 * Copyright 2016-2017 Vsevolod Stakhov
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef CFG_FILE_H
#define CFG_FILE_H

#include "config.h"
#include "mem_pool.h"
#include "upstream.h"
#include "symbols_cache.h"
#include "cfg_rcl.h"
#include "ucl.h"
#include "regexp.h"
#include "libserver/re_cache.h"
#include "ref.h"
#include "libutil/radix.h"
#include "monitored.h"
#include "redis_pool.h"

#define DEFAULT_BIND_PORT 11333

/* Default metric name */
#define DEFAULT_METRIC "default"

struct expression;
struct tokenizer;
struct rspamd_stat_classifier;
struct module_s;
struct worker_s;
struct rspamd_external_libs_ctx;
struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey;
struct rspamd_dns_resolver;

 * Types of rspamd bind lines
enum rspamd_cred_type {

 * Logging type
enum rspamd_log_type {

struct rspamd_worker_log_pipe {
	gint fd;
	gint type;
	struct rspamd_worker_log_pipe *prev, *next;

 * script module list item
struct script_module {
	gchar *name;                                    /**< name of module                                     */
	gchar *path;                                    /**< path to module										*/

 * Type of lua variable
enum lua_var_type {

 * Symbols group
struct rspamd_symbol;
struct rspamd_symbols_group {
	gchar *name;
	GHashTable *symbols;
	gdouble max_score;
	gboolean disabled;
	gboolean one_shot;


 * Symbol definition
struct rspamd_symbol {
	gchar *name;
	gchar *description;
	gdouble *weight_ptr;
	gdouble score;
	guint priority;
	struct rspamd_symbols_group *gr;
	GList *groups;
	guint flags;
	gint nshots;

 * Statfile config definition
struct rspamd_statfile_config {
	gchar *symbol;                                  /**< symbol of statfile									*/
	gchar *label;                                   /**< label of this statfile								*/
	ucl_object_t *opts;                             /**< other options										*/
	gboolean is_spam;                               /**< spam flag											*/
	struct rspamd_classifier_config *clcf;			/**< parent pointer of classifier configuration			*/
	gpointer data;									/**< opaque data 										*/

struct rspamd_tokenizer_config {
	const ucl_object_t *opts;                        /**< other options										*/
	const gchar *name;								/**< name of tokenizer									*/

/* Classifier has all integer values (e.g. bayes) */
 * Set if backend for a classifier is intended to increment and not set values
 * (e.g. redis)
 * No backend required for classifier

 * Classifier config definition
struct rspamd_classifier_config {
	GList *statfiles;                               /**< statfiles list                                     */
	GHashTable *labels;                             /**< statfiles with labels								*/
	gchar *metric;                                  /**< metric of this classifier                          */
	gchar *classifier;                              /**< classifier interface                               */
	struct rspamd_tokenizer_config *tokenizer;      /**< tokenizer used for classifier						*/
	const gchar *backend;                           /**< name of statfile's backend							*/
	ucl_object_t *opts;                             /**< other options                                      */
	GList *learn_conditions;                        /**< list of learn condition callbacks					*/
	gchar *name;                                    /**< unique name of classifier							*/
	guint32 min_tokens;                             /**< minimal number of tokens to process classifier 	*/
	guint32 max_tokens;                             /**< maximum number of tokens							*/
	guint min_learns;                               /**< minimum number of learns for each statfile			*/
	guint flags;

struct rspamd_worker_bind_conf {
	GPtrArray *addrs;
	guint cnt;
	gchar *name;
	gboolean is_systemd;
	struct rspamd_worker_bind_conf *next;

struct rspamd_worker_lua_script {
	gint cbref;
	struct rspamd_worker_lua_script *prev, *next;

 * Config params for rspamd worker
struct rspamd_worker_conf {
	struct worker_s *worker;                        /**< pointer to worker type								*/
	GQuark type;                                    /**< type of worker										*/
	struct rspamd_worker_bind_conf *bind_conf;      /**< bind configuration									*/
	guint16 count;                                  /**< number of workers									*/
	GList *listen_socks;                            /**< listening sockets descriptors						*/
	guint32 rlimit_nofile;                          /**< max files limit									*/
	guint32 rlimit_maxcore;                         /**< maximum core file size								*/
	GHashTable *params;                             /**< params for worker									*/
	GQueue *active_workers;                         /**< linked list of spawned workers						*/
	gboolean has_socket;                            /**< whether we should make listening socket in main process */
	gpointer *ctx;                                  /**< worker's context									*/
	ucl_object_t *options;                          /**< other worker's options								*/
	struct rspamd_worker_lua_script *scripts;       /**< registered lua scripts								*/
	gboolean enabled;
	ref_entry_t ref;

enum rspamd_log_format_type {

enum rspamd_log_format_flags {

struct rspamd_log_format {
	enum rspamd_log_format_type type;
	guint flags;
	gsize len;
	gpointer data;
	struct rspamd_log_format *prev, *next;

enum rspamd_metric_action {

struct metric_action {
	enum rspamd_metric_action action;
	gdouble score;
	guint priority;

