/* * Functions for handling with fixed size strings */ #ifndef FSTRING_H #define FSTRING_H #include #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include "mem_pool.h" #define update_buf_size(x) (x)->free = (x)->buf->size - ((x)->pos - (x)->buf->begin); (x)->buf->len = (x)->pos - (x)->buf->begin typedef struct f_str_s { char *begin; size_t len; size_t size; } f_str_t; typedef struct f_str_buf_s { f_str_t *buf; char *pos; size_t free; } f_str_buf_t; typedef struct f_tok_s { f_str_t word; size_t pos; } f_tok_t; /* * Search first occurence of character in string */ ssize_t fstrchr (f_str_t *src, char c); /* * Search last occurence of character in string */ ssize_t fstrrchr (f_str_t *src, char c); /* * Search for pattern in orig */ ssize_t fstrstr (f_str_t *orig, f_str_t *pattern); /* * Split string by tokens * word contains parsed word */ int fstrtok (f_str_t *text, const char *sep, f_tok_t *state); /* * Copy one string into other */ size_t fstrcpy (f_str_t *dest, f_str_t *src); /* * Concatenate two strings */ size_t fstrcat (f_str_t *dest, f_str_t *src); /* * Push one character to fstr */ int fstrpush (f_str_t *dest, char c); /* * Allocate memory for f_str_t */ f_str_t* fstralloc (memory_pool_t *pool, size_t len); /* * Truncate string to its len */ f_str_t* fstrtruncate (memory_pool_t *pool, f_str_t *orig); /* * Enlarge string to new size */ f_str_t* fstrgrow (memory_pool_t *pool, f_str_t *orig, size_t newlen); /* * Return specified character */ #define fstridx(str, pos) *((str)->begin + (pos)) /* * Return fast hash value for fixed string */ uint32_t fstrhash (f_str_t *str); #endif