 * @file buffer.h
 * Implements buffered IO


#include "config.h"
#include "mem_pool.h"
#include "fstring.h"

typedef void (*dispatcher_read_callback_t)(f_str_t *in, void *user_data);
typedef void (*dispatcher_write_callback_t)(void *user_data);
typedef void (*dispatcher_err_callback_t)(GError *err, void *user_data);

 * Types of IO handling
enum io_policy {
	BUFFER_LINE,													/**< call handler when we have line ready */
	BUFFER_CHARACTER,												/**< call handler when we have some characters */

 * Buffer structure
typedef struct rspamd_buffer_s {
	f_str_t *data;													/**< buffer logic			*/
	char *pos;														/**< current position		*/
} rspamd_buffer_t;

typedef struct rspamd_io_dispatcher_s {
	rspamd_buffer_t *in_buf;										/**< input buffer			*/
	GList *out_buffers;												/**< out buffers chain		*/
	struct timeval *tv;												/**< io timeout				*/
	struct event *ev;												/**< libevent io event		*/
	memory_pool_t *pool;											/**< where to store data	*/
	enum io_policy policy;											/**< IO policy				*/
	size_t nchars;													/**< how many chars to read	*/
	int fd;															/**< descriptor				*/
	gboolean wanna_die;												/**< if dispatcher should be stopped */
	dispatcher_read_callback_t read_callback;						/**< read callback			*/
	dispatcher_write_callback_t write_callback;						/**< write callback			*/
	dispatcher_err_callback_t err_callback;							/**< error callback			*/
	void *user_data;												/**< user's data for callbacks */
} rspamd_io_dispatcher_t;

 * Creates rspamd IO dispatcher for specified descriptor
 * @param fd descriptor to IO
 * @param policy IO policy
 * @param read_cb read callback handler
 * @param write_cb write callback handler
 * @param err_cb error callback handler
 * @param tv IO timeout
 * @param user_data pointer to user's data
 * @return new dispatcher object or NULL in case of failure
rspamd_io_dispatcher_t* rspamd_create_dispatcher (int fd, 
												  enum io_policy policy,
												  dispatcher_read_callback_t read_cb,
												  dispatcher_write_callback_t write_cb,
												  dispatcher_err_callback_t err_cb,
												  struct timeval *tv,
												  void *user_data);

 * Set new policy for dispatcher
 * @param d pointer to dispatcher's object
 * @param policy IO policy
 * @param nchars number of characters in buffer for character policy
void rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *d, 
												  enum io_policy policy,
												  size_t nchars);

 * Write data when it would be possible
 * @param d pointer to dispatcher's object
 * @param data data to write
 * @param len length of data
void rspamd_dispatcher_write (rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *d,
												  void *data,
												  size_t len, gboolean delayed);

 * Pause IO events on dispatcher
 * @param d pointer to dispatcher's object
void rspamd_dispatcher_pause (rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *d);

 * Frees dispatcher object
 * @param dispatcher pointer to dispatcher's object
void rspamd_remove_dispatcher (rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *dispatcher);
