/* * Winnow classifier */ #include #include #include "classifiers.h" #define WINNOW_PROMOTION 1.23 #define WINNOW_DEMOTION 0.83 struct winnow_callback_data { statfile_pool_t *pool; struct classifier_ctx *ctx; char *filename; double sum; int count; int in_class; time_t now; }; static gboolean classify_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { token_node_t *node = key; struct winnow_callback_data *cd = data; float v; /* Consider that not found blocks have value 1 */ if ((v = statfile_pool_get_block (cd->pool, cd->filename, node->h1, node->h2, cd->now)) < 0.00001) { cd->sum += 1; } else { cd->sum += v; cd->in_class ++; } cd->count ++; return FALSE; } static gboolean learn_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { token_node_t *node = key; struct winnow_callback_data *cd = data; float v, c; c = (cd->in_class) ? WINNOW_PROMOTION : WINNOW_DEMOTION; /* Consider that not found blocks have value 1 */ if ((v = statfile_pool_get_block (cd->pool, cd->filename, node->h1, node->h2, cd->now)) < 0.00001) { statfile_pool_set_block (cd->pool, cd->filename, node->h1, node->h2, cd->now, c); } else { statfile_pool_set_block (cd->pool, cd->filename, node->h1, node->h2, cd->now, v * c); } cd->count ++; return FALSE; } struct classifier_ctx* winnow_init (memory_pool_t *pool) { struct classifier_ctx *ctx = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct classifier_ctx)); ctx->pool = pool; ctx->results = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); memory_pool_add_destructor (pool, (pool_destruct_func)g_hash_table_destroy, ctx->results); return ctx; } void winnow_classify (struct classifier_ctx *ctx, statfile_pool_t *pool, char *statfile, GTree *input, double scale) { struct winnow_callback_data data; double *res = memory_pool_alloc (ctx->pool, sizeof (double)); g_assert (pool != NULL); g_assert (ctx != NULL); data.pool = pool; data.filename = statfile; data.sum = 0; data.count = 0; data.now = time (NULL); data.ctx = ctx; if (!statfile_pool_is_open (pool, statfile)) { if (statfile_pool_open (pool, statfile) == -1) { return; } } g_tree_foreach (input, classify_callback, &data); if (data.count != 0) { *res = scale * (data.sum / data.count); } else { *res = 0; } g_hash_table_insert (ctx->results, statfile, res); } void winnow_learn (struct classifier_ctx *ctx, statfile_pool_t *pool, char *statfile, GTree *input, int in_class) { struct winnow_callback_data data; g_assert (pool != NULL); g_assert (ctx != NULL); data.pool = pool; data.filename = statfile; data.sum = 0; data.count = 0; data.in_class = in_class; data.now = time (NULL); data.ctx = ctx; if (!statfile_pool_is_open (pool, statfile)) { if (statfile_pool_open (pool, statfile) == -1) { return; } } statfile_pool_lock_file (pool, statfile); g_tree_foreach (input, learn_callback, &data); statfile_pool_unlock_file (pool, statfile); } struct winnow_result_data { char *filename; double max_score; double sum; }; static void result_file_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { struct winnow_result_data *d = (struct winnow_result_data *)data; double w = *((double *)value); if (fabs (w) > fabs (d->max_score)) { d->filename = (char *)key; d->max_score = w; } d->sum += fabs (w); } char* winnow_result_file (struct classifier_ctx* ctx, double *probability) { struct winnow_result_data data = { NULL, 0, 0 }; g_assert (ctx != NULL); g_hash_table_foreach (ctx->results, result_file_callback, &data); if (data.sum != 0) { *probability = data.max_score / data.sum; } else { *probability = 1; } return data.filename; }