/* Copyright (c) 2013, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef CFG_RCL_H_ #define CFG_RCL_H_ #include "config.h" #include "ucl.h" #include "mem_pool.h" #define CFG_RCL_ERROR cfg_rcl_error_quark () static inline GQuark cfg_rcl_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("cfg-rcl-error-quark"); } struct rspamd_rcl_section; struct rspamd_config; struct rspamd_rcl_default_handler_data; struct rspamd_rcl_struct_parser { gpointer user_struct; goffset offset; enum { RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_TIME_FLOAT = 0x1 << 0, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_TIME_TIMEVAL = 0x1 << 1, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_TIME_TIMESPEC = 0x1 << 2, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_TIME_INTEGER = 0x1 << 3, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_TIME_UINT_32 = 0x1 << 4, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_INT_16 = 0x1 << 5, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_INT_32 = 0x1 << 6, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_INT_64 = 0x1 << 7, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_UINT = 0x1 << 8, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_INT_SIZE = 0x1 << 9, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_STRING_PATH = 0x1 << 10, RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_BOOLEAN_INVERSE = 0x1 << 11 } flags; }; /** * Common handler type * @param cfg configuration * @param obj object to parse * @param ud user data (depends on section) * @param err error object * @return TRUE if a section has been parsed */ typedef gboolean (*rspamd_rcl_handler_t) (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, const gchar *key, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); typedef gboolean (*rspamd_rcl_default_handler_t) (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * A handler type that is called at the end of section parsing * @param cfg configuration * @param ud user data */ typedef void (*rspamd_rcl_section_fin_t)(rspamd_mempool_t *pool, gpointer ud); /** * Add a default handler for a section * @param section section pointer * @param name name of param * @param handler handler of param * @param offset offset in a structure * @param flags flags for the parser * @return newly created structure */ struct rspamd_rcl_default_handler_data * rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler ( struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, const gchar *name, rspamd_rcl_default_handler_t handler, gsize offset, gint flags); /** * Add new section to the configuration * @param top top section * @param name the name of the section * @param key_attr name of the attribute that should be used as key attribute * @param handler handler function for all attributes * @param type type of object handled by a handler * @param required whether at least one of these sections is required * @param strict_type turn on strict check for types for this section * @return newly created structure */ struct rspamd_rcl_section * rspamd_rcl_add_section ( struct rspamd_rcl_section **top, const gchar *name, const gchar *key_attr, rspamd_rcl_handler_t handler, enum ucl_type type, gboolean required, gboolean strict_type); /** * Init common sections known to rspamd * @return top section */ struct rspamd_rcl_section * rspamd_rcl_config_init (void); /** * Get a section specified by path, it understand paths separated by '/' character * @param top top section * @param path '/' divided path * @return */ struct rspamd_rcl_section * rspamd_rcl_config_get_section ( struct rspamd_rcl_section *top, const char *path); /** * Read RCL configuration and parse it to a config file * @param top top section * @param cfg target configuration * @param obj object to handle * @return TRUE if an object can be parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse (struct rspamd_rcl_section *top, gpointer ptr, rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, GError **err); /** * Parse default structure for a section * @param section section * @param cfg config file * @param obj object to parse * @param ptr ptr to pass * @param err error ptr * @return TRUE if the object has been parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_section_parse_defaults (struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ptr, GError **err); /** * Here is a section of common handlers that accepts rcl_struct_parser * which itself contains a struct pointer and the offset of a member in a * specific structure */ /** * Parse a string field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a string value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse an integer field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_integer (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a float field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_double (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a time field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_time (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a string list field of a structure presented by a GList* object * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string_list (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a boolean field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_boolean (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a keypair field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_keypair (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a inet addr field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_addr (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Parse a gmime inet address field of a structure * @param cfg config pointer * @param obj object to parse * @param ud struct_parser structure (flags mean the exact structure used) * @param section the current section * @param err error pointer * @return TRUE if a value has been successfully parsed */ gboolean rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_mime_addr (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err); /** * Utility functions */ /** * Register new parser for a worker type of an option with the specified name * @param cfg config structure * @param type type of worker (GQuark) * @param name name of option * @param handler handler of option * @param target opaque target structure * @param offset offset inside a structure */ void rspamd_rcl_register_worker_option (struct rspamd_config *cfg, gint type, const gchar *name, rspamd_rcl_default_handler_t handler, gpointer target, gsize offset, gint flags); /** * Register a default parser for a worker * @param cfg config structure * @param type type of worker (GQuark) * @param func handler function * @param ud userdata for handler function */ void rspamd_rcl_register_worker_parser (struct rspamd_config *cfg, gint type, gboolean (*func)(ucl_object_t *, gpointer), gpointer ud); #endif /* CFG_RCL_H_ */