/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "main.h" #include "message.h" #include "html.h" #include "url.h" sig_atomic_t tags_sorted = 0; static struct html_tag tag_defs[] = { /* W3C defined elements */ {Tag_A, "a", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_ABBR, "abbr", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_ACRONYM, "acronym", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_ADDRESS, "address", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_APPLET, "applet", (CM_OBJECT | CM_IMG | CM_INLINE | CM_PARAM)}, {Tag_AREA, "area", (CM_BLOCK | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_B, "b", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_BASE, "base", (CM_HEAD | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_BASEFONT, "basefont", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_BDO, "bdo", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_BIG, "big", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_BLOCKQUOTE, "blockquote", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_BODY, "body", (CM_HTML | CM_OPT | CM_OMITST)}, {Tag_BR, "br", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_BUTTON, "button", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_CAPTION, "caption", (CM_TABLE)}, {Tag_CENTER, "center", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_CITE, "cite", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_CODE, "code", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_COL, "col", (CM_TABLE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_COLGROUP, "colgroup", (CM_TABLE | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_DD, "dd", (CM_DEFLIST | CM_OPT | CM_NO_INDENT)}, {Tag_DEL, "del", (CM_INLINE | CM_BLOCK | CM_MIXED)}, {Tag_DFN, "dfn", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_DIR, "dir", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OBSOLETE)}, {Tag_DIV, "div", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_DL, "dl", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_DT, "dt", (CM_DEFLIST | CM_OPT | CM_NO_INDENT)}, {Tag_EM, "em", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_FIELDSET, "fieldset", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_FONT, "font", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_FORM, "form", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_FRAME, "frame", (CM_FRAMES | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_FRAMESET, "frameset", (CM_HTML | CM_FRAMES)}, {Tag_H1, "h1", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_H2, "h2", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_H3, "h3", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_H4, "h4", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_H5, "h5", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_H6, "h6", (CM_BLOCK | CM_HEADING)}, {Tag_HEAD, "head", (CM_HTML | CM_OPT | CM_OMITST)}, {Tag_HR, "hr", (CM_BLOCK | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_HTML, "html", (CM_HTML | CM_OPT | CM_OMITST)}, {Tag_I, "i", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_IFRAME, "iframe", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_IMG, "img", (CM_INLINE | CM_IMG | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_INPUT, "input", (CM_INLINE | CM_IMG | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_INS, "ins", (CM_INLINE | CM_BLOCK | CM_MIXED)}, {Tag_ISINDEX, "isindex", (CM_BLOCK | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_KBD, "kbd", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_LABEL, "label", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_LEGEND, "legend", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_LI, "li", (CM_LIST | CM_OPT | CM_NO_INDENT)}, {Tag_LINK, "link", (CM_HEAD | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_LISTING, "listing", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OBSOLETE)}, {Tag_MAP, "map", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_MENU, "menu", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OBSOLETE)}, {Tag_META, "meta", (CM_HEAD | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_NOFRAMES, "noframes", (CM_BLOCK | CM_FRAMES)}, {Tag_NOSCRIPT, "noscript", (CM_BLOCK | CM_INLINE | CM_MIXED)}, {Tag_OBJECT, "object", (CM_OBJECT | CM_HEAD | CM_IMG | CM_INLINE | CM_PARAM)}, {Tag_OL, "ol", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_OPTGROUP, "optgroup", (CM_FIELD | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_OPTION, "option", (CM_FIELD | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_P, "p", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_PARAM, "param", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_PLAINTEXT, "plaintext", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OBSOLETE)}, {Tag_PRE, "pre", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_Q, "q", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RB, "rb", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RBC, "rbc", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RP, "rp", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RT, "rt", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RTC, "rtc", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_RUBY, "ruby", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_S, "s", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SAMP, "samp", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SCRIPT, "script", (CM_HEAD | CM_MIXED | CM_BLOCK | CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SELECT, "select", (CM_INLINE | CM_FIELD)}, {Tag_SMALL, "small", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SPAN, "span", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_STRIKE, "strike", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_STRONG, "strong", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_STYLE, "style", (CM_HEAD)}, {Tag_SUB, "sub", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SUP, "sup", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_TABLE, "table", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_TBODY, "tbody", (CM_TABLE | CM_ROWGRP | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_TD, "td", (CM_ROW | CM_OPT | CM_NO_INDENT)}, {Tag_TEXTAREA, "textarea", (CM_INLINE | CM_FIELD)}, {Tag_TFOOT, "tfoot", (CM_TABLE | CM_ROWGRP | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_TH, "th", (CM_ROW | CM_OPT | CM_NO_INDENT)}, {Tag_THEAD, "thead", (CM_TABLE | CM_ROWGRP | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_TITLE, "title", (CM_HEAD)}, {Tag_TR, "tr", (CM_TABLE | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_TT, "tt", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_U, "u", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_UL, "ul", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_VAR, "var", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_XMP, "xmp", (CM_BLOCK | CM_OBSOLETE)}, {Tag_NEXTID, "nextid", (CM_HEAD | CM_EMPTY)}, /* proprietary elements */ {Tag_ALIGN, "align", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_BGSOUND, "bgsound", (CM_HEAD | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_BLINK, "blink", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_COMMENT, "comment", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_EMBED, "embed", (CM_INLINE | CM_IMG | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_ILAYER, "ilayer", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_KEYGEN, "keygen", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_LAYER, "layer", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_MARQUEE, "marquee", (CM_INLINE | CM_OPT)}, {Tag_MULTICOL, "multicol", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_NOBR, "nobr", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_NOEMBED, "noembed", (CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_NOLAYER, "nolayer", (CM_BLOCK | CM_INLINE | CM_MIXED)}, {Tag_NOSAVE, "nosave", (CM_BLOCK)}, {Tag_SERVER, "server", (CM_HEAD | CM_MIXED | CM_BLOCK | CM_INLINE)}, {Tag_SERVLET, "servlet", (CM_OBJECT | CM_IMG | CM_INLINE | CM_PARAM)}, {Tag_SPACER, "spacer", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, {Tag_WBR, "wbr", (CM_INLINE | CM_EMPTY)}, }; sig_atomic_t entities_sorted = 0; struct _entity; typedef struct _entity entity; struct _entity { char *name; uint code; }; static entity entities_defs[] = { /* ** Markup pre-defined character entities */ {"quot", 34}, {"amp", 38}, {"apos", 39}, {"lt", 60}, {"gt", 62}, /* ** Latin-1 character entities */ {"nbsp", 160}, {"iexcl", 161}, {"cent", 162}, {"pound", 163}, {"curren", 164}, {"yen", 165}, {"brvbar", 166}, {"sect", 167}, {"uml", 168}, {"copy", 169}, {"ordf", 170}, {"laquo", 171}, {"not", 172}, {"shy", 173}, {"reg", 174}, {"macr", 175}, {"deg", 176}, {"plusmn", 177}, {"sup2", 178}, {"sup3", 179}, {"acute", 180}, {"micro", 181}, {"para", 182}, {"middot", 183}, {"cedil", 184}, {"sup1", 185}, {"ordm", 186}, {"raquo", 187}, {"frac14", 188}, {"frac12", 189}, {"frac34", 190}, {"iquest", 191}, {"Agrave", 192}, {"Aacute", 193}, {"Acirc", 194}, {"Atilde", 195}, {"Auml", 196}, {"Aring", 197}, {"AElig", 198}, {"Ccedil", 199}, {"Egrave", 200}, {"Eacute", 201}, {"Ecirc", 202}, {"Euml", 203}, {"Igrave", 204}, {"Iacute", 205}, {"Icirc", 206}, {"Iuml", 207}, {"ETH", 208}, {"Ntilde", 209}, {"Ograve", 210}, {"Oacute", 211}, {"Ocirc", 212}, {"Otilde", 213}, {"Ouml", 214}, {"times", 215}, {"Oslash", 216}, {"Ugrave", 217}, {"Uacute", 218}, {"Ucirc", 219}, {"Uuml", 220}, {"Yacute", 221}, {"THORN", 222}, {"szlig", 223}, {"agrave", 224}, {"aacute", 225}, {"acirc", 226}, {"atilde", 227}, {"auml", 228}, {"aring", 229}, {"aelig", 230}, {"ccedil", 231}, {"egrave", 232}, {"eacute", 233}, {"ecirc", 234}, {"euml", 235}, {"igrave", 236}, {"iacute", 237}, {"icirc", 238}, {"iuml", 239}, {"eth", 240}, {"ntilde", 241}, {"ograve", 242}, {"oacute", 243}, {"ocirc", 244}, {"otilde", 245}, {"ouml", 246}, {"divide", 247}, {"oslash", 248}, {"ugrave", 249}, {"uacute", 250}, {"ucirc", 251}, {"uuml", 252}, {"yacute", 253}, {"thorn", 254}, {"yuml", 255}, /* ** Extended Entities defined in HTML 4: Symbols */ {"fnof", 402}, {"Alpha", 913}, {"Beta", 914}, {"Gamma", 915}, {"Delta", 916}, {"Epsilon", 917}, {"Zeta", 918}, {"Eta", 919}, {"Theta", 920}, {"Iota", 921}, {"Kappa", 922}, {"Lambda", 923}, {"Mu", 924}, {"Nu", 925}, {"Xi", 926}, {"Omicron", 927}, {"Pi", 928}, {"Rho", 929}, {"Sigma", 931}, {"Tau", 932}, {"Upsilon", 933}, {"Phi", 934}, {"Chi", 935}, {"Psi", 936}, {"Omega", 937}, {"alpha", 945}, {"beta", 946}, {"gamma", 947}, {"delta", 948}, {"epsilon", 949}, {"zeta", 950}, {"eta", 951}, {"theta", 952}, {"iota", 953}, {"kappa", 954}, {"lambda", 955}, {"mu", 956}, {"nu", 957}, {"xi", 958}, {"omicron", 959}, {"pi", 960}, {"rho", 961}, {"sigmaf", 962}, {"sigma", 963}, {"tau", 964}, {"upsilon", 965}, {"phi", 966}, {"chi", 967}, {"psi", 968}, {"omega", 969}, {"thetasym", 977}, {"upsih", 978}, {"piv", 982}, {"bull", 8226}, {"hellip", 8230}, {"prime", 8242}, {"Prime", 8243}, {"oline", 8254}, {"frasl", 8260}, {"weierp", 8472}, {"image", 8465}, {"real", 8476}, {"trade", 8482}, {"alefsym", 8501}, {"larr", 8592}, {"uarr", 8593}, {"rarr", 8594}, {"darr", 8595}, {"harr", 8596}, {"crarr", 8629}, {"lArr", 8656}, {"uArr", 8657}, {"rArr", 8658}, {"dArr", 8659}, {"hArr", 8660}, {"forall", 8704}, {"part", 8706}, {"exist", 8707}, {"empty", 8709}, {"nabla", 8711}, {"isin", 8712}, {"notin", 8713}, {"ni", 8715}, {"prod", 8719}, {"sum", 8721}, {"minus", 8722}, {"lowast", 8727}, {"radic", 8730}, {"prop", 8733}, {"infin", 8734}, {"ang", 8736}, {"and", 8743}, {"or", 8744}, {"cap", 8745}, {"cup", 8746}, {"int", 8747}, {"there4", 8756}, {"sim", 8764}, {"cong", 8773}, {"asymp", 8776}, {"ne", 