/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "main.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "util.h" #include "smtp.h" #include "smtp_proto.h" #include "smtp_utils.h" gchar * make_smtp_error (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, gint error_code, const gchar *format, ...) { va_list vp; gchar *result = NULL, *p; size_t len; va_start (vp, format); len = g_printf_string_upper_bound (format, vp); va_end (vp); va_start (vp, format); len += sizeof ("65535 ") + sizeof (CRLF) - 1; result = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, len); p = result + rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%d ", error_code); p = rspamd_vsnprintf (p, len - (p - result), format, vp); *p++ = CR; *p++ = LF; *p = '\0'; va_end (vp); return result; } gboolean parse_smtp_command (struct smtp_session *session, f_str_t *line, struct smtp_command **cmd) { enum { SMTP_PARSE_START = 0, SMTP_PARSE_SPACES, SMTP_PARSE_ARGUMENT, SMTP_PARSE_DONE } state; gchar *p, *c, ch, cmd_buf[4]; guint i; f_str_t *arg = NULL; struct smtp_command *pcmd; if (line->len == 0) { return FALSE; } state = SMTP_PARSE_START; c = line->begin; p = c; *cmd = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (session->pool, sizeof (struct smtp_command)); pcmd = *cmd; for (i = 0; i < line->len; i ++, p ++) { ch = *p; switch (state) { case SMTP_PARSE_START: if (ch == ' ' || ch == ':' || ch == CR || ch == LF || i == line->len - 1) { if (i == line->len - 1) { p ++; } if (p - c == 4) { cmd_buf[0] = g_ascii_toupper (c[0]); cmd_buf[1] = g_ascii_toupper (c[1]); cmd_buf[2] = g_ascii_toupper (c[2]); cmd_buf[3] = g_ascii_toupper (c[3]); if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "HELO", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_HELO; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "EHLO", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_EHLO; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "MAIL", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_MAIL; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "RCPT", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_RCPT; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "DATA", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_DATA; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "QUIT", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_QUIT; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "NOOP", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_NOOP; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "EXPN", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_EXPN; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "RSET", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_RSET; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "HELP", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_HELP; } else if (memcmp (cmd_buf, "VRFY", 4) == 0) { pcmd->command = SMTP_COMMAND_VRFY; } else { msg_info ("invalid command: %*s", 4, cmd_buf); return FALSE; } } else { /* Invalid command */ msg_info ("invalid command: %*s", 4, c); return FALSE; } /* Now check what we have */ if (ch == ' ' || ch == ':') { state = SMTP_PARSE_SPACES; } else if (ch == CR) { state = SMTP_PARSE_DONE; } else if (ch == LF) { return TRUE; } } else if ((ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z') && (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')) { msg_info ("invalid letter code in SMTP command: %d", (gint)ch); return FALSE; } break; case SMTP_PARSE_SPACES: if (ch == CR) { state = SMTP_PARSE_DONE; } else if (ch == LF) { goto end; } else if (ch != ' ' && ch != ':') { state = SMTP_PARSE_ARGUMENT; arg = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, sizeof (f_str_t)); c = p; } break; case SMTP_PARSE_ARGUMENT: if (ch == ' ' || ch == ':' || ch == CR || ch == LF || i == line->len - 1) { if (i == line->len - 1 && (ch != ' ' && ch != CR && ch != LF)) { p ++; } arg->len = p - c; arg->begin = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, arg->len); memcpy (arg->begin, c, arg->len); pcmd->args = g_list_prepend (pcmd->args, arg); if (ch == ' ' || ch == ':') { state = SMTP_PARSE_SPACES; } else if (ch == CR) { state = SMTP_PARSE_DONE; } else { goto end; } } break; case SMTP_PARSE_DONE: if (ch == LF) { goto end; } msg_info ("CR without LF in SMTP command"); return FALSE; } } end: if (pcmd->args) { pcmd->args = g_list_reverse (pcmd->args); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (session->pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)g_list_free, pcmd->args); } return TRUE; } static gboolean check_smtp_path (f_str_t *path) { guint i; gchar *p; p = path->begin; if (*p != '<' || path->len < 2) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < path->len; i++, p ++) { if (*p == '>' && i != path->len - 1) { return FALSE; } } return *(p - 1) == '>'; } gboolean parse_smtp_helo (struct smtp_session *session, struct smtp_command *cmd) { f_str_t *arg; if (cmd->args == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } arg = cmd->args->data; session->helo = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, arg->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->helo, arg->begin, arg->len + 1); /* Now try to write reply */ if (cmd->command == SMTP_COMMAND_HELO) { /* No ESMTP */ session->error = SMTP_ERROR_OK; session->esmtp = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { /* Try to write all capabilities */ session->esmtp = TRUE; if (session->ctx->smtp_capabilities == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_OK; return TRUE; } else { session->error = session->ctx->smtp_capabilities; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } gboolean parse_smtp_from (struct smtp_session *session, struct smtp_command *cmd) { f_str_t *arg; GList *cur = cmd->args; if (cmd->args == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } arg = cur->data; /* First argument MUST be FROM */ if (arg->len != 4 || ( g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[0]) != 'F' || g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[1]) != 'R' || g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[2]) != 'O' || g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[3]) != 'M')) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } /* Next one is from address */ cur = g_list_next (cur); if (cur == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } arg = cur->data; if (check_smtp_path (arg)) { session->from = cur; } else { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean parse_smtp_rcpt (struct smtp_session *session, struct smtp_command *cmd) { f_str_t *arg; GList *cur = cmd->args; if (cmd->args == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } arg = cur->data; /* First argument MUST be FROM */ if (arg->len != 2 || ( g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[0]) != 'T' || g_ascii_toupper (arg->begin[1]) != 'O')) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } /* Next one is from address */ cur = g_list_next (cur); if (cur == NULL) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } arg = cur->data; if (check_smtp_path (arg)) { session->rcpt = g_list_prepend (session->rcpt, cur); } else { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Return -1 if there are some error, 1 if all is ok and 0 in case of incomplete reply */ static gint check_smtp_ustream_reply (f_str_t *in, gchar success_code) { gchar *p; /* Check for 250 at the begin of line */ if (in->len >= sizeof ("220 ") - 1) { p = in->begin; if (p[0] == success_code) { /* Last reply line */ if (p[3] == ' ') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return -1; } } return -1; } size_t smtp_upstream_write_list (GList *args, gchar *buf, size_t buflen) { GList *cur = args; size_t r = 0; f_str_t *arg; while (cur && r < buflen - 3) { arg = cur->data; r += rspamd_snprintf (buf + r, buflen - r, " %V", arg); cur = g_list_next (cur); } buf[r++] = CR; buf[r++] = LF; buf[r] = '\0'; return r; } gboolean smtp_upstream_write_socket (void *arg) { struct smtp_session *session = arg; if (session->upstream_state == SMTP_STATE_IN_SENDFILE) { session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_AFTER_DATA; return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, CRLF DATA_END_TRAILER, sizeof (CRLF DATA_END_TRAILER) - 1, FALSE, TRUE); } return TRUE; } gboolean smtp_upstream_read_socket (f_str_t * in, void *arg) { struct smtp_session *session = arg; gchar outbuf[BUFSIZ]; gint r; msg_debug ("in: %V, state: %d", in, session->upstream_state); switch (session->upstream_state) { case SMTP_STATE_GREETING: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '2'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else if (r == 1) { if (session->ctx->use_xclient) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "XCLIENT NAME=%s ADDR=%s" CRLF, session->resolved ? session->hostname : "[UNDEFINED]", inet_ntoa (session->client_addr)); session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_HELO; return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE); } else { session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_FROM; if (session->helo) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "%s %s" CRLF, session->esmtp ? "EHLO" : "HELO", session->helo); } else { return smtp_upstream_read_socket (in, arg); } return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE); } } break; case SMTP_STATE_HELO: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '2'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else if (r == 1) { session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_FROM; if (session->helo) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "%s %s" CRLF, session->esmtp ? "EHLO" : "HELO", session->helo); } else { return smtp_upstream_read_socket (in, arg); } return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE); } break; case SMTP_STATE_FROM: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '2'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else if (r == 1) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "MAIL