-- Actually these regular expressions were obtained from SpamAssassin project, so they are licensed by apache license: -- -- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more -- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with -- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. -- The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 -- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with -- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- -- Definitions of header regexps local reconf = config['regexp'] -- Subject needs encoding -- Define encodings types local subject_encoded_b64 = 'Subject=/=\\?\\S+\\?B\\?/iX' local subject_encoded_qp = 'Subject=/=\\?\\S+\\?Q\\?/iX' -- Define whether subject must be encoded (contains non-7bit characters) local subject_needs_mime = 'Subject=/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]/X' -- Final rule reconf['SUBJECT_NEEDS_ENCODING'] = { re = string.format('!(%s) & !(%s) & (%s)', subject_encoded_b64, subject_encoded_qp, subject_needs_mime), score = 1.0, mime_only = true, description = 'Subject needs encoding', group = 'headers' } local from_encoded_b64 = 'From=/=\\?\\S+\\?B\\?/iX' local from_encoded_qp = 'From=/=\\?\\S+\\?Q\\?/iX' local raw_from_needs_mime = 'From=/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]/X' reconf['FROM_NEEDS_ENCODING'] = { re = string.format('!(%s) & !(%s) & (%s)', from_encoded_b64, from_encoded_qp, raw_from_needs_mime), score = 1.0, mime_only = true, description = 'From header needs encoding', group = 'headers' } local to_encoded_b64 = 'To=/=\\?\\S+\\?B\\?/iX' local to_encoded_qp = 'To=/=\\?\\S+\\?Q\\?/iX' local raw_to_needs_mime = 'To=/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]/X' reconf['TO_NEEDS_ENCODING'] = { re = string.format('!(%s) & !(%s) & (%s)', to_encoded_b64, to_encoded_qp, raw_to_needs_mime), score = 1.0, mime_only = true, description = 'To header needs encoding', group = 'headers' } -- Detects that there is no space in From header (e.g. Some Name) reconf['R_NO_SPACE_IN_FROM'] = { re = 'From=/\\S<[-\\w\\.]+\\@[-\\w\\.]+>/X', score = 1.0, mime_only = true, description = 'No space in From header', group = 'headers' } reconf['TO_WRAPPED_IN_SPACES'] = { re = [[To=/<\s[-.\w]+\@[-.\w]+\s>/X]], score = 2.0, mime_only = true, description = 'To address is wrapped in spaces inside angle brackets (e.g. display-name < local-part@domain >)', group = 'headers' } -- Detects missing Subject header reconf['MISSING_SUBJECT'] = { re = '!raw_header_exists(Subject)', score = 2.0, mime_only = true, description = 'Subject header is missing', group = 'headers' } rspamd_config.EMPTY_SUBJECT = { score = 1.0, mime_only = true, description = 'Subject header is empty', group = 'headers', callback = function(task) local hdr = task:get_header('Subject') if hdr and #hdr == 0 then return true end return false end } -- Detects missing To header reconf['MISSING_TO'] = { re = '!raw_header_exists(To)', score = 2.0, description = 'To header is missing', group = 'headers', mime_only = true, } -- Detects undisclosed recipients reconf['R_UNDISC_RCPT'] = { -- match: -- To: undisclosed-recipients:; -- To: Undisclosed recipients:; -- To: undisclosed-recipients: ; -- To: -- To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"> -- To: "undisclosed-recipients (utajeni adresati)": ; -- To: Undisclosed recipients: -- but do not match: -- Undisclosed Recipient re = [[To=/^?$/mH' local oe_msgid_2 = 'Message-Id=/^?$/H' -- EZLM remail of message local lyris_ezml_remailer = 'List-Unsubscribe=/$/H' -- Header of wacky sendmail local wacky_sendmail_version = 'Received=/\\/CWT\\/DCE\\)/H' -- Iplanet received header local iplanet_messaging_server = 'Received=/iPlanet Messaging Server/H' -- Hotmail message id local hotmail_baydav_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^$/H' -- Sympatico message id local sympatico_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^?$/H' -- Mailman message id -- https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mailman-coders/mailman/2.1/view/head:/Mailman/Utils.py#L811 local mailman_msgid = [[Message-ID=/^$/H]] -- Message id seems to be forged local unusable_msgid = string.format('(%s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s)', lyris_ezml_remailer, wacky_sendmail_version, iplanet_messaging_server, hotmail_baydav_msgid, sympatico_msgid, mailman_msgid) -- Outlook express data seems to be forged local forged_oe = string.format('(%s & !