/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "config.h" #include "libutil/mem_pool.h" #include "libutil/regexp.h" #include "libutil/hash.h" #include "libserver/task.h" #include "mime_encoding.h" #include "message.h" #include <unicode/ucnv.h> #include <unicode/ucsdet.h> #define UTF8_CHARSET "UTF-8" #define RSPAMD_CHARSET_FLAG_UTF (1 << 0) #define RSPAMD_CHARSET_FLAG_ASCII (1 << 1) #define RSPAMD_CHARSET_CACHE_SIZE 32 #define RSPAMD_CHARSET_MAX_CONTENT 128 #define SET_PART_RAW(part) ((part)->flags &= ~RSPAMD_MIME_TEXT_PART_FLAG_UTF) #define SET_PART_UTF(part) ((part)->flags |= RSPAMD_MIME_TEXT_PART_FLAG_UTF) static rspamd_regexp_t *utf_compatible_re = NULL; UConverter *utf8_converter = NULL; struct rspamd_charset_substitution { const gchar *input; const gchar *canon; gint flags; }; #include "mime_encoding_list.h" static GHashTable *sub_hash = NULL; static GQuark rspamd_iconv_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("iconv error"); } static UConverter * rspamd_mime_get_converter_cached (const gchar *enc, UErrorCode *err) { const gchar *canon_name; static rspamd_lru_hash_t *cache; UConverter *conv; if (cache == NULL) { cache = rspamd_lru_hash_new_full (RSPAMD_CHARSET_CACHE_SIZE, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)ucnv_close, rspamd_str_hash, rspamd_str_equal); } canon_name = ucnv_getStandardName (enc, "IANA", err); if (canon_name == NULL) { return NULL; } conv = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup (cache, (gpointer)canon_name, 0); if (conv == NULL) { conv = ucnv_open (canon_name, err); if (conv != NULL) { ucnv_setToUCallBack (conv, UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE, UCNV_SUB_STOP_ON_ILLEGAL, NULL, NULL, err); rspamd_lru_hash_insert (cache, g_strdup (canon_name), conv, 0, 0); } } return conv; } static void rspamd_mime_encoding_substitute_init (void) { guint i; sub_hash = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (sub); i ++) { g_hash_table_insert (sub_hash, (void *)sub[i].input, (void *)&sub[i]); } } static void rspamd_charset_normalize (gchar *in) { /* * This is a simple routine to validate input charset * we just check that charset starts with alphanumeric and ends * with alphanumeric */ gchar *begin, *end; gboolean changed = FALSE; begin = in; while (*begin && !g_ascii_isalnum (*begin)) { begin ++; changed = TRUE; } end = begin + strlen (begin) - 1; while (end > begin && !g_ascii_isalnum (*end)) { end --; changed = TRUE; } if (changed) { memmove (in, begin, end - begin + 2); *(end + 1) = '\0'; } } const gchar * rspamd_mime_detect_charset (const rspamd_ftok_t *in, rspamd_mempool_t *pool) { gchar *ret = NULL, *h, *t; struct rspamd_charset_substitution *s; UErrorCode uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (sub_hash == NULL) { rspamd_mime_encoding_substitute_init (); } ret = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (pool, in); rspamd_charset_normalize (ret); if ((in->len > 3 && rspamd_lc_cmp (in->begin, "cp-", 3) == 0) || (in->len > 4 && (rspamd_lc_cmp (in->begin, "ibm-", 4) == 0))) { /* Try to remove '-' chars from encoding: e.g. CP-100 to CP100 */ h = ret; t = ret; while (*h != '\0') { if (*h != '-') { *t++ = *h; } h ++; } *t = '\0'; } s = g_hash_table_lookup (sub_hash, ret); if (s) { return ucnv_getStandardName (s->canon, "IANA", &uc_err); } return ucnv_getStandardName (ret, "IANA", &uc_err); } gchar * rspamd_mime_text_to_utf8 (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, gchar *input, gsize len, const gchar *in_enc, gsize *olen, GError **err) { gchar *d; gint32 r, clen, dlen; UChar *tmp_buf; UErrorCode uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *conv; if (utf8_converter == NULL) { utf8_converter = ucnv_open (UTF8_CHARSET, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { g_set_error (err, rspamd_iconv_error_quark (), EINVAL, "cannot open converter for utf8: %s", u_errorName (uc_err)); return