8800}, {"equiv", 8801}, {"le", 8804}, {"ge", 8805}, {"sub", 8834}, {"sup", 8835}, {"nsub", 8836}, {"sube", 8838}, {"supe", 8839}, {"oplus", 8853}, {"otimes", 8855}, {"perp", 8869}, {"sdot", 8901}, {"lceil", 8968}, {"rceil", 8969}, {"lfloor", 8970}, {"rfloor", 8971}, {"lang", 9001}, {"rang", 9002}, {"loz", 9674}, {"spades", 9824}, {"clubs", 9827}, {"hearts", 9829}, {"diams", 9830}, /* ** Extended Entities defined in HTML 4: Special (less Markup at top) */ {"OElig", 338}, {"oelig", 339}, {"Scaron", 352}, {"scaron", 353}, {"Yuml", 376}, {"circ", 710}, {"tilde", 732}, {"ensp", 8194}, {"emsp", 8195}, {"thinsp", 8201}, {"zwnj", 8204}, {"zwj", 8205}, {"lrm", 8206}, {"rlm", 8207}, {"ndash", 8211}, {"mdash", 8212}, {"lsquo", 8216}, {"rsquo", 8217}, {"sbquo", 8218}, {"ldquo", 8220}, {"rdquo", 8221}, {"bdquo", 8222}, {"dagger", 8224}, {"Dagger", 8225}, {"permil", 8240}, {"lsaquo", 8249}, {"rsaquo", 8250}, {"euro", 8364}, }; static int tag_cmp (const void *m1, const void *m2) { const struct html_tag *p1 = m1; const struct html_tag *p2 = m2; return g_ascii_strcasecmp (p1->name, p2->name); } static int entity_cmp (const void *m1, const void *m2) { const entity *p1 = m1; const entity *p2 = m2; return g_ascii_strcasecmp (p1->name, p2->name); } static GNode * construct_html_node (memory_pool_t * pool, char *text) { struct html_node *html; GNode *n = NULL; struct html_tag key, *found; char t; int taglen = strlen (text); if (text == NULL || *text == '\0') { return NULL; } html = memory_pool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (struct html_node)); /* Check whether this tag is fully closed */ if (*(text + taglen - 1) == '/') { html->flags |= FL_CLOSED; } /* Check xml tag */ if (*text == '?' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (text + 1, "xml", sizeof ("xml") - 1) == 0) { html->flags |= FL_XML; html->tag = NULL; } else { if (*text == '/') { html->flags |= FL_CLOSING; text++; } /* Find end of tag name */ key.name = text; while (*text && g_ascii_isalnum (*(++text))); t = *text; *text = '\0'; /* Match tag id by tag name */ if ((found = bsearch (&key, tag_defs, G_N_ELEMENTS (tag_defs), sizeof (struct html_tag), tag_cmp)) != NULL) { *text = t; html->tag = found; } else { *text = t; return NULL; } } n = g_node_new (html); return n; } static gboolean check_balance (GNode * node, GNode ** cur_level) { struct html_node *arg = node->data, *tmp; GNode *cur; if (arg->flags & FL_CLOSING) { /* First of all check whether this tag is closing tag for parent node */ cur = node->parent; while (cur && cur->data) { tmp = cur->data; if ((tmp->tag && arg->tag) && tmp->tag->id == arg->tag->id && (tmp->flags & FL_CLOSED) == 0) { tmp->flags |= FL_CLOSED; /* Destroy current node as we find corresponding parent node */ g_node_destroy (node); /* Change level */ *cur_level = cur->parent; return TRUE; } cur = cur->parent; } } else { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct html_tag * get_tag_by_name (const char *name) { struct html_tag key; key.name = name; return bsearch (&key, tag_defs, G_N_ELEMENTS (tag_defs), sizeof (struct html_tag), tag_cmp); } /* Decode HTML entitles in text */ void decode_entitles (char *s, guint * len) { guint l; char *t = s; /* t - tortoise */ char *h = s; /* h - hare */ char *e = s; char *end_ptr; int state = 0, val, base; entity *found, key; if (len == NULL || *len == 0) { l = strlen (s); } else { l = *len; } while (h - s < l) { switch (state) { /* Out of entitle */ case 0: if (*h == '&') { state = 1; e = h; h++; continue; } else { *t = *h; h++; t++; } break; case 1: if (*h == ';') { /* Determine base */ /* First find in entities table */ key.name = e + 1; *h = '\0'; if (*(e + 1) != '#' && (found = bsearch (&key, entities_defs, G_N_ELEMENTS (entities_defs), sizeof (entity), entity_cmp)) != NULL) { if (found->code > 0 || found->code < 127) { *t = (char)found->code; } else { /* Skip undecoded */ t = h; } } else { if (*(e + 2) == 'x' || *(e + 2) == 'X') { base = 16; } else if (*(e + 2) == 'o' || *(e + 2) == 'O') { base = 8; } else { base = 10; } if (base == 10) { val = strtoul ((e + 2), &end_ptr, base); } else { val = strtoul ((e + 3), &end_ptr, base); } if ((end_ptr != NULL && *end_ptr != '\0') || (val == 0 || val > 127)) { /* Skip undecoded */ t = h; } else { *t = (char)val; } } *h = ';'; state = 0; t++; } h++; break; } } *t = '\0'; if (len != NULL) { *len = t - s; } } static void parse_tag_url (struct worker_task *task, struct mime_text_part *part, tag_id_t id, char *tag_text) { char *c = NULL, *p; int len, rc; char *url_text; struct uri *url; gboolean got_single_quote = FALSE, got_double_quote = FALSE; /* For A tags search for href= and for IMG tags search for src= */ if (id == Tag_A) { c = strcasestr (tag_text, "href="); len = sizeof ("href=") - 1; } else if (id == Tag_IMG) { c = strcasestr (tag_text, "src="); len = sizeof ("src=") - 1; } if (c != NULL) { /* First calculate length */ c += len; /* Skip spaces after eqsign */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*c)) { c++; } len = 0; p = c; while (*p) { if (got_double_quote) { if (*p == '"') { break; } else { len++; } } else if (got_single_quote) { if (*p == '\'') { break; } else { len++; } } else if (g_ascii_isspace (*p) || *p == '>' || (*p == '/' && *(p + 1) == '>') || *p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { break; } else { if (*p == '"' && !got_single_quote) { got_double_quote = !got_double_quote; } else if (*p == '\'' && !got_double_quote) { got_single_quote = !got_single_quote; } else { len++; } } p++; } if (got_single_quote || got_double_quote) { c++; } if (len == 0) { return; } url_text = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, len + 1); g_strlcpy (url_text, c, len + 1); decode_entitles (url_text, NULL); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (url_text, "http://", sizeof ("http://") - 1) != 0) { return; } url = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct uri)); rc = parse_uri (url, url_text, task->task_pool); if (rc != URI_ERRNO_EMPTY && rc != URI_ERRNO_NO_HOST && url->hostlen != 0) { if (part->html_urls && g_tree_lookup (part->html_urls, url_text) == NULL) { g_tree_insert (part->html_urls, url_text, url); task->urls = g_list_prepend (task->urls, url); } } } } gboolean add_html_node (struct worker_task *task, memory_pool_t * pool, struct mime_text_part *part, char *tag_text, GNode ** cur_level) { GNode *new; struct html_node *data; if (!tags_sorted) { qsort (tag_defs, G_N_ELEMENTS (tag_defs), sizeof (struct html_tag), tag_cmp); tags_sorted = 1; } if (!entities_sorted) { qsort (entities_defs, G_N_ELEMENTS (entities_defs), sizeof (entity), entity_cmp); entities_sorted = 1; } /* First call of this function */ if (part->html_nodes == NULL) { /* Insert root node */ new = g_node_new (NULL); *cur_level = new; part->html_nodes = new; memory_pool_add_destructor (pool, (pool_destruct_func) g_node_destroy, part->html_nodes); /* Call once again with root node */ return add_html_node (task, pool, part, tag_text, cur_level); } else { new = construct_html_node (pool, tag_text); if (new == NULL) { msg_debug ("add_html_node: cannot construct HTML node for text '%s'", tag_text); return -1; } data = new->data; if (data->tag && (data->tag->id == Tag_A || data->tag->id == Tag_IMG) && ((data->flags & FL_CLOSING) == 0)) { parse_tag_url (task, part, data->tag->id, tag_text); } if (data->flags & FL_CLOSING) { if (!*cur_level) { msg_debug ("add_html_node: bad parent node"); return FALSE; } g_node_append (*cur_level, new); if (!check_balance (new, cur_level)) { msg_debug ("add_html_node: mark part as unbalanced as it has not pairable closing tags"); part->is_balanced = FALSE; } } else { g_node_append (*cur_level, new); if ((data->flags & FL_CLOSED) == 0) { *cur_level = new; } } } return TRUE; } /* * vi:ts=4 */