/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "main.h" #include "message.h" #include "fuzzy.h" #include "expressions.h" #include "html.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" gboolean rspamd_compare_encoding (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_header_exists (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_content_type_compare_param (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_content_type_has_param (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_content_type_is_subtype (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_content_type_is_type (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_parts_distance (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_recipients_distance (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_has_content_part (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_has_content_part_len (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_has_only_html_part (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_is_recipients_sorted (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_compare_transfer_encoding (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_is_html_balanced (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_has_html_tag (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); gboolean rspamd_has_fake_html (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused); /* * List of internal functions of rspamd * Sorted by name to use bsearch */ static struct _fl { const char *name; rspamd_internal_func_t func; void *user_data; } rspamd_functions_list[] = { { "compare_encoding", rspamd_compare_encoding, NULL}, { "compare_parts_distance", rspamd_parts_distance, NULL}, { "compare_recipients_distance", rspamd_recipients_distance, NULL}, { "compare_transfer_encoding", rspamd_compare_transfer_encoding, NULL}, { "content_type_compare_param", rspamd_content_type_compare_param, NULL}, { "content_type_has_param", rspamd_content_type_has_param, NULL}, { "content_type_is_subtype", rspamd_content_type_is_subtype, NULL}, { "content_type_is_type", rspamd_content_type_is_type, NULL}, { "has_content_part", rspamd_has_content_part, NULL}, { "has_content_part_len", rspamd_has_content_part_len, NULL}, { "has_fake_html", rspamd_has_fake_html, NULL}, { "has_html_tag", rspamd_has_html_tag, NULL}, { "has_only_html_part", rspamd_has_only_html_part, NULL}, { "header_exists", rspamd_header_exists, NULL}, { "is_html_balanced", rspamd_is_html_balanced, NULL}, { "is_recipients_sorted", rspamd_is_recipients_sorted, NULL},}; static struct _fl *list_ptr = &rspamd_functions_list[0]; static uint32_t functions_number = sizeof (rspamd_functions_list) / sizeof (struct _fl); static gboolean list_allocated = FALSE; /* Bsearch routine */ static int fl_cmp (const void *s1, const void *s2) { struct _fl *fl1 = (struct _fl *)s1; struct _fl *fl2 = (struct _fl *)s2; return strcmp (fl1->name, fl2->name); } /* Cache for regular expressions that are used in functions */ void * re_cache_check (const char *line, memory_pool_t *pool) { GHashTable *re_cache; re_cache = memory_pool_get_variable (pool, "re_cache"); if (re_cache == NULL) { re_cache = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); memory_pool_set_variable (pool, "re_cache", re_cache, (pool_destruct_func)g_hash_table_destroy); return NULL; } return g_hash_table_lookup (re_cache, line); } void re_cache_add (char *line, void *pointer, memory_pool_t *pool) { GHashTable *re_cache; re_cache = memory_pool_get_variable (pool, "re_cache"); if (re_cache == NULL) { re_cache = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); memory_pool_set_variable (pool, "re_cache", re_cache, (pool_destruct_func)g_hash_table_destroy); } g_hash_table_insert (re_cache, line, pointer); } /* Task cache functions */ void task_cache_add (struct worker_task *task, struct rspamd_regexp *re, int32_t result) { if (result == 0) { result = -1; } g_hash_table_insert (task->re_cache, re->regexp_text, GINT_TO_POINTER (result)); } int32_t task_cache_check (struct worker_task *task, struct rspamd_regexp *re) { gpointer res; int32_t r; if ((res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->re_cache, re->regexp_text)) != NULL) { r = GPOINTER_TO_INT (res); if (r == -1) { return 0; } return 1; } return -1; } /* * Functions for parsing expressions */ struct expression_stack { char op; struct expression_stack *next; }; /* * Push operand or operator to stack */ static struct expression_stack * push_expression_stack (memory_pool_t * pool, struct expression_stack *head, char op) { struct expression_stack *new; new = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct expression_stack)); new->op = op; new->next = head; return new; } /* * Delete symbol from stack, return pointer to operand or operator (casted to void* ) */ static char delete_expression_stack (struct expression_stack **head) { struct expression_stack *cur; char res; if (*head == NULL) return 0; cur = *head; res = cur->op; *head = cur->next; return