%s & !%s & !%s)', oe_mua, oe_msgid_1, oe_msgid_2, unusable_msgid) -- Outlook specific headers local outlook_dollars_mua = 'X-Mailer=/^Microsoft Outlook(?: 8| CWS, Build 9|, Build 10)\\./H' local outlook_dollars_other = 'Message-Id=/^?/H' local vista_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^?$/H' local ims_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^?$/H' -- Forged outlook headers local forged_outlook_dollars = string.format('(%s & !%s & !%s & !%s & !%s & !%s)', outlook_dollars_mua, oe_msgid_2, outlook_dollars_other, vista_msgid, ims_msgid, unusable_msgid) -- Outlook versions that should be excluded from summary rule local fmo_excl_o3416 = 'X-Mailer=/^Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.3416$/H' local fmo_excl_oe3790 = 'X-Mailer=/^Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.3790.3959$/H' -- Summary rule for forged outlook reconf['FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK'] = { re = string.format('(%s | %s) & !%s & !%s & !%s', forged_oe, forged_outlook_dollars, fmo_excl_o3416, fmo_excl_oe3790, vista_msgid), score = 3.0, description = 'Forged Outlook MUA', group = 'mua' } -- HTML outlook signs local mime_html = 'content_type_is_type(text) & content_type_is_subtype(/.?html/)' local tag_exists_html = 'has_html_tag(html)' local tag_exists_head = 'has_html_tag(head)' local tag_exists_meta = 'has_html_tag(meta)' local tag_exists_body = 'has_html_tag(body)' reconf['FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS'] = { re = string.format('!%s & %s & %s & !(%s & %s & %s & %s)', yahoo_bulk, any_outlook_mua, mime_html, tag_exists_html, tag_exists_head, tag_exists_meta, tag_exists_body), score = 2.1, description = "Message pretends to be send from Outlook but has 'strange' tags", group = 'headers' } -- Forged OE/MSO boundary reconf['SUSPICIOUS_BOUNDARY'] = { re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="----=_NextPart_000_[A-Z\\d]{4}_(00EBFFA4|0102FFA4|32C6FFA4|3302FFA4)\\.[A-Z\\d]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX', score = 5.0, description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header', group = 'mua' } -- Forged OE/MSO boundary reconf['SUSPICIOUS_BOUNDARY2'] = { re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="----=_NextPart_000_[A-Z\\d]{4}_(01C6527E)\\.[A-Z\\d]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX', score = 4.0, description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header', group = 'mua' } -- Forged OE/MSO boundary reconf['SUSPICIOUS_BOUNDARY3'] = { re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="-----000-00\\d\\d-01C[\\dA-F]{5}-[\\dA-F]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX', score = 3.0, description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header', group = 'mua' } -- Forged OE/MSO boundary local suspicious_boundary_01C4 = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="----=_NextPart_000_[A-Z\\d]{4}_01C4[\\dA-F]{4}\\.[A-Z\\d]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX' local suspicious_boundary_01C4_date = 'Date=/^\\s*\\w\\w\\w,\\s+\\d+\\s+\\w\\w\\w 20(0[56789]|1\\d)/' reconf['SUSPICIOUS_BOUNDARY4'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', suspicious_boundary_01C4, suspicious_boundary_01C4_date), score = 4.0, description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header', group = 'mua' } -- Detect forged The Bat! headers -- The Bat! X-Mailer header local thebat_mua_any = 'X-Mailer=/^\\s*The Bat!/H' -- The Bat! common Message-ID template local thebat_msgid_common = 'Message-ID=/^?$/mH' -- Correct The Bat! Message-ID template local thebat_msgid = 'Message-ID=/^?/mH' -- Summary rule for forged The Bat! Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & (%s) & !