 * Common definition of metric
struct rspamd_metric {
	const gchar *name;                              /**< name of metric									*/
	gchar *func_name;                               /**< name of consolidation function					*/
	gboolean accept_unknown_symbols;                /**< if true unknown symbols are registered here	*/
	gdouble unknown_weight;                         /**< weight of unknown symbols						*/
	gdouble grow_factor;                            /**< grow factor for metric							*/
	GHashTable *symbols;                            /**< weights of symbols in metric					*/
	gchar *subject;                                 /**< subject rewrite string							*/
	GHashTable * groups; 		                    /**< groups of symbols								*/
	struct metric_action actions[METRIC_ACTION_MAX]; /**< all actions of the metric						*/

struct rspamd_config_post_load_script {
	gint cbref;
	struct rspamd_config_post_load_script *prev, *next;

 * Structure that stores all config data
struct rspamd_config {
	gchar *rspamd_user;                             /**< user to run as										*/
	gchar *rspamd_group;                            /**< group to run as									*/
	rspamd_mempool_t *cfg_pool;                     /**< memory pool for config								*/
	gchar *cfg_name;                                /**< name of config file								*/
	gchar *pid_file;                                /**< name of pid file									*/
	gchar *temp_dir;                                /**< dir for temp files									*/
	gchar *control_socket_path;                     /**< path to the control socket							*/
	const ucl_object_t *local_addrs;                /**< tree of local addresses							*/
	gchar *profile_path;

	gboolean raw_mode;                              /**< work in raw mode instead of utf one				*/
	gboolean one_shot_mode;                         /**< rules add only one symbol							*/
	gboolean check_text_attachements;               /**< check text attachements as text					*/
	gboolean convert_config;                        /**< convert config to XML format						*/
	gboolean strict_protocol_headers;               /**< strictly check protocol headers					*/
	gboolean check_all_filters;                     /**< check all filters									*/
	gboolean allow_raw_input;                       /**< scan messages with invalid mime					*/
	gboolean disable_hyperscan;                     /**< disable hyperscan usage							*/
	gboolean vectorized_hyperscan;                  /**< use vectorized hyperscan matching					*/
	gboolean enable_shutdown_workaround;            /**< enable workaround for legacy SA clients (exim)		*/
	gboolean ignore_received;                       /**< Ignore data from the first received header			*/
	gboolean check_local;				/** Don't disable any checks for local networks */
	gboolean check_authed;				/** Don't disable any checks for authenticated users */
	gboolean enable_sessions_cache;                 /**< Enable session cache for debug */

	gsize max_diff;                                 /**< maximum diff size for text parts					*/
	gsize max_cores_size;                           /**< maximum size occupied by rspamd core files			*/
	gsize max_cores_count;                          /**< maximum number of core files						*/
	gchar *cores_dir;                               /**< directory for core files							*/
	gsize max_message;                              /**< maximum size for messages							*/
	gsize max_pic_size;                             /**< maximum size for a picture to process				*/
	gsize images_cache_size;                        /**< size of LRU cache for DCT data from images			*/
	gint default_max_shots;                         /**< default maximum count of symbols hits permitted (-1 for unlimited) */

	enum rspamd_log_type log_type;                  /**< log type											*/
	gint log_facility;                              /**< log facility in case of syslog						*/
	gint log_level;                                 /**< log level trigger									*/
	gchar *log_file;                                /**< path to logfile in case of file logging			*/
	gboolean log_buffered;                          /**< whether logging is buffered						*/
	guint32 log_buf_size;                           /**< length of log buffer								*/
	const ucl_object_t *debug_ip_map;               /**< turn on debugging for specified ip addresses       */
	gboolean log_urls;                              /**< whether we should log URLs                         */
	GList *debug_symbols;                           /**< symbols to debug									*/
	GHashTable *debug_modules;                      /**< logging modules to debug							*/
	struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *log_encryption_key; /**< encryption key for logs						*/
	gboolean log_color;                             /**< output colors for console output                   */
	gboolean log_extended;                          /**< log extended information							*/
	gboolean log_systemd;                           /**< special case for systemd logger					*/
	gboolean log_re_cache;                          /**< show statistics about regexps						*/
	gboolean log_usec;                              /**< log microseconds if possible						*/
	guint log_error_elts;                           /**< number of elements in error logbuf					*/
	guint log_error_elt_maxlen;                     /**< maximum size of error log element					*/
	struct rspamd_worker_log_pipe *log_pipes;

