/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "main.h" #include "message.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "upstream.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "modules.h" #include "tokenizers/tokenizers.h" #include "classifiers/classifiers.h" #define CRLF "\r\n" #define END "END" CRLF /* 120 seconds for controller's IO */ #define CONTROLLER_IO_TIMEOUT 120 enum command_type { COMMAND_PASSWORD, COMMAND_QUIT, COMMAND_RELOAD, COMMAND_STAT, COMMAND_SHUTDOWN, COMMAND_UPTIME, COMMAND_LEARN, COMMAND_HELP, COMMAND_COUNTERS, }; struct controller_command { char *command; int privilleged; enum command_type type; }; static struct controller_command commands[] = { {"password", 0, COMMAND_PASSWORD}, {"quit", 0, COMMAND_QUIT}, {"reload", 1, COMMAND_RELOAD}, {"stat", 0, COMMAND_STAT}, {"shutdown", 1, COMMAND_SHUTDOWN}, {"uptime", 0, COMMAND_UPTIME}, {"learn", 1, COMMAND_LEARN}, {"help", 0, COMMAND_HELP}, {"counters", 0, COMMAND_COUNTERS}, }; static GCompletion *comp; static time_t start_time; static char greetingbuf[1024]; static struct timeval io_tv; extern rspamd_hash_t *counters; static void sig_handler (int signo) { switch (signo) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: _exit (1); break; } } static void sigusr_handler (int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct rspamd_worker *worker = (struct rspamd_worker *)arg; /* Do not accept new connections, preparing to end worker's process */ struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; event_del (&worker->sig_ev); event_del (&worker->bind_ev); msg_info ("controller's shutdown is pending in %d sec", 2); event_loopexit (&tv); return; } static gchar* completion_func (gpointer elem) { struct controller_command *cmd = (struct controller_command *)elem; return cmd->command; } static void free_session (struct controller_session *session, gboolean is_soft) { GList *part; struct mime_part *p; msg_debug ("free_session: freeing session %p", session); while ((part = g_list_first (session->parts))) { session->parts = g_list_remove_link (session->parts, part); p = (struct mime_part *)part->data; g_byte_array_free (p->content, FALSE); g_list_free_1 (part); } if (is_soft) { /* Plan dispatcher shutdown */ session->dispatcher->wanna_die = 1; } else { rspamd_remove_dispatcher (session->dispatcher); } memory_pool_delete (session->session_pool); g_free (session); } static int check_auth (struct controller_command *cmd, struct controller_session *session) { char out_buf[128]; int r; if (cmd->privilleged && !session->authorized) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "not authorized" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return 0; } return 1; } static void counter_write_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, void *data) { struct controller_session *session = data; struct counter_data *cd = value; char *name = key; char out_buf[128]; int r; r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "%s: %llu" CRLF, name, (unsigned long long int)cd->value); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, TRUE); } static void process_command (struct controller_command *cmd, char **cmd_args, struct controller_session *session) { char out_buf[BUFSIZ], *arg, *err_str; int r = 0, days, hours, minutes; time_t uptime; unsigned long size = 0; struct statfile *statfile; struct metric *metric; memory_pool_stat_t mem_st; char *password = g_hash_table_lookup (session->worker->cf->params, "password"); switch (cmd->type) { case COMMAND_PASSWORD: arg = *cmd_args; if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { msg_debug ("process_command: empty password passed"); r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "password command requires one argument" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } if (password == NULL) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "password command disabled in config, authorized access unallowed" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } if (strncmp (arg, password, strlen (arg)) == 0) { session->authorized = 1; r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "password accepted" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); } else { session->authorized = 0; r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "password NOT accepted" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); } break; case COMMAND_QUIT: session->state = STATE_QUIT; break; case COMMAND_RELOAD: if (check_auth (cmd, session)) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "reload request sent" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); kill (getppid (), SIGHUP); } break; case COMMAND_STAT: if (check_auth (cmd, session)) { memory_pool_stat (&mem_st); r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "Messages scanned: %u" CRLF, session->worker->srv->stat->messages_scanned); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r , "Messages learned: %u" CRLF, session->worker->srv->stat->messages_learned); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Connections count: %u" CRLF, session->worker->srv->stat->connections_count); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Control connections count: %u" CRLF, session->worker->srv->stat->control_connections_count); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Pools allocated: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.pools_allocated); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Pools freed: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.pools_freed); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Bytes allocated: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.bytes_allocated); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Memory chunks allocated: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.chunks_allocated); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Shared chunks allocated: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.shared_chunks_allocated); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Chunks