(%s)', thebat_mua_any, thebat_msgid, thebat_msgid_common, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Message pretends to be send from The Bat! but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Summary rule for forged The Bat! Message-ID header with unknown template reconf['FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', thebat_mua_any, thebat_msgid, thebat_msgid_common, unusable_msgid), score = 3.0, description = 'Message pretends to be send from The Bat! but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Detect forged KMail headers -- KMail User-Agent header local kmail_mua = 'User-Agent=/^\\s*KMail\\/1\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/H' -- KMail common Message-ID template local kmail_msgid_common = 'Message-Id=/^?$/mH' -- Summary rule for forged KMail Message-ID header with unknown template reconf['FORGED_MUA_KMAIL_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', kmail_mua, kmail_msgid_common, unusable_msgid), score = 2.5, description = 'Message pretends to be send from KMail but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Detect forged Opera Mail headers -- Opera Mail User-Agent header local opera1x_mua = 'User-Agent=/^\\s*Opera Mail\\/1[01]\\.\\d+ /H' -- Opera Mail Message-ID template local opera1x_msgid = 'Message-ID=/^?$/H' -- Rule for forged Opera Mail Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_OPERA_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', opera1x_mua, opera1x_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Message pretends to be send from Opera Mail but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Detect forged Mozilla Mail/Thunderbird/Seamonkey/Postbox headers -- Mozilla based X-Mailer local user_agent_mozilla5 = 'User-Agent=/^\\s*Mozilla\\/5\\.0/H' local user_agent_thunderbird = 'User-Agent=/^\\s*(Thunderbird|Mozilla Thunderbird|Mozilla\\/.*Gecko\\/.*(Thunderbird|Betterbird|Icedove)\\/)/H' local user_agent_seamonkey = 'User-Agent=/^\\s*Mozilla\\/5\\.0\\s.+\\sSeaMonkey\\/\\d+\\.\\d+/H' local user_agent_postbox = [[User-Agent=/^\s*Mozilla\/5\.0\s\([^)]+\)\sGecko\/\d+\sPostboxApp\/\d+(?:\.\d+){2,3}$/H]] local user_agent_mozilla = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_mozilla5, user_agent_thunderbird, user_agent_seamonkey, user_agent_postbox) -- Mozilla based common Message-ID template local mozilla_msgid_common = 'Message-ID=/^\\s*<[\\dA-F]{8}\\.\\d{1,7}\\@([^>\\.]+\\.)+[^>\\.]+>$/H' local mozilla_msgid_common_sec = 'Message-ID=/^\\s*<[\\da-f]{8}-([\\da-f]{4}-){3}[\\da-f]{12}\\@([^>\\.]+\\.)+[^>\\.]+>$/H' local mozilla_msgid = 'Message-ID=/^\\s*<(3[3-9A-F]|[4-9A-F][\\dA-F])[\\dA-F]{6}\\.(\\d0){1,4}\\d\\@([^>\\.]+\\.)+[^>\\.]+>$/H' -- Summary rule for forged Mozilla Mail Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_MOZILLA_MAIL_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_mozilla, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Message pretends to be send from Mozilla Mail but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } reconf['FORGED_MUA_MOZILLA_MAIL_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_mozilla, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 2.5, description = 'Message pretends to be send from Mozilla Mail but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Summary rule for forged Thunderbird Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_THUNDERBIRD_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_thunderbird, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Mozilla Thunderbird but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } reconf['FORGED_MUA_THUNDERBIRD_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !((%s) | (%s)) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_thunderbird, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid_common_sec, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 2.5, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Mozilla Thunderbird but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Summary rule for forged Seamonkey Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_SEAMONKEY_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_seamonkey, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Mozilla Seamonkey but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } reconf['FORGED_MUA_SEAMONKEY_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !((%s) | (%s)) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_seamonkey, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid_common_sec, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 2.5, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Mozilla Seamonkey but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Summary rule for forged Postbox Message-ID header reconf['FORGED_MUA_POSTBOX_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_postbox, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 4.0, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Postbox but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } reconf['FORGED_MUA_POSTBOX_MSGID_UNKNOWN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !((%s) | (%s)) & !(%s) & !(%s)', user_agent_postbox, mozilla_msgid_common, mozilla_msgid_common_sec, mozilla_msgid, unusable_msgid), score = 2.5, description = 'Forged mail pretending to be from Postbox but has forged Message-ID', group = 'mua' } -- Message id validity local sane_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^\\\\ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x80-\\xff]+\\@[^<>\\\\ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x80-\\xff]+>?\\s*$/H' local msgid_comment = 'Message-Id=/\\(.*\\)/H' reconf['INVALID_MSGID'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !((%s) | (%s))', has_mid, sane_msgid, msgid_comment), score = 1.7, description = 'Message-ID header is incorrect', group = 'headers' } -- Only Content-Type header without other MIME headers local cd = 'header_exists(Content-Disposition)' local cte = 'header_exists(Content-Transfer-Encoding)' local ct = 'header_exists(Content-Type)' local mime_version = 'raw_header_exists(MIME-Version)' local ct_text_plain = 'content_type_is_type(text) & content_type_is_subtype(plain)' reconf['MIME_HEADER_CTYPE_ONLY'] = { re = string.format('!(%s) & !(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', cd, cte, ct, mime_version, ct_text_plain), score = 2.0, description = 'Only Content-Type header without other MIME headers', group = 'headers' } -- Forged Exchange messages local msgid_dollars_ok = 'Message-Id=/[0-9a-f]{4,}\\$[0-9a-f]{4,}\\$[0-9a-f]{4,}\\@\\S+/H' local mimeole_ms = 'X-MimeOLE=/^Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE/H' local rcvd_with_exchange = 'Received=/with Microsoft Exchange Server/H' reconf['RATWARE_MS_HASH'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', msgid_dollars_ok, mimeole_ms, rcvd_with_exchange), score = 2.0, description = 'Forged Exchange messages', group = 'headers' } -- Reply-type in content-type reconf['STOX_REPLY_TYPE'] = { re = 'Content-Type=/text\\/plain; .* reply-type=original/H', score = 1.0, description = 'Reply-type in Content-Type header', group = 'headers' } -- Forged yahoo msgid local at_yahoo_msgid = 'Message-Id=/\\@yahoo\\.com\\b/iH' local from_yahoo_com = 'From=/\\@yahoo\\.com\\b/iH' reconf['FORGED_MSGID_YAHOO'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s)', at_yahoo_msgid, from_yahoo_com), score = 2.0, description = 'Forged Yahoo Message-ID header', group = 'headers' } -- Forged The Bat! MUA headers local thebat_mua_v1 = 'X-Mailer=/^The Bat! \\(v1\\./H' local ctype_has_boundary = 'Content-Type=/boundary/iH' local bat_boundary = 'Content-Type=/boundary=\\"?-{10}/H' local mailman_21 = 'X-Mailman-Version=/\\d/H' reconf['FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_BOUN'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s) & !(%s) & !(%s)', thebat_mua_v1, ctype_has_boundary, bat_boundary, mailman_21), score = 2.0, description = 'Forged The Bat! MUA headers', group = 'headers' } -- Detect Mail.Ru web-mail local xm_mail_ru_mailer_1_0 = 'X-Mailer=/^Mail\\.Ru Mailer 1\\.0$/H' local rcvd_e_mail_ru = 'Received=/^(?:from \\[\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\] )?by e\\.mail\\.ru with HTTP;/mH' reconf['MAIL_RU_MAILER'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', xm_mail_ru_mailer_1_0, rcvd_e_mail_ru), score = 0.0, description = 'Sent with Mail.Ru webmail', group = 'headers' } -- Detect yandex.ru web-mail local xm_yandex_ru_mailer_5_0 = 'X-Mailer=/^Yamail \\[ http:\\/\\/yandex\\.ru \\] 5\\.0$/H' local rcvd_web_yandex_ru = 'Received=/^by web\\d{1,2}[a-z]\\.yandex\\.ru with HTTP;/mH' reconf['YANDEX_RU_MAILER'] = { re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', xm_yandex_ru_mailer_5_0, rcvd_web_yandex_ru), score = 0.0, description = 'Sent with Yandex webmail', group = 'headers' } -- Detect 1C v8.2 and v8.3 mailers reconf['MAILER_1C_8'] = { re = 'X-Mailer=/^1C:Enterprise 8\\.