 0) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_SOME', 1.0) end if (to_dn_eq_addr_count == #to) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_EQ_ADDR_ALL', 1.0) elseif (to_dn_eq_addr_count > 0) then task:insert_result('TO_DN_EQ_ADDR_SOME', 1.0) end -- See if header recipients match envelope recipients if (to_match_envrcpt == #to) then task:insert_result('TO_MATCH_ENVRCPT_ALL', 1.0) elseif (to_match_envrcpt > 0) then task:insert_result('TO_MATCH_ENVRCPT_SOME', 1.0) end end } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_ZERO', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'No recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_ONE', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'One recipient', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_TWO', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Two recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_THREE', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = '3-5 recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_FIVE', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = '5-7 recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_SEVEN', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = '7-11 recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_TWELVE', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = '12-50 recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'RCPT_COUNT_GT_50', score = 0.0, parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = '50+ recipients', group = 'headers', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_RECIPIENTS', score = 2.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'To header display name is "Recipients"', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_NONE', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'None of the recipients have display names', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_ALL', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'All the recipients have display names', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_SOME', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Some of the recipients have display names', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_EQ_ADDR_ALL', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'All of the recipients have display names that are the same as their address', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_DN_EQ_ADDR_SOME', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Some of the recipients have display names that are the same as their address', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_MATCH_ENVRCPT_ALL', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'All of the recipients match the envelope', } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ name = 'TO_MATCH_ENVRCPT_SOME', score = 0.0, group = 'headers', parent = check_to_cc_id, type = 'virtual', description = 'Some of the recipients match the envelope', } -- TODO: rewrite this rule, it should not touch headers directly rspamd_config.CTYPE_MISSING_DISPOSITION = { callback = function(task) local parts = task:get_parts() if (not parts) or (parts and #parts < 1) then return false end for _,p in ipairs(parts) do local ct = p:get_header('Content-Type') if (ct and ct:lower():match('^application/octet%-stream') ~= nil) then local cd = p:get_header('Content-Disposition') if (not cd) or (cd and cd:lower():find('^attachment') == nil) then local ci = p:get_header('Content-ID') if ci or (#parts > 1 and (cd and cd:find('filename=.+%.asc') ~= nil)) then return false end local parent = p:get_parent() if parent then local t,st = parent:get_type() if t == 'multipart' and st == 'encrypted' then -- Special case return false end end return true end end end return false end, description = 'Binary content-type not specified as an attachment', score = 4.0, group = 'mime' } rspamd_config.CTYPE_MIXED_BOGUS = { callback = function(task) local ct = task:get_header('Content-Type') if (not ct) then return false end local parts = task:get_parts() if (not parts) then return false end if (not ct:lower():match('^multipart/mixed')) then return false end local found = false -- Check each part and look for a part that isn't multipart/* or text/plain or text/html local ntext_parts = 0 for _,p in ipairs(parts) do local mtype,_ = p:get_type() if mtype then if mtype == 'text' and not p:is_attachment() then ntext_parts = ntext_parts + 1 if ntext_parts > 2 then found = true break end elseif mtype ~= 'multipart' then found = true break end end end if (not found) then return true end return false end, description = 'multipart/mixed without non-textual part', score = 1.0, group = 'mime' } local function check_for_base64_text(part) local ct = part:get_header('Content-Type') if (not ct) then return false end ct = ct:lower() if (ct:match('^text')) then -- Check encoding local cte = part:get_header('Content-Transfer-Encoding') if (cte and cte:lower():match('^base64')) then return true end end return false end rspamd_config.MIME_BASE64_TEXT = { callback = function(task) -- Check outer part if (check_for_base64_text(task)) then return true else local parts = task:get_parts() if (not parts) then return false end -- Check each part and look for base64 encoded text parts for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if (check_for_base64_text(part)) then return true end end end return false end, description = 'Has text part encoded in base64', score = 0.1, group = 'mime' } rspamd_config.MIME_BASE64_TEXT_BOGUS = { callback = function(task) local parts = task:get_text_parts() if (not parts) then return false end -- Check each part and look for base64 encoded text parts -- where the part does not have any 8bit characters within it for _, part in ipairs(parts) do local mimepart = part:get_mimepart(); if (check_for_base64_text(mimepart) and not part:has_8bit()) then return true end end return false end, description = 'Has text part encoded in base64 that does not contain any 8bit characters', score = 1.0, group = 'mime' } local function is_8bit_addr(addr) if addr.flags and addr.flags['8bit'] then return true end return false; end rspamd_config.INVALID_FROM_8BIT = { callback = function(task) local from = (task:get_from('mime') or {})[1] or {} if is_8bit_addr(from) then return true end return false end, description = 'Invalid 8bit character in From header', score = 6.0, group = 'headers' } rspamd_config.INVALID_RCPT_8BIT = { callback = function(task) local rcpts = task:get_recipients('mime') or {} return fun.any(function(rcpt) if is_8bit_addr(rcpt) then return true end return false end, rcpts) end, description = 'Invalid 8bit character in recipients headers', score = 6.0, group = 'headers' } rspamd_config.XM_CASE = { callback = function (task) return task:has_header('X-mailer', true) end, description = 'X-mailer .vs. X-Mailer', score = 0.5, group = 'headers' }