	gboolean mlock_statfile_pool;                   /**< use mlock (2) for locking statfiles				*/
	gboolean compat_messages;                       /**< use old messages in the protocol (array) 			*/

	gboolean delivery_enable;                       /**< is delivery agent is enabled						*/
	gchar *deliver_host;                            /**< host for mail deliviring							*/
	struct in_addr deliver_addr;                    /**< its address										*/
	guint16 deliver_port;                           /**< port for deliviring								*/
	guint16 deliver_family;                         /**< socket family for delivirnig						*/
	gchar *deliver_agent_path;                      /**< deliver to pipe instead of socket					*/
	gboolean deliver_lmtp;                          /**< use LMTP instead of SMTP							*/

	GList *script_modules;                          /**< linked list of script modules to load				*/
	GHashTable *explicit_modules;                   /**< modules that should be always loaded				*/

	GList *filters;                                 /**< linked list of all filters							*/
	GList *workers;                                 /**< linked list of all workers params					*/
	GHashTable *wrk_parsers;                        /**< hash for worker config parsers, indexed by worker quarks */
	ucl_object_t *rcl_obj;                          /**< rcl object											*/
	ucl_object_t *config_comments;                  /**< comments saved from the config						*/
	ucl_object_t *doc_strings;                      /**< documentation strings for config options			*/
	GHashTable * metrics;                           /**< hash of metrics indexed by metric name				*/
	GList * metrics_list;                           /**< linked list of metrics								*/
	GHashTable * metrics_symbols;                   /**< hash table of metrics indexed by symbol			*/
	GHashTable * c_modules;                         /**< hash of c modules indexed by module name			*/
	GHashTable * composite_symbols;                 /**< hash of composite symbols indexed by its name		*/
	GList *classifiers;                             /**< list of all classifiers defined                    */
	GList *statfiles;                               /**< list of all statfiles in config file order         */
	GHashTable *classifiers_symbols;                /**< hashtable indexed by symbol name of classifiers    */
	GHashTable * cfg_params;                        /**< all cfg params indexed by its name in this structure */
	gchar *dynamic_conf;                            /**< path to dynamic configuration						*/
	ucl_object_t *current_dynamic_conf;             /**< currently loaded dynamic configuration				*/
	GHashTable * domain_settings;                   /**< settings per-domains                               */
	GHashTable * user_settings;                     /**< settings per-user                                  */
	gchar * domain_settings_str;                    /**< string representation of settings					*/
	gchar * user_settings_str;
	gint clock_res;                                 /**< resolution of clock used							*/

	GList *maps;                                    /**< maps active										*/
	gdouble map_timeout;                            /**< maps watch timeout									*/
	gdouble map_file_watch_multiplier;              /**< multiplier for watch timeout when maps are files */

	gdouble monitored_interval;                     /**< interval between monitored checks					*/
	gboolean disable_monitored;                     /**< disable monitoring completely						*/

	struct symbols_cache *cache;                    /**< symbols cache object								*/
	gchar *cache_filename;                          /**< filename of cache file								*/
	gdouble cache_reload_time;                      /**< how often cache reload should be performed			*/
	struct rspamd_metric *default_metric;           /**< default metric										*/

	gchar * checksum;                               /**< real checksum of config file						*/
	gchar * dump_checksum;                          /**< dump checksum of config file						*/
	gpointer lua_state;                             /**< pointer to lua state								*/

	gchar * rrd_file;                               /**< rrd file to store statistics						*/
	gchar * history_file;                           /**< file to save rolling history						*/
	gchar * tld_file;                               /**< file to load effective tld list from				*/
	gchar * hs_cache_dir;                           /**< directory to save hyperscan databases				*/
	gchar * magic_file;                             /**< file to initialize libmagic						*/

	gdouble dns_timeout;                            /**< timeout in milliseconds for waiting for dns reply	*/
	guint32 dns_retransmits;                        /**< maximum retransmits count							*/
	guint32 dns_throttling_errors;                  /**< maximum errors for starting resolver throttling	*/
	guint32 dns_throttling_time;                    /**< time in seconds for DNS throttling					*/
	guint32 dns_io_per_server;                      /**< number of sockets per DNS server					*/
	const ucl_object_t *nameservers;                /**< list of nameservers or NULL to parse resolv.conf	*/
	guint32 dns_max_requests;                       /**< limit of DNS requests per task 					*/
	gboolean enable_dnssec;                         /**< enable dnssec stub resolver						*/