freed: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.chunks_freed); r += snprintf (out_buf + r, sizeof (out_buf) - r, "Oversized chunks: %ld" CRLF, (long int)mem_st.oversized_chunks); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); } break; case COMMAND_SHUTDOWN: if (check_auth (cmd, session)) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "shutdown request sent" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); kill (getppid (), SIGTERM); } break; case COMMAND_UPTIME: if (check_auth (cmd, session)) { uptime = time (NULL) - start_time; /* If uptime more than 2 hours, print as a number of days. */ if (uptime >= 2 * 3600) { days = uptime / 86400; hours = uptime / 3600 - days * 3600; minutes = uptime / 60 - hours * 60 - days * 3600; r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "%d day%s %d hour%s %d minute%s" CRLF, days, days > 1 ? "s" : " ", hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : " ", minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : " "); } /* If uptime is less than 1 minute print only seconds */ else if (uptime / 60 == 0) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "%d second%s" CRLF, (int)uptime, (int)uptime > 1 ? "s" : " "); } /* Else print the minutes and seconds. */ else { hours = uptime / 3600; minutes = uptime / 60 - hours * 3600; uptime -= hours * 3600 + minutes * 60; r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "%d hour%s %d minite%s %d second%s" CRLF, hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : " ", minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : " ", (int)uptime, uptime > 1 ? "s" : " "); } rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); } break; case COMMAND_LEARN: if (check_auth (cmd, session)) { arg = *cmd_args; if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { msg_debug ("process_command: no statfile specified in learn command"); r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "learn command requires at least two arguments: stat filename and its size" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } arg = *(cmd_args + 1); if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0') { msg_debug ("process_command: no statfile size specified in learn command"); r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "learn command requires at least two arguments: stat filename and its size" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } size = strtoul (arg, &err_str, 10); if (err_str && *err_str != '\0') { msg_debug ("process_command: statfile size is invalid: %s", arg); r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "learn size is invalid" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } statfile = g_hash_table_lookup (session->cfg->statfiles, *cmd_args); if (statfile == NULL) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "statfile %s is not defined" CRLF, *cmd_args); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } metric = g_hash_table_lookup (session->cfg->metrics, statfile->metric); session->learn_rcpt = NULL; session->learn_from = NULL; session->learn_filename = NULL; session->learn_tokenizer = statfile->tokenizer; if (metric != NULL) { session->learn_classifier = metric->classifier; } else { session->learn_classifier = get_classifier ("winnow"); } /* By default learn positive */ session->in_class = 1; /* Get all arguments */ while (*cmd_args++) { arg = *cmd_args; if (arg && *arg == '-') { switch (*(arg + 1)) { case 'r': arg = *(cmd_args + 1); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "recipient is not defined" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } session->learn_rcpt = memory_pool_strdup (session->session_pool, arg); break; case 'f': arg = *(cmd_args + 1); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "from is not defined" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } session->learn_from = memory_pool_strdup (session->session_pool, arg); break; case 'n': session->in_class = 0; break; default: r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "tokenizer is not defined" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } } } session->learn_filename = resolve_stat_filename (session->session_pool, statfile->pattern, session->learn_rcpt, session->learn_from); if (statfile_pool_open (session->worker->srv->statfile_pool, session->learn_filename) == -1) { /* Try to create statfile */ if (statfile_pool_create (session->worker->srv->statfile_pool, session->learn_filename, statfile->size / sizeof (struct stat_file_block)) == -1) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "cannot create statfile %s" CRLF, session->learn_filename); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } if (statfile_pool_open (session->worker->srv->statfile_pool, session->learn_filename) == -1) { r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "cannot open statfile %s" CRLF, session->learn_filename); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); return; } } rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (session->dispatcher, BUFFER_CHARACTER, size); session->state = STATE_LEARN; } break; case COMMAND_HELP: r = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "Rspamd CLI commands (* - privilleged command):" CRLF " help - this help message" CRLF "(*) learn [-r recipient], [-f from] [-n] - learn message to specified statfile" CRLF " quit - quit CLI session" CRLF "(*) reload - reload rspamd" CRLF "(*) shutdown - shutdown rspamd" CRLF " stat - show different rspamd stat" CRLF " counters - show rspamd counters" CRLF " uptime - rspamd uptime" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, r, FALSE); break; case COMMAND_COUNTERS: rspamd_hash_foreach (counters, counter_write_callback, session); break; } } static void controller_read_socket (f_str_t *in, void *arg) { struct controller_session *session = (struct controller_session *)arg; struct classifier_ctx *cls_ctx; int len, i; char *s, **params, *cmd, out_buf[128]; GList *comp_list, *cur = NULL; GTree *tokens = NULL; GByteArray *content = NULL; struct mime_part *p; f_str_t c; switch (session->state) { case STATE_COMMAND: s = fstrcstr (in, session->session_pool); params = g_strsplit (s, " ", -1); len = g_strv_length (params); if (len > 0) { cmd = g_strstrip (params[0]); comp_list = g_completion_complete (comp, cmd, NULL); switch (g_list_length (comp_list)) { case 1: process_command ((struct controller_command *)comp_list->data, ¶ms[1], session); break; case 0: msg_debug ("Unknown command: '%s'", cmd); i = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "Unknown command" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, i, FALSE); break; default: msg_debug ("Ambigious command: '%s'", cmd); i = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "Ambigious command" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, i, FALSE); break; } } if (session->state == STATE_COMMAND) { session->state = STATE_REPLY; } if (session->state != STATE_LEARN) { rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, END, sizeof (END) - 1, FALSE); } g_strfreev (params); break; case STATE_LEARN: session->learn_buf = in; process_learn (session); while ((content = get_next_text_part (session->session_pool, session->parts, &cur)) != NULL) { c.begin = content->data; c.len = content->len; if (!session->learn_tokenizer->tokenize_func (session->learn_tokenizer, session->session_pool, &c, &tokens)) { i = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "learn fail, tokenizer error" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, i, FALSE); session->state = STATE_REPLY; return; } } cls_ctx = session->learn_classifier->init_func (session->session_pool); session->learn_classifier->learn_func (cls_ctx, session->worker->srv->statfile_pool, session->learn_filename, tokens, session->in_class); session->worker->srv->stat->messages_learned ++; i = snprintf (out_buf, sizeof (out_buf), "learn ok" CRLF); rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, out_buf, i, FALSE); /* Clean learned parts */ while ((cur = g_list_first (session->parts))) { session->parts = g_list_remove_link (session->parts, cur); p = (struct mime_part *)cur->data; g_byte_array_free (p->content, FALSE); g_list_free_1 (cur); } session->state = STATE_REPLY; break; default: msg_debug ("controller_read_socket: unknown state while reading %d", session->state); break; } } static void controller_write_socket (void *arg) { struct controller_session *session = (struct controller_session *)arg; if (session->state == STATE_QUIT) { msg_info ("closing control connection"); /* Free buffers */ close (session->sock); free_session (session, TRUE); return; } else if (session->state == STATE_REPLY) { session->state = STATE_COMMAND; rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (session->dispatcher, BUFFER_LINE, BUFSIZ); } } static void controller_err_socket (GError *err, void *arg) { struct controller_session *session = (struct controller_session *)arg; if (err->code == EOF) { msg_info ("controller_err_socket: client closed control connection"); } else { msg_info ("controller_err_socket: abnormally closing control connection, error: %s", err->message); } /* Free buffers */ free_session (session, FALSE); } static void accept_socket (int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct rspamd_worker *worker = (struct rspamd_worker *)arg; struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct controller_session *new_session; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(ss); int nfd; if ((nfd = accept_from_socket (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ss, &addrlen)) == -1) { msg_warn ("accept_socket: accept failed: %s", strerror (errno)); return; } new_session = g_malloc (sizeof (struct controller_session)); if (new_session == NULL) { msg_err ("accept_socket: cannot allocate memory for task, %s", strerror (errno)); return; } bzero (new_session, sizeof (struct controller_session)); new_session->worker = worker; new_session->sock = nfd; new_session->cfg = worker->srv->cfg; new_session->state = STATE_COMMAND; new_session->session_pool = memory_pool_new (memory_pool_get_size () - 1); worker->srv->stat->control_connections_count ++; /* Set up dispatcher */ new_session->dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (nfd, BUFFER_LINE, controller_read_socket, controller_write_socket, controller_err_socket, &io_tv, (void *)new_session); rspamd_dispatcher_write (new_session->dispatcher, greetingbuf, strlen (greetingbuf), FALSE); } void start_controller (struct rspamd_worker *worker) { struct sigaction signals; int i; GList *comp_list = NULL; char *hostbuf; long int hostmax; worker->srv->pid = getpid (); event_init (); g_mime_init (0); init_signals (&signals, sig_handler); sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &signals.sa_mask, NULL); /* SIGUSR2 handler */ signal_set (&worker->sig_ev, SIGUSR2, sigusr_handler, (void *) worker); signal_add (&worker->sig_ev, NULL); start_time = time (NULL); /* Init command completion */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (commands); i ++) { comp_list = g_list_prepend (comp_list, &commands[i]); } comp = g_completion_new (completion_func); g_completion_add_items (comp, comp_list); /* Fill hostname buf */ hostmax = sysconf (_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX) + 1; hostbuf = alloca (hostmax); gethostname (hostbuf, hostmax); hostbuf[hostmax - 1] = '\0'; snprintf (greetingbuf, sizeof (greetingbuf), "Rspamd version %s is running on %s" CRLF, RVERSION, hostbuf); /* Accept event */ event_set(&worker->bind_ev, worker->cf->listen_sock, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, accept_socket, (void *)worker); event_add(&worker->bind_ev, NULL); /* Send SIGUSR2 to parent */ kill (getppid (), SIGUSR2); io_tv.tv_sec = CONTROLLER_IO_TIMEOUT; io_tv.tv_usec = 0; event_loop (0); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * vi:ts=4 */