NULL; } ucnv_setFromUCallBack (utf8_converter, UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &uc_err); } conv = rspamd_mime_get_converter_cached (in_enc, &uc_err); if (conv == NULL) { g_set_error (err, rspamd_iconv_error_quark (), EINVAL, "cannot open converter for %s: %s", in_enc, u_errorName (uc_err)); return NULL; } tmp_buf = g_new (UChar, len + 1); uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; r = ucnv_toUChars (conv, tmp_buf, len + 1, input, len, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { g_set_error (err, rspamd_iconv_error_quark (), EINVAL, "cannot convert data to unicode from %s: %s", in_enc, u_errorName (uc_err)); g_free (tmp_buf); return NULL; } /* Now, convert to utf8 */ clen = ucnv_getMaxCharSize (utf8_converter); dlen = UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING (r, clen); d = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, dlen); r = ucnv_fromUChars (utf8_converter, d, dlen, tmp_buf, r, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { g_set_error (err, rspamd_iconv_error_quark (), EINVAL, "cannot convert data from unicode from %s: %s", in_enc, u_errorName (uc_err)); g_free (tmp_buf); return NULL; } msg_info_pool ("converted from %s to UTF-8 inlen: %z, outlen: %d", in_enc, len, r); g_free (tmp_buf); if (olen) { *olen = r; } return d; } gboolean rspamd_mime_to_utf8_byte_array (GByteArray *in, GByteArray *out, const gchar *enc) { gint32 r, clen, dlen; UChar *tmp_buf; UErrorCode uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *conv; rspamd_ftok_t charset_tok; RSPAMD_FTOK_FROM_STR (&charset_tok, enc); if (rspamd_mime_charset_utf_check (&charset_tok, (gchar *)in->data, in->len, FALSE)) { g_byte_array_set_size (out, in->len); memcpy (out->data, in->data, out->len); return TRUE; } if (utf8_converter == NULL) { utf8_converter = ucnv_open (UTF8_CHARSET, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { msg_err ("cannot open converter for utf8: %s", u_errorName (uc_err)); return FALSE; } ucnv_setFromUCallBack (utf8_converter, UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &uc_err); } conv = rspamd_mime_get_converter_cached (enc, &uc_err); if (conv == NULL) { return FALSE; } tmp_buf = g_new (UChar, in->len + 1); uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; r = ucnv_toUChars (conv, tmp_buf, in->len + 1, in->data, in->len, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { g_free (tmp_buf); return FALSE; } /* Now, convert to utf8 */ clen = ucnv_getMaxCharSize (utf8_converter); dlen = UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING (r, clen); g_byte_array_set_size (out, dlen); r = ucnv_fromUChars (utf8_converter, out->data, dlen, tmp_buf, r, &uc_err); if (uc_err != U_ZERO_ERROR) { g_free (tmp_buf); return FALSE; } g_free (tmp_buf); out->len = r; return TRUE; } void rspamd_mime_charset_utf_enforce (gchar *in, gsize len) { const gchar *end, *p; gsize remain = len; /* Now we validate input and replace bad characters with '?' symbol */ p = in; while (remain > 0 && !g_utf8_validate (p, remain, &end)) { gchar *valid; if (end >= in + len) { if (p < in + len) { memset ((gchar *)p, '?', (in + len) - p); } break; } valid = g_utf8_find_next_char (end, in + len); if (!valid) { valid = in + len; } if (valid > end) { memset ((gchar *)end, '?', valid - end); p = valid; remain = (in + len) - p; } else { break; } } } static const char * rspamd_mime_charset_find_by_content (gchar *in, gsize inlen) { static UCharsetDetector *csd; const UCharsetMatch **csm, *sel = NULL; UErrorCode uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; gint32 matches, i, max_conf = G_MININT32, conf; if (csd == NULL) { csd = ucsdet_open (&uc_err); g_assert (csd != NULL); } /* If text is ascii, then we can treat it as utf8 data */ for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++) { if ((((guchar)in[i]) & 0x80) != 0) { goto detect; } } return UTF8_CHARSET; detect: ucsdet_setText (csd, in, inlen, &uc_err); csm = ucsdet_detectAll(csd, &matches, &uc_err); for (i = 0; i < matches; i ++) { if ((conf = ucsdet_getConfidence (csm[i], &uc_err)) > max_conf) { max_conf = conf; sel = csm[i]; } } if (sel && max_conf > 50) { return ucsdet_getName (sel, &uc_err); } return NULL; } gboolean rspamd_mime_charset_utf_check (rspamd_ftok_t *charset, gchar *in, gsize len, gboolean content_check) { const gchar *real_charset; if (utf_compatible_re == NULL) { utf_compatible_re = rspamd_regexp_new ( "^(?:utf-?8.