/* * Copyright 2024 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "config.h" #include "mem_pool.h" #include "scan_result.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "message.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "libserver/cfg_file_private.h" #include "libmime/scan_result_private.h" #include "contrib/fastutf8/fastutf8.h" #include #include "contrib/uthash/utlist.h" #define msg_debug_metric(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast(NULL, NULL, \ rspamd_metric_log_id, "metric", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) INIT_LOG_MODULE(metric) /* Average symbols count to optimize hash allocation */ static struct rspamd_counter_data symbols_count; static void rspamd_scan_result_dtor(gpointer d) { struct rspamd_scan_result *r = (struct rspamd_scan_result *) d; struct rspamd_symbol_result *sres; rspamd_set_counter_ema(&symbols_count, kh_size(r->symbols), 0.5); if (r->symbol_cbref != -1) { luaL_unref(r->task->cfg->lua_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, r->symbol_cbref); } kh_foreach_value(r->symbols, sres, { if (sres->options) { kh_destroy(rspamd_options_hash, sres->options); } }); kh_destroy(rspamd_symbols_hash, r->symbols); kh_destroy(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, r->sym_groups); } static void rspamd_metric_actions_foreach_cb(int i, struct rspamd_action *act, void *cbd) { struct rspamd_scan_result *metric_res = (struct rspamd_scan_result *) cbd; metric_res->actions_config[i].flags = RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_DEFAULT; if (!(act->flags & RSPAMD_ACTION_NO_THRESHOLD)) { metric_res->actions_config[i].cur_limit = act->threshold; } else { metric_res->actions_config[i].flags |= RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_NO_THRESHOLD; } metric_res->actions_config[i].action = act; } struct rspamd_scan_result * rspamd_create_metric_result(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *name, int lua_sym_cbref) { struct rspamd_scan_result *metric_res; metric_res = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(struct rspamd_scan_result)); metric_res->symbols = kh_init(rspamd_symbols_hash); metric_res->sym_groups = kh_init(rspamd_symbols_group_hash); if (name) { metric_res->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, name); } else { metric_res->name = NULL; } metric_res->symbol_cbref = lua_sym_cbref; metric_res->task = task; /* Optimize allocation */ kh_resize(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, metric_res->sym_groups, 4); if (symbols_count.mean > 4) { kh_resize(rspamd_symbols_hash, metric_res->symbols, symbols_count.mean); } else { kh_resize(rspamd_symbols_hash, metric_res->symbols, 4); } if (task->cfg) { size_t nact = rspamd_config_actions_size(task->cfg); metric_res->actions_config = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(struct rspamd_action_config) * nact); rspamd_config_actions_foreach_enumerate(task->cfg, rspamd_metric_actions_foreach_cb, metric_res); metric_res->nactions = nact; } rspamd_mempool_add_destructor(task->task_pool, rspamd_scan_result_dtor, metric_res); DL_APPEND(task->result, metric_res); return metric_res; } static inline int rspamd_pr_sort(const struct rspamd_passthrough_result *pra, const struct rspamd_passthrough_result *prb) { return prb->priority - pra->priority; } bool rspamd_add_passthrough_result(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_action *action, unsigned int priority, double target_score, const char *message, const char *module, uint flags, struct rspamd_scan_result *scan_result) { struct rspamd_passthrough_result *pr; if (scan_result == NULL) { scan_result = task->result; } /* Find the specific action config */ struct rspamd_action_config *action_config = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scan_result->nactions; i++) { struct rspamd_action_config *cur = &scan_result->actions_config[i]; /* We assume that all action pointers are static */ if (cur->action == action) { action_config = cur; break; } } if (action_config && (action_config->flags & RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_DISABLED)) { msg_info_task("<%s>: NOT set pre-result to '%s' %s(%.2f): '%s' from %s(%d); action is disabled", MESSAGE_FIELD_CHECK(task, message_id), action->name, flags & RSPAMD_PASSTHROUGH_LEAST ? "*least " : "", target_score, message, module, priority); return false; } pr = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, sizeof(*pr)); pr->action = action; pr->priority = priority; pr->message = message; pr->module = module; pr->target_score = target_score; pr->flags = flags; DL_APPEND(scan_result->passthrough_result, pr); DL_SORT(scan_result->passthrough_result, rspamd_pr_sort); if (!isnan(target_score)) { msg_info_task("<%s>: set pre-result to '%s' %s(%.2f): '%s' from %s(%d)", MESSAGE_FIELD_CHECK(task, message_id), action->name, flags & RSPAMD_PASSTHROUGH_LEAST ? "*least " : "", target_score, message, module, priority); } else { msg_info_task("<%s>: set pre-result to '%s' %s(no score): '%s' from %s(%d)", MESSAGE_FIELD_CHECK(task, message_id), action->name, flags & RSPAMD_PASSTHROUGH_LEAST ? "*least " : "", message, module, priority); } scan_result->nresults++; return true; } static inline double rspamd_check_group_score(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *symbol, struct rspamd_symbols_group *gr, double *group_score, double w) { if (gr != NULL && group_score && gr->max_score > 0.0 && w > 0.0) { if (*group_score >= gr->max_score && w > 0) { msg_info_task("maximum group score %.2f for group %s has been reached," " ignoring symbol %s with weight %.2f", gr->max_score, gr->name, symbol, w); return NAN; } else if (*group_score + w > gr->max_score) { w = gr->max_score - *group_score; } } return w; } #ifndef DBL_EPSILON #define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16 #endif static struct rspamd_symbol_result * insert_metric_result(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *symbol, double weight, const char *opt, struct rspamd_scan_result *metric_res, enum rspamd_symbol_insert_flags flags, bool *new_sym) { struct rspamd_symbol_result *symbol_result = NULL; double final_score, *gr_score = NULL, next_gf = 1.0, diff; struct rspamd_symbol *sdef; struct rspamd_symbols_group *gr = NULL; const ucl_object_t *mobj, *sobj; int max_shots = G_MAXINT, ret; unsigned int i; khiter_t k; gboolean single = !!(flags & RSPAMD_SYMBOL_INSERT_SINGLE); char *sym_cpy; if (!isfinite(weight)) { msg_warn_task("detected %s score for symbol %s, replace it with zero", isnan(weight) ? "NaN" : "infinity", symbol); weight = 0.0; } msg_debug_metric("want to insert symbol %s, initial weight %.2f", symbol, weight); sdef = g_hash_table_lookup(task->cfg->symbols, symbol); if (sdef == NULL) { if (flags & RSPAMD_SYMBOL_INSERT_ENFORCE) { final_score = 1.0 * weight; /* Enforce static weight to 1.0 */ } else { final_score = 0.0; } msg_debug_metric("no symbol definition for %s; final multiplier %.2f", symbol, final_score); } else { if (sdef->cache_item) { /* Check if we can insert this symbol at all */ if (!rspamd_symcache_is_item_allowed(task, sdef->cache_item, FALSE)) { msg_debug_metric("symbol %s is not allowed to be inserted due to settings", symbol); return NULL; } } final_score = (*sdef->weight_ptr) * weight; PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(sdef->groups, i, gr) { k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, metric_res->sym_groups, gr); if (k == kh_end(metric_res->sym_groups)) { k = kh_put(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, metric_res->sym_groups, gr, &ret); kh_value(metric_res->sym_groups, k) = 0; } } msg_debug_metric("metric multiplier for %s is %.2f", symbol, *sdef->weight_ptr); } if (task->settings) { double corr; mobj = ucl_object_lookup(task->settings, "scores"); if (!mobj) { /* Legacy */ mobj = task->settings; } else { msg_debug_metric("found scores in the settings"); } sobj = ucl_object_lookup(mobj, symbol); if (sobj != NULL && ucl_object_todouble_safe(sobj, &corr)) { msg_debug_metric("settings: changed weight of symbol %s from %.2f " "to %.2f * %.2f", symbol, final_score, corr, weight); final_score = corr * weight; } } k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_hash, metric_res->symbols, symbol); if (k != kh_end(metric_res->symbols)) { /* Existing metric score */ symbol_result = kh_value(metric_res->symbols, k); if (single) { max_shots = 1; } else { if (sdef) { if (sdef->groups) { PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(sdef->groups, i, gr) { if (gr->flags & RSPAMD_SYMBOL_GROUP_ONE_SHOT) { max_shots = 1; } } } max_shots = MIN(max_shots, sdef->nshots); } else { max_shots = task->cfg->default_max_shots; } } msg_debug_metric("nshots: %d for symbol %s", max_shots, symbol); if (!single && (max_shots > 0 && (symbol_result->nshots >= max_shots))) { single = TRUE; } symbol_result->nshots++; if (opt) { rspamd_task_add_result_option(task, symbol_result, opt, strlen(opt)); } /* Adjust diff */ if (!single) { diff = final_score; msg_debug_metric("symbol %s can be inserted multiple times: %.2f weight", symbol, diff); } else { if (fabs(symbol_result->score) < fabs(final_score) && signbit(symbol_result->score) == signbit(final_score)) { /* Replace less significant weight with a more significant one */ diff = final_score - symbol_result->score; msg_debug_metric("symbol %s can be inserted single time;" " weight adjusted %.2f + %.2f", symbol, symbol_result->score, diff); } else { diff = 0; } } if (diff) { /* Handle grow factor */ if (metric_res->grow_factor && diff > 0) { diff *= metric_res->grow_factor; next_gf *= task->cfg->grow_factor; } else if (diff > 0) { next_gf = task->cfg->grow_factor; } msg_debug_metric("adjust grow factor to %.2f for symbol %s (%.2f final)", next_gf, symbol, diff); if (sdef) { PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(sdef->groups, i, gr) { double cur_diff; k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, metric_res->sym_groups, gr); g_assert(k != kh_end(metric_res->sym_groups)); gr_score = &kh_value(metric_res->sym_groups, k); cur_diff = rspamd_check_group_score(task, symbol, gr, gr_score, diff); if (isnan(cur_diff)) { /* Limit reached, do not add result */ msg_debug_metric( "group limit %.2f is reached for %s when inserting symbol %s;" " drop score %.2f", *gr_score, gr->name, symbol, diff); diff = NAN; break; } else if (gr_score) { *gr_score += cur_diff; if (cur_diff < diff) { /* Reduce */ msg_debug_metric( "group limit %.2f is reached for %s when inserting symbol %s;" " reduce score %.2f - %.2f", *gr_score, gr->name, symbol, diff, cur_diff); diff = cur_diff; } } } } if (!isnan(diff)) { metric_res->score += diff; metric_res->grow_factor = next_gf; if (single) { msg_debug_metric("final score for single symbol %s = %.2f; %.2f diff", symbol, final_score, diff); symbol_result->score = final_score; } else { msg_debug_metric("increase final score for multiple symbol %s += %.2f = %.2f", symbol, symbol_result->score, diff); symbol_result->score += diff; } } } } else { /* New result */ if (new_sym) { *new_sym = true; } sym_cpy = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, symbol); k = kh_put(rspamd_symbols_hash, metric_res->symbols, sym_cpy, &ret); g_assert(ret > 0); symbol_result = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(*symbol_result)); kh_value(metric_res->symbols, k) = symbol_result; /* Handle grow factor */ if (metric_res->grow_factor && final_score > 0) { final_score *= metric_res->grow_factor; next_gf *= task->cfg->grow_factor; } else if (final_score > 0) { next_gf = task->cfg->grow_factor; } msg_debug_metric("adjust grow factor to %.2f for symbol %s (%.2f final)", next_gf, symbol, final_score); symbol_result->name = sym_cpy; symbol_result->sym = sdef; symbol_result->nshots = 1; if (sdef) { /* Check group limits */ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(sdef->groups, i, gr) { double cur_score; k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, metric_res->sym_groups, gr); g_assert(k != kh_end(metric_res->sym_groups)); gr_score = &kh_value(metric_res->sym_groups, k); cur_score = rspamd_check_group_score(task, symbol, gr, gr_score, final_score); if (isnan(cur_score)) { /* Limit reached, do not add result */ msg_debug_metric( "group limit %.2f