/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "mem_pool.h" #include "filter.h" #include "main.h" #include "message.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "util.h" #include "expressions.h" #include "settings.h" #include "view.h" #include "binlog.h" #include "classifiers/classifiers.h" #include "tokenizers/tokenizers.h" #ifndef WITHOUT_PERL # include "perl.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_LUA # include "lua/lua_common.h" #endif static void insert_metric_result (struct worker_task *task, struct metric *metric, const char *symbol, double flag, GList * opts) { struct metric_result *metric_res; struct symbol *s; gdouble *weight, w; metric_res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric->name); if (metric_res == NULL) { /* Create new metric chain */ metric_res = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct metric_result)); metric_res->symbols = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); metric_res->checked = FALSE; memory_pool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_hash_table_destroy, metric_res->symbols); metric_res->metric = metric; metric_res->grow_factor = 0; metric_res->score = 0; g_hash_table_insert (task->results, (gpointer) metric->name, metric_res); } weight = g_hash_table_lookup (metric->symbols, symbol); if (weight == NULL) { w = 1.0 * flag; } else { w = (*weight) * flag; } /* Handle grow factor */ if (metric_res->grow_factor && w > 0) { w *= metric_res->grow_factor; metric_res->grow_factor *= metric->grow_factor; } else if (w > 0) { metric_res->grow_factor = metric->grow_factor; } /* Add metric score */ metric_res->score += w; if ((s = g_hash_table_lookup (metric_res->symbols, symbol)) != NULL) { if (s->options && opts && opts != s->options) { /* Append new options */ s->options = g_list_concat (s->options, opts); /* * Note that there is no need to add new destructor of GList as elements of appended * GList are used directly, so just free initial GList */ } else if (opts) { s->options = opts; memory_pool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_list_free, s->options); } s->score += w; } else { s = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct symbol)); s->score = w; s->options = opts; if (opts) { memory_pool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_list_free, s->options); } g_hash_table_insert (metric_res->symbols, (gpointer) symbol, s); } debug_task ("symbol %s, score %.2f, metric %s, factor: %f", symbol, s->score, metric->name, w); } void insert_result (struct worker_task *task, const char *symbol, double flag, GList * opts) { struct metric *metric; struct cache_item *item; GList *cur, *metric_list; metric_list = g_hash_table_lookup (task->cfg->metrics_symbols, symbol); if (metric_list) { cur = metric_list; while (cur) { metric = cur->data; insert_metric_result (task, metric, symbol, flag, opts); cur = g_list_next (cur); } } else { /* Insert symbol to default metric */ insert_metric_result (task, task->cfg->default_metric, symbol, flag, opts); } /* Process cache item */ if (task->cfg->cache) { cur = task->cfg->cache->static_items; while (cur) { item = cur->data; if (strcmp (item->s->symbol, symbol) == 0) { item->s->frequency++; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } cur = task->cfg->cache->negative_items; while (cur) { item = cur->data; if (strcmp (item->s->symbol, symbol) == 0) { item->s->frequency++; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } } /* * Call perl or C module function for specified part of message */ static void call_filter_by_name (struct worker_task *task, const char *name, enum filter_type filt_type) { struct module_ctx *c_module; int res = 0; switch (filt_type) { case C_FILTER: c_module = g_hash_table_lookup (task->cfg->c_modules, name); if (c_module) { res = 1; c_module->filter (task); } else { debug_task ("%s is not a C module", name); } break; case PERL_FILTER: res = 1; #ifndef WITHOUT_PERL perl_call_filter (name, task); #elif defined(WITH_LUA) lua_call_filter (name, task); #else msg_err ("trying to call perl function while perl support is disabled %s", name); #endif break; } debug_task ("filter name: %s, result: %d", name, (int)res); } /* Return true if metric has score that is more than spam score for it */ static gboolean check_metric_is_spam (struct worker_task *task, struct metric *metric) { struct metric_result *res; double ms, rs; res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric->name); if (res) { if (!check_metric_settings (task, metric, &ms, &rs)) { ms = metric->required_score; } return res->score >= ms; } return FALSE; } static int continue_process_filters (struct worker_task *task) { GList *cur; gpointer item = task->save.item; struct metric *metric; while (call_symbol_callback (task, task->cfg->cache, &item)) { cur = task->cfg->metrics_list; while (cur) { metric = cur->data; /* call_filter_by_name (task, filt->func_name, filt->type, SCRIPT_HEADER); */ if (task->save.saved) { task->save.entry = cur; task->save.item = item; return 0; } else if (!task->pass_all_filters && metric->action == METRIC_ACTION_REJECT && check_metric_is_spam (task, metric)) { goto end; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } end: /* Process all statfiles */ process_statfiles (task); /* Call post filters */ lua_call_post_filters (task); task->state = WRITE_REPLY; /* XXX: ugly direct call */ if (task->fin_callback) { task->fin_callback (task->fin_arg); } else { task->dispatcher->write_callback (task); } return 1; } int process_filters (struct worker_task *task) { GList *cur; struct metric *metric; gpointer item = NULL; if (task->save.saved) { task->save.saved = 0; return continue_process_filters (task); } /* Check skip */ if (check_skip (task->cfg->views, task)) { task->is_skipped = TRUE; task->state = WRITE_REPLY; msg_info ("disable check for message id <%s>, view wants spam", task->message_id); return 1; } /* Check want spam setting */ if (check_want_spam (task)) { task->is_skipped = TRUE; task->state = WRITE_REPLY; msg_info ("disable check for message id <%s>, user wants spam", task->message_id); return 1; } /* Process metrics symbols */ while (call_symbol_callback (task, task->cfg->cache, &item)) { /* Check reject actions */ cur = task->cfg->metrics_list; while (cur) { metric = cur->data; if (task->save.saved) { task->save.entry = cur; task->save.item = item; return 0; } else if (!task->pass_all_filters && metric->action == METRIC_ACTION_REJECT && check_metric_is_spam (task, metric)) { task->state = WRITE_REPLY; return 1; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } return 1; } struct composites_data { struct worker_task *task; struct metric_result *metric_res; }; static void composites_foreach_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, void *data) { struct composites_data *cd = (struct composites_data *)data; struct expression *expr = (struct expression *)value; GQueue *stack; GList *symbols = NULL, *s; gsize cur, op1, op2; stack = g_queue_new (); while (expr) { if (expr->type == EXPR_STR) { /* Find corresponding symbol */ if (g_hash_table_lookup (cd->metric_res->symbols, expr->content.operand) == NULL) { cur = 0; } else { cur = 1; symbols = g_list_append (symbols, expr->content.operand); } g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (cur)); } else { if (g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { /* Queue has no operands for operation, exiting */ g_list_free (symbols); g_queue_free (stack); return; } switch (expr->content.operation) { case '!': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op1 = !op1; g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1)); break; case '&': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 && op2)); case '|': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 || op2)); default: expr = expr->next; continue; } } expr = expr->next; } if (!g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); if (op1) { /* Remove all symbols that are in composite symbol */ s = g_list_first (symbols); while (s) { g_hash_table_remove (cd->metric_res->symbols, s->data); s = g_list_next (s); } /* Add new symbol */ insert_result (cd->task, key, 1.0, NULL); } } g_queue_free (stack); g_list_free (symbols); return; } static gboolean check_autolearn (struct statfile_autolearn_params *params, struct worker_task *task) { char *metric_name = DEFAULT_METRIC; struct metric_result *metric_res; GList *cur; if (params->metric != NULL) { metric_name = (char *)params->metric; } /* First check threshold */ metric_res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric_name); if (metric_res == NULL) { if (params->symbols == NULL && params->threshold_max > 0) { /* For ham messages */ return TRUE; } debug_task ("metric %s has no results", metric_name); return FALSE; } else { /* Process score of metric */ if ((params->threshold_min != 0 && metric_res->score > params->threshold_min) || (params->threshold_max != 0 && metric_res->score < params->threshold_max)) { /* Now check for specific symbols */ if (params->symbols) { cur = params->symbols; while (cur) { if (g_hash_table_lookup (metric_res->symbols, cur->data) == NULL) { return FALSE; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } /* Now allow processing of actual autolearn */ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void process_autolearn (struct statfile *st, struct worker_task *task, GTree * tokens, struct classifier *classifier, char *filename, struct classifier_ctx *ctx) { stat_file_t *statfile; struct statfile *unused; if (check_autolearn (st->autolearn, task)) { if (tokens) { msg_info ("message with id <%s> autolearned statfile '%s'", task->message_id, filename); /* Get or create statfile */ statfile = get_statfile_by_symbol (task->worker->srv->statfile_pool, ctx->cfg, st->symbol, &unused, TRUE); if (statfile == NULL) { return; } classifier->learn_func (ctx, task->worker->srv->statfile_pool, st->symbol, tokens, TRUE, NULL, 1., NULL); maybe_write_binlog (ctx->cfg, st, statfile, tokens); statfile_pool_plan_invalidate (task->worker->srv->statfile_pool, DEFAULT_STATFILE_INVALIDATE_TIME, DEFAULT_STATFILE_INVALIDATE_JITTER); } } } static void composites_metric_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, void *data) { struct worker_task *task = (struct worker_task *)data; struct composites_data *cd = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct composites_data)); struct metric_result *metric_res = (struct metric_result *)value; cd->task = task; cd->metric_res = (struct metric_result *)metric_res; g_hash_table_foreach (task->cfg->composite_symbols, composites_foreach_callback, cd); } void make_composites (struct worker_task *task) { g_hash_table_foreach (task->results, composites_metric_callback, task); } static void classifiers_callback (gpointer value, void *arg) { struct worker_task *task = arg; struct classifier_config *cl = value; struct classifier_ctx *ctx; struct mime_text_part *text_part; struct statfile *st; GTree *tokens = NULL; GList *cur; f_str_t c; char *header = NULL; if ((header = g_hash_table_lookup (cl->opts, "header")) != NULL) { cur = message_get_header (task->task_pool, task->message, header); if (cur) { memory_pool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (pool_destruct_func)g_list_free, cur); } } else { cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); } ctx = cl->classifier->init_func (task->task_pool, cl); if ((tokens = g_hash_table_lookup (task->tokens, cl->tokenizer)) == NULL) { while (cur != NULL) { if (header) { c.len = strlen (cur->data); if (c.len > 0) { c.begin = cur->data; if (!cl->tokenizer->tokenize_func (cl->tokenizer, task->task_pool, &c, &tokens)) { msg_info ("cannot tokenize input"); return; } } } else { text_part = (struct mime_text_part *)cur->data; if (text_part->is_empty) { cur = g_list_next (cur); continue; } c.begin = text_part->content->data; c.len = text_part->content->len; /* Tree would be freed at task pool freeing */ if (!cl->tokenizer->tokenize_func (cl->tokenizer, task->task_pool, &c, &tokens)) { msg_info ("cannot tokenize input"); return; } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } g_hash_table_insert (task->tokens, cl->tokenizer, tokens); } if (tokens == NULL) { return; } cl->classifier->classify_func (ctx, task->worker->srv->statfile_pool, tokens, task); /* Autolearning */ cur = g_list_first (cl->statfiles); while (cur) { st = cur->data; if (st->autolearn) { if (check_autolearn (st->autolearn, task)) { /* Process autolearn */ process_autolearn (st, task, tokens, cl->classifier, st->path, ctx); } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } void process_statfiles (struct worker_task *task) { if (task->is_skipped) { return; } if (task->tokens == NULL) { task->tokens = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); memory_pool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (pool_destruct_func)g_hash_table_destroy, task->tokens); } g_list_foreach (task->cfg->classifiers, classifiers_callback, task); /* Process results */ make_composites (task); } static void insert_metric_header (gpointer metric_name, gpointer metric_value, gpointer data) { struct worker_task *task = (struct worker_task *)data; int r = 0; /* Try to be rfc2822 compatible and avoid long headers with folding */ char header_name[128], outbuf[1000]; GList *symbols = NULL, *cur; struct metric_result *metric_res = (struct metric_result *)metric_value; double ms, rs; rspamd_snprintf (header_name, sizeof (header_name), "X-Spam-%s", metric_res->metric->name); if (!check_metric_settings (task, metric_res->metric, &ms, &rs)) { ms = metric_res->metric->required_score; } if (metric_res->score >= ms) { r += rspamd_snprintf (outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r, "yes; %.2f/%.2f/%.2f; ", metric_res->score, ms, rs); } else { r += rspamd_snprintf (outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r, "no; %.2f/%.2f/%.2f; ", metric_res->score, ms, rs); } symbols = g_hash_table_get_keys (metric_res->symbols); cur = symbols; while (cur) { if (g_list_next (cur) != NULL) { r += rspamd_snprintf (outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r, "%s,", (char *)cur->data); } else { r += rspamd_snprintf (outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r, "%s", (char *)cur->data); } cur = g_list_next (cur); } g_list_free (symbols); #ifdef GMIME24 g_mime_object_append_header (GMIME_OBJECT (task->message), header_name, outbuf); #else g_mime_message_add_header (task->message, header_name, outbuf); #endif } void insert_headers (struct worker_task *task) { g_hash_table_foreach (task->results, insert_metric_header, task); } /* * vi:ts=4 */