	guint upstream_max_errors;						/**< upstream max errors before shutting off			*/
	gdouble upstream_error_time;					/**< rate of upstream errors							*/
	gdouble upstream_revive_time;					/**< revive timeout for upstreams						*/
	struct upstream_ctx *ups_ctx;					/**< upstream context									*/
	struct rspamd_dns_resolver *dns_resolver;		/**< dns resolver if loaded								*/

	guint min_word_len;								/**< minimum length of the word to be considered		*/
	guint max_word_len;								/**< maximum length of the word to be considered		*/
	guint words_decay;								/**< limit for words for starting adaptive ignoring		*/
	guint history_rows;								/**< number of history rows stored						*/
	guint max_sessions_cache;                        /**< maximum number of sessions cache elts				*/

	GList *classify_headers;						/**< list of headers using for statistics				*/
	struct module_s **compiled_modules;				/**< list of compiled C modules							*/
	struct worker_s **compiled_workers;				/**< list of compiled C modules							*/
	struct rspamd_config_post_load_script *finish_callbacks; /**< list of callbacks called on worker's termination	*/
	struct rspamd_log_format *log_format;			/**< parsed log format									*/
	gchar *log_format_str;							/**< raw log format string								*/

	struct rspamd_external_libs_ctx *libs_ctx;		/**< context for external libraries						*/
	struct rspamd_monitored_ctx *monitored_ctx;		/**< context for monitored resources					*/
	struct rspamd_redis_pool *redis_pool;			/**< redis connectiosn pool								*/

	struct rspamd_re_cache *re_cache;				/**< static regexp cache								*/

	GHashTable *trusted_keys;						/**< list of trusted public keys						*/

	struct rspamd_config_post_load_script *on_load;	/**< list of scripts executed on config load			*/

	gchar *ssl_ca_path;								/**< path to CA certs									*/
	gchar *ssl_ciphers;								/**< set of preferred ciphers							*/
	gchar *zstd_input_dictionary;					/**< path to zstd input dictionary						*/
	gchar *zstd_output_dictionary;					/**< path to zstd output dictionary						*/
	ucl_object_t *neighbours;						/**< other servers in the cluster						*/

	ref_entry_t ref;								/**< reference counter									*/

 * Parse bind credits
 * @param cf config file to use
 * @param str line that presents bind line
 * @param type type of credits
 * @return 1 if line was successfully parsed and 0 in case of error
gboolean rspamd_parse_bind_line (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf, const gchar *str);

 * Init default values
 * @param cfg config file
struct rspamd_config *rspamd_config_new (void);

 * Free memory used by config structure
 * @param cfg config file
void rspamd_config_free (struct rspamd_config *cfg);

 * Gets module option with specified name
 * @param cfg config file
 * @param module_name name of module
 * @param opt_name name of option to get
 * @return module value or NULL if option does not defined
const ucl_object_t * rspamd_config_get_module_opt (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	const gchar *module_name,
	const gchar *opt_name);

 * Parse flag
 * @param str string representation of flag (eg. 'on')
 * @return numeric value of flag (0 or 1)
gchar rspamd_config_parse_flag (const gchar *str, guint len);

enum rspamd_post_load_options {


 * Do post load actions for config
 * @param cfg config file
gboolean rspamd_config_post_load (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
		enum rspamd_post_load_options opts);

 * Calculate checksum for config file
 * @param cfg config file
gboolean rspamd_config_calculate_checksum (struct rspamd_config *cfg);

 * Replace all \" with a single " in given string
 * @param line input string
void rspamd_config_unescape_quotes (gchar *line);

 * Convert comma separated string to a list of strings
GList * rspamd_config_parse_comma_list (rspamd_mempool_t *pool,
	const gchar *line);

 * Return a new classifier_config structure, setting default and non-conflicting attributes
struct rspamd_classifier_config * rspamd_config_new_classifier (
	struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	struct rspamd_classifier_config *c);
 * Return a new worker_conf structure, setting default and non-conflicting attributes
struct rspamd_worker_conf * rspamd_config_new_worker (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	struct rspamd_worker_conf *c);
 * Return a new metric structure, setting default and non-conflicting attributes
struct rspamd_metric * rspamd_config_new_metric (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	struct rspamd_metric *c, const gchar *name);