is reached for %s when inserting symbol %s;" " drop score %.2f", *gr_score, gr->name, symbol, final_score); final_score = NAN; break; } else if (gr_score) { *gr_score += cur_score; if (cur_score < final_score) { /* Reduce */ msg_debug_metric( "group limit %.2f is reached for %s when inserting symbol %s;" " reduce score %.2f - %.2f", *gr_score, gr->name, symbol, final_score, cur_score); final_score = cur_score; } } } } if (!isnan(final_score)) { const double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON; metric_res->score += final_score; metric_res->grow_factor = next_gf; symbol_result->score = final_score; if (final_score > epsilon) { metric_res->npositive++; metric_res->positive_score += final_score; } else if (final_score < -epsilon) { metric_res->nnegative++; metric_res->negative_score += fabs(final_score); } } else { symbol_result->score = 0; } if (opt) { rspamd_task_add_result_option(task, symbol_result, opt, strlen(opt)); } } msg_debug_metric("final insertion for symbol %s, score %.2f, factor: %f", symbol, symbol_result->score, final_score); metric_res->nresults++; return symbol_result; } struct rspamd_symbol_result * rspamd_task_insert_result_full(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *symbol, double weight, const char *opt, enum rspamd_symbol_insert_flags flags, struct rspamd_scan_result *result) { struct rspamd_symbol_result *symbol_result = NULL, *ret = NULL; struct rspamd_scan_result *mres; /* * We allow symbols to be inserted for skipped tasks, as it might be a * race condition before some symbol is finished and skip flag being set. */ if (!RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SKIPPED(task) && (task->processed_stages & (RSPAMD_TASK_STAGE_IDEMPOTENT >> 1))) { msg_err_task("cannot insert symbol %s on idempotent phase", symbol); return NULL; } if (result == NULL) { /* Insert everywhere */ DL_FOREACH(task->result, mres) { if (mres->symbol_cbref != -1) { /* Check if we can insert this symbol to this symbol result */ GError *err = NULL; lua_State *L = (lua_State *) task->cfg->lua_state; if (!rspamd_lua_universal_pcall(L, mres->symbol_cbref, G_STRLOC, 1, "uss", &err, rspamd_task_classname, task, symbol, mres->name ? mres->name : "default")) { msg_warn_task("cannot call for symbol_cbref for result %s: %e", mres->name ? mres->name : "default", err); g_error_free(err); continue; } else { if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1)) { /* Skip symbol */ msg_debug_metric("skip symbol %s for result %s due to Lua return value", symbol, mres->name); lua_pop(L, 1); /* Remove result */ continue; } lua_pop(L, 1); /* Remove result */ } } bool new_symbol = false; symbol_result = insert_metric_result(task, symbol, weight, opt, mres, flags, &new_symbol); if (mres->name == NULL) { /* Default result */ ret = symbol_result; /* Process cache item */ if (symbol_result && task->cfg->cache && symbol_result->sym && symbol_result->nshots == 1) { rspamd_symcache_inc_frequency(task->cfg->cache, symbol_result->sym->cache_item, symbol_result->sym->name); } } else if (new_symbol) { /* O(N) but we normally don't have any shadow results */ LL_APPEND(ret, symbol_result); } } } else { /* Specific insertion */ symbol_result = insert_metric_result(task, symbol, weight, opt, result, flags, NULL); ret = symbol_result; if (result->name == NULL) { /* Process cache item */ if (symbol_result && task->cfg->cache && symbol_result->sym && symbol_result->nshots == 1) { rspamd_symcache_inc_frequency(task->cfg->cache, symbol_result->sym->cache_item, symbol_result->sym->name); } } } return ret; } static char * rspamd_task_option_safe_copy(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *val, gsize vlen, gsize *outlen) { const char *p, *end; p = val; end = val + vlen; vlen = 0; /* Reuse */ while (p < end) { if (*p & 0x80) { UChar32 uc; int off = 0; U8_NEXT(p, off, end - p, uc); if (uc > 0) { if (u_isprint(uc)) { vlen += off; } else { /* We will replace it with 0xFFFD */ vlen += MAX(off, 3); } } else { vlen += MAX(off, 3); } p += off; } else if (!g_ascii_isprint(*p)) { /* Another 0xFFFD */ vlen += 