/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef RSPAMD_RECEIVED_HXX #define RSPAMD_RECEIVED_HXX #pragma once #include "config.h" #include "received.h" #include "mime_string.hxx" #include "libmime/email_addr.h" #include "libserver/task.h" #include "contrib/robin-hood/robin_hood.h" #include #include #include #include namespace rspamd::mime { static inline auto received_char_filter(UChar32 uc) -> UChar32 { if (u_isprint(uc)) { return u_tolower(uc); } return 0; } enum class received_flags { DEFAULT = 0, SMTP = 1u << 0u, ESMTP = 1u << 1u, ESMTPA = 1u << 2u, ESMTPS = 1u << 3u, ESMTPSA = 1u << 4u, LMTP = 1u << 5u, IMAP = 1u << 6u, LOCAL = 1u << 7u, HTTP = 1u << 8u, MAPI = 1u << 9u, UNKNOWN = 1u << 10u, ARTIFICIAL = (1u << 11u), SSL = (1u << 12u), AUTHENTICATED = (1u << 13u), }; constexpr received_flags operator |(received_flags lhs, received_flags rhs) { using ut = std::underlying_type::type; return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); } constexpr received_flags operator |=(received_flags &lhs, const received_flags rhs) { using ut = std::underlying_type::type; lhs = static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); return lhs; } constexpr received_flags operator &(received_flags lhs, received_flags rhs) { using ut = std::underlying_type::type; return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) & static_cast(rhs)); } constexpr bool operator !(received_flags fl) { return fl == received_flags::DEFAULT; } constexpr received_flags received_type_apply_maks(received_flags fl) { return fl & (received_flags::SMTP| received_flags::ESMTP| received_flags::ESMTPA| received_flags::ESMTPS| received_flags::ESMTPSA| received_flags::IMAP| received_flags::HTTP| received_flags::LOCAL| received_flags::MAPI| received_flags::LMTP); } struct received_header { mime_string from_hostname; mime_string real_hostname; mime_string real_ip; mime_string by_hostname; mime_string for_mbox; struct rspamd_email_address *for_addr = nullptr; rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr = nullptr; struct rspamd_mime_header *hdr = nullptr; time_t timestamp = 0; received_flags flags = received_flags::DEFAULT; /* See enum rspamd_received_type */ received_header() noexcept : from_hostname(received_char_filter), real_hostname(received_char_filter), real_ip(received_char_filter), by_hostname(received_char_filter), for_mbox() {} /* We have raw C pointers, so copy is explicitly disabled */ received_header(const received_header &other) = delete; received_header(received_header &&other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); } received_header& operator=(received_header &&other) noexcept { if (this != &other) { from_hostname = std::move(other.from_hostname); real_hostname = std::move(other.real_hostname); real_ip = std::move(other.real_ip); by_hostname = std::move(other.by_hostname); for_mbox = std::move(other.for_mbox); timestamp = other.timestamp; flags = other.flags; std::swap(for_addr, other.for_addr); std::swap(addr, other.addr); std::swap(hdr, other.hdr); } return *this; } /* Unit tests helper */ static auto from_map(const robin_hood::unordered_flat_map &map) -> received_header { using namespace std::string_view_literals; received_header rh; if (map.contains("from_hostname")) { rh.from_hostname.assign_copy(map.at("from_hostname"sv)); } if (map.contains("real_hostname")) { rh.real_hostname.assign_copy(map.at("real_hostname"sv)); } if (map.contains("by_hostname")) { rh.by_hostname.assign_copy(map.at("by_hostname"sv)); } if (map.contains("real_ip")) { rh.real_ip.assign_copy(map.at("real_ip"sv)); } if (map.contains("for_mbox")) { rh.for_mbox.assign_copy(map.at("for_mbox"sv)); } return rh; } auto as_map() const -> robin_hood::unordered_flat_map { robin_hood::unordered_flat_map map; if (!from_hostname.empty()) { map["from_hostname"] = from_hostname.as_view(); } if (!real_hostname.empty()) { map["real_hostname"] = real_hostname.as_view(); } if (!by_hostname.empty()) { map["by_hostname"] = by_hostname.as_view(); } if (!real_ip.empty()) { map["real_ip"] = real_ip.as_view(); } if (!for_mbox.empty()) { map["for_mbox"] = for_mbox.as_view(); } return map; } ~received_header() { if (for_addr) { rspamd_email_address_free(for_addr); } } }; class received_header_chain { public: explicit received_header_chain(struct rspamd_task *task) { headers.reserve(2); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor(task->task_pool, received_header_chain::received_header_chain_pool_dtor, this); } explicit received_header_chain() { headers.reserve(2); } enum class append_type { append_tail, append_head }; auto new_received(append_type how = append_type::append_tail) -> received_header & { if (how == append_type::append_tail) { headers.emplace_back(); return headers.back(); } else { headers.insert(std::begin(headers), received_header()); return headers.front(); } } auto new_received(received_header &&hdr, append_type how = append_type::append_tail) -> received_header & { if (how == append_type::append_tail) { headers.emplace_back(std::move(hdr)); return headers.back(); } else { headers.insert(std::begin(headers), std::move(hdr)); return headers.front(); } } auto get_received(std::size_t nth) -> std::optional>{ if (nth < headers.size()) { return headers[nth]; } return std::nullopt; } auto size() const -> std::size_t { return headers.size(); } constexpr auto as_vector() const -> const std::vector& { return headers; } private: static auto received_header_chain_pool_dtor(void *ptr) -> void { delete static_cast(ptr); } std::vector headers; }; } #endif //RSPAMD_RECEIVED_HXX