*)|(?:us-ascii)|(?:ascii)|(?:ansi.*)|(?:CSASCII)$", "i", NULL); } if (charset->len == 0 || rspamd_regexp_match (utf_compatible_re, charset->begin, charset->len, TRUE)) { /* * In case of UTF8 charset we still can check the content to find * corner cases */ if (content_check) { real_charset = rspamd_mime_charset_find_by_content (in, MIN (RSPAMD_CHARSET_MAX_CONTENT, len)); if (real_charset) { if (rspamd_regexp_match (utf_compatible_re, real_charset, strlen (real_charset), TRUE)) { RSPAMD_FTOK_ASSIGN (charset, UTF8_CHARSET); return TRUE; } else { charset->begin = real_charset; charset->len = strlen (real_charset); return FALSE; } } } rspamd_mime_charset_utf_enforce (in, len); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GByteArray * rspamd_mime_text_part_maybe_convert (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_mime_text_part *text_part) { GError *err = NULL; gsize write_bytes; const gchar *charset = NULL; gboolean checked = FALSE, need_charset_heuristic = TRUE; gchar *res_str; GByteArray *result_array, *part_content; rspamd_ftok_t charset_tok; struct rspamd_mime_part *part = text_part->mime_part; if (rspamd_str_has_8bit (text_part->raw.begin, text_part->raw.len)) { text_part->flags |= RSPAMD_MIME_TEXT_PART_FLAG_8BIT; } part_content = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (GByteArray)); part_content->data = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, text_part->parsed.len); memcpy (part_content->data, text_part->parsed.begin, text_part->parsed.len); part_content->len = text_part->parsed.len; if (rspamd_str_has_8bit (text_part->parsed.begin, text_part->parsed.len)) { text_part->flags |= RSPAMD_MIME_TEXT_PART_FLAG_8BIT_ENCODED; } if (!(text_part->flags & RSPAMD_MIME_TEXT_PART_FLAG_8BIT_ENCODED)) { need_charset_heuristic = FALSE; } if (task->cfg && task->cfg->raw_mode) { SET_PART_RAW (text_part); return part_content; } if (part->ct->charset.len == 0) { if (need_charset_heuristic) { charset = rspamd_mime_charset_find_by_content (part_content->data, MIN (RSPAMD_CHARSET_MAX_CONTENT, part_content->len)); if (charset != NULL) { msg_info_task ("detected charset %s", charset); } checked = TRUE; } else { SET_PART_UTF (text_part); return part_content; } } else { charset = rspamd_mime_detect_charset (&part->ct->charset, task->task_pool); if (charset == NULL) { charset = rspamd_mime_charset_find_by_content (part_content->data, MIN (RSPAMD_CHARSET_MAX_CONTENT, part_content->len)); msg_info_task ("detected charset: %s", charset); checked = TRUE; } } if (charset == NULL) { msg_info_task ("<%s>: has invalid charset", task->message_id); SET_PART_RAW (text_part); return NULL; } RSPAMD_FTOK_FROM_STR (&charset_tok, charset); if (rspamd_mime_charset_utf_check (&charset_tok, part_content->data, part_content->len, !checked)) { SET_PART_UTF (text_part); return part_content; } else { charset = charset_tok.begin; res_str = rspamd_mime_text_to_utf8 (task->task_pool, part_content->data, part_content->len, charset, &write_bytes, &err); if (res_str == NULL) { msg_warn_task ("<%s>: cannot convert from %s to utf8: %s", task->message_id, charset, err ? err->message : "unknown problem"); SET_PART_RAW (text_part); g_error_free (err); return NULL; } } result_array = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (GByteArray)); result_array->data = res_str; result_array->len = write_bytes; SET_PART_UTF (text_part); return result_array; }