[23]$/H', score = 0.0, description = 'Sent with 1C:Enterprise 8', group = 'headers' } -- Detect rogue 'strongmail' MTA with IPv4 and '(-)' in Received line reconf['STRONGMAIL'] = { re = [[Received=/^from\s+strongmail\s+\(\[\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\]\) by \S+ \(-\); /mH]], score = 6.0, description = 'Sent via rogue "strongmail" MTA', group = 'headers' } -- Two received headers with ip addresses local double_ip_spam_1 = 'Received=/from \\[\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\] by \\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3} with/H' local double_ip_spam_2 = 'Received=/from\\s+\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\s+by\\s+\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3};/H' reconf['RCVD_DOUBLE_IP_SPAM'] = { re = string.format('(%s) | (%s)', double_ip_spam_1, double_ip_spam_2), score = 2.0, description = 'Has two Received headers containing bare IP addresses', group = 'headers' } -- Quoted reply-to from yahoo (seems to be forged) local repto_quote = 'Reply-To=/\\".*\\"\\s*\\]+>$/Xi'), description = "Has Interspire fingerprint", score = 1.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['CT_EXTRA_SEMI'] = { re = 'Content-Type=/;$/X', description = 'Content-Type header ends with a semi-colon', score = 1.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_ENDS_EXCLAIM'] = { re = 'Subject=/!\\s*$/H', description = 'Subject ends with an exclamation mark', score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_HAS_EXCLAIM'] = { re = string.format('%s & !%s', 'Subject=/!/H', 'Subject=/!\\s*$/H'), description = 'Subject contains an exclamation mark', score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_ENDS_QUESTION'] = { re = 'Subject=/\\?\\s*$/Hu', description = 'Subject ends with a question mark', score = 1.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_HAS_QUESTION'] = { re = string.format('%s & !%s', 'Subject=/\\?/H', 'Subject=/\\?\\s*$/Hu'), description = 'Subject contains a question mark', score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_HAS_CURRENCY'] = { re = 'Subject=/\\p{Sc}/Hu', description = 'Subject contains currency', score = 1.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['SUBJECT_ENDS_SPACES'] = { re = 'Subject=/\\s+$/H', description = 'Subject ends with space characters', score = 0.5, group = 'headers' } reconf['HAS_ORG_HEADER'] = { re = string.format('%s || %s', 'header_exists(Organization)', 'header_exists(Organisation)'), description = 'Has Organization header', score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['HAS_CD_HEADER'] = { re = 'header_exists(Content-Description)', description = 'Has Content-Description header', score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['CD_MM_BODY'] = { re = 'Content-Description=/^Mail message body$/Hi', description = 'Content-Description header reads "Mail message body", commonly seen in spam', score = 2.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['X_PHPOS_FAKE'] = { re = 'X-PHP-Originating-Script=/^\\d{7}:/Hi', description = 'Fake X-PHP-Originating-Script header', score = 3.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['HAS_XOIP'] = { re = "header_exists('X-Originating-IP')", description = "Has X-Originating-IP header", score = 0.0, group = 'headers' } reconf['HAS_LIST_UNSUB'] = { re = string.format('%s', 'header_exists(List-Unsubscribe)'), description = 'Has List-Unsubscribe header', score = -0.01, group = 'headers' } reconf['HAS_GUC_PROXY_URI'] = { re = '/\\.googleusercontent\\.com\\/proxy/{url}i', description = 'Has googleusercontent.com proxy URL', score = 1.0, group = 'url' } reconf['HAS_GOOGLE_REDIR'] = { re = '/\\.google\\.([a-z]{2,3}(|\\.[a-z]{2,3})|info|jobs)\\/(amp\\/s\\/|url\\?)/{url}i', description = 'Has google.com/url or alike Google redirection URL', score = 1.0, group = 'url' } reconf['HAS_GOOGLE_FIREBASE_URL'] = { re = '/\\.firebasestorage\\.googleapis\\.com\\//{url}i', description = 'Contains firebasestorage.googleapis.com URL', score = 2.0, group = 'url' } reconf['HAS_FILE_URL'] = { re = '/^file:\\/\\//{url}i', description = 'Contains file:// URL', score = 2.0, group = 'url' } reconf['XM_UA_NO_VERSION'] = { re = string.format('(!