res; } /* * Return operation priority */ static int logic_priority (char a) { switch (a) { case '!': return 3; case '|': case '&': return 2; case '(': return 1; default: return 0; } } /* * Return FALSE if symbol is not operation symbol (operand) * Return TRUE if symbol is operation symbol */ static gboolean is_operation_symbol (char a) { switch (a) { case '!': case '&': case '|': case '(': case ')': return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } /* * Return TRUE if symbol can be regexp flag */ static gboolean is_regexp_flag (char a) { switch (a) { case 'i': case 'm': case 'x': case 's': case 'u': case 'o': case 'r': case 'H': case 'M': case 'P': case 'U': case 'X': case 'T': return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } static void insert_expression (memory_pool_t * pool, struct expression **head, int type, char op, void *operand, const char *orig) { struct expression *new, *cur; new = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct expression)); new->type = type; new->orig = orig; if (new->type != EXPR_OPERATION) { new->content.operand = operand; } else { new->content.operation = op; } new->next = NULL; if (!*head) { *head = new; } else { cur = *head; while (cur->next) { cur = cur->next; } cur->next = new; } } static struct expression * maybe_parse_expression (memory_pool_t * pool, char *line) { struct expression *expr; char *p = line; while (*p) { if (is_operation_symbol (*p)) { return parse_expression (pool, line); } p++; } expr = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct expression)); expr->type = EXPR_STR; expr->content.operand = memory_pool_strdup (pool, line); expr->next = NULL; return expr; } /* * Make inverse polish record for specified expression * Memory is allocated from given pool */ struct expression * parse_expression (memory_pool_t * pool, char *line) { struct expression *expr = NULL; struct expression_stack *stack = NULL; struct expression_function *func = NULL, *old; struct expression *arg; GQueue *function_stack; char *p, *c, *str, op, *copy; gboolean in_regexp = FALSE; int brackets = 0; enum { SKIP_SPACES, READ_OPERATOR, READ_REGEXP, READ_REGEXP_FLAGS, READ_FUNCTION, READ_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, } state = SKIP_SPACES; if (line == NULL || pool == NULL) { return NULL; } msg_debug ("parsing expression {{ %s }}", line); function_stack = g_queue_new (); copy = memory_pool_strdup (pool, line); p = line; c = p; while (*p) { switch (state) { case SKIP_SPACES: if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { if (is_operation_symbol (*p)) { state = READ_OPERATOR; } else if (*p == '/') { c = ++p; state = READ_REGEXP; } else { c = p; state = READ_FUNCTION; } } else { p++; } break; case READ_OPERATOR: if (*p == ')') { if (stack == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Pop all operators from stack to nearest '(' or to head */ while (stack && stack->op != '(') { op = delete_expression_stack (&stack); if (op != '(') { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_OPERATION, op, NULL, copy); } } if (stack) { op = delete_expression_stack (&stack); } } else if (*p == '(') { /* Push it to stack */ stack = push_expression_stack (pool, stack, *p); } else { if (stack == NULL) { stack = push_expression_stack (pool, stack, *p); } /* Check priority of logic operation */ else { if (logic_priority (stack->op) < logic_priority (*p)) { stack = push_expression_stack (pool, stack, *p); } else { /* Pop all operations that have higher priority than this one */ while ((stack != NULL) && (logic_priority (stack->op) >= logic_priority (*p))) { op = delete_expression_stack (&stack); if (op != '(') { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_OPERATION, op, NULL, copy); } } stack = push_expression_stack (pool, stack, *p); } } } p++; state = SKIP_SPACES; break; case READ_REGEXP: if (*p == '/' && *(p - 1) != '\\') { if (*(p + 1)) { p++; } state = READ_REGEXP_FLAGS; } else { p++; } break; case READ_REGEXP_FLAGS: if (!is_regexp_flag (*p) || *(p + 1) == '\0') { if (c != p) { if ((is_regexp_flag (*p) || *p == '/') && *(p + 1) == '\0') { p++; } str = memory_pool_alloc (pool, p - c + 2); g_strlcpy (str, c - 1, (p - c + 2)); g_strstrip (str); msg_debug ("found regexp: %s", str); if (strlen (str) > 0) { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_REGEXP, 0, str, copy); } } c = p; state = SKIP_SPACES; } else { p++; } break; case READ_FUNCTION: if (*p == '/') { /* In fact it is regexp */ state = READ_REGEXP; c++; p++; } else if (*p == '(') { func = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct expression_function)); func->name = memory_pool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); func->args = NULL; g_strlcpy (func->name, c, (p - c + 1)); g_strstrip (func->name); state = READ_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT; g_queue_push_tail (function_stack, func); insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_FUNCTION, 0, func, copy); c = ++p; } else if (is_operation_symbol (*p)) { /* In