3; p++; } else { p++; vlen++; } } char *dest, *d; dest = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, vlen + 1); d = dest; p = val; while (p < end) { if (*p & 0x80) { UChar32 uc; int off = 0; U8_NEXT(p, off, end - p, uc); if (uc > 0) { if (u_isprint(uc)) { memcpy(d, p, off); d += off; } else { /* We will replace it with 0xFFFD */ *d++ = '\357'; *d++ = '\277'; *d++ = '\275'; } } else { *d++ = '\357'; *d++ = '\277'; *d++ = '\275'; } p += off; } else if (!g_ascii_isprint(*p)) { /* Another 0xFFFD */ *d++ = '\357'; *d++ = '\277'; *d++ = '\275'; p++; } else { *d++ = *p++; } } *d = '\0'; *(outlen) = d - dest; return dest; } gboolean rspamd_task_add_result_option(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_symbol_result *s, const char *val, gsize vlen) { struct rspamd_symbol_option *opt, srch; gboolean ret = FALSE; char *opt_cpy = NULL; gsize cpy_len; khiter_t k; int r; struct rspamd_symbol_result *cur; if (s && val) { /* * Here we assume that this function is all the time called with the * symbol from the default result, not some shadow result, or * the option insertion will be wrong */ LL_FOREACH(s, cur) { if (cur->opts_len < 0) { /* Cannot add more options, give up */ msg_debug_task("cannot add more options to symbol %s when adding option %s", cur->name, val); ret = FALSE; continue; } if (!cur->options) { cur->options = kh_init(rspamd_options_hash); } if (vlen + cur->opts_len > task->cfg->max_opts_len) { /* Add truncated option */ msg_info_task("cannot add more options to symbol %s when adding option %s", cur->name, val); val = "..."; vlen = 3; cur->opts_len = -1; } if (!(cur->sym && (cur->sym->flags & RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_ONEPARAM))) { srch.option = (char *) val; srch.optlen = vlen; k = kh_get(rspamd_options_hash, cur->options, &srch); if (k == kh_end(cur->options)) { opt_cpy = rspamd_task_option_safe_copy(task, val, vlen, &cpy_len); if (cpy_len != vlen) { srch.option = (char *) opt_cpy; srch.optlen = cpy_len; k = kh_get(rspamd_options_hash, cur->options, &srch); } /* Append new options */ if (k == kh_end(cur->options)) { opt = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(*opt)); opt->optlen = cpy_len; opt->option = opt_cpy; kh_put(rspamd_options_hash, cur->options, opt, &r); DL_APPEND(cur->opts_head, opt); if (s == cur) { ret = TRUE; } } } } else { /* Skip addition */ if (s == cur) { ret = FALSE; } } if (ret && cur->opts_len >= 0) { cur->opts_len += vlen; } } } else if (!val) { ret = TRUE; } task->result->nresults++; return ret; } struct rspamd_action_config * rspamd_find_action_config_for_action(struct rspamd_scan_result *scan_result, struct rspamd_action *act) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scan_result->nactions; i++) { struct rspamd_action_config *cur = &scan_result->actions_config[i]; if (act == cur->action) { return cur; } } return NULL; } struct rspamd_action * rspamd_check_action_metric(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_passthrough_result **ppr, struct rspamd_scan_result *scan_result) { struct rspamd_action_config *action_lim, *noaction = NULL; struct rspamd_action *selected_action = NULL, *least_action = NULL; struct rspamd_passthrough_result *pr, *sel_pr = NULL; double max_score = -(G_MAXDOUBLE), sc; gboolean seen_least = FALSE; if (scan_result == NULL) { scan_result = task->result; } if (scan_result->passthrough_result != NULL) { DL_FOREACH(scan_result->passthrough_result, pr) { struct rspamd_action_config *act_config = rspamd_find_action_config_for_action(scan_result, pr->action); /* Skip disabled actions */ if (act_config && (act_config->flags & RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_DISABLED)) { continue; } if (!seen_least || !(pr->flags & RSPAMD_PASSTHROUGH_LEAST)) { sc = pr->target_score; selected_action = pr->action; if (!