#ifndef __RSPAMD_BLOOM_H__
#define __RSPAMD_BLOOM_H__

#include "config.h"

typedef guint (*hashfunc_t) (const gchar *);

typedef struct bloom_filter_s {
	size_t          asize;
	gchar          *a;
	size_t          nfuncs;
	hashfunc_t     *funcs;
} bloom_filter_t;

/* Hash functions */
guint bloom_sax_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_sdbm_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_fnv_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_rs_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_js_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_elf_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_bkdr_hash (const gchar *key);
guint bloom_ap_hash (const gchar *key);

#define DEFAULT_BLOOM_HASHES 8, bloom_sax_hash, bloom_sdbm_hash, bloom_fnv_hash, bloom_rs_hash, bloom_js_hash, bloom_elf_hash, bloom_bkdr_hash, bloom_ap_hash

 * Create new bloom filter
 * @param size length of bloom buffer
 * @param nfuncs number of hash functions
 * @param ... hash functions list
bloom_filter_t* bloom_create (size_t size, size_t nfuncs, ...);

 * Destroy bloom filter
void bloom_destroy (bloom_filter_t * bloom);

 * Add a string to bloom filter
gboolean bloom_add (bloom_filter_t * bloom, const gchar *s);

 * Delete a string from bloom filter
gboolean bloom_del (bloom_filter_t * bloom, const gchar *s);

 * Check whether this string is in bloom filter (algorithm produces FALSE-POSITIVES, so result must be checked if it is positive)
gboolean bloom_check (bloom_filter_t * bloom, const gchar *s);