FROM: "); r += smtp_upstream_write_list (session->from, outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r); session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_RCPT; return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE); } break; case SMTP_STATE_RCPT: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '2'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else if (r == 1) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "RCPT TO: "); session->cur_rcpt = g_list_first (session->rcpt); r += smtp_upstream_write_list (session->cur_rcpt->data, outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r); session->cur_rcpt = g_list_next (session->cur_rcpt); session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_BEFORE_DATA; return rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE); } break; case SMTP_STATE_BEFORE_DATA: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '2'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (session->cur_rcpt) { session->rcpt = g_list_delete_link (session->rcpt, session->cur_rcpt); } else { session->rcpt = g_list_delete_link (session->rcpt, session->rcpt); } session->errors ++; session->state = SMTP_STATE_RCPT; return TRUE; } else if (r == 1) { if (session->cur_rcpt != NULL) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf), "RCPT TO: "); r += smtp_upstream_write_list (session->cur_rcpt, outbuf + r, sizeof (outbuf) - r); session->cur_rcpt = g_list_next (session->cur_rcpt); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, outbuf, r, FALSE, FALSE)) { goto err; } } else { session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_DATA; rspamd_dispatcher_pause (session->upstream_dispatcher); } session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* Write to client */ if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, in->len, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (session->state == SMTP_STATE_WAIT_UPSTREAM) { rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); session->state = SMTP_STATE_RCPT; } } break; case SMTP_STATE_DATA: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '3'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else if (r == 1) { if (! make_smtp_tempfile (session)) { session->error = SMTP_ERROR_FILE; session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } session->state = SMTP_STATE_AFTER_DATA; session->error = SMTP_ERROR_DATA_OK; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } rspamd_dispatcher_pause (session->upstream_dispatcher); rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (session->dispatcher, BUFFER_LINE, 0); session->dispatcher->strip_eol = FALSE; return TRUE; } break; case SMTP_STATE_AFTER_DATA: session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); session->state = SMTP_STATE_DATA; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, "QUIT" CRLF, sizeof ("QUIT" CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } session->upstream_state = SMTP_STATE_END; return TRUE; break; case SMTP_STATE_END: r = check_smtp_ustream_reply (in, '5'); if (r == -1) { session->error = rspamd_mempool_alloc (session->pool, in->len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (session->error, in->begin, in->len + 1); /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (!rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } else { remove_normal_event (session->s, (event_finalizer_t)smtp_upstream_finalize_connection, session); } return FALSE; break; default: msg_err ("got upstream reply at unexpected state: %d, reply: %V", session->upstream_state, in); session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { goto err; } destroy_session (session->s); return FALSE; } return TRUE; err: msg_warn ("write error occured"); return FALSE; } void smtp_upstream_err_socket (GError *err, void *arg) { struct smtp_session *session = arg; msg_info ("abnormally closing connection with upstream %s, error: %s", session->upstream->name, err->message); session->error = SMTP_ERROR_UPSTREAM; session->state = SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR; /* XXX: assume upstream errors as critical errors */ rspamd_dispatcher_restore (session->dispatcher); if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, session->error, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { return; } if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->dispatcher, CRLF, sizeof (CRLF) - 1, FALSE, TRUE)) { return; } upstream_fail (&session->upstream->up, session->session_time); destroy_session (session->s); } void smtp_upstream_finalize_connection (gpointer data) { struct smtp_session *session = data; if (session->state != SMTP_STATE_CRITICAL_ERROR) { if (! rspamd_dispatcher_write (session->upstream_dispatcher, "QUIT" CRLF, 0, FALSE, TRUE)) { msg_warn ("cannot send correctly closing message to upstream"); } } rspamd_remove_dispatcher (session->upstream_dispatcher); session->upstream_dispatcher = NULL; close (session->upstream_sock); session->upstream_sock = -1; }