(pr->flags & RSPAMD_PASSTHROUGH_LEAST)) { if (!isnan(sc)) { if (pr->action->action_type == METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION) { scan_result->score = MIN(sc, scan_result->score); } else { scan_result->score = sc; } } if (ppr) { *ppr = pr; } return selected_action; } else { seen_least = true; least_action = selected_action; if (isnan(sc)) { if (selected_action->flags & RSPAMD_ACTION_NO_THRESHOLD) { /* * In this case, we have a passthrough action that * is `least` action, however, there is no threshold * on it. * * Hence, we imply the following logic: * * - we leave score unchanged * - we apply passthrough no threshold action unless * score based action *is not* reject, otherwise * we apply reject action */ } else { sc = selected_action->threshold; max_score = sc; sel_pr = pr; } } else { max_score = sc; sel_pr = pr; } } } } } /* * Select result by score */ for (size_t i = scan_result->nactions - 1; i != (size_t) -1; i--) { action_lim = &scan_result->actions_config[i]; sc = action_lim->cur_limit; if (action_lim->action->action_type == METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION) { noaction = action_lim; } if ((action_lim->flags & (RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_DISABLED | RSPAMD_ACTION_RESULT_NO_THRESHOLD))) { continue; } if (isnan(sc) || (action_lim->action->flags & (RSPAMD_ACTION_NO_THRESHOLD | RSPAMD_ACTION_HAM))) { continue; } if (scan_result->score >= sc && sc > max_score) { selected_action = action_lim->action; max_score = sc; } } if (selected_action == NULL) { selected_action = noaction->action; } if (selected_action) { if (seen_least) { /* Adjust least action */ if (least_action->flags & RSPAMD_ACTION_NO_THRESHOLD) { if (selected_action->action_type != METRIC_ACTION_REJECT && selected_action->action_type != METRIC_ACTION_DISCARD) { /* Override score based action with least action */ selected_action = least_action; if (ppr) { *ppr = sel_pr; } } } else { /* Adjust score if needed */ if (max_score > scan_result->score) { if (ppr) { *ppr = sel_pr; } scan_result->score = max_score; } } } return selected_action; } if (ppr) { *ppr = sel_pr; } return noaction->action; } struct rspamd_symbol_result * rspamd_task_find_symbol_result(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *sym, struct rspamd_scan_result *result) { struct rspamd_symbol_result *res = NULL; khiter_t k; if (result == NULL) { /* Use default result */ result = task->result; } k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_hash, result->symbols, sym); if (k != kh_end(result->symbols)) { res = kh_value(result->symbols, k); } return res; } struct rspamd_symbol_result *rspamd_task_remove_symbol_result( struct rspamd_task *task, const char *symbol, struct rspamd_scan_result *result) { struct rspamd_symbol_result *res = NULL; khiter_t k; if (result == NULL) { /* Use default result */ result = task->result; } k = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_hash, result->symbols, symbol); if (k != kh_end(result->symbols)) { res = kh_value(result->symbols, k); if (!isnan(res->score)) { /* Remove score from the result */ result->score -= res->score; /* Also check the group limit */ if (result->sym_groups && res->sym) { struct rspamd_symbol_group *gr; int i; khiter_t k_groups; PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(res->sym->groups, i, gr) { double *gr_score; k_groups = kh_get(rspamd_symbols_group_hash, result->sym_groups, gr); if (k_groups != kh_end(result->sym_groups)) { gr_score = &kh_value(result->sym_groups, k_groups); if (gr_score) { *gr_score -= res->score; } } } } } kh_del(rspamd_symbols_hash, result->symbols, k); } else { return NULL; } return res; } void rspamd_task_symbol_result_foreach(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_scan_result *result, GHFunc func, gpointer ud) { const char *kk; struct rspamd_symbol_result *res; if (result == NULL) { /* Use default result */ result = task->result; } if (func) { kh_foreach(result->symbols, kk, res, { func((gpointer) kk, (gpointer) res, ud); }); } } struct rspamd_scan_result * rspamd_find_metric_result(struct rspamd_task *task, const char *name) { struct rspamd_scan_result *res; if (name == NULL || strcmp(name, "default") == 0) { return task->result; } DL_FOREACH(task->result, res) { if (res->name && strcmp(res->name, name) == 0) { return res; } } return NULL; }