 * Return new symbols group definition
struct rspamd_symbols_group * rspamd_config_new_group (
		struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct rspamd_metric *metric,
		const gchar *name);
 * Return a new statfile structure, setting default and non-conflicting attributes
struct rspamd_statfile_config * rspamd_config_new_statfile (
	struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	struct rspamd_statfile_config *c);

 * Read XML configuration file
gboolean rspamd_config_read (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	const gchar *filename, const gchar *convert_to,
	rspamd_rcl_section_fin_t logger_fin, gpointer logger_ud,
	GHashTable *vars);

 * Register symbols of classifiers inside metrics
void rspamd_config_insert_classify_symbols (struct rspamd_config *cfg);

 * Check statfiles inside a classifier
gboolean rspamd_config_check_statfiles (struct rspamd_classifier_config *cf);

 * Find classifier config by name
struct rspamd_classifier_config * rspamd_config_find_classifier (
	struct rspamd_config *cfg,
	const gchar *name);

void rspamd_ucl_add_conf_macros (struct ucl_parser *parser,
	struct rspamd_config *cfg);

void rspamd_ucl_add_conf_variables (struct ucl_parser *parser, GHashTable *vars);

 * Initialize rspamd filtering system (lua and C filters)
 * @param cfg
 * @param reconfig
 * @return
gboolean rspamd_init_filters (struct rspamd_config *cfg, bool reconfig,
		GHashTable *vars);

 * Add new symbol to the metric
 * @param cfg
 * @param metric metric's name (or NULL for the default metric)
 * @param symbol symbol's name
 * @param score symbol's score
 * @param description optional description
 * @param group optional group name
 * @param one_shot TRUE if symbol can add its score once
 * @param rewrite_existing TRUE if we need to rewrite the existing symbol
 * @param priority use the following priority for a symbol
 * @param nshots means maximum number of hits for a symbol in metric (-1 for unlimited)
 * @return TRUE if symbol has been inserted or FALSE if symbol already exists with higher priority
gboolean rspamd_config_add_metric_symbol (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
		const gchar *metric,
		const gchar *symbol, gdouble score, const gchar *description,
		const gchar *group, guint flags,
		guint priority,
		gint nshots);

 * Sets action score for a specified metric with the specified priority
 * @param cfg config file
 * @param metric metric name (or NULL for default metric)
 * @param action_name symbolic name of action
 * @param score score limit
 * @param priority priority for action
 * @return TRUE if symbol has been inserted or FALSE if action already exists with higher priority
gboolean rspamd_config_set_action_score (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
		const gchar *metric,
		const gchar *action_name,
		gdouble score,
		guint priority);

 * Checks if a specified C or lua module is enabled or disabled in the config.
 * The logic of check is the following:
 * - For C modules, we check `filters` line and enable module only if it is found there
 * - For LUA modules we check the corresponding configuration section:
 *   - if section exists, then we check `enabled` key and check its value
 *   - if section is absent, we consider module as disabled
 * - For both C and LUA modules we check if the group with the module name is disabled in the default metric
 * @param cfg config file
 * @param module_name module name
 * @return TRUE if a module is enabled
gboolean rspamd_config_is_module_enabled (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
		const gchar *module_name);

 * Get action from a string
gboolean rspamd_action_from_str (const gchar *data, gint *result);

 * Return textual representation of action enumeration
const gchar * rspamd_action_to_str (enum rspamd_metric_action action);
const gchar * rspamd_action_to_str_alt (enum rspamd_metric_action action);

 * Parse radix tree or radix map from ucl object
 * @param cfg configuration object
 * @param obj ucl object with parameter
 * @param target target radix tree
 * @param err error pointer
 * @return
gboolean rspamd_config_radix_from_ucl (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
		const ucl_object_t *obj,
		const gchar *description,
		radix_compressed_t **target,
		GError **err);

#define msg_err_config(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \
        cfg->cfg_pool->tag.tagname, cfg->checksum, \
        G_STRFUNC, \
#define msg_err_config_forced(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL|RSPAMD_LOG_FORCED, \
        cfg->cfg_pool->tag.tagname, cfg->checksum, \
        G_STRFUNC, \
#define msg_warn_config(...)   rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, \
        cfg->cfg_pool->tag.tagname, cfg->checksum, \
        G_STRFUNC, \
#define msg_info_config(...)   rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \
        cfg->cfg_pool->tag.tagname, cfg->checksum, \
        G_STRFUNC, \
#define msg_debug_config(...)  rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, \
        cfg->cfg_pool->tag.tagname, cfg->checksum, \
        G_STRFUNC, \

#endif /* ifdef CFG_FILE_H */