fact it is not function, but symbol */ if (c != p) { str = memory_pool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); g_strlcpy (str, c, (p - c + 1)); g_strstrip (str); if (strlen (str) > 0) { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_STR, 0, str, copy); } } state = READ_OPERATOR; } else if (*(p + 1) == '\0') { /* In fact it is not function, but symbol */ p++; if (c != p) { str = memory_pool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); g_strlcpy (str, c, (p - c + 1)); g_strstrip (str); if (strlen (str) > 0) { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_STR, 0, str, copy); } } state = SKIP_SPACES; } else { p++; } break; case READ_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT: if (*p == '/' && !in_regexp) { in_regexp = TRUE; p++; } if (!in_regexp) { /* Append argument to list */ if (*p == ',' || (*p == ')' && brackets == 0)) { arg = memory_pool_alloc (pool, sizeof (struct expression)); str = memory_pool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); g_strlcpy (str, c, (p - c + 1)); g_strstrip (str); /* Recursive call */ arg = maybe_parse_expression (pool, str); func->args = g_list_append (func->args, arg); /* Pop function */ if (*p == ')') { /* Last function in chain, goto skipping spaces state */ old = func; func = g_queue_pop_tail (function_stack); if (g_queue_get_length (function_stack) == 0) { state = SKIP_SPACES; } } c = p + 1; } else if (*p == '(') { brackets++; } else if (*p == ')') { brackets--; } } else if (*p == '/' && *(p - 1) != '\\') { in_regexp = FALSE; } p++; break; } } g_queue_free (function_stack); if (state != SKIP_SPACES) { /* In fact we got bad expression */ msg_warn ("expression \"%s\" is invalid", line); return NULL; } /* Pop everything from stack */ while (stack != NULL) { op = delete_expression_stack (&stack); if (op != '(') { insert_expression (pool, &expr, EXPR_OPERATION, op, NULL, copy); } } return expr; } /* * Rspamd regexp utility functions */ struct rspamd_regexp * parse_regexp (memory_pool_t * pool, char *line, gboolean raw_mode) { char *begin, *end, *p, *src, *start; struct rspamd_regexp *result, *check; int regexp_flags = G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE | G_REGEX_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE; GError *err = NULL; src = line; result = memory_pool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_regexp)); /* Skip whitespaces */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*line)) { line++; } if (line == '\0') { msg_warn ("got empty regexp"); return NULL; } start = line; /* First try to find header name */ begin = strchr (line, '/'); if (begin != NULL) { *begin = '\0'; end = strchr (line, '='); *begin = '/'; if (end) { *end = '\0'; result->header = memory_pool_strdup (pool, line); result->type = REGEXP_HEADER; *end = '='; line = end; } } else { *begin = '\0'; result->header = memory_pool_strdup (pool, line); result->type = REGEXP_HEADER; *begin = '='; line = begin; } /* Find begin of regexp */ while (*line && *line != '/') { line++; } if (*line != '\0') { begin = line + 1; } else if (result->header == NULL) { /* Assume that line without // is just a header name */ result->header = memory_pool_strdup (pool, line); result->type = REGEXP_HEADER; return result; } else { /* We got header name earlier but have not found // expression, so it is invalid regexp */ msg_warn ("got no header name (eg. header=) but without corresponding regexp, %s", src); return NULL; } /* Find end */ end = begin; while (*end && (*end != '/' || *(end - 1) == '\\')) { end++; } if (end == begin || *end != '/') { msg_warn ("no trailing / in regexp %s", src); return NULL; } /* Parse flags */ p = end + 1; while (p != NULL) { switch (*p) { case 'i': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_CASELESS; p++; break; case 'm': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_MULTILINE; p++; break; case 's': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_DOTALL; p++; break; case 'x': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_EXTENDED; p++; break; case 'u': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_UNGREEDY; p++; break; case 'o': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE; p++; break; case 'r': regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_RAW; p++; break; /* Type flags */ case 'H': if (result->type == REGEXP_NONE) { result->type = REGEXP_HEADER; } p++; break; case 'M': if (result->type == REGEXP_NONE) { result->type = REGEXP_MESSAGE; } p++; break; case 'P': if (result->type == REGEXP_NONE) { result->type = REGEXP_MIME; } p++; break; case 'U': if (result->type == REGEXP_NONE) { result->type = REGEXP_URL; } p++; break; case 'X': if (result->type == REGEXP_NONE || result->type == REGEXP_HEADER) { result->type = REGEXP_RAW_HEADER; } p++; break; case 'T': result->is_test = TRUE; p ++; break; /* Stop flags parsing */ default: p = NULL; break; } } *end = '\0'; if (raw_mode) { regexp_flags |= G_REGEX_RAW; } /* Avoid multiply regexp structures for similar regexps */ if ((check = (struct rspamd_regexp *)re_cache_check (begin, pool)) != NULL) { /* Additional check for headers */ if (result->type == REGEXP_HEADER || result->type == REGEXP_RAW_HEADER) { if (result->header && check->header) { if (strcmp (result->header, check->header) == 0) { return check; } } } else { return check; } } result->regexp = g_regex_new (begin, regexp_flags, 0, &err); if ((regexp_flags & G_REGEX_RAW) != 0) { result->raw_regexp = result->regexp; } else { result->raw_regexp = g_regex_new (begin, regexp_flags | G_REGEX_RAW, 0, &err); memory_pool_add_destructor (pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_regex_unref, (void *)result->raw_regexp); } *end = '/'; result->regexp_text = memory_pool_strdup (pool, start); memory_pool_add_destructor (pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_regex_unref, (void *)result->regexp); if (result->regexp == NULL || err != NULL) { *end = '/'; msg_warn ("could not read regexp: %s while reading regexp %s", err->message, src); return NULL; } if (result->raw_regexp == NULL || err != NULL) { msg_warn ("could not read raw regexp: %s while reading regexp %s", err->message, src); return NULL; } /* Add to cache for further usage */ re_cache_add (result->regexp_text, result, pool); return result; } gboolean call_expression_function (struct expression_function * func, struct worker_task * task) { struct _fl *selected, key; #ifdef RSPAMD_MAIN gboolean res; #endif key.name = func->name; selected = bsearch (&key, list_ptr, functions_number, sizeof (struct _fl), fl_cmp); if (selected == NULL) { /* Try to check lua function */ #ifdef RSPAMD_MAIN if (! lua_call_expression_func (func->name, task, func->args, &res)) { msg_warn ("call to undefined function %s", key.name); return FALSE; } else { return res; } #else return FALSE; #endif } return selected->func (task, func->args, selected->user_data); } struct expression_argument * get_function_arg (struct expression *expr, struct worker_task *task, gboolean want_string) { GQueue *stack; gsize cur, op1, op2; struct expression_argument *res; struct expression *it; if (expr == NULL) { msg_warn ("NULL expression passed"); return NULL; } if (expr->next == NULL) { res = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct expression_argument)); if (expr->type == EXPR_REGEXP || expr->type == EXPR_STR || expr->type == EXPR_REGEXP_PARSED) { res->type = EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_NORMAL; res->data = expr->content.operand; } else if (expr->type == EXPR_FUNCTION && !want_string) { res->type = EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_BOOL; cur = call_expression_function (expr->content.operand, task); res->data = GSIZE_TO_POINTER (cur); } else { msg_warn ("cannot parse argument: it contains operator or bool expression that is not wanted"); return NULL; } return res; } else if (!want_string) { res = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct expression_argument)); res->type = EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_BOOL; stack = g_queue_new (); it = expr; while (it) { if (it->type == EXPR_REGEXP || it->type == EXPR_REGEXP_PARSED || it->type == EXPR_STR) { g_queue_free (stack); res->type = EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_EXPR; res->data = expr; return res; } else if (it->type == EXPR_FUNCTION) { cur = (gsize) call_expression_function ((struct expression_function *)it->content.operand, task); debug_task ("function %s returned %s", ((struct expression_function *)it->content.operand)->name, cur ? "true" : "false"); } else if (it->type == EXPR_OPERATION) { if (g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { /* Queue has no operands for operation, exiting */ debug_task ("invalid expression"); g_queue_free (stack); return NULL; } switch (it->content.operation) { case '!': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op1 = !op1; g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1)); break; case '&': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 && op2)); case '|': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 || op2)); default: it = it->next; continue; } } if (it) { it = it->next; } } if (!g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { res->data = g_queue_pop_head (stack); } else { res->data = GSIZE_TO_POINTER (FALSE); } return res; } msg_warn ("invalid expression argument"); return NULL; } void register_expression_function (const char *name, rspamd_internal_func_t func, void *user_data) { static struct _fl *new; functions_number++; new = g_new (struct _fl, functions_number); memcpy (new, list_ptr, (functions_number - 1) * sizeof (struct _fl)); if (list_allocated) { g_free (list_ptr); } list_allocated = TRUE; new[functions_number - 1].name = name; new[functions_number - 1].func = func; new[functions_number - 1].user_data = user_data; qsort (new, functions_number, sizeof (struct _fl), fl_cmp); list_ptr = new; } gboolean rspamd_compare_encoding (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct expression_argument *arg; if (args == NULL || task == NULL) { return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); if (arg->type == EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_BOOL) { msg_warn ("invalid argument to function is passed"); return FALSE; } /* XXX: really write this function */ return TRUE; } gboolean rspamd_header_exists (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct expression_argument *arg; GList *headerlist; if (args == NULL || task == NULL) { return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); if (!arg || arg->type == EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_BOOL) { msg_warn ("invalid argument to function is passed"); return FALSE; } debug_task ("try to get header %s", (char *)arg->data); headerlist = message_get_header (task->task_pool, task->message, (char *)arg->data); if (headerlist) { g_list_free (headerlist); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * This function is designed to find difference between text/html and text/plain parts * It takes one argument: difference threshold, if we have two text parts, compare * its hashes and check for threshold, if value is greater than threshold, return TRUE * and return FALSE otherwise. */ gboolean rspamd_parts_distance (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { int threshold, diff; struct mime_text_part *p1, *p2; GList *cur; struct expression_argument *arg; GMimeObject *parent; const GMimeContentType *ct; if (args == NULL) { debug_task ("no threshold is specified, assume it 100"); threshold = 100; } else { errno = 0; arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); threshold = strtoul ((char *)arg->data, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { msg_info ("bad numeric value for threshold \"%s\", assume it 100", (char *)args->data); threshold = 100; } } if (g_list_length (task->text_parts) == 2) { cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); p1 = cur->data; cur = g_list_next (cur); if (cur == NULL) { msg_info ("bad parts list"); return FALSE; } p2 = cur->data; /* First of all check parent object */ if (p1->parent && p1->parent == p2->parent) { parent = p1->parent; ct = g_mime_object_get_content_type (parent); if (ct == NULL || ! g_mime_content_type_is_type (ct, "multipart", "alternative")) { debug_task ("two parts are not belong to multipart/alternative container, skip check"); return FALSE; } } else { debug_task ("message contains two parts but they are in different multi-parts"); return FALSE; } if (!p1->is_empty && !p2->is_empty) { diff = fuzzy_compare_hashes (p1->fuzzy, p2->fuzzy); debug_task ("got likeliness between parts of %d%%, threshold is %d%%", diff, threshold); if (diff <= threshold) { return TRUE; } } else if ((p1->is_empty && !p2->is_empty) || (!p1->is_empty && p2->is_empty)) { /* Empty and non empty parts are different */ return TRUE; } } else { debug_task ("message has too many text parts, so do not try to compare them with each other"); return FALSE; } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_content_type_compare_param (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_name, *param_pattern; const char *param_data; struct rspamd_regexp *re; struct expression_argument *arg; GMimeObject *part; const GMimeContentType *ct; int r; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_name = arg->data; args = g_list_next (args); if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("too few params to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_pattern = arg->data; part = g_mime_message_get_mime_part (task->message); if (part) { ct = g_mime_object_get_content_type (part); #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif if ((param_data = g_mime_content_type_get_parameter ((GMimeContentType *)ct, param_name)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (*param_pattern == '/') { /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (param_pattern, task->cfg->cfg_pool)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->cfg->cfg_pool, param_pattern, task->cfg->raw_mode); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot compile regexp for function"); return FALSE; } re_cache_add (param_pattern, re, task->cfg->cfg_pool); } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) == -1) { if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, param_data, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return TRUE; } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); } else { return r == 1; } } else { /* Just do strcasecmp */ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (param_data, param_pattern) == 0) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_content_type_has_param (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_name; const char *param_data; struct expression_argument *arg; GMimeObject *part; const GMimeContentType *ct; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_name = arg->data; part = g_mime_message_get_mime_part (task->message); if (part) { ct = g_mime_object_get_content_type (part); #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif debug_task ("checking %s param", param_name); if ((param_data = g_mime_content_type_get_parameter ((GMimeContentType *)ct, param_name)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } gboolean rspamd_content_type_is_subtype (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_pattern; struct rspamd_regexp *re; struct expression_argument *arg; GMimeObject *part; GMimeContentType *ct; int r; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_pattern = arg->data; part = g_mime_message_get_mime_part (task->message); if (part) { ct = (GMimeContentType *)g_mime_object_get_content_type (part); #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif if (ct == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if (*param_pattern == '/') { /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (param_pattern, task->cfg->cfg_pool)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->cfg->cfg_pool, param_pattern, task->cfg->raw_mode); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot compile regexp for function"); return FALSE; } re_cache_add (param_pattern, re, task->cfg->cfg_pool); } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) == -1) { if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, ct->subtype, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return TRUE; } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); } else { return r == 1; } } else { /* Just do strcasecmp */ if (ct->subtype && g_ascii_strcasecmp (ct->subtype, param_pattern) == 0) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_content_type_is_type (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_pattern; struct rspamd_regexp *re; GMimeObject *part; GMimeContentType *ct; struct expression_argument *arg; int r; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_pattern = arg->data; part = g_mime_message_get_mime_part (task->message); if (part) { ct = (GMimeContentType *)g_mime_object_get_content_type (part); #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif if (ct == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (*param_pattern == '/') { /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (param_pattern, task->cfg->cfg_pool)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->cfg->cfg_pool, param_pattern, task->cfg->raw_mode); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot compile regexp for function"); return FALSE; } re_cache_add (param_pattern, re, task->cfg->cfg_pool); } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) == -1) { if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, ct->type, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return TRUE; } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); } else { return r == 1; } } else { /* Just do strcasecmp */ if (ct->type && g_ascii_strcasecmp (ct->type, param_pattern) == 0) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } struct addr_list { const char *name; const char *addr; }; #define COMPARE_RCPT_LEN 3 #define MIN_RCPT_TO_COMPARE 5 gboolean rspamd_recipients_distance (struct worker_task *task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct expression_argument *arg; InternetAddressList *cur; InternetAddress *addr; double threshold; struct addr_list *ar; char *c; int num, i, j, hits = 0, total = 0; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); errno = 0; threshold = strtod ((char *)arg->data, NULL); if (errno != 0) { msg_warn ("invalid numeric value '%s': %s", (char *)arg->data, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } num = internet_address_list_length (task->rcpts); if (num < MIN_RCPT_TO_COMPARE) { return FALSE; } ar = memory_pool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, num * sizeof (struct addr_list)); /* Fill array */ cur = task->rcpts; #ifdef GMIME24 for (i = 0; i < num; i ++) { addr = internet_address_list_get_address (cur, i); ar[i].name = memory_pool_strdup (task->task_pool, internet_address_get_name (addr)); if (ar[i].name != NULL && (c = strchr (ar[i].name, '@')) != NULL) { *c = '\0'; ar[i].addr = c + 1; } } #else i = 0; while (cur) { addr = internet_address_list_get_address (cur); if (addr && internet_address_get_type (addr) == INTERNET_ADDRESS_NAME) { ar[i].name = memory_pool_strdup (task->task_pool, internet_address_get_addr (addr)); if (ar[i].name != NULL && (c = strchr (ar[i].name, '@')) != NULL) { *c = '\0'; ar[i].addr = c + 1; } cur = internet_address_list_next (cur); i++; } else { cur = internet_address_list_next (cur); } } #endif /* Cycle all elements in array */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < num; j++) { if (ar[i].name && ar[j].name && g_ascii_strncasecmp (ar[i].name, ar[j].name, COMPARE_RCPT_LEN) == 0) { /* Common name part */ hits++; } else if (ar[i].addr && ar[j].addr && g_ascii_strcasecmp (ar[i].addr, ar[j].addr) == 0) { /* Common address part, but different name */ hits++; } total++; } } if ((double)(hits * num / 2.) / (double)total >= threshold) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_has_only_html_part (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct mime_text_part *p; GList *cur; gboolean res = FALSE; cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); while (cur) { p = cur->data; if (p->is_html) { res = TRUE; } else { res = FALSE; break; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return res; } static gboolean is_recipient_list_sorted (const InternetAddressList * ia) { const InternetAddressList *cur; InternetAddress *addr; gboolean res = TRUE; struct addr_list current = { NULL, NULL }, previous = { NULL, NULL}; #ifdef GMIME24 int num, i; #endif /* Do not check to short address lists */ if (internet_address_list_length ((InternetAddressList *)ia) < MIN_RCPT_TO_COMPARE) { return FALSE; } #ifdef GMIME24 num = internet_address_list_length ((InternetAddressList *)ia); cur = ia; for (i = 0; i < num; i ++) { addr = internet_address_list_get_address ((InternetAddressList *)cur, i); current.addr = (char *)internet_address_get_name (addr); if (previous.addr != NULL) { if (current.addr && g_ascii_strcasecmp (current.addr, previous.addr) < 0) { res = FALSE; break; } } previous.addr = current.addr; } #else cur = ia; while (cur) { addr = internet_address_list_get_address (cur); if (internet_address_get_type (addr) == INTERNET_ADDRESS_NAME) { current.addr = internet_address_get_addr (addr); if (previous.addr != NULL) { if (current.addr && g_ascii_strcasecmp (current.addr, previous.addr) < 0) { res = FALSE; break; } } previous.addr = current.addr; } cur = internet_address_list_next (cur); } #endif return res; } gboolean rspamd_is_recipients_sorted (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { /* Check all types of addresses */ if (is_recipient_list_sorted (g_mime_message_get_recipients (task->message, GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO)) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } if (is_recipient_list_sorted (g_mime_message_get_recipients (task->message, GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_BCC)) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } if (is_recipient_list_sorted (g_mime_message_get_recipients (task->message, GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC)) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static inline gboolean compare_subtype (struct worker_task *task, GMimeContentType * ct, char *subtype) { struct rspamd_regexp *re; int r; if (*subtype == '/') { /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (subtype, task->cfg->cfg_pool)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->cfg->cfg_pool, subtype, task->cfg->raw_mode); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot compile regexp for function"); return FALSE; } re_cache_add (subtype, re, task->cfg->cfg_pool); } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) == -1) { if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, subtype, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return TRUE; } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); } else { return r == 1; } } else { /* Just do strcasecmp */ if (ct->subtype && g_ascii_strcasecmp (ct->subtype, subtype) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static inline gboolean compare_len (struct mime_part *part, int min, int max) { if (min == 0 && max == 0) { return TRUE; } if (min == 0) { return part->content->len <= max; } else if (max == 0) { return part->content->len >= min; } else { return part->content->len >= min && part->content->len <= max; } } gboolean common_has_content_part (struct worker_task * task, char *param_type, char *param_subtype, int min_len, int max_len) { struct rspamd_regexp *re; struct mime_part *part; GList *cur; GMimeContentType *ct; int r; cur = g_list_first (task->parts); while (cur) { part = cur->data; ct = part->type; if (ct == NULL) { cur = g_list_next (cur); continue; } if (*param_type == '/') { /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (param_type, task->cfg->cfg_pool)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->cfg->cfg_pool, param_type, task->cfg->raw_mode); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot compile regexp for function"); cur = g_list_next (cur); continue; } re_cache_add (param_type, re, task->cfg->cfg_pool); } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) == -1) { if (ct->type && g_regex_match (re->regexp, ct->type, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { if (param_subtype) { if (compare_subtype (task, ct, param_subtype)) { if (compare_len (part, min_len, max_len)) { return TRUE; } } } else { if (compare_len (part, min_len, max_len)) { return TRUE; } } task_cache_add (task, re, 1); } else { task_cache_add (task, re, 0); } } else { if (r == 1) { if (compare_subtype (task, ct, param_subtype)) { if (compare_len (part, min_len, max_len)) { return TRUE; } } } } } else { /* Just do strcasecmp */ if (ct->type && g_ascii_strcasecmp (ct->type, param_type) == 0) { if (param_subtype) { if (compare_subtype (task, ct, param_subtype)) { if (compare_len (part, min_len, max_len)) { return TRUE; } } } else { if (compare_len (part, min_len, max_len)) { return TRUE; } } } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_has_content_part (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_type = NULL, *param_subtype = NULL; struct expression_argument *arg; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_type = arg->data; args = args->next; if (args) { arg = args->data; param_subtype = arg->data; } return common_has_content_part (task, param_type, param_subtype, 0, 0); } gboolean rspamd_has_content_part_len (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { char *param_type = NULL, *param_subtype = NULL; int min = 0, max = 0; struct expression_argument *arg; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_type = arg->data; args = args->next; if (args) { arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); param_subtype = arg->data; args = args->next; if (args) { arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); errno = 0; min = strtoul (arg->data, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { msg_warn ("invalid numeric value '%s': %s", (char *)arg->data, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } args = args->next; if (args) { arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); max = strtoul (arg->data, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { msg_warn ("invalid numeric value '%s': %s", (char *)arg->data, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } } } } return common_has_content_part (task, param_type, param_subtype, min, max); } gboolean rspamd_compare_transfer_encoding (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { GMimeObject *part; #ifndef GMIME24 GMimePartEncodingType enc_req, part_enc; #else GMimeContentEncoding enc_req, part_enc; #endif struct expression_argument *arg; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); #ifndef GMIME24 enc_req = g_mime_part_encoding_from_string (arg->data); if (enc_req == GMIME_PART_ENCODING_DEFAULT) { #else enc_req = g_mime_content_encoding_from_string (arg->data); if (enc_req == GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_DEFAULT) { #endif msg_warn ("bad encoding type: %s", (char *)arg->data); return FALSE; } part = g_mime_message_get_mime_part (task->message); if (part) { if (GMIME_IS_PART (part)) { #ifndef GMIME24 part_enc = g_mime_part_get_encoding (GMIME_PART (part)); if (part_enc == GMIME_PART_ENCODING_DEFAULT) { /* Assume 7bit as default transfer encoding */ part_enc = GMIME_PART_ENCODING_7BIT; } #else part_enc = g_mime_part_get_content_encoding (GMIME_PART (part)); if (part_enc == GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_DEFAULT) { /* Assume 7bit as default transfer encoding */ part_enc = GMIME_CONTENT_ENCODING_7BIT; } #endif debug_task ("got encoding in part: %d and compare with %d", (int)part_enc, (int)enc_req); #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif return part_enc == enc_req; } #ifndef GMIME24 g_object_unref (part); #endif } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_is_html_balanced (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct mime_text_part *p; GList *cur; gboolean res = TRUE; cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); while (cur) { p = cur->data; if (!p->is_empty && p->is_html) { if (p->is_balanced) { res = TRUE; } else { res = FALSE; break; } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return res; } struct html_callback_data { struct html_tag *tag; gboolean *res; }; static gboolean search_html_node_callback (GNode * node, gpointer data) { struct html_callback_data *cd = data; struct html_node *nd; nd = node->data; if (nd) { if (nd->tag == cd->tag) { *cd->res = TRUE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } gboolean rspamd_has_html_tag (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct mime_text_part *p; GList *cur; struct expression_argument *arg; struct html_tag *tag; gboolean res = FALSE; struct html_callback_data cd; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = get_function_arg (args->data, task, TRUE); tag = get_tag_by_name (arg->data); if (tag == NULL) { msg_warn ("unknown tag type passed as argument: %s", (char *)arg->data); return FALSE; } cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); cd.res = &res; cd.tag = tag; while (cur && res == FALSE) { p = cur->data; if (!p->is_empty && p->is_html && p->html_nodes) { g_node_traverse (p->html_nodes, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, search_html_node_callback, &cd); } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return res; } gboolean rspamd_has_fake_html (struct worker_task * task, GList * args, void *unused) { struct mime_text_part *p; GList *cur; gboolean res = FALSE; cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); while (cur && res == FALSE) { p = cur->data; if (!p->is_empty && p->is_html && p->html_nodes == NULL) { res = TRUE; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return res; } /* * vi:ts=4 */