%s && !%s) && (%s || %s) && !%s', 'X-Mailer=/https?:/H', 'User-Agent=/https?:/H', 'X-Mailer=/^[^0-9]+$/H', 'User-Agent=/^[^0-9]+$/H', 'User-Agent=/^\\s*Mozilla Thunderbird/H'), description = 'X-Mailer/User-Agent header has no version number', score = 0.01, group = 'experimental' } -- Detects messages missing both X-Mailer and User-Agent header local has_ua = 'header_exists(User-Agent)' local has_xmailer = 'header_exists(X-Mailer)' reconf['MISSING_XM_UA'] = { re = string.format('!%s && !%s', has_xmailer, has_ua), score = 0.0, description = 'Message has neither X-Mailer nor User-Agent header', group = 'headers', } -- X-Mailer for old MUA versions which are forged by spammers local old_x_mailers = { -- Outlook Express 6.0 was last included in Windows XP (EOL 2014). Windows -- XP is still used (in 2020) by relatively small number of internet users, -- but this header is widely abused by spammers. 'Microsoft Outlook Express', -- Qualcomm Eudora for Windows was released in 2006 [[QUALCOMM Windows Eudora (Pro )?Version [1-6]\.]], -- The Bat 3.0 was released in 2004 [[The Bat! \(v[12]\.]], -- Can be found in public maillist archives, messages circa 2000 [[Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9\.0\.]], -- Outlook 2002 (Office XP) [[Microsoft Outlook, Build 10\.]], -- Some old Apple iOS versions are used on old devices, match only very old -- versions (iOS 4.3.5 buid 8L1 was supported until 2013) and less old -- versions frequently seen in spam [[i(Phone|Pad) Mail \((?:[1-8][A-L]|12H|13E)]], } reconf['OLD_X_MAILER'] = { description = 'X-Mailer header has a very old MUA version', re = string.format('X-Mailer=/^(?:%s)/{header}', table.concat(old_x_mailers, '|')), score = 2.0, group = 'headers', } -- Detect Apple Mail local apple_x_mailer = [[Apple Mail \((?:(?:Version )?[1-9]\d{0,2}\.\d{1,3}|[1-9]\d{0,2}\.\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4})\)]] reconf['APPLE_MAILER'] = { description = 'Sent with Apple Mail', re = string.format('X-Mailer=/^%s/{header}', apple_x_mailer), score = 0.0, group = 'headers', } -- Detect Apple iPhone/iPad Mail -- Apple iPhone/iPad Mail X-Mailer contains iOS build number, e. g. 9B206, 16H5, 18G5023c -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_version_history local apple_ios_x_mailer = [[i(?:Phone|Pad) Mail \(\d{1,2}[A-Z]\d{1,4}[a-z]?\)]] reconf['APPLE_IOS_MAILER'] = { description = 'Sent with Apple iPhone/iPad Mail', re = string.format('X-Mailer=/^%s/{header}', apple_ios_x_mailer), score = 0.0, group = 'headers', } -- X-Mailer header values which should not occur (in the modern mail) at all local bad_x_mailers = { -- header name repeated in the header value [[X-Mailer: ]], -- Mozilla Thunderbird uses User-Agent header, not X-Mailer -- Early Thunderbird had U-A like: -- Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317) -- Thunderbird (X11/20090812) [[(?:Mozilla )?Thunderbird \d]], -- Was used by Yahoo Groups in 2000s, no one expected to use this in 2020s [[eGroups Message Poster]], -- Regexp for genuine iOS X-Mailer is below, anything which doesn't match it, -- but starts with 'iPhone Mail' or 'iPad Mail' is likely fake [[i(?:Phone|Pad) Mail]], } reconf['FORGED_X_MAILER'] = { description = 'Forged X-Mailer header', re = string.format('X-Mailer=/^(?:%s)/{header} && !X-Mailer=/^%s/{header}', table.concat(bad_x_mailers, '|'), apple_ios_x_mailer), score = 4.5, group = 'headers', } -- X-Mailer headers like: 'Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)' are being -- forged by spammers, but MS Exchange 5.5 is still being used (in 2020) on -- some mail servers. Example of genuine headers (DC-EXMPL is a hostname which -- can be a FQDN): -- Received: by DC-EXMPL with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2656.59) -- id ; Tue, 8 Dec 2020 07:10:54 -0600 -- Message-ID: -- X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2656.59) reconf['FORGED_IMS'] = { description = 'Forged X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service', re = [[X-Mailer=/^Internet Mail Service \(5\./{header} & !Received=/^by \S+ with Internet Mail Service \(5\./{header}]], score = 3.0, group = 'headers', }